Making sense of today’s craziness

The Papacy & the Passion of the Church

During last year’s Fatima Conference sponsored by the Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen (CMRI) in Spokane, Washington, Mr. Mario Derksen, pictured below, gave a most informative lecture on the subject of the Catholic Papacy and the Church’s Mystical Passion. We are happy to be able to share the audio and also a written version of this presentation.

What has happened to the Catholic Church? This is the question that everyone who has a love for the Church is asking himself in our time. The Church of Jesus Christ is divinely guaranteed to be indefectible: She cannot change in her essence; she cannot defect from her divine mission; she cannot compromise with the errors of the world; she cannot lose the Faith and suddenly promote a different religion.… READ MORE

Mayhem at full throttle…

Francis’ Raging Mess:
On Recent Vatican News & Rumors


The Vatican today is a complete mess. Not that that’s anything new, but it’s probably never been worse than it is now. It has been well over 3 years now that Francis first told people at World Youth Day 2013 to “make a mess”, and he’s been leading by splendid example.

Ten days ago we reported on the anti-Francis posters that had mysteriously popped up on Saturday morning in Rome. This rather unusual way of criticizing the pretend-Pontifex did not end there, however. In fact, it was perhaps just the beginning: A few days ago a spoofed cover of the official Vatican newspaper Osservatore Romano made the rounds (see image below).… READ MORE

Backlash against Bergoglio

Overnight Surprise:
Anti-Francis Posters Appear in Rome

[UPDATE 04-FEB-17 20:14 UTC: More details and lots more photos can be found here]

As various blogs are reporting this morning, a slew of anti-Francis posters has suddenly appeared on public surfaces all over the city of Rome. They were put up during the night by people who are as of yet unknown. The posters look like this:

(click to enlarge / source)

The posters show a grim-looking Francis with the following Italian text: “A France’, hai commissariato Congregazioni, rimosso sacerdoti, decapitato l’Ordine di Malta e i Francescani dell’Immacolata, ignorato Cardinali… ma n’do sta la tua misericordia?READ MORE

Just how “traditional” is the SSPX?

Pope Pius IX condemns Bishop Fellay

There will no doubt be plenty more news, interviews, assertions, clarifications, retractions, and rumors before it finally comes to pass, but it seems pretty clear now that the Society of St. Pius X will indeed sign an agreement with the Modernist Vatican that will give them that coveted “full communion” status and convert them into a personal prelature that answers only to, well, the worst of them all: Chaos Frank (“Pope” Francis). It also seems pretty clear that this will happen before this year is over. Recent news suggests as much:


Interview on French TV

SSPX Superior Bishop Fellay and the Vatican’s “Stamp of Approval” (now with full English Translation)

On Jan. 29, 2017, the internet-based French television station TV Libertés broadcast an interview with the Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X, Bishop Bernard Fellay. The interview, which is roughly 17 minutes in length, was part of the program Terres de Mission and can be watched here:

This video has English subtitles, and a complete English transcript is posted further below.

Bp. Fellay has essentially communicated that de facto relations between the Vatican and the SSPX are already normal, and it is not necessary to wait until everything is “totally satisfactory”. … READ MORE

Conference in Australia

Full Audio: Bishop Sanborn destroys Recognize-and-Resist Position

Memo to all adherents of the recognize-and-resist position: The have-your-pope-and-beat-him party is over.

On January 7, 2017, Bishop Donald J. Sanborn visited Brisbane, Australia, and gave a theological conference on Sedevacantism and its ecclesiological rival, the so-called “recognize-and-resist” position, whose main proponent is the Lefebvrist Society of St. Pius X. According to “recognize-and-resist”, often abbreviated simply as R&R, Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) and his five predecessors in the Vatican are to be accepted as real Catholic Popes, but — here comes the minor rub — each believer must sift their every act of teaching and governing for what may conform to Catholic Tradition in it and reject all the rest; otherwise, one runs the risk of becoming infected with their Modernist religion to the eternal peril of one’s soul.… READ MORE

Read The Remnant at your own risk…

Resisting the Pope?
The Remnant and the Suppression of the Jesuits


In their desperate quest to find some historical precedent for acknowledging a blaspheming public apostate (“Pope” Francis) as the Vicar of Christ while at the same time resisting and contradicting the man’s every utterance, the semi-traditionalists at The Remnant have published a superficially-researched and sloppily-written blog post that turns out to be nothing more than yet another propaganda piece for their recognize-and-resist position.

We are talking about the blog post “Resisting Papal Errors: Another Historical Precedent for Cardinal Burke” by Chris Jackson (Jan.… READ MORE

Semi-Trads discover the Papacy…

On the “Direct and Immediate” Authority of the Pope: Semi-Traditionalists in Shock over Papal Claims

Once again we have proof positive that the semi-traditionalist “recognize-and-resist” position is based upon a distortion (that is, denial) of the Catholic teaching on the Papacy.

As you may know, the Order of Malta is currently in trouble with “Pope” Francis for its firing of the Grand Chancellor, Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager. Francis has instituted a Vatican commission to investigate the matter. On January 11, Catholic News Service reported as follows:

The leadership of the Order of Malta denied the legality of a Vatican investigation into the forced resignation of the group’s former grand chancellor, but the commission established by Pope Francis said it “is completely legitimate and authorized” to investigate the matter and inform the pope.


Off the cliff at full throttle…

Bp. Fellay, “Bp.” Schneider, and Chaos Frank:
A Commentary on Recent Developments

Bp. Bernard Fellay, Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X

As far back as April 3, 2013, a mere 21 days after his election, we predicted that Francis would eventually be known as the “Chaos Pope”; from this we derived his moniker “Chaos Frank”. After almost four years of the blasphemous-heretical buffoon at the helm of the Vatican II Sect, most people would agree. In fact, even the Novus Ordo press is finally starting to wake up to the real Francis, the one about whom we’ve been reporting accurately and realistically since day one, when everyone else was still lauding him for his great “humility” and “Marian piety of the most traditional sort”.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 016 is here

Catholic podcasting at full throttle…

TRADCAST 016 Now Available

Refuting the errors of Michael Matt, Rev. John Hunwicke, Steve Kellmeyer, and others

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on December 24: Our popular TRADCAST podcast program is back with a brand-new hard-hitting episode that examines some current events and refutes the errors of various Novus Ordo and recognize-but-resist personalities.

The total run time of TRADCAST 016 is just over two hours. As always, the show is packed with solid Catholic doctrine, razor-sharp analysis, insightful information, and a touch of delightful humor.… READ MORE

016 TRADCAST (24 DEC 2016)


  • Segment 1: “Papal” election advice; Amoris Laetitia, its critics, and the “Communion” double standard; Steve Kellmeyer and the dumbest blog post of the year; dissecting Michael Matt’s comments in The Remnant Underground 11: “Cardinal Sins: Resisting Pope Francis”
  • Segment 2: SSPX distancing itself from Salza/Siscoe book True or False Pope?; thank-you to benefactors; advice for Roberto de Mattei; a glance at Tom Hoopes’ What Pope Francis Really Said; response to “Fr.” John Hunwicke’s “refutation” of sedevacantism; a game for semi-traditionalists; square peg meets round hole: distorting the papacy to fit Francis into it; The Remnant‘s disingenuous combox moderation; TRADCAST announcement for 2017
  • Total run time: 2 hrs 3 mins
  • Please note: In this TRADCAST episode, we mistakenly say Christopher Ferrara called Francis an “Antichrist Pope”.

Brandmuller: “It’s all or nothing”…

Francis has allegedly said: “I may go down in history as the one who split the Catholic Church”!

Just a few hours ago, the online edition of the secularist German periodical Der Spiegel published an interesting article on Francis’ explosive Christmas greetings to his curia yesterday and the general atmosphere in the Vatican. The article, penned by Walter Mayr, is entitled, “Der Papst kocht”, which translates as, “The Pope is fuming”, a reference to Edward Pentin’s recent revelation that Francis was “boiling with rage” at the public release of the dubia submitted by “Cardinals” Burke, Brandmüller, Caffarra, and Meisner in November.… READ MORE

Merry Christmas!

Eat This!

 In Christmas Address to Curia, Francis slams “Malicious Resistance” that accuses others and hides behind Traditions!

Well, folks, it looks like the dubia supporters have gotten their answer. Today, Dec. 22, 2016, Francis gave his annual Christmas address to the Roman Curia, which in the past had been loaded with fireworks. So too this time around.

The main focus of this year’s address was the ongoing reform of the Roman Curia, which he likened to a “surgical operation”. He listed twelve principles that guide his reworking of the Vatican apparatus: individualism; pastoral concern; missionary spirit; clear organization; improved functioning; modernization; sobriety; subsidiarity; synodality; catholicity; professionalism; and gradualism.… READ MORE

FranciSchism Watch…

Athanasius Schneider on French TV:
“A certain kind of Schism already exists in the Church”



On Sunday, Dec. 4, 2016, the internet-based French television station TV Libertés aired an installment of its program Terres de Mission. One of its guests was Athanasius Schneider, auxiliary “bishop” of Maria Santissima in Astana, Kazakhstan, who was interviewed about the fallout from the dubia submitted to “Pope” Francis to receive clarification on certain points contained in the “Apostolic” exhortation Amoris Laetitia. The entire program can be watched in the original French here.

We have taken the portion of the broadcast that contains the interview with Mr.… READ MORE

TIA’s smear job continues…

Pope Pius IX and Freemasonry:
A Second Rebuttal to Tradition in Action

On November 3, 2016, we published a hard-hitting response to a post by Tradition in Action that sought to implicate Pope Pius IX in Freemasonry. Under the cover of offering a “contribution to the historical-theological-canonical debate”, Tradition in Action (TIA) published as “evidence” the claims of Freemasons (!) that before ascending to the Papacy, Giovanni Maria Mastai-Ferretti (the future Pius IX) had been a member of the Lodge. We rebutted the outrageous accusation here:

This calumny against Pope Pius IX is not new and apparently only emerged, as our refutation shows, as an act of simple revenge against the Pope after he had issued a blistering condemnation of Masonry in September of 1865.… READ MORE