“Heresy” is soo yesterday…
Francis tells Protestants:
“We all have the Holy Spirit within us”
Earlier this month, the head of the Vatican II Sect, “Pope” Francis, met with members of the Ark Community, co-founded by the recently deceased Evangelical-Anglican “Bishop” Tony Palmer. A video clip (above) of some of the conversations has now been released. The following link has the background story:
In addition, there is now a transcript available, as well as lots of photos, at the Call Me Jorge blog here. Remember, this is the same Francis who doesn’t care what religion you are and adheres to the heresy that faith without works is not true faith.

Francis and his fellow-Protestants
Reality Check:
“Even on the plea of promoting unity it is not allowed to dissemble one single dogma; for, as the Patriarch of Alexandria warns us, ‘although the desire of peace is a noble and excellent thing, yet we must not for its sake neglect the virtue of loyalty in Christ.’ Consequently, the much desired return of erring sons to true and genuine unity in Christ will not be furthered by exclusive concentration on those doctrines which all, or most, communities glorying in the Christian name accept in common. The only successful method will be that which bases harmony and agreement among Christ’s faithful ones upon all the truths, and the whole of the truths, which God has revealed.”
—Pope Pius XII, Encyclical Orientalis Ecclesiae (1944), n. 16; underlining added
“…[B]e on guard lest, on the false pretext that more attention should be paid to the points on which we agree than to those on which we differ, a dangerous indifferentism be encouraged, especially among persons whose training in theology is not deep and whose practice of their faith is not very strong. For care must be taken lest, in the so-called ‘irenic’ spirit of today, through comparative study and the vain desire for a progressively closer mutual approach among the various professions of faith, Catholic doctrine — either in its dogmas or in the truths which are connected with them — be so conformed or in a way adapted to the doctrines of dissident sects, that the purity of Catholic doctrine be impaired, or its genuine and certain meaning be obscured.”
—Holy Office under Pope Pius XII, Instruction Ecclesia Catholica (1949), sec. II; underlining added
The Catholic Church against Ecumenism:
- Pope Pius IX, Apostolic Letter Iam Vos Omnes (1868)
- Pope Pius IX, Instruction to Anglican Puseyites on True Religious Unity (1865)
- Pope Leo XIII, Encyclical Praeclara Gratulationis Publicae (1894)
- Pope Leo XIII, Encyclical Satis Cognitum (1896)
- Pope St. Pius X, Letter Our Apostolic Mandate on Society and Interreligious Cooperation (1910)
- Pope Pius XI, Encyclical Mortalium Animos (1928)
- Pope Pius XII, Canonical Warning on Attending Ecumenical Gatherings (1948)
- Pope Pius XII, Instruction on the Ecumenical Movement (1949)
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