It was bound to happen. Mr. Jorge Bergoglio — whom the world calls “Pope Francis” — has reintroduced the repulsive ‘Bent Cross’ Crozier (sometimes referred to as the “Broken Cross”), after Benedict XVI had, for the most part, abandoned it. The indult blog Rorate Caelihas the story.
The “bent cross” ferula, or staff, which is a hideous rendition of a crucifix, shows our Lord’s legs immodestly spread apart and shows the cross bars bent, rather than straight. The following photos show that this “crucifix” is repulsive indeed, dishonors Christ, and does not inspire pious thoughts:
This sinister-looking cross was designed by Italian Lello Scorzelli (1921-1997) during — you guessed it — the 1960s and was introduced — you guessed it again — by “Pope” Paul VI (Giovanni Battista Montini), who used it for the first time at the closing of his modernist robber synod known as the “Second Vatican Council”, on December 8, 1965.… READ MORE
Muslim Convert Baptized by Ratzinger Quits Novus Ordo Church over Modernism
It was bound to happen before long: A prominent convert from Islam who was once baptized by “Pope” Benedict XVI in St. Peter’s Basilica and received into what he thought was the Catholic Church, has now abandoned the Novus Ordo Sect and embraced some kind of generic Protestantism. Magdi Cristiano Allam could no longer take the Vatican II nonsense about Islam as worshipping the true God and being a religion of peace, and the Modernists’ failure to seek the conversion of Muslims:
Anyone in the Vatican II Sect who takes his faith seriously and believes it to be the Roman Catholic Faith, soon finds out that he’s “more Catholic than the Pope” — and that’s because the “Pope” isn’t a Catholic at all.
As of 8:00 pm CET, Feb. 28, 2013, it is sede vacante in the Novus Ordo Church — Fr. Joseph Ratzinger has stepped down, has ceased claiming the title of Pope after almost eight years.
Fatima Connection?
Same Old Junk from The Remnant…
This episode of “The Remnant Underground” by Mr. Michael Matt is nothing more than an agenda-driven twisting of the facts. The Remnant desperately wants to believe in — and push — a Benedict XVI who is a friend and supporter of Fatima and the True Faith and the True Mass, so they use half-truths to paint a picture of Benedict XVI they want you to believe in. The objective facts, however, tell quite a different story. See for yourself:
Lies and Half-Truths vs. Reality
Matt claims: Benedict XVI agrees with Traditional Catholics that the Traditional Mass was never abrogated Truth: Yes, Benedict did say this, but it was a lie: In truth the Traditional Mass was suppressed, which is why you needed an “indult” to be allowed to offer it (see How Benedict Destroys the Traditional Mass)
Matt claims: Benedict XVI changed “For All” to “For Many” in the New Mass because he agrees that to say “For All” is a lie Truth: While Benedict did change “For All” (“Pro Omnibus“) back to “For Many” (“Pro Multis“), he did not concede that “For All” is wrong but that it is an “interpretation” rather than a pure translation, which, however, “was and remains very reasonable” – he does not abandon the conciliar theology behind “For All”: See Benedict’s own ridiculous explanation here and compare it to the reason given by the Roman Catechism (1566) for rejecting “For All”: “With reason, therefore, were the words ‘for all’ not used, as in this place the fruits of the Passion are alone spoken of, and to the elect only did His Passion bring the fruit of salvation” (source)
Matt claims: Benedict, through his example, shows he wants Communion in the Hand to be done away with Truth: This is a lie.
Canadian Novus Ordo Priest picked by Vatican for Conclave Reporting utters Heresy, says Pope is mere “Figurehead”, “First Among Equals”
Rosica on Mansbridge One on One
In an interview shown on Canadian television, the Vatican’s man for English-language reporting on the upcoming conclave, “Fr.” Thomas Rosica, has unashamedly uttered heresy against the dogma of the nature of the papal primacy. The video clip is available here; the heresy is uttered at the 7:28 min mark.
Here is a transcript of the relevant part:
Fr. Rosica: “[…]The leadership of the papacy requires somebody who can connect with people somebody who has health somebody who can move around and not be afraid of long flights.
What do you know… An Italian paper claims that Benedict XVI’s resignation is linked to an inquiry into homo-perverted Vatican officials — and the Vatican has, of course, declined comment:
This video gives convincing proof that Fr. Joseph Ratzinger, the false “Pope” Benedict XVI, routinely uses Masonic handshakes when meeting certain high-profile individuals, while shaking hands normally with others. Though the creator of this video is an anti-Catholic Protestant (and therefore does not believe Benedict XVI to be an Antipope of the False Pseudo-Catholic Church but the true Pope of the Roman Catholic Church), this is not relevant to the evidence he gives. The true Catholic Church has long condemned Freemasonry and forbidden Catholics from joining the Masons. This attitude did not change until the death of the last known true Pope, Pius XII (1958), after whom the first of the current Antipopes, John XXIII, took over and began the Masonic revolution with the Second Vatican Council.… READ MORE
Stumbling At the Finish Line:
Another Look at the SSPX’s Illogical Stance on the Pope Question
Commentary by Francis del Sarto
The strange ecclesial soap opera that is the series of on-again, off-again negotiations between Benedict XVI and the Society of St. Pius X in 2012 took yet another curious turn in mid-September 2012, when the SSPX’s Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais revealed the contents of a confidential letter sent back in the summer by Benedict to Bishop Bernard Fellay, head of the Society.
According to Bp. Tissier:
On 30 June 2012 – this is a secret but will be revealed to the public – the Pope himself wrote a letter to our Superior General, Mgr.
How Bp. Williamson Puts Souls at Risk
by Gutting All Meaning from a Well-Known Expression
image: Wikimedia Commons (Deepika Ravishankar) / CC BY-SA 4.0
Of the various reasons the Catholic Church down through the ages has insisted on Latin as the language of her Roman rite liturgy has been the variability of vernacular languages, and hence the reliability of them to consistently preserve word meanings. When one is dealing with unchangeable eternal truths, it is crucial to be certain that the way those truths are expressed cannot deviate in meaning, which is all too easy to do when a living language is being used as witnessed in the “New Mass”.… READ MORE
Unspinning Christopher Ferrara’s Defense of Benedict XVI
Forever trying to persuade his readers, and presumably himself, that “Pope” Benedict XVI is “our only friend in the Vatican” – quite in contradiction to his former sarcastic use of the same phrase in reference to the very same Joseph Ratzinger – New Jersey-based attorney Christopher A. Ferrara is still busy claiming that Benedict XVI is a genuine friend of the message of Our Lady of Fatima, specifically of the Third Secret, which, he argues (and Novus Ordo Watch agrees), has only been released in part by the Vatican.
Though it is easy to understand why a man who is a lawyer by profession should habitually write in a rhetorically-persuasive style, desiring to get his readership to agree with his position, it is nonetheless not tolerable that a position should be allowed to continue to be put forth that has been clearly refuted.… READ MORE
The Vatican, the SSPX, and the “Restoration of Tradition”
“Thus saith the Lord: Stand ye on the ways, and see and ask for the old paths which is the good way, and walk ye in it: and you shall find refreshment for your souls. And they said: we will not walk.” ―Jeremias 6:16
“No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or he will hold to the one, and despise the other.” ―Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 16:13)
“But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema.” … READ MORE
The Society of St. Pius X after the
Lifting of the “Excommunications” of 1988
Bp. Bernard Fellay, SSPX Superior (1994-2018)
“The Bride of Christ cannot be made false to her Spouse: she is incorrupt and modest. She knows but one dwelling, she guards the sanctity of the nuptial chamber chastely and modestly”
“We must be on guard against minimizing these [Traditionalist] movements. Without a doubt, they represent a sectarian zealotry that is the antithesis of Catholicity. We cannot resist them too firmly.”
A Message from Novus Ordo Watch about what we believe will happen
during the “papal reign” of Fr. Joseph Ratzinger
Fr. Joseph Ratzinger as Benedict XVI
May 20, 2005 AD Ember Friday in Pentecost
Dear Reader:
The recent election of Fr. Joseph Ratzinger as “Pope” Benedict XVI, the new head of the Concilar Church, marks the beginning of a new era. After almost 40 years since the end of the Second Vatican Council, and over 46 years since the selection of Cardinal Angelo Roncalli as John XXIII, in order to finish its triumph over the Catholic Church, the Conciliar Novus Ordo Church must now move into its final stages to complete its work of inquity, that is, the setting up of a universal one-world religion, under the pretext of human dignity, that has abandoned all that is distinctively Roman Catholic.
Francis about his own funeral and death in his recent autobiography. In other words, the Popes did it all wrong for so long with those ceremonies until he discovered humility! 🤪 As for his death, look how once again he is concerned chiefly about the temporal aspect: suffering.…