Warning: You can’t un-see this!

The Novus Horror Church of St. Martin

The outside is just the beginning…

Fasten your seatbelts, everyone, it’s going to be a rough ride. Today we present to you St. Martinus “Catholic” church in the village of Erdmannhausen in Germany. St. Martin’s is situated in the infamous diocese of Rottenburg-Stuttgart, where Mr. Gebhard Fürst presides over the systematic destruction of the Faith. It belongs to the parish of the Holy Family in neighboring Marbach.

The above photo of the outside of the building gives you a foretaste of what’s inside. Below we have embedded a video and some screenshots that you are welcome to look at if you can stomach it.… READ MORE

A papal reality check…

A Conspiracy against the Catholic Church?

The True Popes Speak

When discussing the issue of Sedevacantism with Novus Ordos, it is not uncommon that someone will dismiss it on the grounds that it involves a “conspiracy”; and of course nothing is more absurd to contemporary man than giving credence to a position that differs from what most others hold to be the obvious truth.

Two thousand years ago, our Blessed Lord taught: “…the truth shall make you free” (Jn 8:32). People who love and seek the truth ought to be concerned about, not whether something involves a conspiracy, but whether it is true.… READ MORE

News Digest August 17, 2018

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
August 17, 2018

Blast from the Past: Liturgical Anarchy with “Cardinal” Jorge Bergoglio…

Deo Gratias! Brazilian congregation of religious abandons recognize-and-resist position to embrace Sedevacantism. On Aug. 12, they released a public declaration, available in English here.

A preview of the clerical vestments to be used at next week’s World Meeting of Families in Ireland can be enjoyed here. Don’t worry — it’s a “Celtic” symbol! The fact that the emblem in the middle basically spells 666 is pure coincidence…

New Italian government mulls requiring all public buildings to display a Crucifix.… READ MORE

It’s tough when your ‘Pope’ isn’t a Catholic…

Capital Chaos: Francis Adherents scramble to explain Catechism Change on Death Penalty (Part 1)

In his Letter to Priests for Holy Thursday of 1993, “Pope” John Paul II noted that the so-called Catechism of the Catholic Church he had just promulgated a few months earlier is directly linked with the Second Vatican Council: “The Catechism presents the ‘newness of the Council’, and at the same time situates it in the whole of Tradition” (source; italics removed). The Vatican II Modernists have always had success in driving their revolution forward by balancing their novelties with paying lipservice to Sacred Tradition, in continuity with which the new religion is claimed to stand.… READ MORE

Diocesan Sodom and Gomorrah…

Perversion meets Blasphemy:
Diocesan “Catholic Youth” win Gay Pride Award

Francis is a big fan of the youth, or so he likes to be thought of, at least when they’re not looking for the pre-Vatican II days. While the “Pope” is currently preparing to find out what the Lord is saying to his false church by listening to those who have the least knowledge of religion and the least experience of life, the world has just gotten a glimpse of what Novus Ordo youngsters have on their minds in the heart of Europe: Sodom and Gomorrah, with a vengeance.… READ MORE

Why you’re not Novus Ordo anymore, example no. 829

An Ode to Francis:
Irish Singer gushes over Bergoglio

Later this month, the man most people in the world believe to be the Pope of the Catholic Church will be traveling to Dublin, Ireland on the occasion of the World Meeting of Families congress that will be held there from Aug. 21-26. One attendee who will be particularly excited about his arrival on the Emerald Isle is Emily Clarke, an Irish singer who has written a veritable ode to Jorge Bergoglio.

A video of Clarke performing her song inside a very traditional-looking Novus Ordo church has been published on YouTube, and you can watch it here:

The overall performance is grotesque.… READ MORE

Conciliar Catechism chaos…

Bergoglio’s Lethal Injection:
Chaos ensues after Francis’ Death Penalty Update

Now that a few days have passed since Francis’ little aggiornamento to the so-called Catechism of the Catholic Church, it is time for a look at the chaos his move of declaring capital punishment to be contrary to the Gospel and human dignity, has caused in Novus Ordo Land.

The word “chaos” here is no exaggeration: The reactions to the amendment reflect the entire spectrum of those who profess themselves to be Roman Catholics and acknowledge the man’s claim to be Pope as valid, from ultra-liberal to hyper-traditionalist.… READ MORE

A Catholic injection lethal to Modernism…

Episode 36 – 
Special Edition

“Pope” Francis and the Death Penalty

Listen on demand at any time — free!

