Heaven forbid someone should convert!

Francis: “Never Proselytize in Schools!”

…or anywhere else, for that matter!

Mr. Jorge “Preach the Gospel Always” Bergoglio — aka “Pope Francis” — has once again stressed that the last thing he actually desires is anyone’s conversion to Catholicism, and here we don’t even mean authentic Catholicism, as found before Vatican II, but even just the NovusOrdo-distorted version of it.

The liberal Italian newspaper La Repubblica (Francis’ favorite, founded by his bosom buddy, the atheist Eugenio Scalfari) published the following on November 21, 2015:

Vatican City: Never proselytize in schools. Pope Francis said this in the Paul VI Audience Hall to seven thousand participants at the World Congress on Catholic Education organized by the Congregation in charge of Catholic Education.


50 Years of the Modernist Juggernaut

Vatican II: The Documents Examined

Bp. Donald Sanborn dismantles the Chief Errors
of the Second Vatican Council (1962-65)

Album / Alamy Stock Photo

The Modernist monstrosity known as the Second Ecumenical Council of the Vatican opened on October 11, 1962, and officially closed on December 8, 1965, almost exactly 50 years ago. “Vatican II”, as it came to be known, laid the doctrinal and pastoral groundwork for the Novus Ordo Religion, which is why in most cases, the “New Catholicism” that emerged after the death of Pope Pius XII (1958) refers back into the past no further than “Pope” John XXIII (Angelo Roncalli, d.… READ MORE

“Chaos Frank” on shared “Communion” with Lutherans:

“I leave that Question to the Theologians and those who understand… Life is Bigger than Explanations”

image credit: AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia

Someone call Jimmy Akin and the rest of the Novus Ordo cleanup crew: Chaos Frank has made a mess again! With him visiting an Evangelical Lutheran Church in Rome on Sunday, Nov. 15, 2015, we knew to expect anything but Catholicism from the Modernist lips of Jorge Bergoglio. And sure enough, he did not fail to deliver.

Not surprisingly, a Lutheran woman married to a “Catholic” asked the “Roman Pontiff” if Lutherans and “Catholics” would not finally be allowed to share each other’s “Communion”.… READ MORE

“Scratch that”…

In Laudato Sii, “Pope” Omits Passage from St. Francis’ Canticle of the Sun that warns of Mortal Sin

Francis Phillips is a writer for the UK-based Novus Ordo publication Catholic Herald. In a July 2 post on “Pope” Francis’ new eco-encyclical Laudato Si, Phillips points out a curiosity that everyone else seems to have missed so far. Although the encyclical claims St. Francis of Assisi’s famous and beautiful Canticle of the Sun for itself — from which the title “Laudato Si” (“Praise Be”) is taken — when it comes to actually quoting the entire text of the Canticle, Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) must have decided to improvise a little.… READ MORE

Two things to know and share…

Akin vs. Akin: Let’s get Technical!


Which Jimmy Akin will you read today?

It’s funny how things work in Novus Ordo Land, where the main focus is not on defending the truth but on defending the increasingly absurd idea that Jorge Bergoglio is the Pope of the Catholic Church (“Francis”).

Jimmy Akin is a senior apologist at so-called Catholic Answers in California, and he is notorious for coming quickly to Francis’ defense whenever the latter opens his Modernist mouth and says what he really thinks, which is usually at odds with Catholic doctrine and dogma.… READ MORE

“Chaos Frank” strikes again…

Francis in Message to Ecumenical Event: “I want to say something that may perhaps be a Heresy, I don’t know” —UPDATED

UPDATE 28-MAY-2015 03:05 UTC: Now that the full message in the original Spanish has become available, we have published a follow-up post that examines Francis’ actual words and responds to attempts to render them harmless:

UPDATE 26-MAY-2015 22:45 UTC: The Vatican web site has released a transcript of Francis’ actual words in Spanish, which reveals that what he actually said is even worse than the initial translation from Vatican Radio suggests:

We will soon publish a follow-up post on this matter right here at the Novus Ordo Wire, and our next TRADCAST podcast will be dedicated entirely to this story.… READ MORE

Bad News for Novus Ordo Apologists…

Francis Denounces Apologetics, Seeking Conversion of Protestants

Pictured from left: Michael Voris, Jimmy Akin, Patrick Madrid, Tim Haines

Sorry, fellows, but your boss just isn’t all that into you…

Don’t you hate it when that happens? You’re a Novus Ordo apologist publishing articles, blog posts, podcasts, and videos trying to convince the world that the Modernist Novus Ordo Sect is in fact the glorious Catholic Church of our Lord Jesus Christ; you’re trying your darndest to either ignore, minimize, or excuse Francis’ constant “indiscretions”; you’re trying to get your followers all fired up about the Catholic Faith that the Vatican II Church supposedly represents and teaches; you’re telling people that Protestantism is in fact HERESY and that everyone must become a Catholic to be saved, and then… then… Francis — the man you just spent all your energies convincing people is the Pope of the Catholic Church and must be submitted to under pain of eternal damnation (see Denz.READ MORE

Francis at the Blue Mosque…

“Silent Adoration”:
Francis prays with Mufti at the Blue Mosque in Istanbul

Embed from Getty Images

Mr. Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) is currently visiting Turkey. November 29 marks Day 2 of his trip, and, like his predecessor Benedict XVI, he went to Istanbul and, removing his shoes, stepped into the Mosque of the Sultan Ahmed, often referred to as the “Blue Mosque”. As is visible in the photo above and the video below, Francis prayed for several minutes to the same god as the Muslims:

After the prayer, Francis said to the Muslim leader, “I also want to ask you to pray for me” (source).… READ MORE

“Heresy” is soo yesterday…

Francis tells Protestants:
“We all have the Holy Spirit within us”

Earlier this month, the head of the Vatican II Sect, “Pope” Francis, met with members of the Ark Community, co-founded by the recently deceased Evangelical-Anglican “Bishop” Tony Palmer. A video clip (above) of some of the conversations has now been released. The following link has the background story:

In addition, there is now a transcript available, as well as lots of photos, at the Call Me Jorge blog here. Remember, this is the same Francis who doesn’t care what religion you are and adheres to the heresy that faith without works is not true faith.… READ MORE

As long as you’re not Catholic, that is…

Francis Doesn’t Care What Religion You Are

The following clip has recently been making the rounds. It is a brief excerpt from a video made in 2013 when Francis visited Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for World Youth Day. In it, he declares that it is not important to him whether someone lacking food and education receives a Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, or Jewish education, as long as he is fed and gets educated. We provide an English translation and a link to the full interview below.

The entire interview, which was broadcast on Brazilian television at the time, can be watched at this link (with English subtitles); the so-called Catholic News Agency has a summary of the conversation posted here.… READ MORE

In-Your-Face Apostasy…

McCarrick the Muslim: Washington “Cardinal” Lauds the “Holy Koran” and “Muhammad the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him”

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, Washington’s retired “Cardinal” Theodore McCarrick opens his mouth at a press conference in Washington, D.C., and essentially endorses the Muslim religion. Read the following highlights from an article in The Daily Caller (red print added by us for special emphasis):

Catholic Cardinal Theodore McCarrick offered Islamic religious phrases and insisted that Islam shares foundational rules with Christianity, during a Sept. 10 press conference in D.C.

“In the name of God, the Merciful and Compassionate,” McCarrick said as he introduced himself to the audience at a meeting arranged by the Muslim Public Affairs Council.


Here it comes…

Shimon Peres to Francis:
We need a “United Nations of All Religions”!

Embed from Getty Images

SEPT 4, 2014: The Italian news agency ANSA is reporting that former President of Israel Shimon Peres, who visited “Pope” Francis this morning in the Vatican, proposed to Francis that he head a “United Nations of All Religions.”

(ANSA) – Rome, September 4 – Former Israeli President Shimon Peres said he has proposed the formation of a United Religions organization to combat terrorism during a meeting at the Vatican on Thursday.

“The UN has had its time,” Peres was quoted as saying by Catholic weekly Famiglia Cristiana.


“Chaos Frank” strikes again…

“Pope” Francis advised Tony Palmer NOT to Convert, ordered him buried as a Catholic Bishop!

The absurd circus that is the Jorge Bergoglio “Papacy” continues unabated. A very interesting article published by Austen Ivereigh in the Boston Globe on August 7, 2014, gives a lot of background information on the friendship between “Pope” Francis and the Anglican-Evangelical “Bishop” Tony Palmer, and casts the latter’s deadly motorcycle accident in an even more significant light:

[The church communion Palmer was “ordained” in sees itself] as part of a “convergence” movement, seeking to combine evangelical Christianity with the liturgy and sacraments typical of Catholicism.


Hey, thanks for clarifying…

Francis: “I’m Not Interested in Converting Evangelicals to Catholicism”

For all those neo-cons in the Novus Ordo Church who were still in denial over Francis’ repeated affirmations that he opposes converting non-Catholics to Catholicism, “Pope” Jorge Bergoglio reiterated his position once more, this time in a conversation he had with Evangelical Protestant Brian Stiller, who is the Global Ambassador of the World Evangelical Alliance.

Stiller visited Francis in the Vatican in June 2014 and published a blog post about his encounter, entitled “Lunch with the Pope”, on July 9. There are two salient passages in Stiller’s account worth quoting:

We talked about Christians marginalized, pressed under the weight of government power or the majority presence of other faiths.


Facts and Rumors…

A Third Council of Nicea in 2025?
Do Francis & Bartholomew want a new Ecumenical Council?

Rumors are making the rounds in the blogosphere today as AsiaNews.it released a story according to which the Eastern Schismatic (“Orthodox”) Patriarch Bartholomew I revealed that “Pope” Francis and he “agreed to leave as a legacy to ourselves and our successors a gathering in Nicaea in 2025, to celebrate together, after 17 centuries, the first truly ecumenical synod, where the Creed was first promulgated.”

The full story can be read here: