We ask, you decide!

365 Days of FRANCIS:
What Was the Worst?

It’s been a full year since March 13, 2013, that fateful day when “Cardinal” Jean-Louis Tauran stepped out on the balcony of St. Peter’s and announced the election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio as “Pope Francis.” The moment the Argentine apostate appeared, the mayhem began, and we have chronicled the highlights — or lowlights, to be more precise — every step of the way. To review the facts about Rev. Bergoglio, please access our “Pope Francis” Page here; a review of our Novus Ordo Wire blog posts will provide additional insights.… READ MORE

Christ’s Sacrifice as the Punch Line of a Joke…

Bergoglio Jokes about Our Lord’s Crucifixion

In 2010, authors Sergio Rubin and Francesca Ambrogetti published the book El Jesuita: Conversaciones con el Cardenal Jorge Bergoglio, SJ [“The Jesuit: Conversations with Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, SJ”], in which the then-“Archbishop” of Buenos Aires speaks about his life, his work, and his spirituality, and answers questions presented by the authors.

After Bergoglio’s election as “Pope” of the “Catholic Church,” that is, as head of the Modernist Vatican II Sect, an English translation of the book appeared under the title Pope Francis: His Life in His Own Words.


Disagreeing with the Jews did the trick…


The National [Non-]Catholic Reporter blogs about Novus Ordo Watch

The American Über-Modernist newspaper that deceptively calls itself the National Catholic Reporter has published a blog post in which the author, Robert McClory, mentions Novus Ordo Watch and Sedevacantism.

Entitled “Pope Francis and His Really Hostile Critics”, McClory correctly notes that we identify Francis “as a heretic [and] deceiver.” In particular, he takes issue with our post of November 3, 2013, in which we accuse Antipope Francis of heresy for saying that today’s Jews are the Chosen People of God and that the Old Covenant is still valid.… READ MORE

A Flip for every Flop…

Two-Faced Francis:
The Contradictions of Jorge Bergoglio

Francis is clearly the most blatant Modernist of all the Novus Ordo Antipopes. He perfectly embodies the spirit of Vatican II and is the veritable incarnation, as it were, of the conciliar document Gaudium Et Spes. Like the Modernists and other innovators condemned by the Church, his chief characteristics include audacity and love of novelty. The following two passages taken from magisterial documents are very applicable to the entire frame of mind advanced by the Second Vatican Council and embodied fully by Jorge Bergoglio:

As for the rest, We greatly deplore the fact that, where the ravings of human reason extend, there is somebody who studies new things and strives to know more than is necessary, against the advice of the apostle.

Another Endless Text No One Will Read…

Antipope Francis

“Apostolic Exhortation” Evangelii Gaudium
on the Proclamation of the Novus Ordo Gospel

November 24, 2013

Like most of his five predecessors of unhappy memory, it takes Francis a lot of words to express what he wants to say: At 65 printed pages, 288 paragraphs, 217 footnotes, and over 50,000 English words in total, this Post-Synodal “Apostolic Exhortation” is John Paul II on Steroids. The word “Pius” appears as often as the word “sourpusses” (par. 85) — exactly once: a brief and obscure reference to a speech by Pope Pius XI in 1927, in a footnote (n.


You can’t make this stuff up…


Jewish Paper Lists “Pope” Francis among 2013’s Most Important American Jews

If only two weeks ago Novus Ordo Watch had stated that Jorge Bergoglio, aka “Pope Francis”, deserves to be honored as one of the most important Jews of 2013, we would have immediately been accused of “anti-semitism”, “spreading hate”, and all the other (by now) meaningless terms typically used by the whiny, brainless, oh-so-tolerant left of various disguises (Mark Shea comes to mind). These people are incapable of taking a real and objective look at issues and analyze them in the light of traditional Catholic teaching, especially when it comes to the topic of Judaism, a veritable Golden Calf (pun fully intended) in the Novus Ordo religion and Western society at large.… READ MORE

Francis the Judaizer…


Jorge Bergoglio in 2010:
“Jews Still God’s Chosen People”

The attacks on Catholicism perpetrated by Jorge Mario Bergoglio, former “Archbishop” of Buenos Aires and now “Pope” Francis in the Vatican II Sect, apparently know no bounds. In 2010, then-“Cardinal” Bergoglio co-authored a book with Jewish rabbi Abraham Skorka (as we reported here), entitled On Heaven and Earth. It has since been translated from the original Spanish and published in the United States and many other parts of the world.

In Chapter 24 of this book, we find Mr. Bergoglio uttering the following incredibly bold heresy, which he bases, of course, on the Second Vatican Council (1962-65):

There is a phrase from the Second Vatican Council that is essential: it says that God showed Himself to all men and rescues, first of all, the Chosen People.


