Bergoglio teaches man is God

Blasphemy! Francis declares Rohingya Muslims to be “Presence of God Today”

The world’s most wicked apostate and blasphemer is at it again: Speaking to an interreligious audience in Bangladesh on Dec. 1, 2017, “Pope” Francis in another genuflection before unbelievers called the Rohingya tribe of Muslims expelled from Myanmar “the presence of God today” — and asked them for forgiveness!

The man who masquerades as the Pope of the Catholic Church said this at the end of the scheduled “Ecumenical and Interreligious Meeting for Peace” in Dhaka. These comments were not part of an official speech but were given off the cuff after Francis individually met with 16 Rohingya Muslims who had fled to Bangladesh from Myanmar.… READ MORE

Another Jorge in more ways than one…

Look at whom Francis just appointed “Bishop”!

“Fr.” Jorge Cuerva embraces a transsexual and his homosexual partner at the baptism of “their” children
(image credit: / fair use)

One of the most powerful and lasting ways in which a Pope can influence the Church is by appointing bishops. If the men he appoints are virtuous, learned, pious, zealous, courageous, prudent, and good at governing, teaching, and directing souls, the Church will be blessed for generations to come. If they are weak, lukewarm, timid, immoral, stupid, lazy, of questionable orthodoxy, etc., then the Church will be seriously harmed.… READ MORE

Interview with “Corriere della Sera”

“Cardinal” Muller on Schism, Spies, and Francis’ “Magic Circle”

Embed from Getty Images

“Cardinal” Gerhard Ludwig Muller has lots of time on his hands these days, now that he is no longer the Prefect of the Congregation for the Destruction of the Faith. In fact, he seems to have no clear assignment in the Vatican at all at this time. Recently he said he has more requests for interviews than he is able to grant, and this explains why we are currently seeing one Muller interview after another being cranked out.… READ MORE

Video, News, Transcripts, Commentary, Background

The Francis Show in Myanmar and Bangladesh:
His “Apostolic Journey” of Nov. 26-Dec. 2, 2017


It’s time again for Francis to embark on another public relations tour “Apostolic Journey”. This time, the destination is the Far East: The nations of Myanmar (aka Burma) and Bangladesh are being graced with the presence of the world’s Chief Apostate from Nov. 27 to Dec. 2.

This page contains all the main links you will need to stay informed about the false pope’s visit to the Far East. The local time in Myanmar is UTC+06:30. In Bangladesh, the local time is UTC+06:00.… READ MORE

No kidding!

Francis: “Someone might think, ‘This Pope is a Heretic’…” for saying Judas Iscariot might be saved!

We all know that “Pope” Francis says the darndest things when he gives a scripted speech, but he is absolutely priceless when speaking off the cuff because it is then that his anti-Catholic mind is revealed most candidly.

The Italian Novus Ordo television station TV2000 has been running a broadcast program called Padre Nostro (“Our Father”), featuring in-depth conversations about the Lord’s Prayer with none other than “His Holiness”, Mr. Jorge Bergoglio. These have now been released as a book, Quando Pregate Dite Padre Nostro (“When you Pray, say Our Father”), and the Italian Corriere della Sera has just published an excerpt of it. READ MORE

Novelty meets pseudo-theology…

The “God of Surprises” and his Oracle: Francis and the Development of Doctrine

Francis has a surprise for you!

On Oct. 11 of this year, Francis gave a landmark speech at the Vatican on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the promulgation of the so-called Catechism of the Catholic Church. The date also coincided with the 55th anniversary of the opening of the infernal Second Vatican Council. Francis’ speech addressed three main subjects:

  • the Conciliar (i.e. Novus Ordo) Catechism
  • the development of doctrine
  • the death penalty

On Oct. 13, we published an article regarding the problems with the Conciliar Catechism and, for the time being, skipped the two other main topics.… READ MORE

Feeling the heat?

Vatican promotes Book defending Francis against Claims he is not a true Pope

It looks like the pseudo-Catholic establishment in the Vatican is feeling the heat against “Pope” Francis.

After more and more people are beginning to voice doubt about the legitimacy of Jorge Bergoglio’s claim to being the Pope of the Catholic Church, the Vatican will host the presentation of a book against what they call “Sedevacantism”, on Tuesday evening, Nov. 21.

The book in question is called Sedevacantisti (“Sedevacantists”) and was written by Francesco Antonio Grana. It was released on Oct. 11, 2017 and is being published by Tau Editrice.… READ MORE

The most real fake news ever…

Priceless Satire:
EWTN’s Raymond Arroyo interviews “Pope” Francis

The Novus Ordo web site Meddling Catholics has produced a hilarious piece of satire: an animated video showing journalist Raymond Arroyo, host of EWTN’s The World Over, interviewing “Pope” Francis.

You can watch it here:

Keep in mind that what makes good satire so funny is the fact that it is based on reality, which it seeks to expose and lambast.

If you liked this video, you will also like Sedevacantism for Dummies: “Pope” Francis Edition.… READ MORE

False Church to excommunicate False Priest

Facing Excommunication:

Italian Novus Ordo Priest critical of Francis to be slapped with harshest possible Penalty

[POST UPDATED 17-NOV-2017: Replaced original Italian video with English version just released]

His name is Alessandro Minutella. He is a 44-year-old Novus Ordo priest in Italy and has publicly criticized the man he belives to be the Pope of the Catholic Church, Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) — basically for being too “progressive”. He went so far as to call Francis a “false prophet” at the top of the “mystical body of the antichrist”.

In late March of this year, Minutella had made an open appeal to Francis from the pulpit (video here) regarding the confusion caused by Amoris Laetitia.… READ MORE

Smoke of Satan still permitted…

Francis outlaws Sale of Cigarettes in Vatican City

Francis has once again shown his iron “papal” fist: In a fearless move against the powers of darkness, the “Pope” has now outlawed the sale of cigarettes throughout every square inch of the 0.17 sq mi of Vatican City State, effective Jan. 1, 2018.

In a Nov. 9 statement released by the Unholy See’s Press Office, spokesman Greg Burke explained the move on the grounds that “the Holy See cannot contribute to an activity that clearly damages the health of people”, according to a report published by Crux.… READ MORE

Excluded and marginalized…

USCCB Doctrinal Advisor Fired after Publishing Critical Letter to Francis

[UPDATE 03-NOV-17: “Mgr.” John Strynkowski responds to “Fr.” Weinandy in Open Letter]

The Church of Mercy, Dialogue, and Compassion has struck again. This time, the object of its solicitous benevolence was the Capuchin “Fr.” Thomas Weinandy, who was a theological consultant for the doctrinal committee of the United States Conference of Bishops (USCCB) — until yesterday. It was then that he committed what is in the Vatican II Church an unpardonable sin and, as a result, was fired “resigned” from his post after a meeting with the American Chief Modernist, “Cardinal” Daniel DiNardo (of Houston co-cathedral Methodist “ordination” infamy).… READ MORE

Vatican II Sect celebrates Protestant Reformation

Vatican releases Postage Stamp honoring Martin Luther

Today is Reformation Day. In Germany, that’s a quasi-holiday. What makes it worse this year is that it’s the 500th anniversary. That’s right: It was on Oct. 31, 1517 that a priest named Martin Luther nailed 95 theses to the door of All Saints’ Church in Wittenberg, Germany. The errors of Luther were solemnly condemned by Pope Leo X in the bull Exsurge Domine in 1520, and Luther’s excommunication followed a few months later.

In 1545, the Church convened the all-important Council of Trent, which ushered in the Catholic Counter-Reformation, and also led to the publication of the Roman Catechism, also known as the Catechism of the Council of Trent.… READ MORE

Breaking point, here we come!

Prominent Novus Ordo Priest on Francis:
“We Can’t Wait for Him to Die”

The British journalist Andrew Brown published a lengthy article written for The Guardian this past Friday: “The War Against Pope Francis” is the title, and it’s a mostly descriptive piece trying to give an overview of what the mess over “Pope” Francis and especially Amoris Laetitia within the Vatican II Sect is all about. Although it is evident that the writer is by no means a Catholic and his write-up reflects the usual liberal attitude against the Catholic Church, it is at least not overly hostile.… READ MORE

Interview in German Newspaper

“Cardinal” Brandmuller warns of Schism:
“May God prevent it”

[UPDATE 29-OCT-2017: Full Interview Text now available in English here]

The Oct. 28, 2017 edition of the German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine contains a full-page interview with “Cardinal” Walter Brandmuller, one of the only two surviving Novus Ordo cardinals who petitioned Francis to answer five specific questions or doubts (“dubia“) regarding the teaching of his exhortation Amoris Laetitia. Fr. Brandmuller’s responses throughout the interview are refreshingly clear and firm, especially for Novus Ordo standards.

To review, the five now world-famous Dubia are the following:



Phoning home?

Out There: Francis chats with Astronauts at Space Station

screenshot from video — with a slight modification by us

[UPDATE 27-OCT-2017: Complete English transcript now available]

“Pope” Francis is concerned about many things, it’s just that most of them have nothing to do with the job description of Pope (cf. Lk 10:42-43). Were he a true and valid Catholic Pope, his first duty would be to guard the purity of the Faith, to teach true doctrine, to sanctify souls, and to govern the Mystical Body of Christ, ensuring its unity, prosperity, and growth. A great example of how to do this well was given by Pope Saint Pius X (r.READ MORE