TIA’s smear job continues…

Pope Pius IX and Freemasonry:
A Second Rebuttal to Tradition in Action

On November 3, 2016, we published a hard-hitting response to a post by Tradition in Action that sought to implicate Pope Pius IX in Freemasonry. Under the cover of offering a “contribution to the historical-theological-canonical debate”, Tradition in Action (TIA) published as “evidence” the claims of Freemasons (!) that before ascending to the Papacy, Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti (the future Pius IX) had been a member of the Lodge. We rebutted the outrageous accusation here:

This calumny against Pope Pius IX is not new and apparently only emerged, as our refutation shows, as an act of simple revenge against the Pope after he had issued a blistering condemnation of Masonry in September of 1865.… READ MORE

Taking Care of Cre(m)ation…

Vatican Reminder: Cremation is Permitted!

November is traditionally the month the Church dedicates to the Holy Souls in purgatory, a time when the faithful are encouraged, more than at any other point during the year, to make intercession for the faithful departed, particularly on All Souls’ Day (typically observed on Nov. 2, sometimes Nov. 3).

Just in time for this, the Vatican II Sect has issued a decree by the Congregation for the Destruction of the Faith to remind all Novus Ordo adherents that cremation is a licit way of disposing of the remains of the deceased, and that a burial of the body, although preferable, is not necessary.… READ MORE

Semi-Trads hit new low…

Outrageous! Tradition in Action uses Masonic Source to implicate Pope Pius IX in Freemasonry

The web site Tradition in Action (TIA) is, for the most part, a pretty good resource exposing and refuting the errors of the Vatican II Sect. However, the editors of TIA are dyed-in-the-wool semi-traditionalists, that is, they oppose Sedevacantism and stubbornly adhere to the recognize-and-resist position instead, meaning they recognize Francis as Pope but also resist him because they realize he is an apostate who is trying to destroy Catholicism.

Thus, whenever TIA’s editors tackle anything related to the issue of Sedevacantism, all Catholicism goes out the window — and they end up spouting grave errors and scandalize their readers.… READ MORE

 Allocution of Pope Pius IX

Multiplices Inter Machinationes (1865)

Allocution of His Holiness Pope Pius IX condemning Freemasonry,
given to Cardinals gathered in Consistory on Sep. 25, 1865

(Not to be confused with the Apostolic Letter Multiplices Inter of 1851
nor the Encyclical Inter Multiplices of 1853)

Venerable Brethren: Amongst the numerous machinations and means by which the enemies of the Christian name have dared to attack the Church of God and have tried, though in vain, to beat it down and to destroy it, it is certainly necessary to include that perverse society of men, commonly called “Masonic,” which, first contained in darkness and obscurity, has since come to light for the common ruin of religion and human society.… READ MORE

What happened 58 years ago today?

Smoke Signals:
The White Conclave Smoke of Oct. 26, 1958

We realize we’ve brought this up a few times before, and we don’t want to beat the topic to death, but there are probably a lot of new readers of our site out there now who may not be aware of what happened 58 years ago today at the conclave that was taking place in Rome to elect a successor to Pope Pius XII.

As happens after the death of every Pope, so too in 1958 the cardinals gathered in the Sistine Chapel in Vatican City to determine who would succeed the late Pius XII, who had died on Oct.… READ MORE

The Spirit of Assisi is not the Holy Spirit

Seeking Peace in all the Wrong Ways:
Interreligious Hug Fest in Assisi


And so it happened again: For the fifth time since 1986, the “great religions of the world” descended upon Assisi, Italy, gathering from Sep. 18-20, 2016, at the basilica of St. Francis and the surrounding area in order to come together and deliver endless Naturalistic platitudes about luv, encounter, dialogue, mutual respect, and human dignity — nothing you wouldn’t also find on a Hallmark card –, all as supposed “keys” to peace. Oh, and prayer of course. Not orthodox prayer to the only true God, mind you, but just any sort of lifting of the soul to someone or something one considers to be divine, each in accordance with his own beliefs, preferences, and ideas.… READ MORE

The gospel of man, continued…

“Man at the Center”:
September 2016 “Pope Video” Fails to Surprise

Screenshot from September 2016 “Pope Video”

It’s time again for the monthly Bergoglian prayer intention video that the Novus Ordo Sect markets as “The Pope Video”.

After August’s attempt to obtain world peace through contention in sports (which we covered here), the September 2016 intention is: “That each may contribute to the common good and to the building of a society that places the human person at the center” (source).