Meet “Kosher Frank”…

Francis hosts Jewish Delegation at Vatican for Kosher Lunch

This story needs no commentary because it speaks for itself. Jorge Bergoglio is not a Catholic nor a Pope — he is an apostate. What we are seeing here are the next steps in the amalgamation of all religions into one, the prelude to the Antichrist.

[Taken from Vatican Insider, 9/29/13. Coloring added for emphasis.]

“Pope Francis and Rabbi Skorka make history in the Vatican”
by Gerard O’Connell, Rome

Never before in the history of Christian-Jewish relations have a Pope and a Rabbi celebrated their friendship by living in the Vatican together for several days, sharing all meals, including on two Jewish festivals and the Sabbath at which the Rabbi said prayers in Hebrew, and discussing what more they can do together to promote dialogue and peace in the world.


“Cohabitation doesn’t have the Fullness of Marriage”

2010 Book “Cardinal” Bergoglio co-authored with Jewish Rabbi Released in English


On Heaven and Earth
by Jorge Mario Bergoglio and Abraham Skorka

In 2010, Mr. Jorge Bergoglio, then known as “Cardinal” Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, co-authored a book with a leftist Jewish rabbi by the name of Abraham Skorka. The book is written in the form of a dialogue between the two non-Catholics, and the contents range from conversations about God and religion to same-sex marriage, politics and other topics considered “hot-button” issues in today’s world. The book’s cover is subtitled “Pope Francis on Faith, Family, and the Church in the 21st Century”.… READ MORE

“Pope” Francis? My eye…

Introducing the Real Jorge Bergoglio:

“Cardinal” Bergoglio Hosted Jewish-Masonic Holocaust Memorial in Catholic Cathedral of Buenos Aires

A mere four months before his election as “Pope” of the modernist Vatican II Church, Mr. Jorge Bergoglio, then known as “Cardinal” Bergoglio, collaborated with the Jewish-Masonic B’nai B’rith lodge to celebrate a “Kristallnacht“-Holocaust memorial in his Catholic cathedral of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The two main speakers of the event were Bergoglio himself and his friend Rabbi Alejandro Avruj of the Fundacion Judaica of Buenos Aires. Representatives of various non-Catholic religions also took official part in the event.… READ MORE

The Golden Calf of Vatican II

“Pope” Francis Meets with Religious Leaders, Affirms Commitment to Vatican II’s Ecumenism, Interreligious Dialogue

As one of his first acts as “Pope”, Francis naturally met with representatives of other religions. Zenit has provided a news report on the matter:

Some highlights from the report, with commentary:

  • “Pope Francis, who was seated on an armchair rather than the throne that is customarily used in the Clementine Hall, thanked Bartholomew I, referring to him as ‘my brother Andrew’, a reference to the fact that the patriarchs of Constantinople are considered the successors of the Apostle Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter.”

Judas did it for 30 pieces of silver – Bergoglio does it for free…

“Cardinal” Bergoglio (now “Pope” Francis) Honors Pro-Homosexual Jewish Rabbi who Mocks Christ and Attacks Catholic Church

Skorka poses with Bergoglio for the award – afterwards, they hugged (see below)

Rabbi Abraham Skorka, who favors state-recognized “civil unions” for homosexuals, received an honorary doctorate degree from the Novus Ordo “Pontifical Catholic” University of Argentina in 2012. In his speech at the event, Skorka did the following:

  • Praised Zionism
  • Falsely claimed that the Nazi ideology is rooted in Catholic theology
  • Claimed Christianity cannot be known without Judaism [Skorka’s “Judaism”, of course, is not the Judaism of the Old Testament but the apostate “Judaism” established by Annas and Caiphas at the rejection of Christ]
  • Referred to Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ as a “Dude”
  • Claimed that Our Lord’s teachings about charity are contained in the Talmud
  • Concluded his talk by saying, “We [!]

Minor Details…

Apostate Anti-Pope:

Video: Then-“Cardinal” Bergoglio Celebrates 2012 Hanukkah with Jews in Temple

First Commandment Obviously No Big Deal for the Rev. Bergoglio, “Pope Francis”

Reality Check:

  • On Sins against the First Commandment – Superstition: “God may be wrongly worshiped either by false worship or by superfluous worship being paid Him. . . . The ceremonies and practices of the Jewish religion signified that the Messiah was to come, and so now, after the coming of Our Lord, they could not be employed without superstition [=false worship]. Inasmuch as falsehood in religion is a grave injury to God, this species of superstition is mortally sinful.”