020 TRADCAST (31 DEC 2017)


  • Segment 1: The scandalous Vatican Nativity scene; news highlights of 2017 in review; Sedevacantism and evidence; how to respond to the argument that God gave us Francis as Pope because we deserve someone like him; “Saint” Paul VI and the infallibility of canonizations, with a response to Christopher Ferrara
  • Segment 2: “Pope” Francis on why we have to go to Mass; critical comments on Louie Verrecchio’s interview on Catholic Kulchur‘s “Saturday Night Trad” podcast on trusting the Church and the Popes; critical comments on John Joy’s essay “Authentic Magisterium and Religious Submission” at One Peter Five on the binding nature of the non-infallible papal Magisterium
  • Total run time: 1 hr 1 min

You can listen to the show by clicking the big play button in the embedded player above.… READ MORE

Glad tidings of great joy look different…

The Frankie Horror Picture Show:
A Look at the Vatican’s harrowing Nativity Scene

[UPDATE 26-DEC-17: Baby Jesus in St. Peter’s Square Nativity scene is nude, not wrapped in swaddling clothes]

Repulsive, bizarre, frightening. These are adjectives one should not associate with the most beautiful event in history (together with Christ’s Passion and Resurrection), but the Vatican under “Pope” Francis entices people to do exactly that.

On December 7, Vatican City solemnly inaugurated its Christmas tree and Nativity scene at St. Peter’s Square. The video of the entire ceremony can be watched here:

The Nativity display does not, as one would expect, immediately draw one to contemplating the beautiful mystery of the Incarnation of God the Son.… READ MORE

News Digest December 17, 2017

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
December 17, 2017

For those who aren’t sick enough yet of rocking “nuns”…


Insights from a former Novus Ordo priest

An Inside Look at the New Church of Vatican II
by Fr. Michael Oswalt

As a former Novus Ordo priest, now a Catholic priest, Fr. Michael Oswalt is in a unique position that allows him to tell truly the inside story of the conciliar sect. This he did on Oct. 12, 2017, at the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen’s annual Fatima Conference in Spokane, Washington.

With the kind permission of Fr. Oswalt, we are making this audio available to you. The talk is entitled, “An Inside Look at the New Church of Vatican II”.… READ MORE

Clarification appears in ‘Acta Apostolicae Sedis’…

Novus Ordos in Shock as Francis declares Permissibility of Communion for Public Adulterers “Authentic Magisterium”

Analysis & Commentary

After more than 19 months of reports, analyses, arguments, interviews, rumors, conjectures, accusations, excuses, warnings, “corrections”, promises, allusions, and plenty of spin, the “doubts” about the correct interpretation of Francis’ “Apostolic” Exhortation Amoris Laetitia have now been officially put to rest: In a tacit move behind the scenes, Francis ordered that his Sep. 2016 endorsement of the interpretation offered by the Argentine “bishops” of the Buenos Aires region for their flock become a part of his (putative) “authentic Magisterium” and be included in the Acta Apostolicae Sedis, which is the official Vatican organ publishing papal texts and decisions. … READ MORE

Video, News, Transcripts, Commentary, Background

The Francis Show in Myanmar and Bangladesh:
His “Apostolic Journey” of Nov. 26-Dec. 2, 2017


It’s time again for Francis to embark on another public relations tour “Apostolic Journey”. This time, the destination is the Far East: The nations of Myanmar (aka Burma) and Bangladesh are being graced with the presence of the world’s Chief Apostate from Nov. 27 to Dec. 2.

