Get ready for “Assisi 5”….

Now it’s Francis’ Turn: New Interreligious Prayer Meeting in Assisi on September 19, with “Decalogue of Human Coexistence”

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[UPDATE 19-AUG-2016: Vatican confirms Francis will take part in Interreligious Prayer meeting in Assisi on Sep. 20]

Since it didn’t work the last four times, they will give it a fifth try: The Interreligious Prayer Meeting at Assisi first perpetrated by “Saint” John Paul II in 1986 will get a remake by “Pope” Francis on September 19 of this year, according to Mohamed Abdel Qader, the local imam in the Assisi region, who attended Francis’ August 4 ceremony celebrating the 800th anniversary of Pope Honorius III’s Portiuncula indulgence.… READ MORE

Voodoo You Trust?
John Paul II’s Betrayal in Benin


by John Kenneth Weiskittel

“You have a strong attachment to the traditions handed on by your ancestors.
It is legitimate to be grateful to your forbears who passed on this sense of the sacred,
belief in a single God who is good, a sense of celebration, esteem for the moral life and for harmony in society.”

—John Paul II (to voodoo representatives of Benin on 4 February 1993 at Cotonou)


The following study deals with very disturbing subject matter, and reader discretion is advised, both as to text and accompanying pictures. … READ MORE

Exclusive Internet Reprint

John Paul II’s Pilgrimage to India


by John Kenneth Weiskittel

This article originally appeared in Catholic Restoration and Sacerdotium magazines in the early 1990s. It has been scanned and automatically converted into text. Therefore, the original formatting has been lost, the illustrations and pictures have been deleted, and words that originally appear in italics are reproduced in regular print. Footnotes will be found at the end of the document. This essay is being reproduced with the express permission of the author and publisher.

In the years since the Second Vatican Council, a common practice among the more traditionally-minded members of the Conciliar Church is to show their support for some aspect of Catholic life (e.g.,… READ MORE

Allocution of Pope Pius IX

Singulari Quadam (1854)

Allocution of His Holiness Pope Pius IX to Cardinals gathered in Consistory on the day after the Definition of the Dogma of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Dec. 9, 1854

(Not to be confused with the encyclical Singulari Quidem of 1856 or with Pope St. Pius X’s encyclical Singulari Quadam of 1912)

Filled with a singular joy, We exult in the Lord, Venerable Brothers, when we behold, standing in great numbers around us this day, you whom we can call with truth our joy and crown. You are indeed a portion of those who partake of our labors and our cares, in feeding that universal flock which the Lord has confided to our weakness, in protecting and defending the rights of the Catholic religion, in adding to it new followers who serve and adore, in sincerity of faith, the God of justice and of truth.… READ MORE

His Holiness Pope Pius XII
Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office

Cum Compertum (1948)

Canonical Warning on Catholics attending Ecumenical Gatherings

Editorial Comment: Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to provide the first English translation of this rare, hard-to-find document issued by the Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office of the Roman Catholic Church, dated June 5, 1948, entitled Cum Compertum. It is a canonical warning, a so-called Monitum, issued by the Church’s highest authority against Catholic involved in ecumenical gatherings with non-Catholics, very much the kind now fully endorsed and promoted by the Novus Ordo Church and its bogus “Second Vatican Council”.… READ MORE

Apostolic Letter of Pope Pius IX

Iam Vos Omnes (1868)

Apostolic Letter of His Holiness Pope Pius IX to all Protestants and other Non-Catholics at the convocation of the [First] Vatican Council, Sept. 13, 1868, that they might return to the Catholic Church


Pius IX, Pope

You all know already that We, having been raised, notwithstanding Our unworthiness, to this Chair of Peter, and therefore invested with the supreme government and guardianship of the whole Catholic Church, divinely entrusted to Us by Christ our Lord, have judged it seasonable to call to Us Our Venerable Brethren, the Bishops of the whole earth, and to unite them together, to celebrate, next year, an Ecumenical Council; so that, in concert with these Our Venerable Brethren who are called to share in Our cares, We may take those steps which may be most opportune and necessary, both to disperse the darkness of the many noxious errors which everywhere increasingly prevail, to the great loss of souls ; and also to establish and confirm daily more and more among the Christian people entrusted to Our watchfulness the Kingdom of true Faith, Justice, and the Peace of God.… READ MORE

Fill the mall… with non-Catholics!


“Together 2016”: Francis to make Virtual Appearance at Protestant “Jesus Gathering” in Washington, D.C.

A Protestant “evangelization” movement called PULSE has announced an event they call “Together 2016 — Fill the Mall”. Their goal is to get 1,000,000 people to show up at the National Mall in Washington, D.C. on July 16, 2016, to “stand for Jesus”. As Christian News Wire reports, the confirmed speakers list for the 12-hour event includes the following names:

Hillsong United, Kari Jobe, Francis Chan, Lecrae, Nick Hall, Passion, Crowder, Kirk Franklin, Ravi Zacharias, Jeremy Camp, Andy Mineo, Michael W. Smith, Lauren Daigle, Christine Caine, Mark Batterson, Matthew West, Jo Saxton, Mike Kelsey, Casting Crowns, John K.


Listen free any time!

The Popes Against Modern Errors:

The Encyclical Mirari Vos of Pope Gregory XVI (1832)

Last year, our friends over at Restoration Radio launched an exciting new series on the errors of modernity: In The Popes Against Modern Errors, sedevacantist Bishop Donald Sanborn analyzes and comments on the great anti-modern encyclical letters of the Popes from Gregory XVI through Pius XII (1831-1958).

The first episode is dedicated to Pope Gregory XVI’s 1832 landmark encyclical against liberalism, Mirari Vos. This magisterial document condemns and refutes errors such as indifferentism, freedom of speech, religious liberty, and separation of church and state.… READ MORE

Vatican II Debate

The Ecclesiology Debate:
Did Vatican II Teach Heresy?

Bp. Donald Sanborn vs. Dr. Robert Fastiggi

If your browser will not properly display the embedded video, CLICK HERE to watch on YouTube

Resolved: The teaching of the Second Vatican Council and the Post-Conciliar Church about the Nature of the Catholic Church is HERETICAL.


  • Affirmative: Most Rev. Donald Sanborn (Sedevacantist)
  • Negative: Dr. Robert Fastiggi, Ph.D. (Novus Ordo)
  • Moderator: Mr. Courtney Robinson

Date of Debate: July 19, 2004

Length of Debate: 2:00 hrs

Trailer Clip: available here (click) — use it to tell friends & family about this debate!

Documents & Documentation relating to this debate


Happy Earth Day to youuuu…

Your Religion?

“It Doesn’t Matter!”
Just “Work Together”!

Okay, everyone, it’s time to get your surprise face ready: For anyone who was still in doubt about what Francis’ central message to the world from the last 3+ years has been, he has now repeated it in plain English — well, Italian actually — in case his words and actions so far have not been clear enough: It doesn’t matter what religion you are.

Speaking off the cuff to a group of youngsters at Rome’s Villa Borghese park on April 24 to commemorate so-called “Earth Day”, the Argentinian papal pretender said the following:

…Look, these are the things that come to my mind.


Brave New Mercy…

Ecumenical Memorial Service for Lutheran Sodomite in Cologne Basilica — Novus Ordo Prelate preaches Eulogy

For those who still think that the Novus Ordo Sect is holding the line regarding the condemnation of homosexuality, we must report that despite what some few “official documents” might say, the lived reality is quite the opposite.

On March 18, 2016, the former Vice Chancellor and Foreign Minister of Germany, Guido Westerwelle, died of leukemia in his home town of Cologne at the age of 54:

Westerwelle, a registered Lutheran, was a public sodomite who lived in an officially-recognized civil partnership, commonly referred to as “homo marriage” in Germany, with his “husband”, Michael Mronz.… READ MORE

Ecumenism & Interreligious Dialogue:

Embed from Getty Images

Indifferentism and Syncretism Repackaged

At the heart of the Novus Ordo Church there is Ecumenism, a collection of heretical, erroneous, and impious beliefs and practices that — officially — aims to bring about “unity” among all those who claim the name of “Christian.” In similar fashion, the practice of Interreligious Dialogue aims to foster good relations with Jews, Mohammedans, and Pagans of every kind.

Lip service to the contrary notwithstanding, both ecumenism and interreligious dialogue deny the uniqueness of the Catholic Church as the only true Church established by God, the necessity of belonging to the Church for salvation, the dogma of the unity of the Church in faith and government, and many other Catholic doctrines, whether implicitly or explicitly.… READ MORE

Catholic Quotes to remember and share

The following is a list of quotes by various Catholic authorities before the Second Vatican Council. These days there is so much misinformation about what true Catholicism is that these little snippets will serve as a welcome and refreshing reminder and a veritable “reality check” against the errors and misconceptions of our times. In the collection of quotes presented here, you will find timeless truths, aphorisms, warnings, clarifications, predictions, and exhortations.

Be sure to share these quotes with friends!

  • “Reveal to the faithful the wolves which are demolishing the Lord’s vineyard.”
    —Pope Clement XIII, Encyclical Christianae Reipublicae, 1766
  • “We declare that a great number of those who are condemned to eternal punishment suffer that everlasting calamity because of ignorance of those mysteries of faith which must be known and believed in order to be numbered among the elect.”

The Facts About “Pope John Paul II” – Karol Wojtyla

What You Need To Know About the Man who Claimed to be the Pope from 1978-2005

“John Paul II”

General Information


The Facts About “Pope Francis” — Jorge Mario Bergoglio

What You Need To Know About
the Man who Claims to be the Pope

Mr. Jorge Mario Bergoglio
“Pope Francis”

Podcasts Refuting Francis’ Errors and Heresies

General Information / Miscellaneous