In-Your-Face Apostasy…

McCarrick the Muslim: Washington “Cardinal” Lauds the “Holy Koran” and “Muhammad the Prophet, Peace Be Upon Him”

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse, Washington’s retired “Cardinal” Theodore McCarrick opens his mouth at a press conference in Washington, D.C., and essentially endorses the Muslim religion. Read the following highlights from an article in The Daily Caller (red print added by us for special emphasis):

Catholic Cardinal Theodore McCarrick offered Islamic religious phrases and insisted that Islam shares foundational rules with Christianity, during a Sept. 10 press conference in D.C.

“In the name of God, the Merciful and Compassionate,” McCarrick said as he introduced himself to the audience at a meeting arranged by the Muslim Public Affairs Council.


Here it comes…

Shimon Peres to Francis:
We need a “United Nations of All Religions”!

Embed from Getty Images

SEPT 4, 2014: The Italian news agency ANSA is reporting that former President of Israel Shimon Peres, who visited “Pope” Francis this morning in the Vatican, proposed to Francis that he head a “United Nations of All Religions.”

(ANSA) – Rome, September 4 – Former Israeli President Shimon Peres said he has proposed the formation of a United Religions organization to combat terrorism during a meeting at the Vatican on Thursday.

“The UN has had its time,” Peres was quoted as saying by Catholic weekly Famiglia Cristiana.


“Chaos Frank” strikes again…

“Pope” Francis advised Tony Palmer NOT to Convert, ordered him buried as a Catholic Bishop!

The absurd circus that is the Jorge Bergoglio “Papacy” continues unabated. A very interesting article published by Austen Ivereigh in the Boston Globe on August 7, 2014, gives a lot of background information on the friendship between “Pope” Francis and the Anglican-Evangelical “Bishop” Tony Palmer, and casts the latter’s deadly motorcycle accident in an even more significant light:

[The church communion Palmer was “ordained” in sees itself] as part of a “convergence” movement, seeking to combine evangelical Christianity with the liturgy and sacraments typical of Catholicism.


Hey, thanks for clarifying…

Francis: “I’m Not Interested in Converting Evangelicals to Catholicism”

For all those neo-cons in the Novus Ordo Church who were still in denial over Francis’ repeated affirmations that he opposes converting non-Catholics to Catholicism, “Pope” Jorge Bergoglio reiterated his position once more, this time in a conversation he had with Evangelical Protestant Brian Stiller, who is the Global Ambassador of the World Evangelical Alliance.

Stiller visited Francis in the Vatican in June 2014 and published a blog post about his encounter, entitled “Lunch with the Pope”, on July 9. There are two salient passages in Stiller’s account worth quoting:

We talked about Christians marginalized, pressed under the weight of government power or the majority presence of other faiths.


Facts and Rumors…

A Third Council of Nicea in 2025?
Do Francis & Bartholomew want a new Ecumenical Council?

Rumors are making the rounds in the blogosphere today as released a story according to which the Eastern Schismatic (“Orthodox”) Patriarch Bartholomew I revealed that “Pope” Francis and he “agreed to leave as a legacy to ourselves and our successors a gathering in Nicaea in 2025, to celebrate together, after 17 centuries, the first truly ecumenical synod, where the Creed was first promulgated.”

The full story can be read here:


To Francis, it’s all the same god anyway…

Francis, the Muslims & the Jews

The Call Me Jorge blog has just put up another really interesting post on Francis’ Modernist apostasy. In the video below, you see Jorge Bergoglio speaking to representatives of the Muslim and Jewish religions, in addition to his own, telling them they all believe in and adore the same god:

The majority of us know how to coexist, it’s easier for us, and that’s a clear message. It’s a message that we have the same Father, up in Heaven, and the same Father down on earth, we adore him… What you have done, visiting these towns, the synagogues, mosques and Christian churches, is an act of brotherhood and a seed.


Like a good neighbor, Francis is there…

“My Brother Bishop!”

Few things are a better advertisement for the falsity of the Vatican II religion and the truth of the Sedevacantist position than Jorge Mario Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) speaking his mind freely — “from the heart”, you know.

And in this seven-minute screed to Anglican-Pentecostal “Bishop” Tony Palmer, recorded on a smartphone, that’s exactly what Francis did. He addressed the Protestant layman as his “brother bishop”, called the the fake “speaking in tongues” at Pentecostal assemblies a sign of the “Spirit” working throughout the world, outrageously denied the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, offered “tears of love”, asked for the heretical layman’s “blessing”, and much more.… READ MORE

Reality check for Ratzinger admirers…

There’s Your New Evangelization: Vatican Translator dies a Lutheran because “Cardinal” Ratzinger had told her NOT to Convert

[UPDATE 2/6/14: Accuracy of story confirmed – Spath herself was source of this information]

This past Sunday, Feb. 2, 2014, a lady by the name of Sigrid Spath passed away in Rome. Austrian by birth, Spath had worked for the Vatican as a translator of official church documents since the time of Paul VI. She translated Italian, Latin, French, English, Spanish, and Polish texts into German.

Now that she has passed, Vatican Radio has released a brief article on her life and work, and it contains a veritable bombshell.… READ MORE

More Syncretist Junk…

The Apostasy Advances:
“Cardinal” Tauran at Hindu Temple

[We are indebted to Tradition in Action for this story.]

