Chaos Frank at full throttle…

Francis praises Nun for Building Homes for Transgenders, says: “God … did not go to the Seminary or study Theology”

It is no secret that in the world of Jorge Bergoglio, the peripheries are at the center; and in Argentina, that is precisely where Mónica Astorga Cremona is.

Called the “nun of the trans”, she is a Discalced Carmelite religious who works with so-called “transsexual” or “transgender” people, specifically “trans women.” The latter are biological males who consider themselves women and dress accordingly. Not only do they wear women’s clothes, they also change their hair, face, and bodily features as much as possible to appear like women.… READ MORE

You can’t make this stuff up!

Novus Ordo Bishop puts Slogan on Cathedral Facade: “As long as God has a Beard, I am a Feminist”

A Masonic tool? The “Catholic Bishop” of Innsbruck, Austria: Mr. Hermann Glettler

If the Novus Ordo hierarchs aren’t busy committing heresy, it’s because they’re busy committing blasphemy. The latest example of that is found in Innsbruck, Austria. The diocesan Cathedral of St. James is currently undergoing exterior renovations, and with all the scaffolding in place, there is ample opportunity to affix a large banner with a message for all to see.

This fact did not escape the notice of the local “bishop”, Mr.READ MORE

Chaos Frank kicks it up a notch…

Francis tells Homosexual: “God made you like that”

[UPDATE 22-MAY-2018: America publishes follow-up interview with Juan Carlos Cruz]

Get ready, folks! We have a new “Who am I to judge?” moment, except this time it’s worse: Francis has told a sodomite that God made him a homosexual.

The story broke on May 19, when the Spanish El País newspaper published an interview with Juan Carlos Cruz, one of the victims of the sex abuse perpetrated by Fr. Fernando Karadima in Chile, which was allegedly covered up by “Bp.” Juan Barros.… READ MORE

Sodom & Gomorrah in Vienna Cathedral

“Cardinal” Schönborn celebrates Homosexual Prayer Service with blasphemous Transvestite

Words fail at the latest abomination perpetrated inside St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna, Austria.

On Dec. 1, 2017, “Cardinal” Christoph Schönborn presided over an interconfessional prayer service entitled Mozart Requiem in his cathedral church for “World AIDS Day”. The event was co-hosted by a certain Gery Keszler, organizer of the annual Life Ball fundraising gala in the Austrian capital to support people infected with HIV (AIDS). In reality, of course, it is a massive LGBT/”gay pride” promo celebrating Sodom and Gomorrah.

The semi-trad news site Gloria TV posted the following report on the infernal spectacle in St.… READ MORE

Hate vs. “Hate”…

The “Hate” Canard: Is Opposing Sexual Immorality and its Purveyors a Matter of “Hatred”?

Our society is saturated with political correctness. The leftist thought police has long tried to commandeer what vocabulary the populace is “permitted” to use. The idea behind it is that the way we speak necessarily influences how we think, and so self-censorship in words quickly leads to self-censorship in thoughts.

Contemporary man has long replaced reason with emotion. This is why we see such absurd phenomena as transgenderism in our day. It is also the reason why those who defend the natural law and the completely rational idea that there cannot be more than one true religion, are accused of “hate/hatred”, “anger”, “fear/phobia”, “insanity”, or “extremism.”… READ MORE

Birds of a feather…

Francis appoints notorious Jesuit James Martin as Consultant for Vatican Secretariat for Communications

Anyone who was still under the impression that “Pope” Francis was a tough opponent of the homosexualist agenda, will definitively be disabused of this illusion now: On April 12, 2017, the Vatican announced that “Pope” Francis had appointed the notorious Jesuit LGBT-sensitive “Fr.” James Martin a consultant for the Vatican Secretariat for Communications, along with 12 other people. The secretariat was created by the “Pope” in 2015 and includes the Holy See Press Office, Vatican Radio, the Vatican Television Center, the Vatican Publishing House, and the Vatican Internet Service, among others.… READ MORE

Tender and transgender…

“God is Father and Mother”: Bergoglio’s Transgender-God

There are probably a number of people in the Vatican now who are desperately looking to see if Francis doesn’t have an OFF switch somewhere… Well, he doesn’t. On December 2nd, yet another interview was published, this time in an Italian magazine called Credere, which is the official magazine of the “Jubilee Year of Mercy” that is about to kick off in Vatican City and Novus Ordo dioceses and eparchies throughout the globe.

In this latest (but most certainly not last!) “papal” interview, Jorge Bergoglio’s “god of surprises” makes another appearance, letting the world know through its Argentinian oracle that not only is it — this “god” — three persons without being one, and not only is it identical to the Muslim Allah and the Talmudic Shekinah, it is now also a father and a mother, all at the same time!… READ MORE

As “Bishop” of La Crosse, Wisconsin…

Flashback: “Cardinal” Burke accepted Transsexual Man as “Nun” in early 2000’s

While many in the Novus Ordo Sect have long been hailing “Cardinal” Raymond Burke as some sort of traditionalist hero, and perhaps the next St. John Fisher, the Call Me Jorge blog has reminded people of an interesting piece of news from the early 2000’s that shows that then-“Bishop” Burke of La Crosse, Wisconsin, allowed a genetic male to be accepted as a religious sister (!) in a congregation co-founded by “her” in the 1990s, the so-called “Franciscan Servants of Jesus”.