This page contains all the main links you will need to stay informed about the false pope’s visit to the Far East. The local time in Myanmar is UTC+06:30. In Bangladesh, the local time is UTC+06:00.… READ MORE

John Daly destroys Semi-Trad Pioneer

The Errors of Michael Davies:
A Comprehensive Refutation

by John S. Daly

(1st ed. 1989, 2nd ed. 2015)


One of the most prominent and influential writers of the traditionalist movement in the Vatican II Church was the English writer Michael Treharne Davies (1936-2004), shown above with then-“Cardinal” Joseph Ratzinger. No individual has written more prolifically than Davies on traditionalist issues, and probably no single layman, with the possible exception of Dietrich von Hildebrand, has enjoyed wider prominence, credibility, and trustworthiness than him. But is this respect Mr. Davies has enjoyed really well-founded?… READ MORE

News Digest November 7, 2017

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
November 7, 2017

Why you’re not Novus Ordo anymore, reason no. 409


Requiescat in Pace

In Memory of the Last True Pope (so far)

Pope Pius XII
Mar 2, 1876 – Oct 9, 1958

October 9, 2017, marks the 59th anniversary of the death of the last known true Pope, His Holiness Pius XII, born Eugenio Pacelli, reigned 1939-1958. To honor and remember him, we are sharing the video below of a broadcast clip shown in 1958 at the passing of the Supreme Pontiff.

When Pius XII died, the Novus Ordo Religion was as yet unknown to the world, for it would not come into existence until later, beginning with the election during a bizarre conclave of the first Modernist Antipope, John XXIII (Angelo Roncalli).… READ MORE

News Digest September 30, 2017

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
September 30, 2017

“Electric Church”: Austria’s churches are being desecrated with the full approval of the Novus Ordo authorities…


Taking Amoris Laetitia to the next level…

“Bishop” Peter Kohlgraf:
“We need to work on our View of Sin”

Image: Olaf Kosinsky (kosinsky.eu) (cropped) via Wikimedia Commons
License: CC BY-SA 3.0-de

For over 30 years, the ancient German diocese of Mainz was occupied by the notorious Modernist “Cardinal” Karl Lehmann, a student of Karl Rahner and mentor of the heretical “Cardinal” Gerhard Ludwig Muller. When Lehmann reached the mandatory retirement age of 80 on May 16, 2016, it was clear that it would only be a matter of time before a successor would be chosen.

Almost a year later, on April 18, 2017, “Pope” Francis appointed “Fr.”… READ MORE

News Digest August 29, 2017

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
August 29, 2017

How NOT to sprinkle holy water…


After reversing 1000+ years of Catholic liturgy…

Francis and the “Irreversible” Novus Ordo Liturgy: A Commentary

This past Thursday, Aug. 24, “Pope” Francis raised not a few eyebrows when during a special audience for some Italian liturgical congress he suddenly invoked his supposed “magisterial authority” to declare “that the [Novus Ordo] liturgical reform is irreversible.”

We reported on this and included some initial reactions from the blogosphere in the following post:

It is now time to publish our own commentary on Francis’ musings about the Novus Ordo liturgical revolution.… READ MORE

Unlike Catholic moral norms, eh?

Francis declares “with Magisterial Authority” that Novus Ordo Liturgical Changes are “Irreversible”

Yesterday, Aug. 24, “Pope” Francis sent shockwaves throughout conservative and semi-traditionalist Novus Ordo Land as he declared “with magisterial authority that the [Novus Ordo] liturgical reform is irreversible”. Such are rather harsh and unmistakble words for someone who at other times — especially when it comes to irreversible moral norms given by God Himself — loves to speak ambiguously, use metaphors, and blast “rigid” black-and-white thinking under the guise of “mercy” and “compassion”.

At a special audience for participants in the 68th National Italian Liturgical Week, the Jesuit Antipope lauded the Modernist liturgical circus as the glorious fruit of a long process of reform begun roughly 100 years ago, while warning, of course, of “practices that disfigure it”.… READ MORE

Another trip, another logo…

A Soiled Cross: Official Logo for Francis’ Chile Trip released

Another trip, another logo: After releasing the official logo for “Pope” Francis’ trip to Peru earlier this month, the Vatican has now unveiled the logo and motto for Jorge Bergoglio’s trip to Chile. You can see it above (click the image for a larger view).

This time, we really can’t accuse the designers of not adding a big-enough cross. A cross is indeed plenty visible. How it is displayed, however, is another matter: The cross itself looks unappealing, and its contours are deliberately fuzzy.

Not enough, on the Cross itself is superimposed a map of the country of Chile, which has the effect of making the Cross appear soiled or stained.… READ MORE