The apostasy of the Vatican II Sect advances with ever greater and more alarming speed. “Cardinal” Jean-Louis Pierre Tauran is the current President of the so-called Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, having been appointed to this post by “Pope” Benedict XVI in 2007. He is incidentally also the very same individual who introduced Jorge Bergoglio as “Pope Francis” to the world on that fateful day of March 13, 2013.

On June 13, 2013, “His Eminence” visited a Hindu temple in London, where he paid homage and gave credence to the false religion of Hinduism and its idols.… READ MORE

The “Gospel” according to Bergoglio…

Francis Again Confirms Muslim Refugees in Unbelief, says their “Faith” will help them to “Move On”

Antipope Francis never misses an opportunity to hide the Gospel from those who need it most: the unbelievers. Whether they be Jews, Muslims, Pagans, or atheists, Francis never tires of telling people to do anything other than embrace the only true religion, the Catholic Faith; he thus deliberately impedes any potential conversion.

His latest attack on the Gospel in the presence of hapless unbelievers was perpetrated on Sunday, Jan. 19, 2014, when His Hereticalness attended a meeting with foreign refugees in the Roman parish of the Sacred Heart (see video above).… READ MORE

‘Chaos Frank’ Strikes Again…

“Pope” Francis: ‘Dialogue means Renouncing the Claim that our Ideas and Traditions Alone are Valid or Absolute’

When someone like Jorge Bergoglio presumes to instruct others on how and what to communicate, it is a given that disaster will result.

And so it has. On Jan. 23, 2014, “Pope” Francis issued his annual Message for World Communications Day. Of course, he was promoting his essentially meaningless but feel-good pet theme of a “culture of encounter”, but the penultimate paragraph in his document was rather meaningful indeed:

Effective Christian witness is not about bombarding people with religious messages, but about our willingness to be available to others “by patiently and respectfully engaging their questions and their doubts as they advance in their search for the truth and the meaning of human existence” (BENEDICT XVI, Message for the 47th World Communications Day, 2013).


You can’t make this stuff up…


Jewish Paper Lists “Pope” Francis among 2013’s Most Important American Jews

If only two weeks ago Novus Ordo Watch had stated that Jorge Bergoglio, aka “Pope Francis”, deserves to be honored as one of the most important Jews of 2013, we would have immediately been accused of “anti-semitism”, “spreading hate”, and all the other (by now) meaningless terms typically used by the whiny, brainless, oh-so-tolerant left of various disguises (Mark Shea comes to mind). These people are incapable of taking a real and objective look at issues and analyze them in the light of traditional Catholic teaching, especially when it comes to the topic of Judaism, a veritable Golden Calf (pun fully intended) in the Novus Ordo religion and Western society at large.… READ MORE

“For the Zeal of Thy House Hath Eaten Me Up” (Ps 68:10)…


SSPX Protesters Disrupt “Catholic”-Jewish Interfaith Service in Buenos Aires Cathedral, Cause Ruckus by Praying Holy Rosary

New 23-Minute Video of the Incident at Buenos Aires Cathedral

Buenos Aires, Argentina (Nov. 12, 2013). Blasphemy, sacrilege, and syncretism are welcome in the Catholic Cathedral of Buenos Aires; praying the Holy Rosary, the Hail Mary, the Our Father are not. For its annual commemoration of the so-called Kristallnacht incident of Nov. 9-10, 1938, when Jewish synagogues, businesses, and homes were destroyed by paramilitary forces in Nazi Germany, the Novus Ordo authorities of the “Archdiocese” of Buenos Aires once again invited Jews, Protestants, and others to participate in an interfaith service held inside its Metropolitan Cathedral.… READ MORE

Dissecting a fallacious slogan…

Does the Catholic Church have the “Fullness of Truth”?

You’ve heard it numerous times: “The Catholic Church has the fullness of truth.” It is a very popular slogan among “conservative” Novus Ordo adherents, and even many Traditional Catholics unwittingly use it. Yet, this adage, though not incorrect if interpreted strictly, is actually favorable to heresy, specifically the heresy of Modernism. This explains why it is an expression that only began to be used with the advent of the Modernist Vatican II religion and was virtually unknown among Catholics before the 1960s.

So, what is the problem? Are we suggesting that the Catholic Church does not have all the truth? … READ MORE

“We all need somebody to leeeaan on”…

A Photo Makes the Rounds:
Bergoglio’s 2006 “Encounter” with Adventist Teenager


“Cardinal” Jorge Bergoglio Leans on Shoulder of
16-Year-Old Seventh-Day Adventist at Ecumenical Gathering

It happened on June 29, 2006, at Luna Park Stadium in Buenos Aires, Argentina. “Cardinal” Jorge Bergoglio (now “Pope” Francis), the “Archbishop” of Buenos Aires at the time, was attending an ecumenical gathering with Protestants. The above photo was taken by Enrique Cangas, a photographer who is currently presenting 25 images of “Pope” Francis taken between 2003 and 2012, at an exhibit entitled Francis: Servant to Buenos Aires, Servant to the World.… READ MORE