Meant to “humanize the invisible lives affected by war and terror”…

‘Number 207’: Hundreds of Sculptured Pieces of Underwear Displayed in Historic Catholic Church in Venice

(image credit: Luca Asta)

The 60th edition of the international art exhibition known as the Venice Biennale is currently underway in the eponymous city in northeastern Italy. It was kicked off this past Saturday, Apr. 20, and will last until Nov. 24 of this year.

According to Wikipedia,

The festival has become a constellation of shows: a central exhibition curated by that year’s artistic director, national pavilions hosted by individual nations, and independent exhibitions throughout Venice.


Calls heresies “different historical expressions of the Christian faith”…

Francis Sends Message to Ecumenical Forum, Praises ‘Beautiful Mosaic of Contemporary Christianity’

Today the Vatican released a message from ‘His Holiness’ (Jorge Bergoglio, aka ‘Pope Francis’) for the Fourth Global Christian Forum, which is currently underway in Accra, Ghana.

It is an ecumenical conference aimed at providing “a ‘space’ where participants all meet on an equal basis, to foster mutual respect, and to explore and address together common concerns” (source). Its sponsor is the so-called Global Christian Forum, an organization that “aims to create a place, independent of existing structures, for the growing unity of the global church [sic]” (source).… READ MORE

Infinite disagreement on Dignitas Infinita

Infinite Human Dignity? A Look at the Mixed Reactions to the Latest DDF Declaration

With its release of the declaration Dignitas Infinita on Apr. 8, 2024, the Vatican’s Dicastery for the Destruction of the Faith has added more fuel to the fire of disagreement and confusion that has been raging in the Vatican II Church.

From all sides, reactions have been pouring in, and they vary widely, even within the various ideological groups. From the new document being hailed as a “dramatic” statement that is nothing short of a “masterpiece” to it being “quite possibly the most wicked statement possible” on the subject, any and all opinions are represented in the spectrum.… READ MORE

The scientific evidence speaks volumes…

The Fatima Center Agrees: After Vatican II, the Public ‘Sister Lucy’ Was Not the Real Fatima Seer

Big news out of Canada: The Fatima Center, the organization founded by ‘Fr.’ Nicholas Gruner for promoting devotion to Our Lady of Fatima and spreading her message, is now officially acknowledging that the oldest of the three seers, Sister Lucia dos Santos, was replaced by an impostor from 1967 onwards, at least in the few public appearances she made.

This announcement was published in a pinned comment by the Fatima Center‘s YouTube channel underneath/beside a video clip that is an extract from a presentation on this very topic by David Rodríguez, the Center‘s content director:

In case the image won’t display, here is the text of the announcement:

The Fatima Center’s position is that it has been established with reasonable certainty that the woman presenting herself as Sister Lucia in all known public photos from 1967 onward was not the true Lucia.


Enough of the semi-trad sophistry!

The Limits of Papal Power: Contrasting Traditional Catholic Teaching with the Recognize-and-Resist Distortion

Detail taken from “Homage by Catholics to Pope Pius IX” by Wilhelmus Petrus van Geldorp (1871)

The semi-traditionalist pundits of our day love to pontificate (pardon the pun) on the limits of the Papacy. The Pope can’t just do whatever he pleases, they (rightly) point out and thereby (wrongly) feel vindicated in their theologically disastrous position of recognizing Jorge Bergoglio as Pope (Francis), while nevertheless resisting his magisterium, his acts of governance, his canonizations, and his liturgical prescriptions where they believe these deviate from what he ought to be teaching and legislating.… READ MORE

Approved by ‘Pope’ Francis…

Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith

Declaration Dignitas Infinita
on Human Dignity

April 2, 2024

The Vatican’s text factory has just released another ‘magisterial’ document: Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. ‘Pope Francis’) has approved the publication of another declaration issued by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (DDF). It bears the name Dignitas Infinita (“Infinite Dignity”) and concerns itself with the topic of human dignity, specifically in view of various moral issues of our time. The last declaration issued by the DDF was Fiducia Supplicans, which permitted the administering of blessings on same-sex ‘couples’.… READ MORE

Blasphemy and heresy from preacher of ‘papal’ household…

‘Cardinal’ Cantalamessa: Even if Christ Really Said What John’s Gospel Claims He Said, That Doesn’t Mean It’s True!

Ordained a priest in 1958, the Franciscan Capuchin ‘Cardinal’ Raniero Cantalamessa (b. 1934) has been the Novus Ordo Vatican’s ‘Preacher of the Papal Household’ since 1980. Every year the Italian preacher is tasked with giving sermons to the ‘Pope’ and the Roman Curia during Lent and Advent, usually on Fridays, and the current year is no different.

A news report released by Catholic Culture‘s ‘Catholic World News’ summarizes Cantalamessa’s latest Lenten sermon series as follows:

The overarching theme of Cardinal Cantalamessa’s 2024 Lenten sermons was “But who do you say that I am?”


Amazing parallels to help us understand the past and present…

Church History Prefigured by the Old Testament in Chronological Order: Book Divine Poetry Now Available

Three months ago we introduced our readers to the work of Dominic Caggeso of the Maccabean Uprising web site, who has engaged in tremendous research demonstrating that the history of the Roman Catholic Church bears striking resemblance to the history of the people of the Old Covenant, and in the very same chronological order.

