“A Wicked Council… The Church will Bleed from all Her Wounds”
[Disclaimer: The following text is based on an alleged private revelation that has not been approved (nor condemned) by the Catholic Church. Catholics must exercise great caution with regard to alleged private revelations. In general, we ought to stay away from unapproved private revelations, and we ought not to attach ourselves even to approved private revelations, which are not necessary for salvation and can never be on a par with, much less revise, Catholic doctrine. We present this unapproved alleged private revelation only to help shed greater light on the approved Fatima apparitions of 1917 and the controversy surrounding Fatima’s Third Secret.]… READ MORE
How the Vatican II Church transformed the August Sacrifice of the Altar into a Liturgical “Happy Meal”
Nowhere is the apostate nature of the Vatican II religion more evident than in what it has done to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which is the true and perfect worship which alone is per se acceptable to the Most Holy Trinity. Thick tomes could be — and have been — written on the liturgical changes perpetrated by the Vatican II Sect, and certainly it is beyond the scope of this page to address them all. Rather, on this page we will present an overview of what has changed and then point you to resources that provide further details:
Direct Comparison: Traditional Latin Mass of the Ages vs.
Francis: “All the Baptized are Members of the Church!”
Apparently the god of surprises is rearing its ugly head in the Vatican again, speaking through its favorite oracle, Mr. Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope” Francis). On November 4, the latter proclaimed more unmistakable heresy in a message to the ecumenical “Global Christian Forum”, which was holding a three-day conference in Tirana, the capital of Albania. Here are Bergoglio’s words in full and verbatim:
I extend greetings to you and all those participating in the Global Christian Forum Consultation, to be held in Tirana from 2 to 4 November 2015, as you reflect on the theme “Discrimination, persecution, martyrdom: following Christ together”.
Restoration Radio:
Devotion to Our Lady of Fatima and Her Message
October 13, 2014, marked exactly 97 years since the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to the three peasant children at Fatima in Portugal to once again beg the world to heed Her dire warnings and convert their lives and specifically to pray the Holy Rosary daily.
In this Restoration Radio broadcast, Father Benedict Hughes, CMRI, discusses in great detail the message of Fatima. While it is well assumed that most who will listen to this show are familiar with the essential message of Our Lady of Fatima already, Fr.… READ MORE
Giuseppe Sarto Declared a Saint 60 Years Ago
Scourge of the Modernists, Model of Heroic Holiness: Pope St. Pius X (1835-1914)
Today commemorates a most joyous occasion for all true Catholics: Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto, better known as Pope Pius X, was declared a Saint of the Catholic Church exactly 60 years ago, on May 29, 1954, by His Holiness, Pope Pius XII. The canonization came less than 40 years after the death of the holy Pontiff, who had passed to his eternal reward on August 20, 1914.
To celebrate this wonderful anniversary, we are posting various video clips of the canonization ceremony presided over by Pius XII, as well as a most rare video of St.… READ MORE
Why the Novus Ordo Rite of Episcopal Consecration is INVALID
A Catholic Priest Explains how the Paul VI Rite of
Episcopal Consecration is Invalid due to Defect of Form
The bishops ordained in the Vatican II Church’s Roman Rite since 1968 are invalid. This is the unsettling but certain conclusion one comes to when examining the sacramental form prescribed by “Pope” Paul VI in his 1968 revision to the rite of episcopal consecration. This means that the clergy who undergo the ceremony for the ordination of a bishop in the Novus Ordo Church do not actually become bishops.… READ MORE
Jorge Bergoglio in 2010:
“Jews Still God’s Chosen People”
The attacks on Catholicism perpetrated by Jorge Mario Bergoglio, former “Archbishop” of Buenos Aires and now “Pope” Francis in the Vatican II Sect, apparently know no bounds. In 2010, then-“Cardinal” Bergoglio co-authored a book with Jewish rabbi Abraham Skorka (as we reported here), entitled On Heaven and Earth. It has since been translated from the original Spanish and published in the United States and many other parts of the world.
In Chapter 24 of this book, we find Mr. Bergoglio uttering the following incredibly bold heresy, which he bases, of course, on the Second Vatican Council (1962-65):
There is a phrase from the Second Vatican Council that is essential: it says that God showed Himself to all men and rescues, first of all, the Chosen People.
A Bizarre Anniversary:
White Smoke, Still No Pope on Oct. 26, 1958
The Mysterious Conclave of 1958 Was someone else elected before John XXIII?
It’s where all the official trouble began, it’s the one event that started it all: the conclave of October 1958, which met to elect a successor to Pope Pius XII, and, after a great many ballots and some curious shenanigans, presented Cardinal Angelo Roncalli as “Pope” John XXIII on Oct. 28. What many people don’t know is that two days prior to Roncalli’s appearance as “Pope”, namely, on Oct. 26, white smoke rose from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel already.… READ MORE
Why did the 1959 Holy Office Condemn the “Divine Mercy” Devotion?
