A much-misused quotation explained…

St. Robert Bellarmine’s Teaching on Resisting a Pope

For decades the proponents of the recognize-and-resist position have been using a quotation from St. Robert Bellarmine, the celebrated Doctor of the Church canonized by Pope Pius XI, in defense of their position and in apparent contradiction to Sedevacantism. The quote in question is the following (the precise wording varies a bit depending on which translation is used):

Just as it is licit to resist a Pontiff who attacks the body, so also is it licit to resist him who attacks souls or destroys the civil order or above all, tries to destroy the Church.


Another R&R error goes down in flames… 

The “St. Peter Denied Christ Three Times” Objection:

St. Robert Bellarmine Refutes another Recognize-and-Resist Error

Time and again we hear the objection, typically made by those who try to justify their pathological refusal to countenance Sedevacantism, that St. Peter denied Christ three times (see Mt 26:69-75) and didn’t thereby cease to be Pope. Ergo, so we are asked to believe, it is absurd to say that Francis is not the Pope just because he is not a Catholic and continually disseminates heresy.

To demonstrate that this objection is untenable, three main points must be kept in mind:

  1. The incident concerns St.

TRADCAST 021 is here

Novus Ordo Watch for your ears…

TRADCAST 021 Now Available

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on March 31: We have just published another full-length episode of our popular TRADCAST podcast program. As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, and razor-sharp analysis. Our content is typically challenging but is always delivered with a relieving touch of humor.

TRADCAST 021 consists of two separate segments. In the first, we take a critical look at some recent news headlines, comment on Francis’ curious indult granted to the Fraternity of St.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 021 (31 MAR 2018)


  • Segment 1: Michael Voris and the consequences of silence; Francis’ curious pre-1955 Holy Week indult for the Fraternity of St. Peter; commentary on recent news headlines
  • Segment 2: The SSPX, the Novus Ordo Sect, and the “state of necessity”; Sedevacantism and (lack of) authority; The Remnant and the upcoming “Canonization” of Paul VI
  • Total run time: 1 hr 7 min

You can listen to the show by clicking the big play button in the embedded player above. Alternatively, you can choose right below from more listening/viewing options:

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Links to Items mentioned in the Show & Related Information


Listen free to this informative podcast

Episode 34

Sedevacantist Clergy dissect the Latest from “Pope” Francis

Listen on demand at any time — free!

For the first time since late 2014, Novus Ordo Watch is pleased once again to sponsor for our readers and listeners — and anyone else who may be interested — the phenomenal podcast program Francis Watch, in which host Stephen Heiner of True Restoration analyses with his sedevacantist guests, Bishop Donald J. Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada, the latest chaos perpetrated by Jorge Bergoglio, otherwise known as “Pope Francis.”

In this episode no. 34, His Excellency and Father discuss:


Tip: Don’t let a Novus Ordo priest write your foreword…

A Foreword Gone Awry:
SSPX issues Disclaimer concerning Fr. Robinson’s New Book

The theological absurdistan known as the “position of the Society of St. Pius X” is once again on full display. This time it has to do with the fact that the SSPX, so hell-bent on joining up with the apostate post-Catholic Vatican, decided to have a new book by one of its own priests published by a Novus Ordo publishing company, the UK-based Gracewing.

The book in question is The Realist Guide to Religion and Science by Fr.… READ MORE

Dominican Theologian who became Sedevacantist

In Memoriam:

Most Rev. Michel-Louis Guérard des Lauriers, O.P.

Thirty years ago today, the world lost one of the last great Catholic theologians: On Feb. 27, 1988, the French Dominican Michel-Louis Guérard des Lauriers passed into eternity at 89 years of age. He had entered the novitiate of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans) in 1927, was ordained a priest in 1931, and received episcopal consecration in 1981.

As a priest, Guerard des Lauriers taught at the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome during the pontificate of Pope Pius XII. He is also said to have been theological advisor to the Pope for the definition of the dogma of the Assumption, as well as the Pope’s confessor for a short time in the early 1950s.… READ MORE

The Ultramontanism Objection

Response to a misguided accusation…

The Ultramontanism Objection

We hear the accusations all the time: “Papolater!” – “Papal positivist!” – “Uber-Papalist!” – “Ultramontanist!” Among those who consider themselves traditional Catholics but accept Francis’ claim to being the Pope, the Catholic doctrine on the Papacy is not very popular, and it is easy to see why: Forcing Jorge Bergoglio through the template of the Papacy yields grotesque results.

