Now being published in English!

Endorsed by Pope Pius X:
The Anti-Christian Conspiracy (1910)
by Mgr. Henri Delassus

Monsignor Henri Delassus (1836-1921) was an esteemed French Catholic priest, author, and editor. Pope St. Pius X conferred on him the title of ‘Monsignor’, making him a Domestic Prelate in 1904 and a Protonotary Apostolic in 1911. More information here:

In 1910, Msgr. Delassus published a monumental 3-volume work entitled La Conjuration Antichrétienne, which translates as The Anti-Christian Conspiracy.… READ MORE

In case you’ve been ‘wondering’…

Signs and Wonders: Answering the ‘Sedevacantism Has No Miracles’ Objection

Occasionally, people who are looking for the true Catholic position in our times will say that they choose not to embrace Sedevacantism because there are no miracles associated with it that would testify to its truth.

This objection is somewhat odd because it apparently supposes that Sedevacantism is a new religion that must back up its claims with miracles in order to establish its own credibility. In reality, however, it is quite the reverse: the Vatican II religion is the new religion, whereas Sedevacantism is simply the result of applying the known perennial Catholic truth to the bizarre circumstances of our present time.… READ MORE

Bishops Bede Nkamuke, Charles McGuire, and Pio Espina

Three Interviews with Three New Sedevacantist Bishops

Real Roman Catholic episcopal consecrations are somewhat rare of an occurrence, but they do happen on occasion. In the last few years, we have had more of them than usual.

On Sep. 29, 2021, Bp. Daniel Dolan consecrated Bp. Rodrigo da Silva for Latin America (video here), who in turn, after Bp. Dolan’s sudden death on Apr. 26, 2022, consecrated Bp. Charles McGuire to succeed Bp. Dolan on May 18, 2022 (video).

On Nov. 30, 2022, Bp. Donald Sanborn consecrated Bp. Germán Fliess to have a bishop who will engage in overseas travel as needed (video).… READ MORE

Bp. Sanborn dismantles Bergoglio’s false theology…

Episode 48

Rigidity as Perversion, Never Revoked, and Lutheran Justification

Listen on demand at any time — free!

Great news, everyone: FRANCIS WATCH is back!

In the first Francis Watch episode in nearly two years (the last one was on Traditionis Custodes, HERE), Bishop Donald Sanborn comments on various shocking comments made by Jorge Bergoglio (‘Pope Francis’) during that time.

For over an hour, host Stephen Heiner of True Restoration presents various official and unofficial statements made by the Argentinian Modernist who falsely claims to be the Pope of the Catholic Church.… READ MORE

Erroneous ideas and their consequences…

Modern Errors and their Causes:
Bp. Sanborn traces and refutes False Ideas of our Time

The sedevacantist Bishop Donald J. Sanborn is rector of Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Reading, Pennsylvania. For Easter this year, His Excellency visited the United Kingdom and gave a conference in South Kilworth, England, on Easter Sunday.

A video of this conference has now been released to the public by True Restoration. You can find it embedded below or watch it on YouTube here.

Beginning with the breakdown of the middle ages in the 14th century and ending in the present day, His Excellency traces, explains, and refutes some of the most egregious philosophical and theological errors, as well as their root causes and their consequences.… READ MORE

Airtight & extremely compelling…

The Logic of Sedevacantism

Bp. Donald Sanborn disproves Recognize-and-Resist

If video won’t play, CLICK HERE to watch on YouTube

On Dec. 21, 2013, His Excellency Bp. Donald Sanborn of Most Holy Trinity Seminary (now in Reading, PA), gave an airtight presentation of the case for Sedevacantism, demonstrating with impeccable logic that the religion taught, practiced, and imposed by the apparent authorities in the Vatican is not the Roman Catholic religion founded by our Lord Jesus Christ and represented by all true Popes up until Pius XII (d. 1958).

Using easy-to-follow argumentation, Bp. Sanborn shows that Catholic principles applied to the doctrines of the Second Vatican Council (1962-65) and the post-conciliar magisterium require us to conclude that the church of Vatican II is essentially different from the Catholic Church before the council, that is, the Church of Pope Pius XII and his predecessors. … READ MORE

Four video lectures on recent Church history…

The History of Christendom:
From the French Revolution to ‘Pope’ Francis (1789-Present)

The Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn explains the history of the Catholic Church

Long-time readers of this blog may remember that years ago we presented, courtesy of True Restoration, a video lecture series on the history of Christendom with Bishop Donald Sanborn. Beginning with the Edict of Milan in the early 4th century, which legalized Christianity throughout the Roman Empire, Bp. Sanborn traced the history of the Catholic Church all the way up to, but not including, the French Revolution.… READ MORE

Announcement made by Bp. Sanborn

A New Sedevacantist Bishop:

Fr. Germán Fliess to be consecrated Bishop in November

The August 2022 newsletter of Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Florida and Pennsylvania contains an announcement for an episcopal consecration. The Most Rev. Donald Sanborn will consecrate Fr. German Fliess a bishop on Nov. 30, 2022.