Only few people have never heard of the so-called “Divine Mercy” devotion. It has its origin in the alleged visions of a Polish nun by the name of Sr. Faustina Kowalska (1905-1938), a member of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy. The “Divine Mercy” devotion is extremely popular in the Vatican II Church, owing for the most part to the efforts of the apostate bishop Karol Wojtyla, first as the “Archbishop” of Cracow, then as “Pope” John Paul II.
A great number of traditional Catholics, as well, have been led to accept this devotion, which, unfortunately, is sometimes confused with the most noble and laudable devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which is based chiefly on the revelations of Our Lord to St.
October 9, 2013, marks the 55th anniversary of the death of the last known true Pope, His Holiness Pius XII, born Eugenio Pacelli (reigned 1939-1958). To honor and remember him, we are sharing the video below of a broadcast clip shown in 1958 at the passing of the Supreme Pontiff.
Rev. Sylvester Berry in The Apocalypse of St. John:
“The Papacy will be Attacked by all the Powers of Hell… the Church will suffer great Trials … in securing a Successor upon the Throne of Peter… The Church [will be] deprived of her Chief Pastor…”
In 1921, Fr. E. Sylvester Berry (1879-1954) published a wonderful commentary on the scriptural book of the Apocalypse (also known as the book of Revelation). With careful analysis and gifted insight, Fr. Berry comments on every passage found in the last book of the Bible.
In view of what has transpired in the 20th century in the Roman Catholic Church, and the counterfeit “Catholic” church that was set up after the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958 (which the same Fr.… READ MORE
Unholy Orders:
Paul VI’s Modernist Ordination Rite Turns 45
On June 18, 1968, Bp. Giovanni Battista Montini — then the head of the Vatican II Sect and known as “Pope” Paul VI — signed an “apostolic constitution” to change the Roman Catholic rite of ordination. These changes touched not only some of the more peripheral ceremonies but the very substance of the sacrament itself. The very words which Pope Pius XII, in 1947, had definitively decreed were necessary for the validity of the sacrament of holy orders, were changed by Paul VI in such a way as to render the ordination of priests doubtful and the consecration of bishops definitely invalid.… READ MORE
The Novus Ordo Church of the Second Vatican Council has changed many Catholic teachings, such as on ecclesiology, the papal primacy, the social kingship of Christ, ecumenism, and so forth. It has also messed with the Catholic position on capital punishment. Gradually, the shift has occurred from an endorsement of capital punishment (the Catholic position) to its virtual prohibition (the Novus Ordo modernist position), citing all sorts of phony reasons. The Vatican II sect has tried to call this a “development” but it is, in fact, a corruption, for its conclusion is the opposite of what it once was – hardly a legitimate “development”.… READ MORE
On July 15, 2010, The Remnant published an article by Milwaukee-based Mr. John Salza, J.D., critiquing the theological position known as sedevacantism (from the Latin sede vacante, “the chair being empty”), which basically holds that the claimants to the papal throne after the death of Pope Pius XII on October 9, 1958, are illegitimate and not true Popes at all, and that the church of which John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II, and Benedict XVI have been the heads is not the Catholic Church of our Lord Jesus Christ but a modernist institution masquerading as the Catholic Church, with the ultimate aim to eradicate true, traditional Catholicism from the face of the earth in order to lead souls to hell.… READ MORE
Reflections on a 50-Year Vacancy of the Apostolic See
Fifty years ago, around 3:50 am local time on October 9, 1958, His Holiness Pope Pius XII drew his last breath in Rome. At that time, most Catholics surely viewed this as simply an ordinary death of yet another Pope, and though lamentable, a new Pope would surely follow soon, and all would be well.
The last 50 years have proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that such was not the case. At first, everything seemed to go the usual way. The deceased Pope received a solemn funeral, and a conclave to elect his successor was scheduled for October 25.… READ MORE
Vatican continues to ignore pleas of Rupnik’s victims and brandish his art like a taunt - http://apriestlife.blogspot.com/2025/03/vatican-continues-to-ignore-pleas-of.html
‘Cardinal’ Dolan: Christ’s New Covenant Exists Side-By-Side with Jewish Old Covenant! - That's what Our Lord must have meant when he told the Jews: "...if you believe not that I am he, you shall die in your sin" (Jn 8:24). #catholictwitter #catholic
Strickland criticizes Francis over ‘siren call of sodomy’ in Mar-a-Lago letter - https://www.pillarcatholic.com/p/strickland-criticizes-pope-over-siren #catholictwitter
"The total number of Catholics in Germany is 19,769,237, of which only 6.6% — just over 1.3 million Catholics — practice their faith and regularly attend Mass on Sundays" - But it's the almost 20 million who pay church tax, so that's why they're