TRADCAST 022 is here

Novus Ordo Watch for your ears…

TRADCAST 022 Now Available

Pictured left to right: Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer, Christopher Ferrara, “Fr.” Linus Clovis

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on July 5: We have just published another full-length episode of our popular TRADCAST podcast program. As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, and razor-sharp analysis. Our content is typically challenging but is always delivered with a relieving touch of humor.

TRADCAST 022 consists of two separate segments.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 022 (05 JUL 2018)


  • Segment 1: Miscellany of recent news stories; Ascension Day conundrum for the SSPX; “Cardinal” Blase Cupich’s treatment of “Fr.” Frank Phillips; “Fr.” Linus Clovis’ talk about the arrival of the Anti-Church; Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer’s false argument about Pope Adrian VI and the Papacy
  • Segment 2: Unspinning Christopher Ferrara; From the Jorge’s Mouth: a review of recent Bergoglian utterances; Vatican says Muslims have a duty to share their religion; blatant heresy in The Remnant; if it weren’t for Francis!
  • Total run time: 1 hr 18 min

You can listen to the show by clicking the big play button in the embedded player above.… READ MORE

June 30, 1988 – 2018

30 Years since the SSPX Episcopal Consecrations of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre

In 1988, June 30 was a Thursday. Liturgically, it was the Commemoration of St. Paul the Apostle. That day, all eyes were on a tiny settlement in the southwest of Switzerland by the name of Écône. At a press conference on June 15, the French archbishop Marcel Lefebvre (1905-1991) had announced that on the 30th of the month he was going to consecrate four bishops in Econe, even against the express prohibition of the man he acknowledged to be the Vicar of Jesus Christ, the Polish apostate Bp.… READ MORE

Walt weighs in on current “Communion” controversy…

“Cardinal” Kasper says Protestant Spouses who are given Novus Ordo Communion don’t need to believe in Transubstantiation

A lot of adherents of the Novus Ordo Sect are not aware that their church already officially permits Protestants to receive “Holy Communion”, under certain conditions, without them renouncing their false religion and converting to Catholicism.

This topic is of the greatest importance, as it proves definitively that the Vatican II Sect is not the Catholic Church, because according to traditional Catholic teaching, the Catholic Church is incapable of universally legislating disciplinary laws that are in themselves evil, harmful, or heretical:

The Church is infallible in her general discipline.


Heresy and blasphemy didn’t start with Francis…

The Day John Paul II blasphemed Jesus Christ and St. John the Baptist

A saint he ain’t: “Pope” John Paul II in a file photo dated Dec. 8, 2004

These days we hear a lot about blasphemy and heresy being committed by Jorge Bergoglio, the man better known by his stage name “Pope Francis”. Because of this, many good-willed but misled souls reminisce about Francis’ immediate predecessors, Benedict XVI (2005-2013) and John Paul II (1978-2005). The truth is, however, that when it comes to heresy and blasphemy, Francis is merely continuing a tradition begun by his Modernist forerunners.… READ MORE

A response to doubters…

Yes, John Paul II really did kiss the Koran: The Evidence

April 2005, Vatican City: “Saint” John Paul II lying in state, corrupting visibly

On May 14, 1999, “Pope” and now “Saint” John Paul II received a delegation at the Vatican that consisted of the Shiite imam of the Khadum mosque, the Sunni president of the council of administration of the Iraqi Islamic Bank, and a representative of the Iraqi ministry of religion. The delegation was led by Raphaël I Bidawid, who was the Novus Ordo Archbishop of Baghdad at the time and also the Patriarch of Babylon.… READ MORE

Major protagonist in post-Vatican II drama…

Diocese: “Cardinal” Karl Lehmann Near Death

[UPDATE 11-MAR-2018: “Cardinal” Lehmann has died at 81]

Few people have done more to harm souls and destroy Catholicism in Germany than “Cardinal” Karl Lehmann. Now he is close to death, according to the Modernist diocese of Mainz, of which Lehmann was the head from 1983-2016. The following message was posted on the official diocesan web site today:

The bishop of Mainz, Peter Kohlgraf, has asked the faithful of the diocese of Mainz to pray for Cardinal Karl Lehmann.

In a letter sent to parishes and coworkers on Monday, March 5, Bp.


Tip: Don’t let a Novus Ordo priest write your foreword…

A Foreword Gone Awry:
SSPX issues Disclaimer concerning Fr. Robinson’s New Book

The theological absurdistan known as the “position of the Society of St. Pius X” is once again on full display. This time it has to do with the fact that the SSPX, so hell-bent on joining up with the apostate post-Catholic Vatican, decided to have a new book by one of its own priests published by a Novus Ordo publishing company, the UK-based Gracewing.

