Now being published in English!

Endorsed by Pope Pius X:
The Anti-Christian Conspiracy (1910)
by Mgr. Henri Delassus

Monsignor Henri Delassus (1836-1921) was an esteemed French Catholic priest, author, and editor. Pope St. Pius X conferred on him the title of ‘Monsignor’, making him a Domestic Prelate in 1904 and a Protonotary Apostolic in 1911. More information here:

In 1910, Msgr. Delassus published a monumental 3-volume work entitled La Conjuration Antichrétienne, which translates as The Anti-Christian Conspiracy.… READ MORE

What does traditional Catholic moral theology say?

Clear Answers on a Touchy Subject: Is It Ever Morally Permissible to Wish for Someone’s Death?

The ongoing hospitalization of the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’), has brought a delicate moral question to the forefront that a lot of people may be wondering about but don’t quite know how to resolve and are perhaps reluctant to ask:

Is it ever morally permissible (that is, not sinful) to desire (wish, hope for, pray for) that a particular individual will die? Or is it always and necessarily sinful to do so?

The purpose of the present post is simply to help form consciences correctly regarding this matter by providing reliable, authentic Catholic information.… READ MORE

Freemasons could not be happier!

‘Religions Together for a Better Humanity’: Francis Endorses Interreligious Doctrine of Hindu Guru

(image: Independent Photo Agency Srl / Alamy Stock Photo)

An “All Religions’ Conference” was held in the Vatican Nov. 29-30, 2024, and the false pope Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) endorsed it, of course.

On Nov. 30, ‘His Holiness’ personally addressed the participants in the event co-organized by the Sree Narayana Dharma Sangham Trust. An English translation of his short speech was published by the Vatican:

In his speech, Bergoglio claims:

All religions teach the fundamental truth that as children of one God we must love and honour one another, respect diversities and differences in a spirit of fraternity and inclusion, and take care of each other and the earth, our common home.


Going beyond even Vatican II theology…

Novus Ordo Writer Claims Christ’s Incarnation Makes All People Children of God

Popular ‘Catholic’ writer with dangerous theology: Simcha Fisher

On Dec. 18, 2024, the Modernist Jesuit rag America published an article by Simcha Fisher that is, to put it mildly, theologically problematic.

Fisher’s name may seem familiar to long-time visitors of Novus Ordo Watch. Years ago she was a blogger for the conservative-leaning National Catholic Register. She, along with her colleagues Mark Shea and John-Paul Shimek, ended up getting fired from the Register for their online behavior and some not-so-conservative views.

In 2023, Fisher received our attention when she claimed that sins of sacrilege do not hurt Jesus Christ, only ourselves: “When we treat a consecrated Host, which is Jesus, with disrespect, we are only hurting ourselves”, she opined.… READ MORE

False pope misleads post-abortive women… 

‘Pope’ Francis Claims Aborted Children Go to Heaven

The Jesuit apostate Jorge Bergoglio on June 2, 2024

The month of November is traditionally dedicated to remembering and interceding for the faithful departed, that is, the holy souls in purgatory.

Year after year, the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’), a man of many words but also of expressive gestures, has certainly not failed to make his own contributions to the topic of death, dying, and judgment. So far this month, he has managed to stage at least two public appearances that convey very different messages.… READ MORE

Informative, sharp, compelling!

Podcast: Bergoglio’s Apostate Anti-Gospel and the Many Paths to Hell (TRADCAST EXPRESS 197)

Our latest podcast episode, TRADCAST EXPRESS 197, was published on Sep. 20, 2024, and it covers exclusively the latest mess ‘Pope’ Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) made with his comments to young people in Singapore on Sep. 13 and his video message to the Med24 conference on Sep. 16:

In this podcast episode we offer extensive analysis and commentary on Bergoglio’s scandalous remarks and demonstrate that this heresy of divinely-willed religious diversity the false pope is proclaiming is by no means new — he has been saying more or less the same thing since at least 2019.… READ MORE

The apostate once again confirms his apostasy…

Bergoglio Doubles Down: ‘The Diversity of Our Religious Identities is a Gift from God’!

Today ‘Pope’ Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) gave a one-word message to all ‘popesplainers’: checkmate!

Of course he didn’t quite say it like that, but he did make absolutely clear, with no plausible deniability, that the existence of many different religions is a positive good that is actively willed by God because it enriches humanity. You can’t make this stuff up!

In a video message published by the Vatican on the occasion of the “Med24” meeting in Tirana, Albania, the false pope states:

[Italian original, as reported by Vatican:]

Imparate insieme a leggere i segni dei tempi.


Novus Ordo Watch on ‘Catholic Family Podcast’…

Only ONE Religion Leads to God:
Refuting Francis’ Apostasy in Singapore (Video)

Host Kevin Davis and guests Mario Derksen and Sean D. Wright (not pictured) react to Bergoglio’s latest act of apostasy

This past Friday, Sep. 13, 2024, the Argentinian apostate and pseudo-pope Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’) told an interreligious group of young people in Singapore that all religions are paths to God and that we should not fight over which religion is true because this leads to ‘destruction’:

Quite obviously, what Francis said is heresy, but even more so, it is apostasy because it implies that Catholicism, Christianity, is altogether false and not from God.… READ MORE

Brazen apostasy in Singapore…

Francis Tells Interreligious Youths:
All Religions Lead to God!

Don’t let his jolly, avuncular appearance fool you:
‘Pope Francis’ preaches a false gospel straight from hell

[UPDATE 14-SEP-2024: Vatican has quietly revised, at least in part, its faulty English translation that made Francis’ remarks appear in a less objectionable light.]

The Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio’s latest and longest, and perhaps last, ‘apostolic journey’ has mercifully come to an end, but not without a bang.

From Sep. 2-13, operating under his stage name ‘Francis’, the false pope traveled from Italy to Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Timor Leste, and Singapore.… READ MORE

The state of the Vatican II religion in 2024 A.D.

Crazy Sermon and Orange Butterfly Vestment at Novus Ordo Funeral ‘Mass’ in Minnesota

A gigantic monarch butterfly adorns the front of the chasuble worn by Rev. Mike Sullivan

On May 24, 2024, a funeral service — we can’t call it ‘Mass’ — was held at the so-called Catholic Community of Saint Joseph the Worker in Maple Grove, Minnesota. The parish is part of the Archdiocese of Saint Paul & Minneapolis under ‘Abp.’ Bernard Hebda, so consider yourself forewarned.

The name of the departed is irrelevant and will not be mentioned here, and we certainly mean no disrespect to him or his memory in the lines that follow.… READ MORE

False pope visits mosque in Indonesia…

Bergoglio’s Generic God: Betraying Jesus Christ for the Sake of Interreligious Harmony

At 87 years of age, ‘Pope’ Francis (Jorge Mario Bergoglio) just began the longest trip of his ‘pontificate’. From Sep. 2-13, 2024, the Argentinian apostate is visiting Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, East Timor, and Singapore.

The reason for his travel is not, of course, to urge all the inhabitants there to convert to Jesus Christ and His Holy Catholic Church — that’s something he dismisses as ugly ‘proselytism’, which according to him can even be a “great sin against ecumenism” — but to spread some Naturalist message about unity, harmony, and climate change.… READ MORE

Reality check on yet another ‘papal’ foreword…

Francis: Death Penalty Does Not Bring Justice But Fuels Revenge!

The Argentinian apostate Jorge Mario Bergoglio — aka ‘Pope Francis’ — may be a busy man, but somehow he always finds time to write yet another foreword to a new book he wants to show his approval of. Since the start of his fake pontificate in 2013, he has written enough prefaces to fill an entire book of its own.

One of the latest such contributions of His Loquaciousness is for the book Un Cristiano nel Braccio della Morte (“A Christian on Death Row”).… READ MORE

Some things just don’t add up…

Friend or Foe?
Some Unresolved Questions Regarding ‘Abp.’ Viganò

A lot of attention has recently fallen on the former Vatican nuncio to the United States, ‘Archbishop’ Carlo Maria Viganò (b. 1941), who was excommunicated from the Vatican II Church for schism earlier this month after repeatedly attacking the errors of Vatican II and the post-conciliar magisterium and challenging the legitimacy of Jorge Bergoglio’s claim to the Papacy:

Based on his writings in the last few years, it seems clear that Vigano has publicly embraced a position of, or one very close to, classical Sedevacantism, which rejects the Vatican II religion and holds that the ‘Popes’ who promulgated it have been impostors.… READ MORE

False pope distorts sacrament of Extreme Unction…

Bergoglio the Naturalist: If You Think Anointing of the Sick is Only for the Dying, You’ve Given Up Hope!

For years we’ve been pointing out that ‘Pope’ Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) is a Naturalist. The supernatural is typically not his primary concern, and often it is of no concern at all to him. Although he does verbally admit the supernatural on occasion, he is often quick to downplay it, or he misappropriates it to serve his ideological agenda.

We see this, for example, when the apostate Jesuit from Buenos Aires speaks about the Last Judgment.… READ MORE

Masonic indifferentism for all…

Bergoglio Doubles Down: All Religions Look at the One God in Different Ways!

It is often difficult to keep up with ‘Pope’ Francis (Jorge Bergoglio), but here at Novus Ordo Watch, we do try. Even though he is 87 years old, when it comes to advancing the Great Apostasy, there is simply no slowing down for him.

On May 18, 2024, the false pope made a trip to the city of Verona in northern Italy. One of his stops there was Montorio Prison, where he addressed the inmates.

Vatican News has released the video footage of the event:

When Bergoglio visits prisons, he often points out that God forgives always, although he never mentions the conditions necessary to receive that forgiveness; and it was no different this time around.… READ MORE