Explosive Dossier leaked…

Revolt Against Francis:

Curial Prelates have had enough: Anti-Francis Dossier circulating in Vatican accusing him of introducing “Catholic Divorce” — “Feelings of Physical Aggression” against Bergoglio

Once again, there is explosive news coming from Rome: High-ranking prelates in the Vatican have been exasperated with Francis for a while, but apparently we have now reached a point at which they are not willing to take any more. Francis’ recent “annulment” reform — which effectively permit drive-thru annulments and practically sanction “Catholic divorce” — is the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back, although it is more of a dumbbell than a straw, truth be told.


“Cardinal” Burke & Co. warn of synod…

Prelude to Schism?
An Anti-Synod Video Appears

Click to play video – Polish and English, with subtitles

Apparently some hierarchs in the Vatican II Sect have realized that it looks like Jorge Beroglio (“Pope” Francis) is about to open the floodgates with his new-found “mercy” from the “god of surprises” at the upcoming “Synod on the Family” in Rome in October. Last year’s Synod — the first of two parts — was a disaster, and we can expect that this year’s follow-up is going to be a repeat on steroids. From the beginning we have referred to Bergoglio as “Chaos Frank” because it was pretty obvious from the start that this man would unleash precisely this — chaos — upon his religion (for a laundry list of his many accomplishments since then, click here).… READ MORE

Chaos Frank strikes again…

Francis and the Gay Penguins:
The Latest Kerfuffle in FrancisChurch

Just ahead of “Pope” Francis’ visit to the United States after the Supreme Court’s (invalid) ruling that homosexual unions are to be considered “marriage”, and about 6 weeks ahead of the much-anticipated October Synod on Marriage and the Family, once again there is chaos in Novus Ordo Land about what the “Pope” has — or has not — said to a lesbian activist who put together a children’s book in which gentle souls are groomed to be accepting of the idea of unnatural “families”, in which both “parents” share the same sex (often incorrectly termed “gender”, which is actually a grammatical term).… READ MORE

A walk on the wild side, for sure…

Laudato Si’ in Action:
“Cardinal” Ravasi worships Earth Goddess

Embed from Getty Images

The head of the Vatican’s so-called “Pontifical Council for Culture”, “Cardinal” Gianfranco Ravasi, has been spotted worshipping an Andean pagan deity known as Pachamama, a “Mother Earth” goddess. The video below shows Ravasi taking part in the idolatrous rite together with Quechuan natives in Argentina. An apparent Novus Ordo nun is also participating.

As far as culture goes, this is the same “Cardinal” Ravasi who sent a series of tweets in late October 2013 to honor the passing of Lou Reed, a scandalous and lewd American rock singer whose 1972 hit Walk on the Wild Side contained lyrics that included “taboo topics such as transsexuality, drugs, male prostitution and” something so disgusting we won’t mention it here (source).… READ MORE

 No doubt they are…

SSPX Bp. Fellay:

“We are on the Eve of Important Events”

The endless saga of talks and negotiations between the Lefebvrist Society of St. Pius X and the Modernist Vatican II Church continues. In late June, Bp. Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the SSPX, gave an interview to the French publication Present, the text of which was published in English by the SSPX U.S. District. You can read the interview in full at this link:

This interview comes on the heels of Bp. Fellay’s revelation that Rome has appointed him canonical judge of SSPX priests, and several months after the state of Argentina — the home country of Jorge Bergoglio, “Pope” Francis — recognized the Society of St.


Novus Ordo Watch for your Ears…

Episode 006 Now Available

The Traditional Catholic Podcast


TRADCAST 006, released on July 1, 2015, is packed with informative traditional Catholic content: In the first segment, we take a critical look at recent Vatican news stories, we examine the latest from “Pope” Francis in our new “From the Jorge’s Mouth” rubric, and we interact with some recent theological arguments found in the blogosphere and on Twitter. The second segment of the show tackles the Supreme Court decision Obergefell v. Hodges that legalized “gay marriage” in the United States and takes to task Francis’ new eco-encyclical Laudato Si and the Neo-Traditionalist reaction.… READ MORE

Francis’ beloved henchman dies…

Francis’ “Apostolic” Commissioner over the Franciscans of the Immaculate, Fidenzio Volpi, is Dead

The Province of St. Charles of the Capuchin Friars Minor in Lombardy has announced the passing away of “Fr.” Fidenzio Volpi, the “Apostolic” Commissioner who had been tyrannizing the Novus Ordo Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate for suspicion of Catholicism due to their traditional bent in liturgical matters and some writings mildly critical of the Second Vatican Council.

Mr. Volpi had recently been hospitalized after suffering a stroke. He died reportedly on June 7, 2015, at 11:00 am. He was 75.