These parallels between the histories of the Old and New Covenants — much too numerous and striking to dismiss — Caggeso aptly calls God’s ‘poetry’, as it turns out that salvation history does indeed ‘rhyme’.… READ MORE

False pope again preaches mercy without repentance…

Francis to Women Prisoners: Christ Forgave Judas!

While Novus Ordo apologists like Jimmy Akin and Steve Kellmeyer try to persuade people that one can ‘hope’ for Judas Iscariot’s salvation, the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio — otherwise known as ‘Pope Francis’ — has already moved beyond that idea and has now indicated that Judas was in fact forgiven by Jesus Christ.

He made this claim during a mini homily he gave during the ‘Mass of the Lord’s Supper’ (video here) at the Women’s Prison in Rebibbia, Italy. As the Vatican has not yet released an official English translation, we will use DeepL to translate directly from the Italian:

At this moment of the supper, two episodes attract our attention.


Some extra Lenten penance, anyone?

Mortification for the Eyes:
The ‘Jubilee Church’ in Rome

(image: Wikimedia Commons [Simona poncia] / License: CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED)

If you can’t identify the object in the photo above as a Roman Catholic Church, that’s because it isn’t one. Rather, it’s a worship center by and for the Vatican II Church, a Modernist sect which illegitimately calls itself the Roman Catholic Church and has occupied many Catholic structures for roughly six decades now.

The official name of this hideous ‘Catholic’ edifice is Chiesa di Dio Padre Misericordioso (“Church of God the Merciful Father”), although it is also known as the ‘Jubilee Church’.… READ MORE

Because it’s Lent…

Austrian Diocese Promotes Prayer to ‘God of Diversities’

(not an actual image used or promoted by the diocese of Graz-Seckau)

Exploring Lent in the Vatican II Church is always an adventure with much to discover. It’s also a bit dangerous because you just don’t know what you’re going to come across.

Whether it’s an Italian diocese urging Catholics to pray and eat with Muslims for Ramadan, an uplifting swing installed in church, a ‘retreat’ on a luxury cruise liner, a gigantic sweater draped in the cathedral sanctuary, an archdiocesan ‘retreat’ teaching ‘fidelity’ to sodomite couples, a despicable ‘art’ installation in church, or a set of horror ‘Stations of the Cross’ — the Lenten season in Novus Ordo Land never fails to surprise.… READ MORE

Bergoglio’s autobiography published…

Francis Doubles Down:
Sodomites ‘Experience the Gift of Love’!

Today, on Mar. 19, 2024, the world is being graced with yet another book by and about the false pope Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’). It is an autobiography the apostate Jesuit put together with the help of Italian Vaticanist Fabio Marchese Ragona.

The title of the book is: Life: My Story Through History. The English-language edition is 240 pages in length and is published by HarperCollins. It has been translated from the original Italian by Aubrey Botsford.

On Mar. 14, the Italian Corriere della Sera had shared advance excerpts from the book, which the international press quickly reported on (example here).… READ MORE

You can’t make this stuff up!

American Novus Ordo Bishops Add Note to Good Friday Passion Reading to Prevent ‘Antisemitism’

The so-called United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has moved to ensure that beginning this year, no one exposed to the Novus Ordo liturgical celebration of Good Friday, which includes a full reading of Our Lord’s Passion according to Saint John, will come away with an ‘antisemitic’ impression or attitude.

To that end, a brief note is being printed in missalettes before the Gospel text in ‘Catholic’ parishes throughout the country. The USCCB committee for ecumenical and interreligious affairs states on its page against Antisemitism:

You may recognize a new addition to your 2024 Missal.


No one causes mushrooms to grow like Francis!

Francis Says Sedevacantists Are ‘Mushrooms’ That Have Emerged, Feels Sorry for Them

The web site Religión Digital is a Spanish-language socio-religious news portal. Under the editorship of its founder, José Manuel Vidal, it is firmly in the camp of progressivism and explicitly supports the ‘reforms’ of the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’).

For its 25th anniversary, which coincided with the 11th anniversary of Bergoglio’s election as head of the Vatican II Sect on Mar. 13, 2024, several representatives of Religión Digital were received by Francis in the Vatican.

In a brief article posted on its web site, Religión Digital shared some of the words of their beloved ‘Pope’ during the course of the conversation.… READ MORE

Lent in the Novus Ordo religion…

Novus Ordo Priest Denies Christ’s Atonement: ‘Jesus Did Not Die to Appease an Angry God’

It’s Lent, even in the Vatican II religion. While it is a noble thing to do without such things as candy and entertainment during this sacred season of penance, a lot would be accomplished if Novus Ordo presbyters could at least give up heresy for Lent.

Not so the Rev. Terrance W. Klein, pictured above. A former associate professor of theology at Fordham University, he is the author of the book Vanity Faith: Searching for Spirituality among the Stars (2009) and now serves at a parish in Ellinwood, Kansas, part of the diocese of Dodge City.… READ MORE