With all the kerfuffle about Francis’ decree of Aug. 2, 2018, amending the text of the Catechism of the Vatican II religion with regard to capital punishment, host Stephen Heiner has invited Bp. Donald Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada to meet for an “emergency session” to discuss the issue and its implications, such as:

  • What did Francis actually decree, and what motivated this change?
  • Is this theologically sound or defensible?
  • How does this square with the traditional Catholic teaching on the death penalty?

Trust the Fatima Center at your own risk…

Want Catholic Advice? Don’t Ask Father Albert

Until the sudden death of “Fr.” Nicholas Gruner in 2015, the Fatima Center had a TV program called Your Questions Answered by Father Gruner. After his passing, a new, similar broadcast was begun, entitled Ask Father. It is hosted by Fr. Albert Kallio, O.P., who is a member of the Fatima Center‘s Advisory Council of Priests. His biographical blurb provided by the Center reads as follows:

Fr. Albert Kallio, O.P., is a professor at Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery in Silver City, New Mexico.


Jorge discovers “human dignity”…

Francis makes Official Change to Catechism: Death Penalty now universally “inadmissible” because an Attack on the Human Person

Breaking news from the Vatican: After nearly 2,000 years, a layman pretending to be Pope has uncovered what the Gospel “really teaches” regarding human dignity and the death penalty.

Under his stage name “Pope Francis”, the Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio has decreed that a change be made to the 1997 typical edition of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, a work originally promulgated by the non-existent “apostolic authority” of the Polish apostate bishop Karol Wojtyla (stage name: “Pope John Paul II”).… READ MORE

Busted! Scientific analysis proves Vatican lied!

Facial Recognition Experts prove Novus Ordo Vatican’s “Sister Lucy of Fatima” was an Impostor

Ladies and gentlemen, this is big news: A team of professional facial recognition experts has concluded a scientific investigation into the question of whether Sister Lucia dos Santos of Fatima, one of the three children to whom Our Lady appeared in 1917, is in fact the same woman whom the Vatican paraded around as an adherent of Vatican II and the conciliar “popes” from 1958 until her own death in 2005.

The results are now in and can be summarized in two words: HECK NO!READ MORE

You can’t make this stuff up!

Novus Ordo Bishop puts Slogan on Cathedral Facade: “As long as God has a Beard, I am a Feminist”

A Masonic tool? The “Catholic Bishop” of Innsbruck, Austria: Mr. Hermann Glettler

If the Novus Ordo hierarchs aren’t busy committing heresy, it’s because they’re busy committing blasphemy. The latest example of that is found in Innsbruck, Austria. The diocesan Cathedral of St. James is currently undergoing exterior renovations, and with all the scaffolding in place, there is ample opportunity to affix a large banner with a message for all to see.

This fact did not escape the notice of the local “bishop”, Mr.READ MORE

McCarrick no longer a Novus Ordo cardinal…

“Uncle Ted” has been Dethroned

Embed from Getty Images

Fr. Theodore McCarrick no longer pretends to be a cardinal of the Catholic Church. After credible allegations of sexual abuse were made public in June, the Vatican forbade him to exercise any public ministry. When The New York Times then published another accuser’s story on July 19, everything really hit the fan. Now the Vatican has announced that McCarrick has tendered his resignation from the Novus Ordo cardinalate, and “Pope” Francis has accepted it.

Here is the official statement released by the Vatican press office on July 28:

Yesterday evening the Holy Father received the letter in which Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, Archbishop Emeritus of Washington (U.S.A.),


The gates of hell are now open!

Welcome to Monster Church!

We all know that Francis is a big fan of open doors, at least when they’re not the doors to the Vatican finance offices.

By that standard, his favorite Novus Ordo church would have to be Sacred Heart Church (Herz-Jesu-Kirche) in Munich, pictured above, because no other building in the world can presumably open its doors more strikingly than this one. The building is essentially a cube made almost entirely out of glass, and its front facade consists of a gigantic portal that can be opened and closed at the push of a button.… READ MORE

Old wine, new wineskin…

Subjective Morality: The Error of Amoris Laetitia Condemned and Refuted before Vatican II

“Nothing under the sun is new”, King Solomon writes in Sacred Scripture, “neither is any man able to say: Behold this is new: for it hath already gone before in the ages that were before us” (Eccl 1:10).

This is true also for “Pope” Francis’ allegedly new approach regarding sexual morality that he proposes in his infernal exhortation Amoris Laetitia, by which he slyly undermines all of Catholic morality by redefining the nature of sin and finding elements of virtue in vice, all under the guise of “mercy” and “accompaniment.”… READ MORE