Here are some posts with more details:


The Theology of the Bawdy…

Ghostwriter of Francis’ Ecology Encyclical wrote Book on “the Art of Kissing”

The ongoing freak show that is the Vatican II Church is getting more absurd by the day. It has now come to light that “the Pope’s theologian”, the man who wrote Francis’ forthcoming encyclical on ecology and the environment (reportedly to be called Laudato Sii), published a book twenty years ago entitled, “Heal me with your Mouth: The Art of Kissing.”

We’re not making this up. We couldn’t if we tried!

The author’s name is Victor Manuel Fernández, and Francis is very familiar with him as he is one of his closest advisers, going back to his days in Argentina.… READ MORE

But he didn’t have time for Asia Bibi…

Too Much Hot Air:
Francis Signs “Catholic” Climate Petition

Image Source: http://catholicclimatemovement.global
Credit: Fotografia Felici

Weeks before the expected release of his encyclical letter on the environment, which we have nicknamed Summa Ecologica, “Pope” Francis has endorsed a petition of the so-called “Global Catholic Climate Movement” (GCCM) that attempts to keep the earth’s temperature from rising by more than 1.5ºC.

The short petition is addressed to “World Leaders” and reads:

Climate change affects everyone, but especially the poor and most vulnerable people. Impelled by our Catholic faith, we call on you to drastically cut carbon emissions to keep the global temperature rise below the dangerous threshold of 1.5°C, and to aid the world’s poorest in coping with climate change impacts.


It’s been 730 days…

A New Interview


Marking a milestone of two years “in office”, Mr. Jorge Bergoglio, the Vatican’s Apostate-in-Chief who goes by the pseudonym “Pope Francis”, has granted yet another interview to the press, this time to Valentina Alazraki of the Mexico-based Noticieros Televisa. Vatican Radio has just released a full translation, so we are posting links to both the original and the translation:


  • Why Novus Ordos in Mexico are becoming Protestants: “Clericalism”, “distance”, and “disastrous homilies” that are “lessons in theology”!

A Reality Check…

The Spiritual State of the Novus Ordo Sect

The above video sums up the current moral and spiritual condition of the Vatican II Church.

Meanwhile, in the Vatican, the “Life of Women” Conference has begun:

The conference is sponsored by the Vatican’s so-called Pontifical Council for Culture, headed by “Cardinal” Gianfranco Ravasi. Ravasi is the man who tweeted a tribute to the sexually deviant rock-n-roll icon Lou Reed when he died (see here), so perhaps we should not be surprised that the following nasty image — we have censored it here — is displayed on the Vatican’s Council for Culture web site for the women’s conference:

Theology of the Body?


Welcome to the peripheries…

Francis Receives Sex-Changed Woman & Her “Fiancée”

“He” is actually a she: Diego Neria Lejárraga (right) with “Pope” Francis and her girlfriend

If you want a special private audience with the “Pope” nowadays, what you need to do is undergo sex-change surgery — at least it worked for a Spanish woman who goes by the name of Diego Neria Lejárraga and presents herself as a man because she underwent a surgical operation that converted her biological appearance from female to male. The money for this operation would have been better spent on brain surgery instead, but oh well.… READ MORE

As in: “Reformation”…


“The Great Reformer”:
Another Book causes Problems for the Vatican

A few months after the release of Antonio Socci’s inconvenient book Non È Francesco, in which the author claims that Benedict XVI’s resignation was invalid and Francis is not in fact the Pope, another book has now appeared that is getting Francis into hot water, though this time the dispute over Francis’ validity was entirely unintended by the author. The book in question is Austen Ivereigh’s 445-page biography The Great Reformer: Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope.

Dr. Ivereigh, once the press secretary of the “Archbishop” of Westminster, “Cardinal” Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, is a veteran journalist and author.… READ MORE

Reportedly wants a “kinder, gentler” security force


Francis fires Commander of Swiss Guards

The internet is abuzz with news about Francis’ firing of Daniel Anrig, head commander of the Vatican Swiss Guards since 2008, for allegedly being too “rigid.” Here are several interesting news stories covering Francis’ latest move:

The British Telegraph has also provided this video regarding Anrig’s dismissal:

Not everyone believes, of course, that Anrig’s rigidity is the (sole) reason for Francis’ insistence that he step down.


Do They Know It’s Christmas?

Vatican Christmas Concert to Feature Suor Cristina and Blasphemous Punk Rocker Patti Smith

Chaos Frank has outdone himself once again. If you thought Tini Stoessel at the Soccer Match for Peace was bad, or that somehow the “Roman Pontiff” was not pleased with Sister Cristina’s shocking performances of secular rock songs, think again: For this year’s Christmas Concert, “Pope” Francis has invited the blasphemous infidel punk rocker Patti Smith and the scandalous Suor Cristina to perform at the Auditorium Conciliazione in Rome on December 13.

The following articles give important details on the matter: