Sex ed in daycare centers part of diocese’s “inclusive educational concept”…

Assault on Innocence: Archdiocese of Cologne Promotes Sexualization of Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers!


The Modernist-occupied Archdiocese of Cologne, Germany, under the leadership of ‘Cardinal’ Rainer Maria Woelki (b. 1956), apparently subjects the children in its ‘Catholic’ daycare facilities to early sexualization. We are talking about children aged 0-6.

In recent weeks, at least two daycare centers that are run by the archdiocese — that of St. Martin and that of Ss. Cosmas and Damian — have been in the news thanks to watchful independent reporters.… READ MORE

Homo-erotic mockery of Our Lord & Our Lady

Blasphemous Pietà Sculpture
displayed in Roman Basilica

The Basilica of Santa Maria in Montesanto is a beautiful Catholic church in Rome that was built in the 17th century. Of course it is currently occupied by the Novus Ordo Modernists, like most Catholic churches in the world, so it has long been profaned. However, its latest “art” display takes the sacrilege to a whole new level.

In the basilica, which is also known as the “Church of the Artists”, there is currently displayed a homo-erotic sculpture that blasphemously mocks Michelangelo’s beautiful and famous Pietà.… READ MORE

Creepy masquerade mayhem…

Nightmare on Third Avenue: Palm Sunday Puppet Madness at St. Joan of Arc Church in Minneapolis

If you’re ever in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and want to check out a parish that is in “full communion” with the Vatican II Sect, we recommend you try “Saint Joan of Arc Catholic Community” at 4537 Third Avenue South. It’s one of those dynamic and vibrant social justice parishes where all are welcome, and it combines everything that is wrong with the Novus Ordo religion in one place. The Jesus Christ that is preached there is a sorry caricature of the Incarnate Son of God.… READ MORE

Lengthy study of 449 pages…

Day of Reckoning:
Vatican Releases Explosive McCarrick Report

Demonic not just in appearance: Fr. Theodore “Uncle Ted” McCarrick

[LAST UPDATED: 24-NOV-2020 18:36 UTC]

After over two years of promising its publication, the Vatican has finally released the so-called “McCarrick Report” today. It is 449 pages in length.

As the news is just breaking, we will simply provide links to the full report and initial commentary, along with background information. More may be published in the near future (watch this page for updates).

Official Publications:


Denounces “slanderous piece of yellow journalism”…

SSPX responds to Church Militant Report on Sexual Abuse

[UPDATE 24-APR-2020 03:00 UTC: Church Militant‘s Response to SSPX]

Yesterday, Apr. 22, we reported on a Church Militant investigative piece about the Society of St. Pius X and sexual abuse. Today, the U.S. district of the SSPX has published a response.

For the sake of justice and to underscore that we are not interested in anything except a theological battle with the SSPX (and Church  Militant, incidentally), we are reproducing the SSPX’s response in full below, with no changes made in any way, and will leave it uncommented:



Horrifying, sickening, infuriating…

Report: Rampant Sex Abuse and Cover-Up by SSPX Clergy

UPDATES 23-APR-2020 18:39 UTC:

UPDATE 23-APR-2020 19:44 UTC:

UPDATE 24-APR-2020 03:00 UTC:

Preliminary Remarks

This is not a happy post to write. Contrary to what some will say, we’re not publishing this write-up because it’s a golden opportunity to slam the Society of St. Pius X. While we strongly oppose the Lefebvrist SSPX, we do so on theological grounds and not out of personal animosity.READ MORE

Just an unfortunate coincidence, no doubt…

“Boy Lover” Symbolism?

Francis’ World Youth Day Vestments seem to feature Pedophile Logo

[UPDATED 02-AUG-2019 — see below]

First convened by the “Theology of the Body” mastermind “Pope Saint” John Paul II in 1985, the Novus Ordo phenomenon of World Youth Day has long been dubbed the “Catholic Woodstock” on account of the rampant occasions of carnal sin it offers due to the free mixing of large groups of young men and women, most of whom are dressed in shockingly immodest ways.

It may just be, however, that there is an even more sinister side to World Youth Day.… READ MORE

Modernist Apostate vs. Vicar of Christ

Francis vs. Pope Pius XI:
The Catholic Position on Sex Education

by Francis del Sarto

“More souls go to Hell because of sins of the flesh than for any other reason.”
–Our Lady to the children at Fatima on July 13, 1917

“The Least Serious Sins are the Sins of the Flesh.”
–“Pope” Francis to an agnostic French sociologist, 2017 (source)

Ever wonder how pretend-pope Francis wakes up in the morning? It could be that he has his clock radio blast the tango to get him going on the desired chaotic trajectory, after which he rises and consults his day planner to see what part of the Magisterium he’s scheduled to contradict that day.… READ MORE

Under headship of ‘Cardinal’ Danneels…

Official Belgian “Catholic” Paper Promoted “Ecumenical Working Group on Pedophilia” in 1984

On June 27, 2019, the French Novus Ordo magazine La Nef reported on a shocking discovery: In the mid-1980s, an issue of the Belgian “Catholic” weekly paper Kerk & Leven (Church & Life) published an advertisement openly and boldly promoting nothing less than the crime of pedophilia, that is, sexual relations between adults and children.

The La Nef report is entitled “When a Belgian Catholic newspaper promoted pedophilia” and can be accessed in the original French here:

According to the report, the Aug.… READ MORE

The “two Popes” circus continues…

Benedict XVI’s Letter on Sex Abuse Crisis:

Highlights & Reaction Roundup

On April 10, 2019, the “Pope Emeritus” Benedict XVI, with the prior permission of “Pope” Francis, published a 6000-word letter on the sexual abuse crisis in the German Klerusblatt (a regional periodical for clergy), which was released at the same time on the internet in various languages. The German original and the English translation of the missive are available here:

The editor of Inside the Vatican, Robert Moynihan, has opined that the letter is “absolutely the most important text Benedict has published since his resignation of the papacy in February 2013.”… READ MORE

“Abp.” Scicluna at press conference…

Comedy Hour at Vatican Abuse Summit: Homosexuality isn’t “Something that really Predisposes to Sin”

The Vatican is currently in the midst of a turbulent four-day summit on sexual abuse. The conference gathers the highest-ranking prelates from every nation to try to find some kind of a solution to its ongoing scandals involving the sexual abuse of minors. Although there has also been abuse of so-called “vulnerable adults”, especially seminarians, the Vatican has seen fit not to address that at the current time, contrary to its original announcement.

Yesterday, Feb. 21, “Pope” Francis opened the conference with a list of 21 points for “reflection”.… READ MORE

Francis laicizes ‘Uncle Ted’…

Mister McCarrick:
Former Novus Ordo Cardinal returned to Lay State

Embed from Getty Images

This hasn’t happened to the former “Cardinal” Theodore McCarrick since the 1950’s: His official address is now Mister again. Ordained a priest on May 31, 1958, the disgraced sex abuser Theodore McCarrick will remain “a priest for ever according to the order of Melchisedech” (Ps 109:4); however, the Novus Ordo authorities are no longer allowing him to exercise this priesthood that was indelibly imprinted on his soul on the day of his ordination. For all intents and purposes, therefore, he is a layman again.… READ MORE

Perfect reading material ahead of sex abuse summit…

Moral Advice from “Pope” Francis:
“The Least Serious Sins are the Sins of the Flesh”

On Sep. 6, 2017, the French sociologist Dominique Wolton, himself an agnostic, released an interview book with “Pope” Francis entitled Pape François: Politique et Société (“Pope Francis: Politics and Society”). It is in this book that Francis revealed for the first time that he used to get treated by a Jewish psychoanalyst in Argentina. We reported on the matter here.

The book has since been translated into English and is now available as A Future of Faith: The Path of Change in Politics and Society.… READ MORE

News & Commentary on the ongoing Viganò Drama…

Vatican II Church Meltdown – Days 52-65

Developments & Reactions

(Note: This will be the last Meltdown summary post for the time being)

[UPDATED 30-OCT-2018 01:10 UTC]

This post continues our coverage of the ongoing ecclesiastical Chernobyl unleashed by the accusations of the former Vatican nuncio to the United States, “Abp.” Carlo Viganò, which were first published on Aug. 25, 2018 and have the potential not only to bring an end to the Francis “pontificate” but even to throw the entire Vatican II Sect into unprecedented chaos:

Monday, Oct. 15, 2018 Developments


Includes response to “Cardinal” Ouellet…

Viganò 3.0: The “Great Accuser” issues a Third Testimony

Embed from Getty Images

Ladies and gentlemen: He’s back!

Currently the biggest thorn in Francis’ side, “Archbishop” Carlo Maria Vigano has spoken out once again from his undisclosed location, at which he is hiding for fear of his life after having issued his First Testimony in late August. In it, the former Vatican nuncio to the U.S. accuses Francis of having known about “Cardinal” Theodore McCarrick‘s sodomitical lifestyle involving seminarians and clergy and yet rehabilitating him after Benedict XVI had placed restrictions on him for that very reason.… READ MORE