Society of Judas…

Jesuit Novus Ordo Priest calls for Legalization of Abortion in Dominican Republic

There are only four sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance: murder, sodomy, oppression of the poor, and defrauding the laborer of his just wages. Abortion, being murder, is one of them. In fact, it is probably the most heinous and most unjust form of murder imaginable.

Yet this doesn’t bother “Fr.” Mario Serrano, a Jesuit Novus Ordo priest from the Dominican Republic. In a video he posted on his Twitter account on July 13, the “Catholic priest” declared his support for an upcoming women’s march to legalize abortion in his country, and he encouraged others to aid women in this cause for their “life, health, and dignity”, as the advertising flyer falsely called it:


Any similarities are pure coincidence…

Iceland’s New Temple to Norse Gods looks like Novus Ordo Church

Credit: Magnus Jensson

We have often mentioned that Novus Ordo churches look like pagan temples, and today we can report that pagan temples also look like Novus Ordo churches.

In February of 2015 it was announced that Iceland was getting ready to build its first temple to the country’s historic Pagan gods in more than 1,000 years. These plans are beginning to take on concrete shape now. As the Nordic edition of Business Insider reports, a new idolatrous temple is being erected on behalf of the Asatru Society (Hof Ásatrúarfélagsins) for the worship of Odin and Thor, two of the gods of Norse mythology.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 022 is here

Novus Ordo Watch for your ears…

TRADCAST 022 Now Available

Pictured left to right: Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer, Christopher Ferrara, “Fr.” Linus Clovis

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on July 5: We have just published another full-length episode of our popular TRADCAST podcast program. As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, and razor-sharp analysis. Our content is typically challenging but is always delivered with a relieving touch of humor.

TRADCAST 022 consists of two separate segments.… READ MORE

Succeeds Bp. Fellay effective immediately…

Society of St. Pius X elects Fr. Davide Pagliarani new Superior General

[UPDATE 11-JUL-18 23:20 UTC: Bp. de Galaretta and Fr. Bouchacourt elected first and second assistants to new superior Fr. Pagliarani — see updates below]

Today, July 11, 2018, the Lefebvrist Society of St. Pius X lected a new Superior General. It is Fr. Davide Pagliarani. The SSPX has released an official communiqué making this announcement:

Election of the Superior General

On July 11, 2018, Father Davide Pagliarani was elected Superior General, for a mandate of 12 years, by the 4th General Chapter of the Society of Saint Pius X.


Let Bergoglio be anathema!

Anathema Sit Bergoglio —
New Article by Miles Christi

Before our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ ascended into Heaven, He warned His disciples: “For there will rise up false Christs and false prophets, and they shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce (if it were possible) even the elect” (Mk 13:22). These words have arguably never been fulfilled more concretely than in the person of Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the man the world knows by his stage name of “Pope Francis”.

Miles Christi (“Soldier of Christ”) is a prolific Catholic writer whose work we have featured on this web site a number of times before.… READ MORE

Heretics for Peace…

Francis’ Ecumenical Show in Bari

Embed from Getty Images

Francis leads round-table conference inside St. Nicholas’ Basilica in Bari, Italy

Since Francis’ brilliant initiatives like playing soccer, banning all weapons, and planting trees while Muslims and Jews pray in the Vatican Gardens haven’t worked out, he’s now come up with yet another plan to obtain peace in the world: We’re talking about more ecumenical prayer and dialogue. Unlike the interreligious prayer for peace in Assisi, however, which included Pagans, Jews, atheists, and Mohammedans, in this latest endeavor at least all who participated claim to believe in the Holy Trinity.… READ MORE

We Had Been Warned:

Father E. Sylvester Berry on the Persecution of the Church in the Last Days (Part 3):

A False Pope and a Vacant Holy See

We cannot emphasize often enough that the terrible afflictions Holy Mother Church has had to endure since the death of Pope Pius XII were predicted and prophesied in Catholic Tradition, in one way or another. We have had numerous posts on this topic in the past, and today we would like to call to mind a particular prediction made by Fr. Elwood Sylvester Berry (1879-1954), professor of apologetics at Mt. Saint Mary’s seminary in Maryland, as part of his interpretation of Chapter 13 of the book of the Apocalypse (a.k.a.… READ MORE

The debate continues…

Novus Ordo vs. Sedevacantist Discussion, Part 2

The Catholic vs. podcast is a Novus Ordo podcast produced and hosted by David Mary Andrew Ross. The host, who is a convert to the Vatican II Church from atheism (2009), interviews guests who have a religious position different from his own. The format is informal and conversational, and the idea is to generate light rather than heat.

