He’s baack!

January 2017 “Pope Video”:
Ecumenism for a Better World

In the era of “Pope” Francis, each new month brings with it a new “Pope Video” announcing Mr. Bergoglio’s prayer intention of the month for the world. Francis started this custom with a bombshell a year ago, when his first “Pope Video” brazenly promoted Indifferentism, effectively blending Buddhism, Talmudic Judaism, Islam, and “Christianity” into an essentially single religion. In case you need a refresher, here is our post ripping it to shreds:

This month, Francis has released a video promoting Ecumenism to aid humanity in need:

Once more, Francis puts the focus on alleviating pain and suffering in this life.… READ MORE

Our series continues…

An Introduction to Sedevacantism

Part II: Vatican II’s Teaching on False Religions as Means of Salvation

Last August, we began a video series introducing newcomers to Sedevacantism in a way that is easy to follow, provides airtight argumentation, and does not overwhelm.

The first part of the series put before the viewer the Second Vatican Council’s new doctrine on the Church (ecclesiology), according to which the Church of Jesus Christ no longer is the Catholic Church, as taught by Pope Pius XII and all of his predecessors, but instead now “subsists in” it. Those who have not yet seen this first part or would like to view it again, may do so at this link:

Today we are releasing our second part in the series, which focuses on Vatican II’s heretical teaching that God uses false religions as means of salvation.… READ MORE

Things are heating up…

“Cardinal” Burke: Francis Not in Heresy, but Heretical Pope would Lose Office automatically

Embed from Getty Images

The Amoris Laetitia controversy is far from over. If anything, it’s entering now into its hottest phase yet.

American “Cardinal” Raymond Burke has recently given some interviews on the dubia and their non-response by “Pope” Francis and explained what is to happen next if the dubia remain unanswered. Previously Burke had already threatened a “formal act of correction” against Francis, but without giving details or a timeline. Now Burke has upped the ante.

On December 15, 2016, EWTN’s Raymond Arroyo interviewed the Novus Ordo cardinal on his nightly news program, The World Over.… READ MORE

TIA’s smear job continues…

Pope Pius IX and Freemasonry:
A Second Rebuttal to Tradition in Action

On November 3, 2016, we published a hard-hitting response to a post by Tradition in Action that sought to implicate Pope Pius IX in Freemasonry. Under the cover of offering a “contribution to the historical-theological-canonical debate”, Tradition in Action (TIA) published as “evidence” the claims of Freemasons (!) that before ascending to the Papacy, Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti (the future Pius IX) had been a member of the Lodge. We rebutted the outrageous accusation here:

This calumny against Pope Pius IX is not new and apparently only emerged, as our refutation shows, as an act of simple revenge against the Pope after he had issued a blistering condemnation of Masonry in September of 1865.… READ MORE

Don’t mess with Francis!

Dean of Roman Rota: “Four Cardinals who have written to Pope could lose their Cardinalate”

Embed from Getty Images

[UPDATE: “Mgr.” Pinto says he was misquoted, Religion Confidencial issues retraction]

We all know that Francis is the champion of dialogue and encounter, but when “Cardinals” Burke, Brandmuller, Meisner, and Caffarra recently did nothing more than ask five very specific questions on a very important theological matter they wanted clarification on, the ever-so-humble Argentinian bridge builder decided to put up a wall: In a defeaning silence, he simply refused to answer.… READ MORE

Justifying a false pope at the expense of a true one…

A Response to “Bishop” Athanasius Schneider’s Claims against Pope Liberius


With the recent kerfuffle about the five dubia submitted by “Cardinals” Caffarra, Burke, Meisner, and Brandmuller, it was just a matter of time before we were going to hear from Mr. Athanasius Schneider, the auxiliary “bishop” of the Novus Ordo Archdiocese of Saint Mary in Astana, Kazakhstan. Schneider is about as far right in the Novus Ordo spectrum one can be while still being considered in full communion with the Modernist-in-Chief in Vatican City.

In a new interview published at the Rorate Caeli blog, Schneider has come to the defense of the four “cardinals” mentioned above, whose dubia (“doubts”, or formal requests for clarification) have forced Francis into a corner from which he will not be able to escape because they do not allow for anything but a clear and straightforward answer, something Francis has been deliberately refusing to give in public (but not in private!READ MORE

First in a series of falling dominoes?

Louie Verrecchio has had enough:
“Francis is an Antipope”

Deo gratias! Another Semi-Traditionalist has finally had enough and publicly confessed the truth that is plain for all to see who are courageous enough to look: Francis is not the Pope of the Catholic Church. Mr. Louie Verrecchio, formerly a star pundit of the conservative wing of the Novus Ordo Sect who came to embrace a recognize-but-resist type of traditionalism, has just made the following declaration on his blog, AKA Catholic: “Francis has judged himself a formal heretic. He is, therefore, an antipope” (source).… READ MORE

Hey, at least they’re trying…

Vatican Theologians reportedly studying what to do about a Heretical Pope

The fireworks just keep on coming. As the reliable Vaticanist Giuseppe Nardi reports today, a 1975 theological study by the learned Brazilian layman Arnaldo Vidigal Xavier da Silveira is currently making the rounds in the Vatican, and it’s not just any study: It’s a study on whether it is possible for a Pope to be or become a heretic, and if so, what consequences would follow from this.

What might possibly have given occasion for Vatican theologians to occupy themselves with such abstruse thoughts? Have they all gone into studying abstract hypotheses for the sake of sharpening their intellects?… READ MORE

Semi-Trads hit new low…

Outrageous! Tradition in Action uses Masonic Source to implicate Pope Pius IX in Freemasonry

The web site Tradition in Action (TIA) is, for the most part, a pretty good resource exposing and refuting the errors of the Vatican II Sect. However, the editors of TIA are dyed-in-the-wool semi-traditionalists, that is, they oppose Sedevacantism and stubbornly adhere to the recognize-and-resist position instead, meaning they recognize Francis as Pope but also resist him because they realize he is an apostate who is trying to destroy Catholicism.

Thus, whenever TIA’s editors tackle anything related to the issue of Sedevacantism, all Catholicism goes out the window — and they end up spouting grave errors and scandalize their readers.… READ MORE

12: True vs. False Mercy

yoc-12As Francis’ fake Year of Mercy is drawing to a close, so is our Year of Exclusion, Judgment, and Condemnation, which is being observed in direct contrast to the former. As with all other posts in this series, so too this twelfth installment will focus on some forgotten truth of the holy Catholic Faith that is considered by our sorry society to be extremely judgmental, exclusionary, negative, hateful, bigoted, intolerant, condemnatory, unwelcoming, dogmatic, narrow-minded, and everything else that oh-so-enlightened modern man despises and detests.

Today’s post puts the focus on God’s true mercy, as opposed to the false “mercy” that “Pope” Francis drones on and on about, a “mercy” that is allegedly given to anyone who asks “with a sincere heart”, no further questions asked or conditions required.… READ MORE

Jumping through Hoopes…

Pathetic Damage Control Effort:


New Book aims to clarify “What Pope Francis Really Said”

We predicted it early on, and it didn’t require a special gift of prophecy: Before long there was bound to be a big Novus Ordo book or media presentation about “What Francis Really Said/Meant”. It took them roughly 3 years, but now it’s finally coming to pass: On October 21, 2016, Servant Books will release a book entitled What Pope Francis Really Said, authored by National Catholic Register columnist Tom Hoopes.

The book comes with raving reviews by some of the usual Novus Ordo cheerleaders, such as Dwight Longenecker, Raymond Arroyo, and Elizabeth Scalia.… READ MORE

We Had Been Warned:

Father E. Sylvester Berry on the Persecution of the Church in the Last Days (Part 2): A False Church to imitate the True Church

sylvester-berry-church-of-christThe terrible afflictions Holy Mother Church has had to endure since the death of Pope Pius XII have been predicted and prophesied in Catholic Tradition, in one way or another. In Part 1 of this series of posts, we looked at Fr. E. Sylvester Berry’s explanation of Chapter 12 of the Apocalypse and how it is a prophecy of Satan’s persecution of the Papacy; in this current post we will look at what the same Fr.… READ MORE

When petitions just don’t cut it…

“We accuse Pope Francis”: Semi-Traditionalist Trio publishes Book of Accusation against Jorge Bergoglio

Michael Matt, Christopher Ferrara, and John Vennari have had enough. After three-and-a-half-years of open apostasy by Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”), the semi-traditionalist newspaper trio have decided to upgrade their resistance from merely providing critical commentary and launching petitions, to issuing a Liber Accusationis (“Book of Accusation”) against the man they believe is the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth. The charge in a nutshell: He just ain’t a Catholic. (This is something we actually pointed out from the very beginning, while Matt and Ferrara were still trying to spin Francis into a Catholic, but okay.)… READ MORE

The gospel of man, continued…

“Man at the Center”:
September 2016 “Pope Video” Fails to Surprise

Screenshot from September 2016 “Pope Video”

It’s time again for the monthly Bergoglian prayer intention video that the Novus Ordo Sect markets as “The Pope Video”.

After August’s attempt to obtain world peace through contention in sports (which we covered here), the September 2016 intention is: “That each may contribute to the common good and to the building of a society that places the human person at the center” (source).

The video, which is only 1:22 in length, can be viewed here:

Not surprisingly, Francis once again promotes the false gospel of man, as he has been doing for decades.… READ MORE

Seeking peace in all the wrong ways…

Tear down this Wall! —
August “Pope Video” seeks Peace through Sports


Actual screenshot from August 2016 “Pope Video”

It’s time again for the monthly Bergoglian prayer intention video that the Novus Ordo Sect markets as “The Pope Video”.

After July’s intention for the rights of indigenous peoples (except the indigenous of Europe, of course), the August 2016 intention is: “That sports may be an opportunity for friendly encounters between peoples and may contribute to peace in the world” (source).

The video, which is only 1:29 in length, can be viewed here:

Perhaps Francis hasn’t noticed yet, but because of fallen human nature, unassisted by divine grace, being what it is, sports in particular can lead to great conflict, contention, disagreement, and even mortal violence.