Radio Interview with Bp. Sanborn

Williamson Watch:
More Commentary on the “New Mass” Fiasco

Bp. Richard Williamson

Once more we return to the controversy surrounding Bishop Richard Williamson for remarks he made on June 28 of this year about the licitness of attending the “New Mass” of Paul VI (aka Novus Ordo Missae) in certain exceptional circumstances. Because of the seriousness of the question and the standing Bp. Williamson enjoys among people who consider themselves uncompromising, militant traditional Catholics, more commentary on the matter is fitting.

Formerly with the Society of St. Pius X (until his dismissal in 2012) and now a “wandering” cleric, Bp.… READ MORE

Williamson spouts Protestant ideas…

Christ or Belial?
Bp. Sanborn refutes Bp. Williamson on the “New Mass”

Just recently we took Bp. Richard Williamson to task for his ludicrous argumentation that the “New Mass” of the Vatican II Sect can licitly be attended by Catholics under certain restrictive circumstances. As we demonstrated in our post and video, the former SSPX bishop’s argumentation was lacking in consistency and, most of all, in traditional Catholic theological principles. Williamson based his entire argumentation on the Modernist, Subjectivist, and Protestant idea that licit attendance at Holy Mass is determined by what it does for the believer, rather than whether it is the true worship of God by the Catholic Church.… READ MORE

Know the past to understand the present…

Why we are where we are today:
Bp. Sanborn explains the History of Christendom

Most Rev. Donald J. Sanborn

This past Friday, June 26, 2015, the Supreme Court of the United States of America (SCOTUS) handed down its decision in the case Obergefell v. Hodges, in which five of the nine judges “decided” that states do not have the right to refuse to issue marriage licenses to “couples” of the same sex. In other words, this Supreme Court decision “legalized” and imposed the unnatural aberration known as “gay marriage” in all 50 states.… READ MORE

New Book now available…

The Anti-Modernist Reader: 
Studies on the New Religion of Vatican II


Volume 1: The Papacy

Edited by Rev. Anthony Cekada

The Anti-Modernist Reader is a multi-volume anthology of articles written by several sedevacantist clerics since the 1990s, many of which have been published at The essays are arranged topically, with each volume being dedicated to a particular topic. This first volume, now published, deals with the divinely-established office of the papacy. Future volumes will include material on the Holy Mass, on the Sacraments, on Sedevacantism, and more.

To give you an introduction to this series and provide some of the background of how the idea for this anthology came about, our friends at Restoration Radio have put together a short broadcast, free of charge, discussing The Anti-Modernist Reader with its editor and co-author: CLICK HERE TO LISTEN.… READ MORE

Bp. Sanborn dismantles Jorge Bergoglio

Countering Francis’ Heresy against the Most Holy Trinity

On October 9 of this year, the incredible headline made the rounds: “Pope Says ‘God Does Not Exist’!” (See our blog post discussing this here.)

No, it wasn’t satire published by The Onion. It wasn’t a misquote. It wasn’t even taken out of context. It was simply what Francis had said — the only falsehood in the headline being that Francis isn’t actually the Pope, though over 1 billion “Catholics” believe him to be.

So, are we saying that Francis was teaching atheism by saying, “God does not exist”?… READ MORE

How’s it been working out?

A Failed Strategy:
“Resisting from Within” the Novus Ordo Church

by Bp. Donald J. Sanborn

[Taken from In Veritate Blog]

…Now that fifty years have transpired since Vatican II, can we really say that the movement from within has succeeded? After a half a century of resisting from within, has the tidal wave of Vatican II receded? Has the Catholic faith become stronger in the souls of baptized Catholics? As we look around at the vineyard of the Church, is it flourishing with deep faith and obedience to the commandments of God? Are the sheep of Christ in good hands?


Powerful & incisive…

The Catholic Church and the “Conciliar” Church: Two Churches in One?

Bp. Donald Sanborn dismantles a Linchpin Doctrine of Recognize-and-Resist Theology

In his June 2014 newsletter, Bp. Donald Sanborn, rector of the sedevacantist Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, Florida, provides an insightful perspective on the ontological status of what we like to call the “Novus Ordo Sect”, “Vatican II Church” or “Conciliar Church” and the panacean role this concept, in modified form, plays in the ever-convenient but thoroughly erroneous “recognize-and-resist” position, which acknowledges Francis as Pope but rejects his teachings, disciplines, and canonizations. The recognize-and-resisters effectively believe that there are two churches in one — the true one and a false one — and it is their task to figure out when the true Church is speaking and when the false one rears its ugly head.… READ MORE

Airtight & Extremely Compelling…

The Syllogism of Sedevacantism

A Conference with Bp. Donald Sanborn
(presented on Dec. 21, 2013 in London, England)

If video won’t play, CLICK HERE to watch on YouTube

In this powerful 110-minute talk, His Excellency Bp. Donald Sanborn of Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, Florida, gives an airtight presentation of the case for Sedevacantism, demonstrating with impeccable logic that the religion taught, practiced, and imposed by the Novus Ordo Church in the Vatican is not the Roman Catholic religion founded by our Lord Jesus Christ and represented by all true Popes up until Pius XII (d.… READ MORE

True and false shepherds

Is Sedevacantism “Pope-Sifting”?

