That Francis Effect strikes again…

Finnish Lutherans given “Holy Communion” at Vatican


Boy, what a beginning of the year it’s been: Chaos Frank is causing damage at full throttle, and this in the “Year of Mercy”. In fact, it seems as though he is determined to embarrass and humiliate the authors of the new book against Sedevacantism, for ever since its release, Francis has shifted his blatant apostasy into high gear. First he released a video reducing our Lord Jesus Christ and His Truth to just one nice option among many religions, claiming that there is no certainty about who is right; then he visited a synagogue in Rome to tell the Talmudists how wonderful they are; then he raked traditionalists over the coals for refusing to embrace what we’re calling “Surpriseology”, his pseudo-theology of “surprise” which conveniently translates his every fancy into the will of the Holy Ghost; then, on the same day, he received an ultra-liberal Lutheran delegation from Finland; and just yesterday it was announced that Francis had officially changed the rubrics of Holy Thursday to open up the foot-washing ceremony specifically to women.… READ MORE

If you thought you’d seen it all…

You ain’t seen nothin’ yet if you ain’t seen…
Father Bob Maguire!

We struggle for words to introduce to you Father — yes, he’s actually a real priest — Bob Maguire, an eccentric celebrity in the “Archdiocese” of Melbourne, Australia. “Everything that is wrong with the Novus Ordo in one man” — that is perhaps the best one-line description one can give of this anti-Catholic lowlife.

The video below shows Fr. Maguire’s final Novus Ordo “Mass” at his parish of Ss. Peter and Paul, which he perpetrated on January 29, 2012, having resisted his forcible retirement for over two years.… READ MORE

Bumping into the peripheries…

French Novus Ordo Bishop celebrates Bumper Car “Mass”!

(image: Thierry Nicolas for Le Républicain Lorrain)

The apostate dingbats of the Novus Ordo Sect just never run out of ideas. For Easter Sunday, Mr. Jean-Christophe André Robert Lagleize, in his comedy role as the “Catholic Bishop” of Metz, France, celebrated the Modernist Worship Service (“Eucharistic Celebration”) at a public fair, specifically inside the tent of a bumper car ride.

The French paper Le Républicain Lorrain published a story on it on April 6, 2015, from which the above image is taken. You can read the full article in French here:

The report points out that two children brought up the “offertory gifts” (bread and wine) — in a bumper car, of course.… READ MORE

Would Popcorn distribution have looked any different?

Communion Chaos at Francis’ Mega “Mass” in Philippines

“The Body of Christ”…

It is now 2015, and the Francis Show continues unabated. In Manila, the capital of the Philippines, Francis celebrated the Novus Ordo worship service for a reported crowd of 6-7 million people, on January 18, an event which has already been tagged as the fifth-largest gathering in human history. Of course, the Novus Ordo religion being what it is, it was a given that such a “mega Mass” had to include distribution of what purports to be Holy Communion to the enormous number of attendees.… READ MORE

Because there’s just not enough sacrilege in the world…

Elvis lives…
He’s a Novus Ordo Priest!

There’s nothing so worldly, so low, so foul, so indecent, so sacrilegious, so inappropriate that you can’t find it somewhere in the Novus Ordo Sect. Here are two examples of Novus Ordo “priests” who impersonate Elvis Presley (1935-1977), that paragon of Faith and virtue whose first name, quite appropriately, rhymes with “pelvis”.

In the first clip, you are being introduced to Norbert Fink, a Novus Ordo presbyter from Germany who performs as Elvis after hours — sometimes for the very couple whose wedding he officiated earlier the same day:

But if you think that’s wild, just wait till you see the second clip.… READ MORE

“By their fruits you shall know them…” (Mt 7:16)

Blase Cupich, Enemy of Christ

The following photo is taken from the Catholic Conclave blog, which provides excellent video and pictorial evidence of the catastrophic state the Novus Ordo Church is in. The picture shows St. Turibius chapel at the Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio, before and after the rector, Mr. Blase Cupich, took his axe to it.

[UPDATE 08-SEP-2017: For the sake of truth and fairness we must point out that water damage may have required the mural to be painted over in 1989. However, the entire sanctuary was trashed, not merely the mural painted over with a depressing grey.]READ MORE

All you need is loaves…

Aachen Cathedral used as Storage for Christmas Cakes

Since Catholic church buildings are no longer being used for Catholic worship, the Modernist authorities of the Novus Ordo Sect have decided that they might as well use them for something else — such as food storage. As the above video clip shows, 1,200 loaves of Stollen, a delectable Christmas cake of German tradition, are currently being stored in the Cathedral of Aachen, Germany, which is dedicated to the Mother of God. The loaves will remain there, right inside the St. Michael chapel, until they have aged a little and are ready for pre-Christmas sale.… READ MORE

Chaos Frank strikes again…

Francis Rents Out Sistine Chapel for Private Corporate Event

No, this isn’t satire. This isn’t a joke. This isn’t fiction. No one could make this stuff up. Francis, as head honcho of the Novus Ordo Sect and therefore de facto owner of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City, has decided to rent this sacred and magnificent building to Porsche for a private corporate event at which 40 high-paying guests will be listening to a concert given by a Roman choir as they gaze at the gorgeous paintings of this holy Catholic place.

