After recent fall…

First Francis, now Benedict XVI:
New Photos show Joseph Ratzinger with Black Eye

The diocese of Passau, Germany, just published two new images of the so-called “Pope Emeritus”, Fr. Joseph Ratzinger, otherwise known by his stage name “Benedict XVI.” Here is one of them:

The two visitors seen in this photo are “Bishop” Stefan Oster of the diocese of Passau, Germany, in which lies Benedict’s birthplace, and Mr. Peter Seewald, a German journalist who has produced numerous interview books with Ratzinger. Oster and Seewald visited Benedict to give him a copy of a new book they collaborated on, entitled Benedikt XVI.READ MORE

Phoning home?

Out There: Francis chats with Astronauts at Space Station

screenshot from video — with a slight modification by us

[UPDATE 27-OCT-2017: Complete English transcript now available]

“Pope” Francis is concerned about many things, it’s just that most of them have nothing to do with the job description of Pope (cf. Lk 10:42-43). Were he a true and valid Catholic Pope, his first duty would be to guard the purity of the Faith, to teach true doctrine, to sanctify souls, and to govern the Mystical Body of Christ, ensuring its unity, prosperity, and growth. A great example of how to do this well was given by Pope Saint Pius X (r.READ MORE

A gift that keeps on giving…

Correction Reactions:
Chronicling the Chaos following the Correctio Filialis

The Background

Remember the “Synod on the Family” in 2014? That’s when all the talk about “communion for the divorced-and-remarried” started. At the time, there was no end to hearing about the “October Synod”. When the first synod document was released, the so-called Relatio Post Disceptationem (“Report after Discussions”), all hell broke loose, although the usual Novus Ordo apologists were still trying to save the baby. Mr. John Zuhlsdorf (“Fr. Z”), for example, told his readers to beware of media distortions, warning of a “Synod of the Media”.… READ MORE

To “avoid any misunderstanding”!

Francis rushes to clarify Shift in Authority for Liturgical Translations

What do you know! It’s amazing how quickly Francis can move to clarify something he has written when he really wants to.

On Sep. 9, 2017, the Vatican’s Chief Apostate released a motu proprio entitled Magnum Principium, in which he decreed a modification to the 1983 Code of Canon Law. The change concerns the final authority in matters of translation of liturgical texts, which Francis has now shifted away from the “Holy See” to national or regional episcopal conferences. Whereas formerly it was necessary for the Vatican to approve liturgical translations, the role of the “Holy See” is now one merely of confirming what episcopal conferences approve. … READ MORE

Charitable, informative, challenging

Podcast Discussion: Novus Ordo vs. Sedevacantist


The Catholic vs. podcast is a Novus Ordo podcast produced and hosted by David Mary Andrew Ross. The host, who is a convert to the Vatican II Church from atheism (2009), interviews guests who have a religious position different from his own. The format is informal and conversational, and the idea is to generate light rather than heat.

On Sep. 30, 2017, in an episode entitled Catholic vs. Catholic, the host interviewed sedevacantist Stephen Heiner. The show is available for free and can be listened to here:

In roughly 58 minutes, Ross and Heiner challenge each other on a number of different issues, including the teachings of Vatican II, wolves in sheep’s clothing, the disaster of Amoris Laetitia, and the visibility of the Church.… READ MORE

First Invalid Masses in United States

Unhappy Anniversary:
50 Years since “Black Sunday”

The year of our Lord 2017 has proven to be a year of significant anniversaries, both positive and negative. Another such is today: Sunday, October 22, 1967, was the first time that the Vatican II Sect in the United States mandated the use of a New Canon (“Eucharistic Prayer”) at Mass — a “canon” which included modified words of consecration and was recited entirely in the vernacular.

On Mar. 12, 1968, Fr. Lawrence S. Brey (1927-2006), a priest in the archdiocese of Milwaukee, summed up the problem with Black Sunday as follows:

Was October 22, 1967 the most ominous and frightening day in the two-thousand-year history of the Catholic Church, and certainly in the history of the Church in the United States of America? 


Arsonist decries raging inferno…

No Joke: Francis warns of “Islamization”!

No, this isn’t an April Fool’s joke, and you couldn’t use it as one because no one would believe you: The Austrian news magazine Profil reports on its web site that at a recent private audience with Austrian “Catholics”, “Pope” Francis has expressed his concern about an “Islamization” of the nation.

Here is a translation of the brief report:

Pope criticizes Cardinal Schönborn

Francis warns of Islamization — sees “indifferent attitude” in Catholics towards their own faith

As Profil reports in its current issue, Pope Francis has criticized Cardinal [Christoph] Schönborn [of Vienna].


Leading Modernist Big Gun

“Cardinal” Lehmann Hospitalized after Stroke

Yesterday, Oct. 19, the German diocese of Mainz announced that its long-time former “bishop”, “Cardinal” Karl Lehmann, suffered a stroke in late September and has been in the hospital since. He is reportedly in stable condition and now focusing on rehab, according to a news report found at, the official web site of the German branch of the Vatican II Sect.

Ordained a priest in 1963 (see a photo of his first Mass here), Lehmann was a student of the notorious Modernist Karl Rahner, one of the chief movers and shakers at the Second Vatican Council.… READ MORE

Relax, it’s no biggie…

The Last Judgment According to Francis

Getting Michelangelo’s Last Judgment in line with Francis’ False Gospel…

If you’ve been greatly disturbed by the perpetual heresy spout called “Pope Francis” lately but for some reason or another were still holding out hope that he really is a Catholic and this is all just a big misunderstanding, the following story will provide a sobering reality check for you.

Today, the famous Vaticanist Sandro Magister released a blog post entitled “World’s End Update. The ‘Last Things’ According to Francis”, in which he quoted Francis’ favorite interviewer, the atheist Eugenio Scalfari, thus:

Pope Francis has abolished the places where souls were supposed to go after death: hell, purgatory, heaven.


What’s good for the goose is good for the gander…

Ecclesial Civil War:
Pro Pope Francis Web Site counters Filial Correction Movement

In the Novus Ordo Sect, false principles are once again coming home to roost. If a number of conservatives in the Vatican II Church can correct the “Pope”, then there is no reason why a number of liberals can’t support him, and this is exactly what has now happened.

On Sep. 23, 2017, the now-famous “Filial Correction” went online, a well-documented study refuting various heresies and errors propagated by “Pope” Francis. It was originally signed by 62 clerics and lay individuals, most of them not very well known.… READ MORE

A devastating rebuttal…

Mullarkey’s Malarkey: Novus Ordo Blogger affirms “First Among Equals” Heresy

A lot of people these days rush to blog about Catholic theology despite not having much of a clue. (The anonymous Mundabor is a stellar example in this regard.) Instead of bothering to look up what the actual Catholic teaching is on this or that topic, people like to simply go by what seems right to them — which saves them hours of research but exposes their hapless readers to being misled on matters pertaining to their eternal salvation.

A recent example of this can be seen in the case of Maureen Mullarkey, formerly a writer for the Novus Ordo publication First Things.… READ MORE

Darkness over Fatima…

False Lights at Fatima:
Basilica Façade profaned with Light Show

The pre-announced profanation of the facade of the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary at Fatima, Portugal, took place as scheduled. On Oct. 12, 13, and 14, an elaborate multimedia light show called Fátima — Tempo de Luz (“Fatima — Time of Light”) was projected onto the facade of the traditional church building consecrated to the worship of God in October of 1953.

Details concerning this light show were included in our Oct. 9 post announcing the event:

Here is the official video made of the 13-minute spectacle as it was performed on Oct.… READ MORE

The Catechism of Vatican II

The Catechism of the Conciliar Cult:

25 Years of the Modernist Catechism of the Catholic Church

This past October 11 was not just the 55th anniversary of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, it also marked the 25th anniversary of the promulgation of the Novus Ordo Sect’s universal catechism, officially called the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Its full text can be found in numerous languages on the Vatican web site.

On Oct. 11, 1992, “Pope” John Paul II used the full weight of his supposed “apostolic authority” to impose upon his followers the first official full-size doctrinal compendium of the Novus Ordo religion.… READ MORE

October 13, 1917 – 2017

Fatima Centennial:
The Miracle of the Sun turns 100

Image © José Luiz Bernardes Ribeiro / CC BY-SA 3.0

The big day has finally arrived: Today, October 13, marks the 100th Anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima. It was witnessed by an estimated 70,000 people because it had been announced ahead of time by Our Lady herself, the “woman clothed with the sun” (Apoc 12:1). With this great of a miracle, the message is pretty clear: Pay attention! Although no Catholic is obliged to believe in the Fatima apparitions, the Church judged them worthy of belief in 1930, and Popes Benedict XV, Pius XI, and Pius XII all gave their approval in some form or another.… READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch Donor Appreciation

Our September ’17 Raffle:
Announcing the Winners

Dear Friends and Supporters of Novus Ordo Watch:

You may recall that last month we had a raffle for five sets of three terrific traditional Catholic books: The Church Teaches, Church History, and Fundamentals of Catholic Dogma.

The winners were contacted privately, but in this post we wish to announce them publicly so that the public can see that these prizes were actually won by real people. Respecting people’s privacy, we checked with each winner as to how they would like their names displayed.

The winners are:

Rand Miller from Kansas City, Missouri