Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
October 8, 2014
What they have done to our churches:
Novus Ordo “Night of Lights” in Holzkirchen, Germany
- In umpteenth Interview, Francis says he enjoys debating “very conservative” bishops — Seriously? Both of them?? (Full Interview in original Spanish here)
- Francis: Church “must not withdraw into Dogma” — There’s none left in his church anyway, so that’s a moot point…
- Video: Top 5 Points discussed at the Synod currently underway in Rome — Funny, they’re once again proposing the same old “solutions” that fail everytime they’re tried… This is simply “more Vatican II”, and it will therefore produce the same results that Vatican II has produced: mass apostasy, loss of Faith, church making itself irrelevant, people ending up confused and clueless.
- Pithy Synod Recap in one sentence: “This Synod is shaping up as the 60’s generation’s last, great, flipping of the bird to God”
- Not everyone in the Vatican likes Francis: “His health is bad, so at least this won’t last too long” — We told you things were at their breaking point in the Vatican II Church…
- Francis’ latest brilliant sermon: “God does not exist: Do not be shocked! So God does not exist! There is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, they are persons, they are not some vague idea in the clouds … This God spray does not exist!” — How long, O Lord, how long…?
- Frightening Blasphemy in front of the new “basilica”: The New Church’s New Fatima — Be sure to check out this blog’s many other posts on the New Fatima, found in the right-hand Archive menu
- A Nightmare: Bergoglio’s God has a Dream — And remember, it’s the same god as the Muslims’!
- Only in the Novus Ordo: Self-confessed unrepentant Adulteress explains why she won’t receive “Communion” — because that would be a mortal sin! Well it’s nice to see that this lady is so concerned about offending Christ. As for giving up her adultery, no, not so much. She’s quite comfortable being unworthy of Holy Communion (not that it’s valid in the Novus Ordo, but she believes it to be). She’s quite okay spitting Christ in the face every day through her continuous adultery, for which she has no contrition. This absurd article was hailed by “conservative” Novus Ordos as a great manifesto against allowing the “divorced-and-remarried” to approach the sacraments. You just can’t make this stuff up!
- Tolerating the Intolerable: In disputes about whether to fire homo-perverted (LGBT) church employees, guess which side “Cardinal Sean” takes…
- The Coexist Bishop: “Tree of All Religions” finds a spot on new Novus Ordo bishop’s coat of arms
- SSPX Bp. Fellay Interview after Meeting with Vatican’s heretical “Cardinal” Muller
- Anything goes, except for Catholicism: New-Age Meditations for “Peace” at Park of Novus Ordo Seminary in Paraguay
- Jawohl, Herr Volpi! Vatican Commissioner Illegally Suspends Six Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate
- Actions have Consequences: Since Vatican Intervention, Franciscans of the Immaculate in drastic Decline
- Now that explains a lot: Where Francis gets his Ideas
- Neo-Traditionalists vs. Neo-Catholics: Some Fun & Games going on between The Remnant and Non-Catholic Answers — What did Akin really say?:
- Beyond Catholicism: “Cardinal” George and Interfaith Dialogue
- All those misunderstandings! Homo-Pervert Channel on Dutch TV nominates Francis as Personality of the Year
- You can’t make this stuff up: New Job Responsibility for Vatican Security: Combat Gossip! — This reads like it’s straight from The Onion or Eye of the Tiber, but no. Those poor Swiss guards must be telling themselves, “This isn’t what I signed up for…”
- Droleskey: Bergoglio is an Apostate whose Blasphemy knows no bounds
- “No Proselytism” on Steroids: Novus Ordo church covers crucifixes so Jews can worship there — This is 100% Bergoglio, who covered his own pectoral cross when meeting with two Jewish rabbis in Israel, and happily hosted a Jewish-Masonic memorial liturgy in his Buenos Aires cathedral back in the day. This blog post provides additional background. Considering what the crucifix actually looks like, perhaps it’s better they put the cover back on…
- Sound familiar? Defending his record, Francis says he’s just following orders
- Get your Saxophone out, it’s time for the “Jazz Mass”!
- He’s gotten rid of all the other sins, so he needs some new ones: Francis discovers new “Sin”, that of Deforestation — But who is he to judge?
- Novus Ordo College decides to cover Abortions in Healthcare Plan — Hey, it could have been worse: They could have decided allow gossip, right?!
- The Wailing Wall in Jerusalem is not a remnant of the Second Temple — Take it from a former Jew: What really goes on at the Wailing Wall? You’ll see things in a wholly new light…
Full Movie on Pope Pius XII, the last known true Pope,
who passed away on Oct. 9, 1958 in Rome.
For a Reflection on 50+ terrifying years of being without a Pope, please see this essay:
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