Pope or Nope?

Bp. Donald Sanborn replies to a Common Objection

[from Bp. Sanborn’s In Veritate Blog]


An objection has been made to my recent response to Bishop Williamson. It is an objection frequently made against sedevacantists. It objects that sedevacantists cannot criticize the SSPX for sifting the magisterium, since they themselves are sifting popes. By finding a discrepancy between pre-Vatican II magisterium and post-Vatican II magisterium, sedevacantists merely depose popes whom they find wanting in orthodoxy. But they have no authority to do so. So while sedevacantists object to “magisterium-sifting,” they themselves are involved in “pope-sifting,” which is the same thing.


Who’s anxious now?

Bp. Sanborn refutes Bp. Williamson


Bp. Donald Sanborn takes to task Bp. Richard Williamson’s Arguments against Sedevacantism in his Eleison Comments #343 and #344

Bp. Donald Sanborn, rector of the sedevacantist Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, Florida, refutes the anti-sedevacantist arguments made by Bp. Richard Williamson in his recent Eleison Comments nos. 343 and 344, on the Catholic Church’s infallibility.

The powerful and devastating rebuttal, to which Bp. Williamson is welcome to respond, is available as an 8-page PDF file for free download below:

For those who may object that Sedevacantism is simply “Pope-Sifting”, Bp.… READ MORE

The wait is over…

The Ecclesiology Debate:
Did Vatican II Teach Heresy?


Bp. Donald Sanborn vs. Dr. Robert Fastiggi

Now Available for Viewing

On July 19, 2004, Bp. Donald Sanborn (sedevacantist) and Dr. Robert Fastiggi (Novus Ordo) had a formal debate on the ecclesiology of the Second Vatican Council; that is, on the council’s teaching about the nature of the Catholic Church. For the first time ever, the recording of this explosive disputation is now being made available to the public.

Resolved: The teaching of the Second Vatican Council and the Post-Conciliar Church about the Nature of the Catholic Church is HERETICAL. … READ MORE

The Apostasy of Jorge Bergoglio…

“No Catholic God”?
Dissecting the Francis-Scalfari Interview

Listen On Demand any time:


Another week, another ridiculous Bergoglio interview to dissect. Host Justin Soeder speaks with Bp. Donald Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada to analyze and discuss the interview “Pope” Francis gave to former Catholic (now atheist) Eugenio Scalfari, which was published on October 1, 2013.

This 2-hour broadcast of the Restoration Radio Network is another very informative episode full of hard-hitting, no-nonsense Roman Catholic truth. Listen and see just how un-Catholic Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) really is and how damaging to souls his errors are.… READ MORE

Restoration Radio Presents:


The New Springtime of Francis
Dissecting the ‘Chaos’ Interview

Listen on Demand any time:


On September 19, 2013, the Italian Jesuit publication La Civiltà Cattolica published a blockbuster interview conducted with “Pope” Francis by the Rev. Antonio Spadaro, S.J. It was vetted by Francis before publication and then translated from the Italian into various other languages and disseminated across the globe. The Modernist tripe spouted by Francis was so outlandish that it sent shockwaves throughout the Vatican II Church and had even many “conservative” Novus Ordo commentators and spin doctors scratching their heads.

In this two-and-a-half-hour radio broadcast, sedevacantist Roman Catholic Bishop Donald Sanborn and Father Anthony Cekada join host Stephen Heiner to analyze, discuss, and provide insightful Catholic commentary on the infamous interview, pointing out and refuting the Modernist heresies and other errors of Jorge Bergoglio, “Pope” Francis.


Straight Talk on Vatican II

The Modernist Errors of
the Second Vatican Council

Sermon Series by Bp. Donald Sanborn

The false pope Paul VI during Vatican II (1962-65)

Restoration Radio has launched a new radio program called “From the Pulpit”, in which are presented some of the finest sermons and conferences by traditional Catholic clergymen, specifically on the errors of the Novus Ordo Religion and the truth of the Catholic Faith.

The first five shows present a series of sermons given many years ago by Bp. Donald Sanborn on the modernism of Vatican II. Delivered in his incredibly powerful style, Sanborn’s presentation of the errors of the council and the new religion it engendered is refreshingly clear and easy to follow.… READ MORE

Listen on demand any time…

Restoration Radio Presents:

The False Canonizations of the Vatican II Church:
Is John Paul II a Catholic Saint?

John Paul II kisses the Koran on May 14, 1999

Listen on Demand any time:

Roman Catholic Bp. Donald Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada join hosts Nicholas Wansbutter and Stephen Heiner to discuss the announced “canonization” of John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla). In this episode they discuss:

  • Traditional Catholic definition of “saint”
  • The infallibility of decrees of canonization
  • The case of John Paul II (1978-2005)

See Also:

Image source: Associated Press (L’Osservatore Romano)
License: Rights Managed (Paid)