The video, which is only 1:22 in length, can be viewed here:

Not surprisingly, Francis once again promotes the false gospel of man, as he has been doing for decades.… READ MORE

11: Papal Condemnations of Freemasonry

yoc-11_medWe have arrived at installment no. 11 of our ongoing special Year of Exclusion, Judgment, and Condemnation series, which is being observed in direct contrast to the phoney Year of Mercy of the papal impostor Jorge Bergoglio, who goes by the stage name “Pope Francis”. Our Year of Condemnation runs parallel to the Year of Mercy, and each installment focuses on some forgotten truth of the holy Catholic Faith that is considered by our sorry society as extremely judgmental, exclusionary, negative, hateful, bigoted, intolerant, condemnatory, unwelcoming, dogmatic, narrow-minded, and everything else that oh-so-enlightened modern man despises and detests.… READ MORE

Next step: “Cardinal”?

Surprise! Francis appoints Chicago’s Ultra-Liberal “Archbishop” Cupich to Vatican Congregation for Bishops

Put on your surprise face, everyone: “Pope” Francis has appointed his Lodge brother Blase Cupich to the all-important Congregation for Bishops, the Vatican dicastery that examines and recommends to the “Pope” which Novus Ordo priests should be raised to the level of bishop and which bishops should be appointed to which dioceses. The appointment was noted in today’s press bulletin, released at Roman noon:

Few Novus Ordo bishops are as toxic for souls as Mr.… READ MORE

Respect everyone’s traditions, except Catholics’!

In latest “Pope Video”, Francis calls for respecting Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Actual screenshot from July 2016 “Pope Video” (0:49 mark)

It’s that time of the month again: the latest “Pope video” is out!

For the month of July, Francis the Naturalist’s intention is “That indigenous peoples, whose identity and very existence are threatened, will be shown due respect” (source).

The video, which is only 1:30 in length, can be viewed here:

Although so far, no subsequent video has yet outdone the first one in January, in which Francis put false religions on a level with the true religion and made the blasphemous and heretical claim that we have no certainty in religious matters (thus negating all Faith) except that we are all God’s children (contradicted by Gal 3:26), this new one for July once again showcases Francis’ Naturalist obsession with man and temporal things, which to him are ends in themselves.

We Had Been Warned:

Catholic Prophecies & Predictions of our Dark Times

In all the frightening confusion, difficulties, and distress we have to endure in the face of the eclipse of the holy Catholic Church by the Modernist Vatican II Sect, it is good to call to mind now and again that what has happened since the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958 is something that has, in one way or another, been predicted and foretold in Holy Scripture, Sacred Tradition, and approved private revelations.

The following list consists of links to posts and pages on this web site that mention, directly or indirectly, various predictions of the ecclesiastical catastrophe that has befallen the Catholic world since Vatican II, or that prescribe remedies to certain evils which, if not applied, will lead to precisely the sort of situation we find ourselves in at this time.… READ MORE

Ecumenism & Interreligious Dialogue:

Embed from Getty Images

Indifferentism and Syncretism Repackaged

At the heart of the Novus Ordo Church there is Ecumenism, a collection of heretical, erroneous, and impious beliefs and practices that — officially — aims to bring about “unity” among all those who claim the name of “Christian.” In similar fashion, the practice of Interreligious Dialogue aims to foster good relations with Jews, Mohammedans, and Pagans of every kind.

Lip service to the contrary notwithstanding, both ecumenism and interreligious dialogue deny the uniqueness of the Catholic Church as the only true Church established by God, the necessity of belonging to the Church for salvation, the dogma of the unity of the Church in faith and government, and many other Catholic doctrines, whether implicitly or explicitly.… READ MORE

Catholic Quotes to remember and share

The following is a list of quotes by various Catholic authorities before the Second Vatican Council. These days there is so much misinformation about what true Catholicism is that these little snippets will serve as a welcome and refreshing reminder and a veritable “reality check” against the errors and misconceptions of our times. In the collection of quotes presented here, you will find timeless truths, aphorisms, warnings, clarifications, predictions, and exhortations.

Be sure to share these quotes with friends!

  • “Reveal to the faithful the wolves which are demolishing the Lord’s vineyard.”
    —Pope Clement XIII, Encyclical Christianae Reipublicae, 1766
  • “We declare that a great number of those who are condemned to eternal punishment suffer that everlasting calamity because of ignorance of those mysteries of faith which must be known and believed in order to be numbered among the elect.”
The Facts About “Pope John XXIII” – Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli

What You Need To Know About the Man who Claimed to be the Pope from 1958-1963

“John XXIII”

Miscellaneous Information


Move over, Last Supper…

Here comes Francis’ Foot-Washing Circus:
3 Heretics, 3 Muslims, 1 Hindu

Time again for Francis to turn all the focus on himself!

It’s that time of the year again: During the most sacred time of the year, when Catholics around the globe are supposed to be focusing on the Last Supper of our Lord Jesus Christ, that is, the First Holy Mass, at which time Christ instituted the Most Holy Eucharist and the Sacred Priesthood, the Novus Ordo Sect is redirecting everyone’s thoughts to — who else? — Francis. The all-important question on everyone’s mind is: Whose feet will Francis wash this time?READ MORE