Move over, Taylor Marshall…

The Anti-Catholic Religion of the Second Vatican Council:

A Book Review of
Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism

On Mar. 6 of this year, we posted an announcement about a brand-new book exposing the history and heresies of the Novus Ordo religion, its false popes, and its other pivotal players. The work is an 809-page tome called Vatican II Exposed as Counterfeit Catholicism and was written by Fathers Francisco and Dominic Radecki, CMRI:

People interested in buying a copy may do so directly from the authors, at this link (Novus Ordo Watch does not make a commission on the sales).… READ MORE

Another irrelevant argument…

Bouix on the “Heretical Pope”: A big Nothingburger from John Salza and Robert Siscoe

More than three years after the release of their book True or False Pope? A Refutation of Sedevacantism and other Modern Errors, John Salza and Robert Siscoe are still busy wasting everybody’s time.

On May 14, they posted on their web site an English translation of an excerpt from the 3-volume book Tractatus de Papa, ubi et de Concilio Oecumenico (“Treatise on the Pope and the Ecumenical Council”) written by the French canonist Marie Dominique Bouix (1808-1870). Bouix took the unusual position that if a Pope as a private person were to become a heretic, he would not lose the pontificate in any way, nor could anyone take it from him.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 024 is here

Novus Ordo Watch for your ears…

TRADCAST 024 Now Available

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on April 12: We have published another full-length episode of our popular TRADCAST podcast program. As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, and razor-sharp analysis. Our content is typically challenging but is always delivered with a relieving touch of humor.

TRADCAST 024 consists of two separate segments. After a few introductory comments, at listener request we offer specific book recommendations for (former) Novus Ordos interested in learning the real Catholicism of the past (you know, the one from 33-1958).… READ MORE

The Theological Errors of “Bishop” Schneider

A Refutation of Athanasius Schneider on the Heretical Pope Question

On March 20 of this year, the Kazakh Novus Ordo auxiliary bishop Athanasius Schneider, immensely popular among semi-traditionalists, published a lengthy article entitled, “On the Question of a Heretical Pope” on the Rorate Caeli web site.

In face of the overwhelming evidence that Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) is not a Catholic but a public heretic, Schneider’s objective was to find a way to reconcile Bergoglio’s obvious stubborn adherence to heresy with his claim to the Papacy, the legitimacy of which Schneider refuses to question.… READ MORE

Simple, fool-proof, airtight!

The Francis Papacy Test:
Find out if Jorge Bergoglio is what he claims to be

These days a lot of people are cranking out articles, blog posts, tweets, and videos telling us how certain it is the apostate Argentinian Jesuit Jorge Bergoglio is the Pope of the Catholic Church.

One of the more popular arguments of late has been that universal acceptance of him by “the Church” provides an infallible guarantee that he’s the Vicar of Christ, since they all agree that he is the Pope. But who is the “they” that constitute “the Church” in their minds?… READ MORE

Response to a piece of sophistry…

Ferrara’s Fatal Flaw on Sedevacantism

Even in the 21st century, basic English reading comprehension still seems to be a challenge for some.

In installment no. 1248 of his Fatima Perspectives column, self-appointed “papal” corrector and professional rhetorician Christopher A. Ferrara says that sedevacantists “never seem to notice the fatal flaw in their argument.” Quoting from a sede source he leaves curiously unidentified — this one –, the retired lawyer goes on to explain:

Let this quotation from a “popular” sedevacantist website suffice for a demonstration:

“By saying Francis is Pope but then refusing his magisterium, the would-be traditionalists in the Vatican II Church are doing untold damage to the traditional Catholic doctrine of the Papacy because the papal office was instituted as the sure norm of orthodoxy at every point in time in Church history, guaranteed by Christ Himself.


Lefebvrist leadership misleads souls again…

Better to be Wrong with the Pope – or Right with Tradition against Him?

Response to a recent SSPX Article

On March 10, the official news and communications web site of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), founded by Abp. Marcel Lefebvre in 1970, posted a brief article entitled, “Is It Preferable to Be Wrong with the Pope or to Be Right with Tradition against Him?” Predictably, what they offered as argumentation in support of their position is nothing short of a theological disaster.

Let’s go ahead and dissect their little propaganda piece:

This is an objection that is often made to “Tradition”: a Catholic must be in complete union with the pope.


The answer may surprise you…

Do Catholics have to Assent to Non-Infallible Church Teaching?

On Dec. 31, 1930, Pope Pius XI issued his landmark encyclical Casti Connubii on Christian marriage. In it, the Holy Father reminded Catholics that it is not permissible to prefer one’s own judgment over that of the Church on matters of Faith and morals. A Catholic is not allowed to accept from the Church only what seems correct to him, nor can he decide to withhold his assent from teaching that is not presented infallibly:

Wherefore, let the faithful also be on their guard against the overrated independence of private judgment and that false autonomy of human reason.


Real Catholic teaching vs. semi-trad sophistry…

Would God permit a Non-Catholic Pope?
Response to Peter Kwasniewski

As we’ve pointed out before, Dr. Peter Kwasniewski, a former college theology professor now working as a freelance writer and lecturer, has become one of the preferred go-to guys for the semi-trads and conservative Novus Ordos when it comes to making the case for accepting Francis as Pope but refusing to accept practically anything he believes or teaches. Never mind supplying evidence for such a silly and absurd position — what counts is only the reiteration of the desired pre-conceived conclusion that it be so.… READ MORE

We had been warned…

A Prophecy from 1869: “Satan is going to wage the Fiercest Attacks to try to Annihilate the Church”

It behooves Catholics to beware of private revelations: certainly of those that have not been approved by the Church, which must be avoided, but even of those that have been approved. Although the latter are judged by the Church to be free from error in Faith or morals and therefore safe to familiarize oneself with, it is important not to get attached to this kind of revelation because it is not necessary for our salvation and is given only to specific people, at a specific point in time, for a specific purpose.… READ MORE

Mocking the Papacy since time immemorial…

That ’60s Show: “Saint” Paul VI wears Wicker Tiara

Now that the current papal impostor in Vatican City has declared “Pope” Paul VI (1963-78) a “Saint” to be venerated and imitated by the entire Vatican II Church, it’s not a bad idea to take a look at some of the shenanigans the man otherwise known as Giovanni Battista Montini has made headlines for.

The December 12, 1969 edition of The Guardian, then the official newspaper of the diocese of Little Rock, Arkansas, featured the photograph shown above. The caption reads:

Pope Paul Gets A Laugh

Hilarity erupted recently as Pope Paul VI put on a wicker mitre, during a visit by seminarians from the Propaganda Fide College.



Don’t Ask Father:
Mr. Zuhl$dorf trips over Sedevacantism

There is no doubt that “Pope” Francis is the best advertisement for Sedevacantism the world has ever seen. Although he annoys the daylights out of anyone who has retained a modicum of Catholicism, in a certain sense he is a great grace, because he is forcing people to wake up and draw a conclusion about the new religion that has come forth from the Vatican since the usurpation of the papal throne by the Novus Ordo antipopes, beginning with Angelo Roncalli in 1958. This observation is underscored by the fact that the traditionalist members of the Vatican II Church are coming to their wits’ end in defending what is becoming more and more obviously indefensible.… READ MORE

Talk about losing the Faith…

Michael Matt of The Remnant:
“Our Pope has Lost the Faith”

Great movie set, horrible theology…

It’s a new year, and we’re ready to make a prediction: By the time Dec. 31, 2019 rolls around, “Pope” Francis will still not be a Catholic, and the semi-traditionalist publication The Remnant will, after numerous articles and videos denouncing him, still hold that he’s nevertheless the Pope of the Catholic Church.

We are quite confident in this prediction because, alas, it is not unwarranted but solidly grounded in newly-released evidence.

On Dec. 31, 2018, the editor-in-chief of The Remnant, Mr.… READ MORE

Sixty years without a Pope — how could this happen?

Like Sheep without a Shepherd:
60 Years of Sede Vacante

During last year’s Fatima Conference sponsored by the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen (CMRI) in Spokane, Washington, Mr. Mario Derksen, pictured below, delivered a lecture on the subject of 60 years of sede vacante since the death of Pope Pius XII on October 9, 1958. We are happy to be able to share the 42-minute audio recording and also a written transcript in this post.

Looking at the extreme devastation of the Catholic landscape that has been wrought in the past 60 years, Mr.… READ MORE

Interview with Austrian newspaper

New SSPX Superior: ‘We are Deeply Distraught by this Pope’

The Dec. 15, 2018 edition of the Austrian newspaper Salzburger Nachrichten contains a brief, half-page interview with the new Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX), Fr. Davide Pagliarani, who succeeded Bp. Bernard Fellay as head of the Lefebvrists this past summer.

The conversation, which was conducted by Josef Bruckmoser, was published on the paper’s web site (digital subscription required), and an English translation was released on the SSPX’s news portal, where it can be accessed in full for free: