A lawyer and a journalist walk into a bar…

More Catholic than the Pope?
The Remnant versus Francis

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What, even MORE Catholic??

Granted, we are a bit late in covering this, but this should not detract from its importance, which is not at all tied to the time it was first published.

On March 30, 2014, the Semi-Traditionalist biweekly publication The Remnant released another video of a chit-chat between its editor, Minneapolis-based Michael J. Matt, and Virginia-based contributor Christopher A. Ferrara. In this episode of the so-called “Remnant Forum”, the two discuss the latest (at the time) theological chaos in the institution they still believe to be the Immaculate Bride of Christ.… READ MORE

The Doctor of the Papacy refutes the Neo-Trads…

Papal Error?

St. Robert Bellarmine’s Defense of Popes said to have Erred in Faith

The folks at Mediatrix Press have released another gem of St. Robert Bellarmine, the great 17th-century Jesuit cardinal who is the Church’s foremost single theologian on the papacy. For the first time now available in English, Papal Error? A Defense of Popes said to have Erred in Faith is an excerpt from Cardinal Bellarmine’s larger treatise De Romano Pontifice (“On the Roman Pontiff”), Book IV. The translator is Mr. Ryan Grant, and the English-speaking world owes him a tremendous amount of gratitude.… READ MORE

October Surprise! Muller caves…

“Cardinal” Müller: Communion for Unrepentent Adulterers Conceivable in Exceptional Cases

As Francis’ Synod on the Family enters its last and decisive week, the German edition of Vatican Radio drops a bombshell: “Cardinal” Gerhard Ludwig Muller, the head of the Vatican’s so-called Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, argued in an interview with the German news magazine Focus that unrepentant adulterers could be admitted to Holy Communion in exceptional cases.

Here is a translation of the snippet published on Radio Vatikan (the full interview has not yet been released by Focus):

Curial cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller does not rule out admitting remarried divorcees to Communion “in extreme individual cases”, according to media reports.


Blasphemy on Steroids

“Pope Saint” John Paul II called World War II Nazi Genocide “Golgotha of the Modern World”

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At a time when everyone’s attention is on the turbo-charged open Modernism of Jorge Bergoglio, aka “Pope Francis”, it is important not to neglect to look back at his five predecessors of infelicitous memory, in order to remember that their heresies, errors, scandals, and blasphemies were no less outrageous than his, but simply carefully packaged in deceptive wrapping paper that gave somewhat of an appearance of orthodoxy and piety.

Today we would like to point to a horrific blasphemy uttered by that supposedly conservative and traditional Catholic “Pope”, John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla).… READ MORE

Hand-ing on the Masonic tradition?

The Curious Handshakes of “Pope” Francis

The future “Pope” Francis, right, shakes hands with Benedict XVI. Original caption: “Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI meets the archbishop of Buenos Aires Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio at the Vatican, 13 January 2007.” Credit: ARTURO MARI / OSSERVATORE ROMANO/AFP via Getty Image

There comes a point when circumstantial evidence has become so overwhelming in terms of quantity and quality that only a fool would deny the reality it points to. Jorge Bergoglio — the apostate Argentinian layman pulling off the “Pope Francis” Show in the Vatican — not only talks like a Mason, acts like a Mason, and teaches the doctrines of Freemasonry, he also shakes hands like one.… READ MORE

Pre-Synod Fireworks…

Vatican Prelate at CDF comes out as being in a Homosexual Relationship as News breaks Francis had met with Sodomite Couple in United States

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“Fr.” Charamsa and his depraved lover on October 3, 2015

News is pouring in faster than we’re able to produce quality blog posts!

Just as we were preparing to publish a post on the Vatican’s downplaying of Francis’ meeting with Kim Davis, which had just been overshadowed by the revelation that Francis had received in audience a homosexual couple while in the United States (details further down below), this morning news broke that a high-ranking prelate in the Vatican’s so-called Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) — the Novus Ordo version of the Holy Office — has publicly admitted to being in a sodomite relationship and being “proud” of it!… READ MORE

Comprehensive List of Links & Resources

Mr. Bergoglio goes to Washington:
The Francis Show in the United States

No Cross, just “Luv”:
The logo illustrates the Naturalist Soup-Kitchen Theology of “Pope” Francis

All bets are off as Mr. Jorge Bergoglio, the Argentinian apostate layman claiming to be the Pope of the Catholic Church, meets Barack Obama, the infanticide-promoting Socialist resident of the United States. Obama has long outed himself as an admirer of “Pope” Bergoglio, joining other high-profile leftists such as Hillary ClintonElton JohnMadonnaBernie Sanders, and others.

After visiting fellow-revolutionaries Fidel and Raul Castro in Cuba earlier in the week, Francis now marches on Washington, New York City, and Philadelphia to further promote his show of “humility”, “mercy”, and “love” that are nothing of the sort.


008 TRADCAST (16 SEP 2015)


  • Segment 1: Francis’ Drive-Thru Marriage Annulments — Francis’ “Mercy” towards the Society of St. Pius X: Faculties to give Absolution for Jubilee Year
  • Segment 2: Kim Davis, Religious Liberty, and “Gay Marriage”

You can listen to the show by clicking the big play button on the left in the embedded player above. Alternatively, you can choose right below from more listening/viewing options:

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Chaos Frank strikes again…

Francis and the Gay Penguins:
The Latest Kerfuffle in FrancisChurch

Just ahead of “Pope” Francis’ visit to the United States after the Supreme Court’s (invalid) ruling that homosexual unions are to be considered “marriage”, and about 6 weeks ahead of the much-anticipated October Synod on Marriage and the Family, once again there is chaos in Novus Ordo Land about what the “Pope” has — or has not — said to a lesbian activist who put together a children’s book in which gentle souls are groomed to be accepting of the idea of unnatural “families”, in which both “parents” share the same sex (often incorrectly termed “gender”, which is actually a grammatical term).… READ MORE

Another blow to Bp. Williamson…

Against Mente-Vacantism:
Refuting the Idea that the Vatican II “Popes” Cannot Be Guilty of Heresy because they have no Grasp of Immutable Truth

Bishop Donald Sanborn, rector of the sedevacantist Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, Florida, has produced another excellent post in which he refutes one of the main errors of the ‘Resistance’ movement, that which has come to be known as “mente-vacantism” — “empty-mindedness” —, according to which Francis and his manifestly heretical predecessors cannot be considered heretics because they are allegedly incapable of understanding the concept of the changelessness (“immutability”) of truth.

As Bp.


“This saying is hard, who can accept it?” (Jn 6:60)

Francis “Explains” Bread of Life Discourse in John 6 — without mentioning the Real Presence!

From the man who likes to emphasize that we must “preach the Gospel always”, comes yet another blatant refusal to do precisely that. In a short “catechesis” on our Lord Jesus Christ’s “I am the Bread of Life” discourse in John 6:27-70, “Pope” Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) in his Sunday Angelus Address of Aug. 23, 2015 managed to preach on the classic scriptural prooftext for the Catholic dogma of Transubstantiation while conspicuously avoiding any reference to the Real Presence of Christ in the Holy Eucharist.

 Responding to a popular objection…

Catholic Debate and Personal Polemics:
Are we just full of “Bitter Zeal” and “Venom”? Can We Only Attack an Argument and Never a Person?

Some readers of our web site, though happy with the content in general, may be somewhat displeased with our rhetorical and polemical style, or our personal rebukes of certain individuals, specifically (our favorite targets) members of the bogus Vatican II hierarchy, but also subscribers to the false “recognize-and-resist” opposition, including Michael Voris, John Vennari, Michael Matt, John Salza, and Christopher Ferrara. As of late, it seems to have become fashionable to object on certain blogs and forums that Novus Ordo Watch is just full of “venom” and “bitter zeal” — a rather convenient excuse not to have to deal with the facts presented.


Listen Free Online…

Sermon Series:
“Satan will Try to Deceive Even the Elect”
Part 3

Most Rev. Mark A. Pivarunas

As part of their ongoing broadcast series “From the Pulpit,” our friends at The Restoration Radio Network are making available a very informative 3-part presentation by His Excellency, Bishop Mark Pivarunas, CMRI, on the ways in which Satan is trying to deceive even the elect, as warned by our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew 24:24: “For there shall arise false Christs and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders, insomuch as to deceive (if possible) even the elect.”… READ MORE

Williamson spouts Protestant ideas…

Christ or Belial?
Bp. Sanborn refutes Bp. Williamson on the “New Mass”

Just recently we took Bp. Richard Williamson to task for his ludicrous argumentation that the “New Mass” of the Vatican II Sect can licitly be attended by Catholics under certain restrictive circumstances. As we demonstrated in our post and video, the former SSPX bishop’s argumentation was lacking in consistency and, most of all, in traditional Catholic theological principles. Williamson based his entire argumentation on the Modernist, Subjectivist, and Protestant idea that licit attendance at Holy Mass is determined by what it does for the believer, rather than whether it is the true worship of God by the Catholic Church.… READ MORE

The brilliant theology of Richard Williamson…

Bishop Williamson: Novus Ordo “Mass” is Bad
but OK if it “Nourishes your Faith”


We have long criticized the absurd, non-Catholic, and principle-less “theology” of the Lefebvrist Society of St. Pius X. How poor and bizarre it really is has just been demonstrated once again by none other than Bishop Richard Williamson, an Englishman consecrated by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre in 1988.

Although at this point no longer a part of the official SSPX, he is still very much part of the semi-traditionalist “resistance” against the Modernist Vatican that recognizes Francis and his five predecessors of infelicitous memory as legitimate — yet entirely ignorable — Roman Catholic Popes.… READ MORE