The book in question is The Realist Guide to Religion and Science by Fr.… READ MORE

Interview with Archlayman of Vienna

“Cardinal” Schönborn: Amoris Laetitia adds what is missing from one-sided Veritatis Splendor

The January 11, 2018 edition of the German weekly Christ & Welt (“The Christian & the World”) features an interview with the notorious Archapostate of Vienna, “Cardinal” Christoph Schönborn, conducted by Julius Müller-Meiningen. Christ & Welt is published as a supplement to the weekly national paper Die Zeit.

“Who’s wearing the hat in Rome?”, the publication asks on its title page. The blurb underneath describes the occasion for the interview: “Conservatives are criticizing Pope Francis severely for his encyclical [sic] ‘Amoris laetitia’.… READ MORE

Novelty meets pseudo-theology…

The “God of Surprises” and his Oracle: Francis and the Development of Doctrine

Francis has a surprise for you!

On Oct. 11 of this year, Francis gave a landmark speech at the Vatican on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the promulgation of the so-called Catechism of the Catholic Church. The date also coincided with the 55th anniversary of the opening of the infernal Second Vatican Council. Francis’ speech addressed three main subjects:

  • the Conciliar (i.e. Novus Ordo) Catechism
  • the development of doctrine
  • the death penalty

On Oct. 13, we published an article regarding the problems with the Conciliar Catechism and, for the time being, skipped the two other main topics.… READ MORE

Amazing! All “Popes” since Vatican II are Saints!

The Immense “Holiness” of the Novus Ordo “Popes”

You would think that a minimum sense of embarrassment would keep the Modernist infiltrators into the Catholic Church from being too blunt about the farce they have been pulling off since the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958, but that’s just not the case anymore. At this point, they’re not even trying to hide the patent ridiculousness of their schemes.

The latest case in point is Francis’ declaration that the Modernist Bishop Albino Luciani (1912-1978), better known by his stage name “Pope John Paul I” (reigned Aug.… READ MORE

Our series continues…

An Introduction to Sedevacantism

Part III: Sacraments for Non-Catholics in the 1983 Code of Canon Law

In August of 2016, we began a video series introducing newcomers to Sedevacantism in a way that is easy to follow, provides airtight argumentation, and does not overwhelm.

The first part of the series put before the viewer the Second Vatican Council’s new doctrine on the Church (ecclesiology), according to which the Church of Jesus Christ no longer is the Catholic Church, as taught by Pope Pius XII and all of his predecessors, but instead now “subsists in” it. The second installment of the series focused on the Vatican II heresy that blasphemously claims that the Holy Ghost uses false religions as means of salvation.… READ MORE

The Catechism of Vatican II

The Catechism of the Conciliar Cult:

25 Years of the Modernist Catechism of the Catholic Church

This past October 11 was not just the 55th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, it also marked the 25th anniversary of the promulgation of the Novus Ordo Sect’s universal catechism, officially called the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Its full text can be found in numerous languages on the Vatican web site.

On Oct. 11, 1992, “Pope” John Paul II used the full weight of his supposed “apostolic authority” to impose upon his followers the first official full-size doctrinal compendium of the Novus Ordo religion.… READ MORE

Apostasy in concrete…

Blasphemy at Fatima:
The “Basilica of the Holy Trinity”

On May 13, we celebrated the 100th anniversary of the first apparition of Our Lady of Fatima. While most people are probably familiar with the beautiful Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary at the site of the apparitions, constructed from 1928-1953, many people may be unaware of the Modernist monstrosity that the Vatican II Sect has placed right across from the traditional basilica. It is officially called the “Basilica of the Holy Trinity” and was opened in 2007. In 2004, when construction was just beginning, “Pope” John Paul II gave a fragment of the Vatican’s tomb of St.… READ MORE

Who’s the most occultist of them all?

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall:
The New “Pope Video” (May 2017)

It’s the first week of the month, which means it’s time again for a new “Pope Video”.

As he does every month, so too in May the papal pretender in the Vatican has now released a video advancing his prayer intention for the next 30 days: “That Christians in Africa, in imitation of the Merciful Jesus, may give prophetic witness to reconciliation, justice, and peace” (source).

The 1-minute video clip can be watched here (caution! some immodesty):

For those who are unable to play the video, a brief description: The clip shows, in sequence, different African people looking at themselves in a mirror, in various settings.… READ MORE