On Sep. 30, 2017, in an episode entitled Catholic vs. Catholic, the host interviewed sedevacantist Stephen Heiner, an episode we featured on this blog. The audio is still available and can be listened to here.… READ MORE

Argentine woman speaks out against Bergoglio…

Francis Accused of Involvement in Sex Abuse Cover-Up in Argentina in 2002

UPDATE 01-JUL-18 12:09 UTC: Links with additional information added (see end of post) 

On May 26, 2018, high-profile Vatican journalist Marco Tosatti posted on his blog an explosive story about Francis’ past in Buenos Aires that was removed again after publication without explanation.

Thankfully, a cached copy of the post is available online here. A Portuguese translation of the Italian text was published at Fratres in Unum, and the semi-trad web site Tradition in Action has made available an English report on the contents of the Tosatti post, with additional commentary.… READ MORE

June 30, 1988 – 2018

30 Years since the SSPX Episcopal Consecrations of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre

In 1988, June 30 was a Thursday. Liturgically, it was the Commemoration of St. Paul the Apostle. That day, all eyes were on a tiny settlement in the southwest of Switzerland by the name of Écône. At a press conference on June 15, the French archbishop Marcel Lefebvre (1905-1991) had announced that on the 30th of the month he was going to consecrate four bishops in Econe, even against the express prohibition of the man he acknowledged to be the Vicar of Jesus Christ, the Polish apostate Bp.… READ MORE

This is what they’re spending your money on…

For 17,000,000 Dollars:

“God’s Ski Jump” opens in Archdiocese of Munich

The Modernists have done it again. With the generous support of the Kirchensteuer (Germany’s quasi-mandatory church tax), the Novus Ordo Archdiocese of Munich and Freising has put together one heck of an expensive heap of junk they call “Blessed Rupert Mayer Catholic Church” in Poing, a small town near Munich. The final price tag ended up being a whopping 14.6 million Euros — approx. 17 million U.S. dollars — and the photo above gives a first hint as to what it got them.… READ MORE

Listen free to this informative podcast

Episode 35

Disasters, “Made That Way”, and the Irish Referendum

Listen on demand at any time — free!

It is time again for another episode: Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to sponsor for our readers and listeners — and anyone else who may be interested — the phenomenal podcast program Francis Watch, in which host Stephen Heiner of True Restoration analyses with his sedevacantist guests, Bishop Donald J. Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada, the latest chaos perpetrated by Jorge Bergoglio, otherwise known as “Pope Francis.”

In this episode no. 35, His Excellency and Father discuss:


The usual jazz…

Francis at the World Council of Churches:
Analysis & Commentary

Photo: Magnus Aronson/WCC

One really has to hand it to them. Although they always say essentially the same things, somehow the Modernists always manage to come up with some new buzzwords for the headlines.

Such was the case again today, June 21, when Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) traveled to Geneva, Switzerland, to participate in the 70th anniversary celebrations for the ecumenical World Council of Churches (WCC). If Francis had one catchphrase today, it was “new ecumenical spring.” More about that further on.

The three main events of Francis’ trip consisted of an ecumenical prayer service, an ecumenical meeting, and the Novus Ordo worship service (“Holy Mass”) at the end of the day.… READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
June 19, 2018

“Praise in Motion” Dance Ministry at St. Anthony of Padua “Catholic” Church…

Francis wants you to worship man as God: “Far from the disciples of Christ nourishing sentiments of contempt or pietism towards the poor, they are called to honour them, giving them precedence, out of the conviction that they are a real presence of Jesus in our midst.” See, the justification he gives for worshipping man is air-tight: man is God!

Francis promotes Naturalistic Believe-in-a-Better-World “Hope” as “First and Fundamental Human Right”… It was a given he wasn’t going to talk about the Catholic theological virtue of Hope, which is supernatural and necessary for salvation (cf.… READ MORE

No valid priests or bishops in 50 years…

Unholy Orders:
50 Years of Invalid Ordinations in the Novus Ordo Church

It was exactly 50 years ago today, on June 18, 1968, that the head of the Vatican II Sect — “Pope” Paul VI, Bp. Giovanni Battista Montini — signed an “apostolic constitution” to change the Roman Catholic rite of ordination. The changes he introduced touched not only some of the more peripheral ceremonies but the very substance of the sacrament itself. The very words which Pope Pius XII, in 1947, had definitively decreed were necessary for the validity of the sacrament of holy orders, were changed by Paul VI in such a way as to render the ordination of priests doubtful and the consecration of bishops definitely invalid (although even a doubtful rite, in any case, must be considered invalid in practice, per Catholic teaching).… READ MORE