Substantial error on Barnhardt’s part…

Benedict XVI’s Mysterious Resignation:
A Reply to Ann Barnhardt

On Nov. 17, 2018, the colorful blogger Ann Barnhardt, a Resignationist since 2016, released a video presentation in which she tries to convince her audience that “Pope” Benedict XVI’s resignation in 2013 was invalid because he is, so she argues, in “substantial error” about the Papacy, and substantial error renders a resignation invalid according to Canon 188 of the 1983 Novus Ordo Code of Canon Law (this same law is also found in the 1917 Catholic Code of Canon Law; see Canon 185). Ergo, Barnhardt reasons, the resignation was not valid and Benedict XVI is the Pope, albeit, so she says, the worst Pope in history.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 023 is here

Novus Ordo Watch for your ears…

TRADCAST 023 Now Available

left to right: Georg Gänswein, Jorge Bergoglio, Asia Bibi

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on November 12: We have published another full-length episode of our popular TRADCAST podcast program. As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, and razor-sharp analysis. Our content is typically challenging but is always delivered with a relieving touch of humor.

TRADCAST 023 consists of two separate segments. In the first, we look at how Sedevacantists are truly the “last Catholics”, those who believe exactly what was believed and taught until Pope Pius XII died and refused to change their religion afterwards.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 023 (12 NOV 2018)


  • Segment 1: Introductory comments; giving up on Francis; anything but Sedevacantism; the last Catholics; Vatican-China deal; “Abp.” Georg Ganswein canonizes Lutheran theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer; Faith, reason, and Modernism; the Vatican and environmentalism; Francis’ silence on the Asia Bibi case
  • Segment 2: Thank you to our donors; the Roman Catholic Mass vs. the Novus Ordo “Mass”; Francis says Christ received his authority from the people; book recommendation: Contra Crawford by Dylan Fellows and Christopher Conlon
  • Total run time: 1 hr 1 min

You can listen to the show by clicking the big play button in the embedded player above.… READ MORE

Reply to Jason Morgan…

Missing the Forest for the Trees:

The Remnant on Schism and Sedevacantism

The pseudo-traditionalist flagship publication The Remnant has once again graced the world with the full depth of its theological wisdom. This biweekly American newspaper promotes what is perhaps best called a “pop traditionalism”, a distortion of traditional Catholicism that emphasizes certain popular elements or emotionally satisfying aspects — such as the Latin Mass, traditional practices, and rejection of whacky Novus Ordo ideas — but without any commitment to (or even regard for) sound Catholic theology, knowledge of which would have to be acquired through laborious effort and might lead to undesirable consequences.… READ MORE

A reality check for Burke, Schneider & Co.

Against the “Loyal Opposition”:

How Recognize-and-Resist Traditionalism
neutralizes the Catholic Faith

by Francis del Sarto

On May 18, 2018, during his Rome Life Forum keynote address at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (the Angelicum) in Rome, “Cardinal” Raymond Burke declared: “We cannot fail to observe that the situation which Pope Pius XI described in 1925 has only grown worse in our time, and attempts ever more to infiltrate the life of the Church herself and to corrupt the Bride of Christ by an apostasy from the Apostolic Faith” (see video recording, 12:51ff.… READ MORE

Rejoinder to recent arguments…

The Limits to Invoking “Papal Lapses” as a Justification for the Recognize-and-Resist Position:

A Response to Dr. Peter Kwasniewski

by Francis del Sarto

“Lessons from Church History: A Brief Review of Papal Lapses” is an article by Dr. Peter Kwasniewski that was published on August 6, 2018, by the OnePeterFive website. An editor’s note informs the reader that it is an update of an article that first appeared in October 2015. The author is identified as “a Thomistic theologian, liturgical scholar, and choral composer…”, who has taught at Novus Ordo colleges in Austria and the United States, written six books, and is a regular contributor on “Catholic blogs”.… READ MORE

Everything in the Vatican II Church is false – except the “Pope”?

The Absurdity of the Recognize-and-Resist Position demonstrated in two easy-to-understand Memes

Some things are easier to grasp in simple memes than in pages upon pages of text. We have produced the following two memes to illustrate the folly of the pseudo-traditionalist “recognize-and-resist” position, according to which one must recognize the papal claimants after Pius XII as valid Popes but resist them in whatever they teach, legislate, etc., that appears to one contrary to the pre-Vatican II Magisterium.

