Setting the Record straight…

The “Heretical” Popes
Part 1: Adrian VI

[UPDATE 07-APR-2015: The First Vatican Council on the Question of a Heretical Pope]

There are two major lines of argument used by people who are rabidly anti-sedevacantist; that is, those who oppose the position of Sedevacantism not on account of evidence, real or imagined, but on account of a desire to see the position opposed for some other motive.

The first line of argumentation is to downplay the problems with the Vatican II “Popes” to make them seem less serious than they are. The second line of argumentation is to exaggerate the problems with some true Popes of the past to make them seem comparable to the situation we find ourselves in today, when outright apostates are claiming the papal office, especially Francis, Benedict XVI, John Paul II, and Paul VI.


Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
March 1, 2015

In Austrian church, little children dance to Miriam Makeba’s “Patta Patta” after “Holy Mass” – and then, an attempt at breakdance


More calls for “resistance”…

First Burke, then Lenga, now Schneider:
The Schism Begins

Things are getting wild, folks. While a formal, full-blown schism may still be a couple of years away, we believe that recent events indicate we are seeing an intra-Novus-Ordo schism in its infancy.

In October 2014, just before the dramatic “Synod on the Family” began, we explained at length what we saw as the foundation for believing that there is a major rift coming between Bergoglio-Modernists on the one hand and Ratzinger/Wojtyla-Modernists on the other:

Just in the past week, three further developments have taken place, involving two Novus Ordo bishops and one cardinal, that underscore the reality of the rift that is beginning to take shape: On February 8, a French television program aired an interview with “Cardinal” Raymond Burke, widely seen as Francis’ highest-ranking and most outspoken antagonist, in which the layman-dressed-as-cardinal made clear that he would “resist” any attempts by Francis to permit those living in public sin to receive the Novus Ordo sacraments.


News Digest February 9, 2015

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
February 9, 2015

“Dominicans” Gone Wild…


Bergoglio’s Naturalism has no Answer…

Francis Stumped — Can’t Answer Child’s Question about Suffering, says “There is no Answer”

We have long said that the religion Francis promotes is not that of genuine Catholicism, but rather an empty greeting-card spirituality that thrives on platitudes about “love”, “brotherhood”, “encounter”, “dialogue”, and anything else the Dalai Lama wouldn’t object to. Such spirituality is totally devoid of anything distinctively Christian, distinctively Catholic, as though our Blessed Lord had come to earth merely to help the poor and ease suffering. This sort of Naturalism is necessarily dumfounded when confronted with the question for the cause and purpose of human suffering, which it cannot explain, because to a Naturalist, happiness is necessarily tied to the enjoyment of the pleasures of this world, which human suffering contradicts.… READ MORE

Scrambling to maintain Francis is Pope…

Dr. De Mattei’s Anti-Sedevacantist Tranquilizer

As it becomes more and more undeniable that the man who claims to be “Pope Francis” of the Catholic Church is in fact an anti-Catholic heretic (apostate, to be exact), various thinkers who adhere to the Modernist Vatican II Church are scrambling to look for ways to maintain that even though Francis may be a heretic, this does not mean he cannot be the Pope. One way to do that is to attempt to find historical precedent, parallels in history to the situation today, where there was a Pope who — supposedly — was a heretic and yet remained Pope, with a church that “resisted” him.… READ MORE

Disaster strikes fourfold…

Chaos Frank in the Philippines

Embed from Getty Images

Wherever Francis goes, there is death, destruction, and disaster. Early on in his “papal reign” we gave him the moniker “Chaos Frank” because he upsets everything in his Modernist church, and this was even before all hell began to break loose around his various special events and trips.

