Meet “Kosher Frank”…

Francis hosts Jewish Delegation at Vatican for Kosher Lunch

This story needs no commentary because it speaks for itself. Jorge Bergoglio is not a Catholic nor a Pope — he is an apostate. What we are seeing here are the next steps in the amalgamation of all religions into one, the prelude to the Antichrist.

[Taken from Vatican Insider, 9/29/13. Coloring added for emphasis.]

“Pope Francis and Rabbi Skorka make history in the Vatican”
by Gerard O’Connell, Rome

Never before in the history of Christian-Jewish relations have a Pope and a Rabbi celebrated their friendship by living in the Vatican together for several days, sharing all meals, including on two Jewish festivals and the Sabbath at which the Rabbi said prayers in Hebrew, and discussing what more they can do together to promote dialogue and peace in the world.


Straight Talk on Vatican II

The Modernist Errors of
the Second Vatican Council

Sermon Series by Bp. Donald Sanborn

The false pope Paul VI during Vatican II (1962-65)

Restoration Radio has launched a new radio program called “From the Pulpit”, in which are presented some of the finest sermons and conferences by traditional Catholic clergymen, specifically on the errors of the Novus Ordo Religion and the truth of the Catholic Faith.

The first five shows present a series of sermons given many years ago by Bp. Donald Sanborn on the modernism of Vatican II. Delivered in his incredibly powerful style, Sanborn’s presentation of the errors of the council and the new religion it engendered is refreshingly clear and easy to follow.… READ MORE

The “Pope” Strikes Again…


On July 8, 2013, “His Holiness” Mr. Jorge Bergoglio (called by most “Pope Francis”) visited the Italian island of Lampedusa, a tiny speck in the Mediterranean Sea between Tunisia and Sicily. In a speech in which he supported the rights (whether real or imagined) of refugee immigrants, Francis took a moment to greet in particular the Muslims, who were but two days away from their fasting month of Ramadan:

“I also think with affection of those Muslim immigrants who this evening begin the fast of Ramadan, which I trust will bear abundant spiritual fruit.

The Apostate Humanism of Anjeze Gonxhe Bojaxhiu

Mother Teresa of Calcutta in 1989:
“I Love All Religions”

RealyEasyStar/ Fotografia Felici / Alamy Stock Photo

Hailed by the world and the Vatican II Sect as a “saint”, the woman known as Mother Teresa engaged indeed in heroic corporal works of mercy – however, only at the expense of the spiritual works of mercy, which are, by their very nature, more important and more excellent than the corporal works.

Though she no doubt cared for the bodily needs of the poor in a most selfless fashion, the sad truth is that “Blessed” Mother Teresa – as she is called in the Novus Ordo Church – was not a Roman Catholic but an apostate from the Faith, and all the most heroic charitable works cannot make an apostate into a Catholic.


On Atheists, Redemption, and Good Works

“Pope” Francis Preaches on “Doing Good” in Homily Filled with Theological Error

On Wednesday, May 22, 2013, Mr. Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”), head of the modernist Vatican II Sect, gave a brief homily to the people in attendance at his “Mass”, which is, thanks to the False “Pope” Paul VI, since 1969, nothing but a Protestant-Masonic liturgical happy meal. Coverage of the sermon with substantial excerpts can be found on the Vatican’s News site here, and it is on this text and coverage that we rely for what follows.

The sermon centered on the possibility of non-Catholics and non-Christians performing good works, or, as Francis put it, “doing good”.


“Pope” Francis? My eye…

Introducing the Real Jorge Bergoglio:

“Cardinal” Bergoglio Hosted Jewish-Masonic Holocaust Memorial in Catholic Cathedral of Buenos Aires

A mere four months before his election as “Pope” of the modernist Vatican II Church, Mr. Jorge Bergoglio, then known as “Cardinal” Bergoglio, collaborated with the Jewish-Masonic B’nai B’rith lodge to celebrate a “Kristallnacht“-Holocaust memorial in his Catholic cathedral of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The two main speakers of the event were Bergoglio himself and his friend Rabbi Alejandro Avruj of the Fundacion Judaica of Buenos Aires. Representatives of various non-Catholic religions also took official part in the event.… READ MORE

Put on Your Surprise Face…

Italian Freemasonry Officially Supports “Pope” Bergoglio

Tradition In Action has the following story:

If you forgot to put on your surprise face, now is the time.