Epithets like the ones mentioned are being hurled at us sedevacantists because we proclaim, as every Catholic did until the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958, that the teaching of the Roman Pontiff requires our submission — it is not subject to review, criticism, or validation by every Tom, Dick, and Harry who happens to have access to a copy of Denzinger and knows how to hit “publish” on a blogging platform.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 020 is here

Novus Ordo Watch for your ears…

TRADCAST 020 Now Available

In this episode we review some of the craziest stories of 2017 and refute various errors of “Pope” Francis, John Joy, Louie Verrecchio, and Christopher Ferrara

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on December 31: Our popular TRADCAST podcast program is back with a new, full-length episode! As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, razor-sharp analysis, and a touch of humor.

TRADCAST 020 covers a number of different topics, including a very quick year-in-review of the worst and craziest stories of 2017.… READ MORE

020 TRADCAST (31 DEC 2017)


  • Segment 1: The scandalous Vatican Nativity scene; news highlights of 2017 in review; Sedevacantism and evidence; how to respond to the argument that God gave us Francis as Pope because we deserve someone like him; “Saint” Paul VI and the infallibility of canonizations, with a response to Christopher Ferrara
  • Segment 2: “Pope” Francis on why we have to go to Mass; critical comments on Louie Verrecchio’s interview on Catholic Kulchur‘s “Saturday Night Trad” podcast on trusting the Church and the Popes; critical comments on John Joy’s essay “Authentic Magisterium and Religious Submission” at One Peter Five on the binding nature of the non-infallible papal Magisterium
  • Total run time: 1 hr 1 min

You can listen to the show by clicking the big play button in the embedded player above.… READ MORE

A case of false advertising…

Catholic Family News and the 100% Challenge

After the passing of John Vennari earlier this year, the new editor of the semi-traditionalist, recognize-and-resist flagship publication Catholic Family News (CFN) is Matt Gaspers. With Gaspers taking over the reins, CFN completely redesigned its web site, and the new version was launched just a few weeks ago.

Perusing the revamped CFN web site, we noticed that its “Online Store” page says the following: “Don’t miss a single issue of Catholic Family News, the monthly journal 100% faithful to the Catholic Faith of all time, and to Pope St.… READ MORE

No kidding!

Francis: “Someone might think, ‘This Pope is a Heretic’…” for saying Judas Iscariot might be saved!

We all know that “Pope” Francis says the darndest things when he gives a scripted speech, but he is absolutely priceless when speaking off the cuff because it is then that his anti-Catholic mind is revealed most candidly.

The Italian Novus Ordo television station TV2000 has been running a broadcast program called Padre Nostro (“Our Father”), featuring in-depth conversations about the Lord’s Prayer with none other than “His Holiness”, Mr. Jorge Bergoglio. These have now been released as a book, Quando Pregate Dite Padre Nostro (“When you Pray, say Our Father”), and the Italian Corriere della Sera has just published an excerpt of it. READ MORE

John Daly destroys Semi-Trad Pioneer

The Errors of Michael Davies:
A Comprehensive Refutation

by John S. Daly

(1st ed. 1989, 2nd ed. 2015)


One of the most prominent and influential writers of the traditionalist movement in the Vatican II Church was the English writer Michael Treharne Davies (1936-2004), shown above with then-“Cardinal” Joseph Ratzinger. No individual has written more prolifically than Davies on traditionalist issues, and probably no single layman, with the possible exception of Dietrich von Hildebrand, has enjoyed wider prominence, credibility, and trustworthiness than him. But is this respect Mr. Davies has enjoyed really well-founded?… READ MORE

Charitable, informative, challenging

Podcast Discussion: Novus Ordo vs. Sedevacantist


The Catholic vs. podcast is a Novus Ordo podcast produced and hosted by David Mary Andrew Ross. The host, who is a convert to the Vatican II Church from atheism (2009), interviews guests who have a religious position different from his own. The format is informal and conversational, and the idea is to generate light rather than heat.

On Sep. 30, 2017, in an episode entitled Catholic vs. Catholic, the host interviewed sedevacantist Stephen Heiner. The show is available for free and can be listened to here:

In roughly 58 minutes, Ross and Heiner challenge each other on a number of different issues, including the teachings of Vatican II, wolves in sheep’s clothing, the disaster of Amoris Laetitia, and the visibility of the Church.… READ MORE

A devastating rebuttal…

Mullarkey’s Malarkey: Novus Ordo Blogger affirms “First Among Equals” Heresy

A lot of people these days rush to blog about Catholic theology despite not having much of a clue. (The anonymous Mundabor is a stellar example in this regard.) Instead of bothering to look up what the actual Catholic teaching is on this or that topic, people like to simply go by what seems right to them — which saves them hours of research but exposes their hapless readers to being misled on matters pertaining to their eternal salvation.

A recent example of this can be seen in the case of Maureen Mullarkey, formerly a writer for the Novus Ordo publication First Things.… READ MORE