To give you just a few examples: On August 1, 2013, right after Francis had left Rio de Janeiro having concluded World Youth Day, the host nation of Brazil legalized abortion, and not without Francis’ indirect help.… READ MORE

After 50 Years of Vatican II and the New Theology…

In Germany, the Novus Ordo Sect is Finished


“Bp.” Franz Kamphaus, the perfect embodiment of the spiritual wasteland that is the Novus Ordo Religion

On December 29, 2014, the German mainstream paper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) released a hard-hitting article describing the sorry state of “Christianity” in its nation. In the well-written and somewhat lengthy piece, journalist Markus Günther gives a candid assessment of what has become of the Novus Ordo Church and its Protestant counterpart in the nation that gave birth to such philosophical and theological malpracticioners as Luther, Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Marx, Rahner, and Ratzinger, and is home to the world’s most ridiculous liturgical anarchy.… READ MORE

News Digest December 22, 2014

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
December 22, 2014

Idol Chatter: “Mass Fitness” by LifeTeen


Bp. Sanborn dismantles Jorge Bergoglio

Countering Francis’ Heresy against the Most Holy Trinity

On October 9 of this year, the incredible headline made the rounds: “Pope Says ‘God Does Not Exist’!” (See our blog post discussing this here.)

No, it wasn’t satire published by The Onion. It wasn’t a misquote. It wasn’t even taken out of context. It was simply what Francis had said — the only falsehood in the headline being that Francis isn’t actually the Pope, though over 1 billion “Catholics” believe him to be.

So, are we saying that Francis was teaching atheism by saying, “God does not exist”?… READ MORE

The “New Springtime” strikes again…

The Faithful Departed: New Statistics show the Novus Ordo Church is collapsing — despite Mark Shea’s Blog

There comes a point when all the New Church’s smarty-pants apologists, bloggers, and commentators have to face reality: Beyond all the polemics and the verbal gymnastics, there will always be, eventually, the cold hard facts.

On November 13, the Pew Research Center published the results of a survey conducted in Latin America to measure the growth — or decline — of (Novus Ordo) “Catholicism” in the region, also with a view to a possible “Francis Effect.” The results are in, and they are nothing short of devastating.… READ MORE

Put on your Surprise Face…

Jorge Bergoglio is Honorary Member of Masonic Rotary Club in Buenos Aires

In 1999, the then-“Archbishop” of Buenos Aires, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, was named an Honorary Member of the Buenos Aires Rotary Club, a service organization that embraces the heretical ideals of Freemasonry, Naturalism, and Secularism. On July 26 of that year, “Archbishop” Bergoglio sent a warm thank-you note to the club’s president, which has been posted online at the Rotary Club’s web site and can still be accessed there:

What follows is an English translation of this letter:

Archbishopric of Buenos Aires


Response to “The Remnant”

Is Francis a Valid Pope?
—Why It Does Matter

In a blog post published on October 25, 2014 by The Remnant, pseudonymous author ‘Megaera Erinyes’ tries a new approach to the issue of Sedevacantism, the question of whether Francis is in fact a valid Pope or an illicit usurper: She says it doesn’t matter.

Now that’s just rich for a publication that has spent considerable amounts of ink opposing Sedevacantism over the decades. What is going on here?

In what follows, we will look at some salient points made in the Erinyes article and contrast them with traditional Catholic teaching to explain why it really does matter if Francis is the Pope.… READ MORE

News Digest October 28, 2014

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
October 28, 2014

The world is laughing: Klemen Slakonja parodies Francis in “Modern Pope”


Concluding Commentary

Oh, the Drama!
The Synod is Over — For Now

Thank goodness, the Synod in Rome is finally over: Two weeks of speculation, intrigue, accusations and denials, and pseudo-theological hysteria that culminated in the blasphemous and sacrilegious “beatification” of the False Pope Paul VI (Giovanni Battista Montini) are finally at an end. What was supposed to be an episcopal discussion group on theological matters turned out to be a wild soap opera of Hollywood proportions — and it’s far from over.

This assembly in Rome was merely the first, “extraordinary” part of a larger, two-synod event which will conclude in October 2015 with an “ordinary” synod at which the attendant Novus Ordo bishops will submit final recommendations to Francis with regard to the topics under discussion, after which the “Pope” will then release a so-called “post-synodal apostolic exhortation” as he did in 2013 with the heretical and turgid Evangelii Gaudium.… READ MORE