Chaos Frank strikes again…

Francis: No Catholic Mass available? Just go to the Anglicans!

Every day we are being drowned in news about “Pope” Francis and the Vatican machinery. The incessant flood of information is becoming increasingly difficult for everyone to process, which means it is easy for stories to get missed.

Such was apparently the case with a real bombshell Francis dropped on February 26, 2017 while visiting an Anglican parish church in Rome. Virtually everyone seems to have missed it. What happened? During a Q&A session in which Francis was answering people’s questions off the cuff, he related an anecdote about ecumenical practice with Anglicans in his homeland of Argentina.… READ MORE

Vatican rumblings

Fra. Cristoforo: ‘Cardinal Müller told Dubia Cardinals Formal Correction would risk Schism’

Once again breaking news in Novus Ordo Land: The Roman Novus Ordo cleric who goes by the pen name of Fra. Cristoforo (“Bro. Christopher”) has just published some additional information about the four “dubia cardinals” (Caffara, Brandmuller, Meisner, and Burke) and why the previously announced “formal correction of the Pope” has been scrapped.

Last week, after Fra. Cristoforo had revealed that the formal correction was not going to happen, Vatican journalist Edward Pentin sent out some tweets (see here and here) contradicting the claim, saying that the information was not correct and the formal correction was “still on.”… READ MORE

Soap opera episode no. 889…

SSPX-Rome Reconciliation: Vatican’s “Abp.” Guido Pozzo says “The Holy Father is Pressing Forward”

These days, barely a day goes by when someone in the Vatican isn’t giving some sort of an interview. Today it was “Archbishop” Guido Pozzo’s turn once more.

Pozzo is the secretary for the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei, the Vatican’s dicastery that exclusively deals with matters pertaining to the Lefebvrist Society of St. Pius X (SSPX). The name Ecclesia Dei is derived from the document that established the commission, John Paul II‘s eponymous motu proprio of July 2, 1988, in which the definitive rift with the SSPX was formalized after Abp.… READ MORE

It’s that time of the year again…

It’s Confession Time!
Today’s Edition of the Francis Show at St. Peter’s

Today it was time again for Francis’ annual “watch me go to confession” show in St. Peter’s. The video of the Vatican’s entire penitential liturgy can be viewed here; but Rome Reports has published just the relevant clip:

Presumably, no one was playing Sudoku in the confessionals of St. Peter’s today. We remember the complaint that was lodged by a young Novus Ordo priest who had experienced on several occasions that the “priests” in the basilica’s confessionals were more interested in playing games or reading the paper than actually hearing confessions.… READ MORE

Aww, shucks!

Formal Correction of “Pope” Francis
— Not going to happen?

The perpetual Vatican soap opera about the blasphemous-heretical “Apostolic Exhortation” Amoris Laetitia released last April by “Pope” Francis appears to be going into the next round.

On November 15, 2016, “Cardinal” Raymond Burke said in an interview with the National Catholic Register that there would be a “formal act of correction” of Francis if he should refuse to answer the dubia (doubts, questions) that had been submitted to him regarding certain points of doctrine contained in the exhortation:

There is, in the Tradition of the Church, the practice of correction of the Roman Pontiff.


Another abomination of desolation…

Profanation in Rome:
Anglican Liturgy celebrated in St. Peter’s Basilica

Today is the fourth anniversary of Jorge Bergoglio’s election as head of the apostate Vatican II Sect. What’s a fitting way to mark that special day? How about an Anglican liturgy inside St. Peter’s Basilica at the altar of the Chair of St. Peter?

That’s exactly what happened today.

Curiously, the event was not advertised very much; but on Feb. 7, readers of this blog were informed of the upcoming sacrilege:

It remains to be seen if there will be a decent amount of news coverage or if the Vatican and other Novus Ordo news outlets will try to keep reporting on this to a bare minimum. … READ MORE

Bovine manure alert…

Bp. Fellay says “Cardinal” Müller wants SSPX to fight the Modernists! — An Inconvenient Reality Check

On March 3, 2017, during a visit to Poland, the Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X, Bp. Bernard Fellay, gave one of his famous “Rome update” conferences, in which he brings his followers up to speed on what’s happening in the neverending story of the doctrinal-canonical negotiations between the Vatican and the Lefebvrist SSPX. In essence, these sermons typically contain the same content every time, more or less. For details on this phenomenon, see our post on Bp. Fellay’s last major update in August 2016:


Guess what: a new interview!

Francis: “I am a Sinner and am Fallible”

Those who thought that since “Pope” Francis is on retreat this week, we wouldn’t hear anything from him until he returns, will now have their illusions shattered: Tomorrow’s edition of the German weekly Die Zeit features a substantial interview with the chief Modernist of the Vatican II Church. The full text of the conversation, which is only available to paid subscribers, was released electronically on Mar. 8:

In order to remain within the legal guidelines of “fair use” of the copyrighted text, we cannot reproduce a lot of quotes from the interview here.… READ MORE

Just in time for Lent!

Francis in New Interview:
“Walk in Other People’s Shoes”!

It’s almost Lent, and in case you were going to be thinking about Jesus Christ, your own soul, or a path of penance for the next 40 days, “Pope” Francis has taken steps to ensure that the focus will remain on him instead: He has graced the world with yet another one of his legendary interviews. (No one is counting anymore, but we must be somewhere around 5o now in total since 2013.)

On Shrove Tuesday, Feb. 28, the Italian homeless-run magazine Scarp de’ Tenis published its latest issue with a big picture of Francis on the cover behind the title, “Mettiamoci Nelle Scarpe Degli Altri” — “Let’s Walk in the Shoes of Others”.… READ MORE

At the daily ding-dong school of apostasy…

On Gospel Text forbidding Adultery, Francis denounces “Casuistry”

To ensure that no word of Jesus Christ will ever go understood correctly again, “Pope” Francis has been on an unrelenting diabolical mission of twisting Scriptural texts as they come up each day in the Novus Ordo lectionary. Since his installation in 2013, the Casa Santa Marta’s most obnoxious squatter has been distorting biblical passages on a daily basis to advance his very own personal “gospel”, one in which we hear an awful lot about this world, especially the poor and the suffering, but next to nothing about the importance of the afterlife, the soul, grace, justification, faith, the rights and dignity of God, etc.… READ MORE

The show must go on!

Gigantic Statue of “Pope” Francis comes to Ciudad Juarez, Mexico

One year ago today, “Pope” Francis visited the city of Ciudad Juarez, Mexico, which is situated directly at the border with the United States, right across from the American city of El Paso, Texas. Ciudad Juarez is an embattled city and plays a central role in the ongoing Mexican drug war. In 2010, the Juarez murder rate exceeded 3,500 people.

As part of his trip to Mexico in February 2016, the “Pope” visited Juarez, meeting there with prisoners, performing a Novus Ordo worship service, and holding a farewell ceremony at the international airport.… READ MORE

“I can’t believe it’s not Catholic!”

Francis stands up for the Rights of Tradition!
Pagan Tradition, of course!

Original caption: “Pope Francis met with a group representing indigenous peoples on February 15, 2017 at the Vatican, speaking to them about the need to ‘reconcile the right to development, both social and cultural, with the protection of the particular characteristics of indigenous peoples and their territories’. The representatives are participating in the Indigenous Peoples’ Forum hosted in Rome by the UN’s International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). The biennial meeting aims to promote greater economic empowerment of indigenous peoples.” Photo by Sipa USA (Sipa via AP Images)

No matter what happens in or around the city of Rome, you can bet your bottom dollar that Francis has something to say about it — unless it happens to be the 100th anniversary of the death of Pope Saint Pius X, or a set of dubia exposing his heretical claptrap is given him — then he mysteriously discovers the beauty of silence.… READ MORE

Mayhem at full throttle…

Francis’ Raging Mess:
On Recent Vatican News & Rumors


The Vatican today is a complete mess. Not that that’s anything new, but it’s probably never been worse than it is now. It has been well over 3 years now that Francis first told people at World Youth Day 2013 to “make a mess”, and he’s been leading by splendid example.

Ten days ago we reported on the anti-Francis posters that had mysteriously popped up on Saturday morning in Rome. This rather unusual way of criticizing the pretend-Pontifex did not end there, however. In fact, it was perhaps just the beginning: A few days ago a spoofed cover of the official Vatican newspaper Osservatore Romano made the rounds (see image below).… READ MORE

Once more, Chaos Frank brings down the house!

Francis does it again:

New Chaos Q&A slams “Restorationists”, “Pelagians”, “Triumphalism”, Black-and-White Logic, Penance! Lauds edifying Criticism, recommends “Couldn’t-Care-Less Attitude”!

[UPDATE 09-FEB-17 18:27 UTC: Added/expanded commentary at end of post]

Whoever thought that we might get a break hearing from Francis for a day or two, is being proven wrong again today.

In the Feb. 9, 2017 edition of the Italian Corriere della Sera, Francis’ ideological twin, “Fr.” Antonio Spadaro, S.J., published today a long transcript of a question-and-answer session the “Pope” held on November 25, 2016, as part of a meeting with the superiors general of 140 male religious orders and congregations.… READ MORE

What difference, at this point, does it make?

First-Ever Anglican Liturgy comes to St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican


[UPDATE 08-FEB-17 15:10 UTC: La Stampa confirms Anglican liturgy will take place at St. Peter’s]

Breaking news from the Anglican Centre in Rome: On March 13, 2017, the Vatican will permit its Anglican friends to celebrate a “Choral Evensong” at St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican. The Centre‘s web site has announced the event as follows:

On March 13, for the first time ever, Anglican Choral Evensong will be celebrated at the altar of the Chair of St Peter in St Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican.