She’s baack!

Suor Cristina Returns with Mariah Carey’s Hero

Okay, this is getting old. You know the story. Sister Cristina, the 25-year-old Novus Ordo girl who really wants to be a secular singing sensation rather than a Roman Catholic nun, has returned to the Italian talent show The Voice of Italy. In the video above, the latest clip to be released, she sings Mariah Carey’s 1993 song Hero (information on the song here). Unlike the prior two songs with which she starred (No One and Girls Just Want to Have Fun), this one is a ballad and has the audience swaying.… READ MORE

Days before the “Canonization” of John Paul II – an omen?

Man Crushed to Death by Distorted Crucifix Dedicated to John Paul II

image: Luca Giarelli / CC-BY-SA 3.0


The British paper The Telegraph is reporting that a 21-year-old hiker by the name of Marco Gusmini has died after a large distorted crucifix suddenly snapped and crushed him as he was enjoying a picnic with friends right underneath it. The Modernist crucifix had been created for the 1998 visit of the false “Pope” John Paul II to Brescia in Northern Italy, but has since been transferred to the nearby village of Cevo.… READ MORE

News Digest Apr. 24, 2014

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
April 24, 2014

More Pseudo-Liturgical Idiocy from Novus Ordo Land


‘Chaos Frank’ Strikes Again…

Argentine Adulteress claims Francis told her OK to receive Holy Communion — Vatican Won’t Confirm OR Deny

Cold-Call Frank is at it again…


Since the original breaking of this story in the English-speaking world on April 23, a few developments have transpired. Here is some additional information and some updates:


She’s so unusual…

Nuns Just Want to Have Fun

While true Catholics all over the world were recollectedly observing Holy Week, the last week of the Lenten season, which specifically commemorates our Lord Jesus Christ’s last week on earth and His sacred Passion, the infamous Novus Ordo rocking nun Suor Cristina (Sister Cristina Scuccia) returned to the secular talent show The Voice of Italy for the next round in the singing competition.

In this latest performance, broadcast on April 16, 2014, Suor Cristina belted out Cyndi Lauper’s 1983 hit Girls Just Want To Have Fun. She sang and danced in a duet with another contestant, who was dressed like a whore and shared the stage with her.… READ MORE

Only in the Novus Ordo…

You Have Reached: Liturgical Absurdistan

There are some cases where comments are either not necessary or not possible. In this case, it is both:

This is some “liturgical performance” on Maundy Thursday at Maria-Geburt-Kirche (Nativity of Mary Church) in Aschaffenburg, Germany. The idiocy took place on Holy Thursday 2013 for the washing of the feet.

Led by a presbyter who celebrates the “Liturgy of the Bread”, Nativity of Mary Church is so Modernist that the demons themselves must be in disbelief over their success. The sacrament of confession there has been replaced by a psychological therapy session.… READ MORE

Make popcorn, folks…

Comedy Hour with John Salza:

A Critical Review of his Interview on Papal Authority on Voice of Catholic Radio 

It is really scary to see what is marketed as “traditional Catholicism” by the false traditionalist “Recognize-and-Resist” camp these days. Their stubborn unwillingness to concede that the Vatican II Church cannot be the Catholic Church of our Lord Jesus Christ, and that its “popes” cannot be true Catholic Popes, is driving them to twist and distort genuine traditional Catholic doctrine regarding the nature, authority, and infallibility of the papacy and the Church’s Magisterium.

On March 30, 2014, the Long-Island-based program Voice of Catholic Radio featured a 40-minute interview with “Resistance” apologist John Salza, conducted by host Joe Bagnoli (click here to listen or download).


He parties like it’s 1984…

The Wedding Singer

It looks like Italy’s Suor Cristina has some serious competition, this time from Ireland: At a wedding ceremony on April 5, 2014, “Fr.” Ray Kelly of St. Brigid’s parish in Oldcastle gave an unexpected performance of an altered version of Leonard Cohen’s 1984 song Hallelujah. The BBC has a story on this incident:

According to this news report, the Novus Ordo presbyter is a “trained singer who is currently working on his third album.” He says it is not unusual for him to sing at weddings and funerals “or when I’m asked” (click here for another wedding song by “Fr.”… READ MORE

Lesbos have “daughter” baptized in Argentina…

Lesbo-Fest in “Catholic” Cathedral

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Lesbo couple with “their” child — coming soon, to a Novus Ordo parish near you?

The Novus Ordo Sect that calls itself the “Catholic Church” has reached a new low. On April 5, 2014, two homo-perverted women who are civilly “married” in Argentina due to a law that “Pope” Francis supported, had “their” daughter baptized at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Assumption in Cordoba, Argentina, Francis’ home country. The child’s godmother is Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, the president of the country.… READ MORE

The Party is over…

Pope Leo XIII Quashes “Recognize-and-Resist” Position

Just as the various Semi-Traditionalist “Recognize-and-Resist” camps are revving up their engines to collectively oppose the impending “canonization” of the apostate bishop Karol Wojtyla, otherwise known by his pseudonym “Pope John Paul II”, Novus Ordo Watch has bent over backwards to unearth and present two little-known papal documents by Pope Leo XIII that absolutely demolish their comfortable position of “having your Pope and beating him too.”

The two documents we present are two Apostolic Letters written by His Holiness in the 1880s, one addressed to the Cardinal-Archbishop of Paris, the other to the Archbishop of Tours.… READ MORE

‘Chaos Frank’ interviewed by Belgian Youngsters…

Interview No. 7:
“Believers and Non-Believers, We’re All Brothers and Sisters”


Another day, another “papal” interview. This time, Francis allowed three Belgian young adults to interview him at the Vatican, with a video camera recording the entire talk. The video is available at this link here (the interview proper begins at the 11:29 mark). The interviewers asked their questions in English, while the papal pretender answered in Italian. The subtitles in the video are in Dutch.

So far, the only English translation has been published by Vatican Radio:

We will leave you with this brief but powerful Reality Check from Holy Scripture regarding Bergoglio’s disingenuous claim, “Believers and unbelievers, we are all brothers and sisters”:

Bear not the yoke with unbelievers.


The Vatican II Church is desperate…

Wanted: Novus Ordo Vocations

The Novus Ordo Church is running out of people, and this is no surprise, as its adherents typically do not reproduce sufficiently (due to contraception or “Natural Family Planning”) and the number of people who still think there is any point to converting to the Vatican II Sect is below the levels needed to sustain the operation long-term.

This is good news, really, because it spells the certain death of this wicked, soul-destroying sect in due time, even without divine intervention. Just as they are running out of people, that is, people who actually take the religion seriously and try to practice it (as opposed to hordes of merely baptized people whose names appear in the parish registry), so they are also running out of vocations to what they still call the “religious life.”… READ MORE

The Novus Ordo Sect doing what it does best…

Nuns On the Bus versus Nuns Under the Bus

Simone Campbell – can’t you tell she’s a nun?

The Novus Ordo Sect is so predictable. You may have already heard about the case of Sr. Jane Dominic Laurel, who, on March 21, 2014, denounced divorce and homosexuality at a talk she was giving at a “Catholic” (i.e. Novus Ordo) high school in Charlotte, North Carolina. (This was the same day, incidentally, on which “Pope” Francis was holding hands with a homo supporter “priest” in Rome — see here.) As you can probably imagine, infuriated students and their parents contacted the diocese to complain about the “insensitive” and “controversial” speaker, who was just restating what is even Novus Ordo doctrine.


Vatican “Gay Lobby” Update

Holding Hands with Francis

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Jorge Bergoglio with Luigi Ciotti

Get ready, everyone: The Call Me Jorge blog has once again unearthed some explosive information on the shenanigans in the Vatican II Sect. While you probably heard about “Pope” Francis’ denunciation of the Mafia on March 21, 2014, at a prayer service in St. Gregory church in Rome, chances are you didn’t hear about him holding hands with one of his “priests” as they both walked into the building — and not just any priest.

His name is Luigi Ciotti, and he is a pro-homosexual activist and friend and admirer of the scandalous Fr.

Answering a Straw Man Argument

Do Popes Have To Be Perfect?

Pope Saint Pius X (1835-1914)

“The Most Misused Catholic Words.” That’s the title of a blog post at the National Catholic Register by Pat Archbold of Creative Minority Report. The author intends to clarify three terms he says are being used in the wrong way by many in his church, one of them being “Sedevacantist.”

Unfortunately, Archbold does such a poor job “clarifying” the term that it will surely now continue to be misused, though perhaps in a different way than before. Here is an excerpt from the post:

Sedevacantists hold that, because modern (recent) Pope’s have said or done things that seem to be in contradiction to the Tradition of the Church AND that Popes, by virtue of their infallibility, must be perfect [sic] in such matters, therefore these Popes must not really be Popes.