Depsite its inherent absurdity and anti-Catholic nature, this position is very popular, perhaps because it promises “the best of both worlds”, so to speak: One gets all the comfort and convenience of having a Pope and a hierarchy, all the while being exempt from the pesky problems associated with submitting to Modernists.… READ MORE

An old heresy rears its ugly head again…

No, a True Pope CANNOT be Deposed:
Reply to Br. Alexis Bugnolo

As the heresies and scandals of “Pope” Francis are reaching a fever pitch, people are once again scrambling for ways to rid themselves of the man but without having to accept the sedevacantist position, which is that he was never a true Pope to begin with because, for one thing, he is quite simply a public non-Catholic and thus unable to be the head of the Catholic Church. Refusing the only possible position — that Francis has been an impostor from the beginning — they are looking for ways to depose a Pope, by which they typically mean remove him from office against his will.… READ MORE

Keeping things in perspective…

A Word of Caution in Light of the ongoing Viganò Testimony Drama

The 11-page testimony letter of “Abp.” Carlo Maria Vigano published on Aug. 25, 2018, has put the Modernist sect in Rome into a credibility crisis so severe that, depending on what happens in the next few days and weeks, it may never be able to recover from it.

After over one full week of this controversy, which saw testimony and silence, accusations and denials, claims and counter-claims, verification and contradiction, it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep track of where the whole matter stands.… READ MORE

The Catholic Teaching on the Papacy

A Collection of Quotes from Magisterial Documents

In our day there are a lot of people who call themselves, and mean to be, traditional Roman Catholics. Yet a great many of them do not hold to the traditional Catholic understanding of the Papacy, either because they do not know it or because they unhappily accept the “Popes” after Pius XII as valid and legitimate but know that they cannot submit to them without abandoning the traditional Catholic Faith. The tragic irony in the latter case is that by denying the Catholic teaching on the Papacy, they are abandoning the Faith just as much.… READ MORE

A papal reality check…

A Conspiracy against the Catholic Church?

The True Popes Speak

When discussing the issue of Sedevacantism with Novus Ordos, it is not uncommon that someone will dismiss it on the grounds that it involves a “conspiracy”; and of course nothing is more absurd to contemporary man than giving credence to a position that differs from what most others hold to be the obvious truth.

Two thousand years ago, our Blessed Lord taught: “…the truth shall make you free” (Jn 8:32). People who love and seek the truth ought to be concerned about, not whether something involves a conspiracy, but whether it is true.… READ MORE

It’s tough when your ‘Pope’ isn’t a Catholic…

Capital Chaos: Francis Adherents scramble to explain Catechism Change on Death Penalty (Part 1)

In his Letter to Priests for Holy Thursday of 1993, “Pope” John Paul II noted that the so-called Catechism of the Catholic Church he had just promulgated a few months earlier is directly linked with the Second Vatican Council: “The Catechism presents the ‘newness of the Council’, and at the same time situates it in the whole of Tradition” (source; italics removed). The Vatican II Modernists have always had success in driving their revolution forward by balancing their novelties with paying lipservice to Sacred Tradition, in continuity with which the new religion is claimed to stand.… READ MORE

Trust the Fatima Center at your own risk…

Want Catholic Advice? Don’t Ask Father Albert

Until the sudden death of “Fr.” Nicholas Gruner in 2015, the Fatima Center had a TV program called Your Questions Answered by Father Gruner. After his passing, a new, similar broadcast was begun, entitled Ask Father. It is hosted by Fr. Albert Kallio, O.P., who is a member of the Fatima Center‘s Advisory Council of Priests. His biographical blurb provided by the Center reads as follows:

Fr. Albert Kallio, O.P., is a professor at Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery in Silver City, New Mexico.


TRADCAST 022 is here

Novus Ordo Watch for your ears…

TRADCAST 022 Now Available

Pictured left to right: Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer, Christopher Ferrara, “Fr.” Linus Clovis

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on July 5: We have just published another full-length episode of our popular TRADCAST podcast program. As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, and razor-sharp analysis. Our content is typically challenging but is always delivered with a relieving touch of humor.

TRADCAST 022 consists of two separate segments.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 022 (05 JUL 2018)


  • Segment 1: Miscellany of recent news stories; Ascension Day conundrum for the SSPX; “Cardinal” Blase Cupich’s treatment of “Fr.” Frank Phillips; “Fr.” Linus Clovis’ talk about the arrival of the Anti-Church; Fr. Joseph Pfeiffer’s false argument about Pope Adrian VI and the Papacy
  • Segment 2: Unspinning Christopher Ferrara; From the Jorge’s Mouth: a review of recent Bergoglian utterances; Vatican says Muslims have a duty to share their religion; blatant heresy in The Remnant; if it weren’t for Francis!
  • Total run time: 1 hr 18 min

You can listen to the show by clicking the big play button in the embedded player above.… READ MORE