When the time came for this “sister” — a man named Joel Green who had undergone surgical mutilation and has since used the pseudonym Julie Green — to make “her” final (perpetual) vows, one concerned woman in the diocese of La Crosse by the name of Mary Therese Helmueller had enough and complained to the Vatican about the scandal.… READ MORE

You can’t make this stuff up…

March Madness: Francis to Lunch with 10 Transsexual and 80 other Prison Inmates on Saturday

Embed from Getty Images

What do you know… Mr. Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) is reportedly planning to meet and have lunch with 90 detainees in a prison in Naples on Saturday, March 21, ten of whom will be transsexuals. The following report is taken directly from the so-called National Catholic Reporter:

ROME — Pope Francis is reportedly to have lunch Saturday with ten transsexual persons, as part of a visit with prisoners in the southern Italian city of Naples.


That Francis Effect…

“All [Unrepentant Perverts] Are Welcome” at San Jose “Catholic” Church

When you see signs on Novus Ordo parish churches that say “all are welcome”, what they really mean is that unrepentant perverts are welcome, and they are being encouraged to stay just the way they are. Real Catholics would most certainly not be welcome, we can assure you of that — not that they would care to enter anyway.

In the Novus Ordo diocese of San Jose, California, this is exactly what’s happening. Watch this video:

A brief news article regarding this story can be found here.… READ MORE

Welcome to the peripheries…

Francis Receives Sex-Changed Woman & Her “Fiancée”

“He” is actually a she: Diego Neria Lejárraga (right) with “Pope” Francis and her girlfriend

If you want a special private audience with the “Pope” nowadays, what you need to do is undergo sex-change surgery — at least it worked for a Spanish woman who goes by the name of Diego Neria Lejárraga and presents herself as a man because she underwent a surgical operation that converted her biological appearance from female to male. The money for this operation would have been better spent on brain surgery instead, but oh well.… READ MORE

Grab your Barf Bags…

“Cardinal” Schönborn Delighted at Success of Bearded Transvestite Singer

Photo: Albin Olsson / License: CC BY-SA 3.0

Every year, the moral sewer known as the continent of Europe holds a singing competition among its various nations, which is known as the Eurovision Song Contest. It was only a matter of time, of course, before the neo-pagan, politically-correct, and sexually-aberrant Gaystapo movement would find a way to force its ideology on the show, and this took place in an unprecedented way in the 2014 edition of the contest, where Austrian Thomas Neuwirth performed a spectacle not seen in the “mainstream world” since pagan Rome: Under his stage name “Conchita Wurst”, dressed as a woman complete with make-up, earrings, and wearing a long dress, yet retaining a full beard for maximum shock value, he presented the song “Rise Like a Phoenix” — and won.… READ MORE

The problem that just won’t go away…

Francis & Homosexuality:
A Review of Disturbing Facts

The video above was posted on GloriaTV, a conservative Novus Ordo video and news portal. The accompanying video description provides additional information.

Though many in the Novus Ordo would prefer to ignore this unpleasant topic, it is one that must be looked at most closely. This is the man in charge of the Vatican II Church, which practically everyone on the planet believes is the Pope of the Catholic Church. The scandal is beyond measure, and, to make matters worse, chances are that under “Who-am-I-to-judge?”… READ MORE

The Apostasy of the Novus Ordo Church in Full Bloom…

“Cardinal” Bagnasco Gives “Communion” to Communist Transgender Homo Rights Activist during Funeral for Gay-Rights Priest

The above video shows “Cardinal” Angelo Bagnasco, the “Archbishop” of Genoa, Italy, giving what he thinks is Holy Communion to a man who could hardly be more unworthy of it: Vladimir Luxuria, a Communist male politician who cross-dresses as a woman and likes to be identified as female. Luxuria (pictured left) strongly and actively supports causes promoting “rights” for homosexuals. His actual name is Wladimiro Guadagno, but he deliberately changed his last name to Luxuria, which is the Latin word for “lust”, one of the seven deadly sins.… READ MORE

Mark 9:41 Alert…

Flashback 2012:
Homosexual Scandal In Bergoglio’s Basilica

On August 25, 2012, a presbyter from Jorge Bergoglio’s “Archdiocese” of Buenos Aires baptized two children purchased (“adopted”) by a male homosexual-pervert couple. One of the two males had himself surgically altered into a “female” (see photo above). The horrific injustice and wickedness perpetrated on these children defies description.


Could this be the “couple” referred to by Leonardo Boff, who stated that before becoming “Pope Francis,” Bergoglio, in 2012, explicitly allowed a homosexual couple to adopt children? (See Boff interview here.)

Be sure also to watch this video here, which includes footage of the homosexual scandal in Bergoglio’s basilica mentioned above.… READ MORE