The event is scheduled for Saturday, Oct.… READ MORE

Ugly as Hell…

That Seventies “Pope”: Francis’ New Pastoral Staff Fails to Impress

Embed from Getty Images

Dentists and hygienists around the globe must be envious: The world’s largest dental explorer was carried in procession by the Jesuit Jorge Bergoglio, “Pope” Francis, on Saturday, September 27, 2014, as he celebrated the 200th anniversary of Pope Pius VII’s re-establishment of the Jesuit order. The hideous crozier Francis carried really did resemble an oversized toothpick or a dental sickle probe more than a Pope’s pastoral staff and so made one wonder if Pope Clement XIV didn’t perhaps have a vision of our times when he decided to suppress and abolish the Society of Jesus in 1773.… READ MORE

Catholic Church vs. Vatican II Church

Time to Wake Up!

When CATHOLICS build a church…

Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Boston, Massachusetts (1877)


When MODERNISTS build a church…

Divine Mercy of our Lord “Catholic” Church in Mesquite, Texas (2007)

Guess which one of these is considered by the Vatican to represent a “New Springtime” in the Faith!

The contrast between the true Catholic Faith and the Modernist Vatican II religion is strikingly visible:

Modernist church architecture is hideous, cold, banal, stupid, barren, dull, earthly, irreverent, and profane. It is therefore also a perfect fit for the Novus Ordo Missae, which “Pope” Paul VI imposed in 1969.


“I can’t believe it’s not Catholic!”

Blasphemy in Concrete:
Holy Family Church in Salerno, Italy


A “church” building that cries to Heaven for vengeance

In the Catholic Church, religious doctrine is not only expressed in words but also communicated through liturgical rites and sacred architecture. When the Novus Ordo religion was introduced at Vatican II in the 1960s to gradually replace Catholicism, it was a given that this new theology needed not only a New Mass but also new church buildings to go along with it:

And nobody putteth a piece of raw cloth unto an old garment. For it taketh away the fullness thereof from the garment, and there is made a greater rent.


“Chaos Frank” strikes again…

“Pope” Francis advised Tony Palmer NOT to Convert, ordered him buried as a Catholic Bishop!

The absurd circus that is the Jorge Bergoglio “Papacy” continues unabated. A very interesting article published by Austen Ivereigh in the Boston Globe on August 7, 2014, gives a lot of background information on the friendship between “Pope” Francis and the Anglican-Evangelical “Bishop” Tony Palmer, and casts the latter’s deadly motorcycle accident in an even more significant light:

[The church communion Palmer was “ordained” in sees itself] as part of a “convergence” movement, seeking to combine evangelical Christianity with the liturgy and sacraments typical of Catholicism.


He has a microphone, and he’s not afraid to use it…

Don Bruno Unleashed

His name is Bruno Maggioni. He’s a well-known and popular Novus Ordo priest in Italy who is famous for dancing, clapping, and singing secular songs during weddings he officiates. See the videos below — what a joke the Novus Ordo priesthood is, a parody of itself. Priceless!

Don Bruno unleashed: a John Wayne he ain’t

[Face palm]

Who is the center of attention in this “Mass”? Jesus Christ or Don Bruno?

Don Bruno sings “Mamma Maria” by Ricchi e Poveri…

…and ends it with a kiss for the bride — and TWO for the groom!


“I can’t believe it’s not Catholic!”

Carnival Liturgy!

We’ve all seen video clips of some of the most ridiculous liturgies the Novus Ordo Sect has to offer, but this Carnival Liturgy below deserves special mention. Perpetrated in Mombach, Germany, on January 11, 2014 at Sacred Heart of Jesus church, this pseudo-liturgical spectacle carried the official title of Narrenlob, or “Fools’ Praise Liturgy.” Foolish those indeed who would attend such an idiotic event, or consider this religion to be Roman Catholicism!

The officiating presbyter was Mr. Gottfried Keindl.

Fools’ Liturgy – Part 1

Fools’ Liturgy – Part 2

“But”, many will say, “if we just notify the bishop of the diocese about this, then he will forbid this from ever happening again and discipline the people who allowed this to happen.… READ MORE

“Purify the house of the Lord the God of your fathers, and take away all filth out of the sanctuary” (2 Para 29:5)…

Circus Horses in French Cathedral

St. Jean de Besancon Cathedral in France


On the heels of the scandals about the semi-nude dancers in a German Catholic cathedral and the Pagan rituals in a Spanish cathedral comes this report of a circus performance including horses in a French cathedral. This occurred in the Modernist Archdiocese of Besançon at the gorgeous St. John’s Cathedral, which dates from the middle ages.

A little bit of additional information about this outrage can be found at this link (French).… READ MORE