Music against Modernism!
The World’s First Anti-Vatican II Song!
“Vatican II — What the Heck are You?!”
It took over 50 years, but it was worth the wait: The world’s first-ever Catholic song against the Novus Ordo Sect’s disastrous Second Vatican Council (Vatican II) has been released! “Vatican 2! What the Heck Are You?” is sung and performed by Damo of True Restoration, and it’s a song you don’t want to miss!
A catchy tune, hilarious lyrics, and a noticeable Australian accent make Damo’s ditty a real keeper!
So… are you curious? Listen free to the entire song right here:
The single was produced by True Restoration and is available with full lyrics from their web site, where you can also purchase a copy of the song through iTunes, Amazon, Spotify, and other popular music services:
The event that started it all…
Former FBI Consultant Claims: U.S. Intel Docs show Cardinal Siri elected Pope Gregory XVII in 1958
Former FBI consultant Paul L. Williams cites declassified U.S. intelligence documents allegedly showing that Cardinal Giuseppe Siri was elected Pope Gregory XVII at the conclave that, two days later, produced John XXIII

In 2003, former FBI consultant Paul L. Williams published a book called The Vatican Exposed: Money, Murder, and the Mafia (Prometheus Books). Although the book deals with alleged Vatican corruption in terms of money and power and has a decidedly liberal flavor, Williams also — almost as a side note — includes some straightforward, objective information on the papal conclave of 1958.… READ MORE
Information about the 1958 Conclave and
(Cardinal Joseph Siri, 1906-1989)
Was he elected Pope Gregory XVII
on October 26, 1958?
White smoke pouring from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel
for five long minutes on Oct. 26, 1958, two days before
Angelo Roncalli appeared as “Pope” John XXIII
There were certain irregularities about the election during that 1958 conclave, as Cardinal Tisserant has himself acknowledged. Some say Agagianian was elected, others Siri, others some other cardinal, and that the camerlengo [=chamberlain] then annulled the election. In any case, I’m quite sure John XXIII chose his name, the name of an antipope [of the 15th century], quite consciously, to show he had been irregularly elected.
We had been warned…
St. Francis of Assisi Prophecy:

“A Man, not Canonically Elected, will be raised to the Pontificate… In those days Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor, but a Destroyer”
[UPDATE: Some people dispute the authenticity of this prophecy, claiming it was concocted by certain dissident members of the Franciscan order in the 13th century and only subsequently attributed to St. Francis. Whether that be true or false, always keep in mind that ultimately, the case against the Vatican II antipopes is not based on private revelation.]
Shortly before he died in 1226, St. Francis of Assisi called together the members of his order and warned them of great tribulations that would befall the Church in the future, saying:
Act bravely, my Brethren; take courage, and trust in the Lord.
“Theology of the Body” 1.0
Modernist Yves Congar Urinated on Wall of Holy Office in early 1960s
The following report comes from Robert Blair Kaiser (1931-2015), a Jesuit-trained liberal who became a journalist instead of — thank heavens! — a “Catholic” priest. Normally we would just provide a quote or an excerpt and then link to the full article; however, as Kaiser is now deceased and his web site is likewise defunct, we are reproducing it below in its entirety.
In a nutshell: The Modernist lowlife known as Fr. Yves Congar, O.P. (1904-95), urinated at the walls of the Holy Office in the early 1960s to show his contempt for Roman Catholic orthodoxy and in particular for Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani, who was then functioning as the secretary of the Holy Office.… READ MORE
John XXIII & John Paul II
Links, Videos & Other Information on the bogus “Canonization”
of the False “Saints” John XXIII and John Paul II by Antipope Francis

Modernist Angelo Roncalli (John XXIII) & Apostate Karol Wojtyla (John Paul II)
Official Information
“Scratch That”:

1965 Edition of Denzinger Omits Condemnation of Religious Liberty!
The popular and authoritative collection of papal and magisterial documents, Enchiridion Symbolorum (in its original Latin title), or The Sources of Catholic Dogma (in its English title), edited originally by Heinrich Denzinger, has gone through over forty revisions and updates since the first edition was published in 1854, adding Church documents that followed over the course of time. The 30th edition (1954) is back in print, and that is the one most often used throughout Catholic traditional circles to refer to authoritative texts and decrees of the Popes and the Magisterium of Holy Church, as it is the last available English edition before the death of Pope Pius XII.… READ MORE
Fr. Herman Kramer in 1956:
“If Satan would contrive to hinder a papal election, the Church would suffer great travail.”
In 1956, Fr. Herman Bernard Kramer published a work called The Book of Destiny, which is an explanation of the Apocalypse, the last book of the Holy Bible (otherwise known as the book of Revelation).
In Apocalypse 12:1-5, we read:
And a great sign appeared in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars: And being with child, she cried travailing in birth, and was in pain to be delivered.
The True Third Secret of Fatima?

“A Wicked Council… The Church will Bleed from all Her Wounds”
[Disclaimer: The following text is based on an alleged private revelation that has not been approved (nor condemned) by the Catholic Church. Catholics must exercise great caution with regard to alleged private revelations. In general, we ought to stay away from unapproved private revelations, and we ought not to attach ourselves even to approved private revelations, which are not necessary for salvation and can never be on a par with, much less revise, Catholic doctrine. We present this unapproved alleged private revelation only to help shed greater light on the approved Fatima apparitions of 1917 and the controversy surrounding Fatima’s Third Secret.]… READ MORE
So you just stumbled upon this web site and are wondering what in the world this is all about? Then this page is for you!
What’s going on? Why this odd web site?
To make a long story short: What is today known as Roman Catholicism is in fact not the Roman Catholicism of the past. You can verify this for yourself just by looking at Church history, and virtually all disinterested historians will confirm this. The big rupture occurred at the Second Vatican Council, a gathering of all Catholic bishops called in 1959 by the newly-elected “Pope John XXIII”.… READ MORE
50 Years of the Modernist Juggernaut
Vatican II: The Documents Examined
Bp. Donald Sanborn dismantles the Chief Errors
of the Second Vatican Council (1962-65)

Album / Alamy Stock Photo
The Modernist monstrosity known as the Second Ecumenical Council of the Vatican opened on October 11, 1962, and officially closed on December 8, 1965, almost exactly 50 years ago. “Vatican II”, as it came to be known, laid the doctrinal and pastoral groundwork for the Novus Ordo Religion, which is why in most cases, the “New Catholicism” that emerged after the death of Pope Pius XII (1958) refers back into the past no further than “Pope” John XXIII (Angelo Roncalli, d.… READ MORE
A much-needed Reality Check…
“One and the Same Rite”?
How Benedict XVI’s Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum Aims to Destroy the Traditional Latin Mass
[Originally published Oct. 12, 2007; last revised April 11, 2017]

image: (Papist) / CC BY-NC 2.0
After about a year of rumors, on July 7, 2007, Fr. Joseph Ratzinger (“Pope Benedict XVI”) finally released an “Apostolic Letter motu proprio,” entitled Summorum Pontificum, on the use of the Roman Missal of 1962, the liturgical rite that is referred to by many as the “Traditional Latin Mass.” This document grants a fairly wide permission to priests in the Novus Ordo Church to use the 1962 Missal (of John XXIII) instead of the 1970 Missal (of Paul VI) for their celebration of Mass, though it does not do away with all conditions and restrictions, as we will see below.… READ MORE
John 7:13 all over again…
“For Fear of the Jews”:
The Novus Ordo Good Friday Prayer

The Roman Catholic Church, in her loving kindness and care, having been entrusted by the Son of God with the mission to preach the Gospel and convert all men to the true Faith (see Mk 16:15-16), greatly desires the salvation of all people. Knowing that man was not made for this world, but for eternal beatitude in Heaven, she lovingly seeks to detach him from the state of sin he finds himself in and lift him up to the life of Faith and virtue through the grace merited by our Lord Jesus Christ, who declared: “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.… READ MORE