Reality Check:

The Catholic Church most firmly condemns Freemasonry and all its abominable sects; the Masons themselves have announced their wicked conspiracy against the Church:

  • Pope Leo XII, Apostolic Constitution Quo Graviora (1826)
  • “We wish it to be your rule first of all to tear away the mask from Freemasonry, and to let it be seen as it really is; and by sermons and pastoral letters to instruct the people as to the artifices used by societies of this kind in seducing men and enticing them into their ranks, and as to the depravity of their opinions and the wickedness of their acts.

The Scandal of Ecumenism

Muslim Convert Baptized by Ratzinger Quits Novus Ordo Church over Modernism

It was bound to happen before long: A prominent convert from Islam who was once baptized by “Pope” Benedict XVI in St. Peter’s Basilica and received into what he thought was the Catholic Church, has now abandoned the Novus Ordo Sect and embraced some kind of generic Protestantism. Magdi Cristiano Allam could no longer take the Vatican II nonsense about Islam as worshipping the true God and being a religion of peace, and the Modernists’ failure to seek the conversion of Muslims:

Anyone in the Vatican II Sect who takes his faith seriously and believes it to be the Roman Catholic Faith, soon finds out that he’s “more Catholic than the Pope” — and that’s because the “Pope” isn’t a Catholic at all.


The Golden Calf of Vatican II

“Pope” Francis Meets with Religious Leaders, Affirms Commitment to Vatican II’s Ecumenism, Interreligious Dialogue

As one of his first acts as “Pope”, Francis naturally met with representatives of other religions. Zenit has provided a news report on the matter:

Some highlights from the report, with commentary:

  • “Pope Francis, who was seated on an armchair rather than the throne that is customarily used in the Clementine Hall, thanked Bartholomew I, referring to him as ‘my brother Andrew’, a reference to the fact that the patriarchs of Constantinople are considered the successors of the Apostle Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter.”

Minor Details…

Apostate Anti-Pope:

Video: Then-“Cardinal” Bergoglio Celebrates 2012 Hanukkah with Jews in Temple

First Commandment Obviously No Big Deal for the Rev. Bergoglio, “Pope Francis”

Reality Check:

  • On Sins against the First Commandment – Superstition: “God may be wrongly worshiped either by false worship or by superfluous worship being paid Him. . . . The ceremonies and practices of the Jewish religion signified that the Messiah was to come, and so now, after the coming of Our Lord, they could not be employed without superstition [=false worship]. Inasmuch as falsehood in religion is a grave injury to God, this species of superstition is mortally sinful.”

Slam Dunk against Vatican II…

Novus Ordo Watch Presents

First-Ever Complete English Translation on the Internet

Letter from the Holy Office under Pope Pius IX condemning Ecumenism and affirming True Christian Unity

“Ad Quosdam Puseistas Anglicos”
“To Certain Puseyite Anglicans”

November 8, 1865


The binding force of this instruction from the Holy Office, eminently relevant in our difficult times, was reaffirmed by the same Holy Office in 1919, under Pope Benedict XV, and in 1927, under Pope Pius XI.


  • “take care lest, while seeking unity, you turn yourselves aside from the way”
  • “sorry that you happened to think those Christian groups that boast of having the inheritance of the priesthood and the catholic name belong to the true Church of Jesus Christ, even though they are divided and separated from Peter”
  • “what sane person will persuade himself that error can underlie the Church’s public and solemn magisterium”
  • “no one is in the Catholic Church who does not cling to that Rock, on which the foundation of Catholic unity has been set”
  • “all groups entirely separated from external and visible communion with and obedience to the Roman Pontiff cannot be the Church of Christ, nor in any way whatsoever can they belong to the Church of Christ”