Next step: “Cardinal”?
Surprise! Francis appoints Chicago’s Ultra-Liberal “Archbishop” Cupich to Vatican Congregation for Bishops
Put on your surprise face, everyone: “Pope” Francis has appointed his Lodge brother Blase Cupich to the all-important Congregation for Bishops, the Vatican dicastery that examines and recommends to the “Pope” which Novus Ordo priests should be raised to the level of bishop and which bishops should be appointed to which dioceses. The appointment was noted in today’s press bulletin, released at Roman noon:
Few Novus Ordo bishops are as toxic for souls as Mr.… READ MORE
During June 29 Sermon
SSPX Bp. Tissier Reignites Debate over Validity of Novus Ordo Ordinations
Every year on June 29, the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, the Society of Saint Pius X confers priestly and diaconate ordinations at its main seminary in Econe, Switzerland.
This year, Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais was the main celebrant ordaining 10 new priests and 12 deacons, assisted by the Superior General, Bp. Bernard Fellay, and Bp. Alfonso de Galarreta.
During his sermon, Bp. Tissier spoke on the touchy subject of the validity of the Novus Ordo rite of priestly ordination, originally promulgated in 1968 by “Pope” Paul VI.… READ MORE
It’s time for a reckoning…
Comments on the Latest Bp. Fellay Interview — and on the June 29 Press Release
On June 22, 2016, we were the first English-speaking web site to break the news about Bp. Bernard Fellay’s new interview, published on June 21, on the relations between the Society of St. Pius X and the Vatican. What is puzzling is that virtually no one has picked up on the news since, even though the SSPX Superior General made not a few statements that should raise the eyebrows of anyone who considers himself a real Catholic. Here is our original post on the interview:
New Interview with SSPX Superior
Bishop Fellay:
“We’ve never wanted to be separated from Rome”; “Vatican never called us Schismatic”; “Rome tacitly approves of our Ordinations”
As things deteriorate rapidly in the Vatican II Sect under Francis, the Society of St. Pius X is more eager than ever to obtain regularization and full recognition by Rome. On Tuesday, June 21, 2016, the SSPX Superior General, Bishop Bernard Fellay, gave an interview to Josef Bruckmoser of the Austrian paper Salzburger Nachrichten.
The one-page interview is now available online, and we have translated it from the original German into English (Bp.… READ MORE
The event that started it all…
Former FBI Consultant Claims: U.S. Intel Docs show Cardinal Siri elected Pope Gregory XVII in 1958
Former FBI consultant Paul L. Williams cites declassified U.S. intelligence documents allegedly showing that Cardinal Giuseppe Siri was elected Pope Gregory XVII at the conclave that, two days later, produced John XXIII
In 2003, former FBI consultant Paul L. Williams published a book called The Vatican Exposed: Money, Murder, and the Mafia (Prometheus Books). Although the book deals with alleged Vatican corruption in terms of money and power and has a decidedly liberal flavor, Williams also — almost as a side note — includes some straightforward, objective information on the papal conclave of 1958.… READ MORE
Information about the 1958 Conclave and
(Cardinal Joseph Siri, 1906-1989)
Was he elected Pope Gregory XVII
on October 26, 1958?
White smoke pouring from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel
for five long minutes on Oct. 26, 1958, two days before
Angelo Roncalli appeared as “Pope” John XXIII
There were certain irregularities about the election during that 1958 conclave, as Cardinal Tisserant has himself acknowledged. Some say Agagianian was elected, others Siri, others some other cardinal, and that the camerlengo [=chamberlain] then annulled the election. In any case, I’m quite sure John XXIII chose his name, the name of an antipope [of the 15th century], quite consciously, to show he had been irregularly elected.
His Holiness, Pope Leo XIII
Apostolic Letter to Cardinal Pietro Respighi, Vicar General of Rome
On Protestant Proselytism in Rome (1900)
Apostolic Letter of His Holiness Pope Leo XIII, in which he laments and condemns the preaching and proselytism of Protestants in the city of Rome, Italy.
To M. Pietro Cardinal Respighi, our Vicar General,
Lord Cardinal,
Already, from the first moments of Our Pontificate, We had to indicate, as one of the most deplorable harm that is the change in the order of things in this capital of the Catholic world, the ardent proselytism of heresy and, consequently, the peril which the Faith of Our people was exposed to.
We had been warned…
St. Francis of Assisi Prophecy:
“A Man, not Canonically Elected, will be raised to the Pontificate… In those days Jesus Christ will send them not a true Pastor, but a Destroyer”
[UPDATE: Some people dispute the authenticity of this prophecy, claiming it was concocted by certain dissident members of the Franciscan order in the 13th century and only subsequently attributed to St. Francis. Whether that be true or false, always keep in mind that ultimately, the case against the Vatican II antipopes is not based on private revelation.]
Shortly before he died in 1226, St. Francis of Assisi called together the members of his order and warned them of great tribulations that would befall the Church in the future, saying:
Act bravely, my Brethren; take courage, and trust in the Lord.
Ven. Anne Catherine Emmerich on
The Church of Darkness
“I saw the fatal consequences of this counterfeit church;
I saw it increase; I saw heretics of all kinds flocking to the city.”
—Ven. Anne C. Emmerich
The Venerable Anne Catherine Emmerich (1774-1824) was a German Augustinian nun of great sanctity. She endured a life of sufferings, bore the stigmata of our Lord and was a seer, who witnessed scenes from the life of Christ with the vividness of one who was there. Those revelations were one of the sources used in making the film The Passion of the Christ. She also foretold future occurrences in the Church.… READ MORE
“Theology of the Body” 1.0
Modernist Yves Congar Urinated on Wall of Holy Office in early 1960s
The following report comes from Robert Blair Kaiser (1931-2015), a Jesuit-trained liberal who became a journalist instead of — thank heavens! — a “Catholic” priest. Normally we would just provide a quote or an excerpt and then link to the full article; however, as Kaiser is now deceased and his web site is likewise defunct, we are reproducing it below in its entirety.
In a nutshell: The Modernist lowlife known as Fr. Yves Congar, O.P. (1904-95), urinated at the walls of the Holy Office in the early 1960s to show his contempt for Roman Catholic orthodoxy and in particular for Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani, who was then functioning as the secretary of the Holy Office.… READ MORE
Video, Links & Resources
Showdown in Rome:
Complete Synod 2015 Coverage
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The Official Synod 2015 Documents
Official Video Recordings — available on demand:
76-Year-Old “Cardinal” Jorge Bergoglio of Argentina elected 6th Antipope of Vatican II Sect, claims Title “Pope Francis”
For Updates and All Other News surrounding Francis,
see our “Pope Francis” Page here (CLICK)
Photos, Videos & Major News of Conclave (updated daily)
Day 2 (March 13): Black Smoke after Second and Third Ballots
Day 1 (March 12): Black Smoke after First Ballot
Blogs of Interest
Who are the Electors?
So you just stumbled upon this web site and are wondering what in the world this is all about? Then this page is for you!
What’s going on? Why this odd web site?
To make a long story short: What is today known as Roman Catholicism is in fact not the Roman Catholicism of the past. You can verify this for yourself just by looking at Church history, and virtually all disinterested historians will confirm this. The big rupture occurred at the Second Vatican Council, a gathering of all Catholic bishops called in 1959 by the newly-elected “Pope John XXIII”.… READ MORE