The following is the announcement published by Bp. Sanborn:

This month we are pleased to announce the upcoming episcopal consecration of Father Germán Fliess, scheduled for November 30th of this year, in Brooksville, Florida.

We have decided upon this consecration in order to make sure that the Roman Catholic Institute, its seminarians and its faithful, never be deprived of the services of a bishop, particularly in what pertains to the continuation of valid sacerdotal and episcopal orders.


From the Vatican II religion to Catholicism…

From Novus Ordo Presbyter to Roman Catholic Priest:
An Interview with Father Michael DeSaye

Few things could be more difficult than for a Novus Ordo priest to realize that, despite his sincere love of God and genuine piety, the religion to which he has been unwittingly adhering all his life is not in fact the Roman Catholic religion of time immemorial but a counterfeit concocted in the 20th century.

Probably the only thing more distressing still is the realization that, through no fault of his own, his ordination to the priesthood was most probably invalid, meaning he has never in his life offered a valid Mass nor granted a single valid absolution.… READ MORE

Why some Catholics hold to the ‘Material-Formal Thesis’…

Apostolic Succession after Pope Pius XII:
Where is the Catholic Hierarchy?

In recent weeks there has been a considerable amount of online controversy among sedevacantists about the so-called “Material/Formal Theory” regarding the status of the Novus Ordo hierarchy, especially its so-called “popes”. Some cling adamantly to this thesis because they believe it to be significantly helpful or even essential to a proper understanding of the situation in the Catholic Church today, whereas others repudiate it because they judge it to be misleading or even a danger to the Faith. There are also those “in the middle” who do or don’t subscribe to the thesis but simply consider it a possible theological option, one that it would not be prudent to spend much time fighting over.… READ MORE

End your cognitive dissonance!

Canceling Francis:
15 Videos on Why You Should Be a Sedevacantist

Dear traditionalists in the Vatican II Church: Francis has canceled you. Isn’t it time you canceled him?

For year’s end, we want to provide a convenient post that lists 15 of the most important and most compelling videos we have promoted on this web site over the years that make the case for Sedevacantism in one way or another. Some are long, some are short; some are more riveting, others more dry — but all of them are well worth your time.

Here they are, in no particular order:

The Papacy and Sedevacantism: Have the Gates of Hell prevailed?


When Catholics disagree with each other…

The Vaccine Controversy:
A Presentation of Two Sides

We live in times that are evil, bizarre, and confusing. Few people reading this blog will dispute this. What makes matters incredibly more difficult is not having a Pope to provide authoritative guidance, especially for issues that affect every single Catholic in one way or another. The decades-long state of sede vacante in the Church is a tremendous cross for Catholics to bear.

As many of our readers may know — and many may not — is that a disagreement has recently become public between two sedevacantist bishops, His Excellencies Daniel Dolan and Donald Sanborn, with regard to the so-called vaccines for COVID-19 (commonly called “Coronavirus”).… READ MORE

A refutation of Carol Meyer…

God’s Mercy and the Eternity of Hell:
Reply to a genuine Heretic

Question: Would a good God condemn anyone to hell? Short answer: Yes, He would.

On Feb. 3, 2011, a writer by the name of Carol Meyer published a blog post on the “EarthBeat” section of the grossly misnamed National Catholic Reporter. It is a 570-word screed entitled “Debunking the Myth of Hell”.

Needless to say, in her brief post attacking the Catholic dogma of eternal punishment for those who die in mortal sin, Mrs. Meyer does no actual debunking whatsoever, she merely affirms vociferously that she does not believe what God has revealed because she doesn’t see how it could be true.… READ MORE

Sedevacantist resources on ‘Traditionis Custodes’

Free Transcript: Bp. Donald Sanborn analyzes Traditionis Custodes – PLUS: More Resources

On July 24, 2021, the folks at True Restoration released a phenomenal podcast episode of their popular FRANCIS WATCH program. It was a special episode (no. 47) dedicated to the decree Traditionis Custodes the false pope had just released, in which he essentially phases out, however gradually, the use of the 1962 Roncalli Missal (the “Traditional Latin Mass”, for all intents and purposes) in the Vatican II Church.

In the podcast, host Matthew Gaskins interviews Bishop Donald Sanborn, rector of the sedevacantist Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, Florida, regarding the historical and theological claims made in Traditionis Custodes.… READ MORE

Bp. Sanborn analyzes Bergoglio’s Latin Mass decree…

Episode 47

Francis’ Motu Proprio Traditionis Custodes

Listen on demand at any time — free!

Great news!

The popular podcast program FRANCIS WATCH has returned with a special edition dedicated to the release of Traditionis Custodes, the “Apostolic Letter” with which Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) severely restricts and gradually phases out the Traditional Latin Mass, or more specifially, the use of the Roman Missal of 1962 and before.

Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to sponsor this important episode, in which host Matthew Gaskin of True Restoration analyses with his distinguished guest, Bp.READ MORE