A Miraculous Multiplication of Excuses

Akin to the Rescue:


How to Understand what Francis Really Meant in 11 Easy Steps

Jimmy Akin is a professional Novus Ordo apologist. He is employed by California-based Catholic Answers, but also writes for the EWTN-owned so-called National Catholic Register newspaper.

Akin enjoys a generous, six-figure salary at his job, and it is easy to see why: He makes the impossible happen for the Vatican II Church on a daily basis, which now includes even suspending the law of non-contradiction, as needed. And when it comes to Jorge Bergoglio, the talkative Argentinian Modernist who claims to be the Pope of the Catholic Church, the need is great.


Rare Audio: Abp. Lefebvre in English

Abp. Marcel Lefebvre in 1976: “Some say the Council was Good and has Good [in it]… but that is Not True!”

Here’s an explosive internet exclusive: The Restoration Radio Network has unearthed and broadcast a speech given by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre (1905-1991) on May 11, 1976 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in which he lays out the modernist heresy, its origins, and the beliefs of modernists which contradict Roman Catholicism. He exposes the Novus Ordo movement to establish a false religion rooted in Freemasonry and Naturalism, which solemnly began with the bogus Second Vatican Council in 1962.


So humble, he’s proud of it…

“Humility” on Display:
The Francis Show

It is amazing to see how many people are falling for the show of the “humble” Francis, Jorge Bergoglio. People should know that there is nothing humble about a man who, in the presence of countless cameras and journalists, constantly tries to show off how wonderful of a person he is (one is reminded of the words of the proud Pharisee, “I am not as the rest of men” [Lk 18:11]). Besides, you definitely know something is wrong when the liberal-secular media veritably swoons over “the Pope” as he gets approval ratings as high as 88% and receives one “Person of the Year” award after another.… READ MORE

Catholic Hero or Anti-Catholic Miscreant?

Friend or Foe?
The Mysterious Malachi Martin

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in the clothing of sheep, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. By their fruits you shall know them” (Mt 7:15-16). This stern warning came from our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ within no less serious of a context than our very salvation.

Our times are terrible and frightening, and many there are who prop themselves up as guiding lights and prophets, as it were, to lead us through the apostasy perpetrated upon the world by the Modernist Vatican II Church.

Anyone who investigates the disaster that has befallen the Catholic world since the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958, is bound to stumble upon one name before long: Malachi Martin. … READ MORE

He can’t stop talking…

Interview No. 4:

“Many Marxists are Good People”, No Women Cardinals, won’t Rule Out “Communion” for Public Adulterers, believes in “Ecumenism of Blood”, Non-Catholic Martyrs, says Orthodox have Apostolic Succession

The Italian paper La Stampa has just published an exclusive interview with Mr. Jorge Bergoglio, the loquacious head of the Vatican II Sect, commonly known under his pseudonym, “Pope Francis.”

The full text of the interview has now been released online (previously, only La Stampa‘s print edition had the full transcript):

“Never Be Afraid of Tenderness”:
FULL TEXT of Andrea Tornielli’s
Interview with “Pope” Francis

Interview Highlights – the Most Important Quotes:

  • “God always opens doors, he never closes them.

Don’t worry, be happy…

“Pope” Francis:
‘Don’t Fear the Last Judgment!’

Embed from Getty Images

“Chaos Frank” is at it again. In today’s Wednesday “catechesis”, “Pope” Francis reflected on the Last Judgment, and essentially told his faithful that they shouldn’t sweat it because it’s not that big of a deal.

This is perhaps the most blatant expression to date of his false “all-mercy, no-justice” gospel, which preaches a god that is always merciful and never really condemns. (On November 12, 2013, Francis blasphemously asserted that God merely “scolds” but never punishes or “hurts” us. He may want to review the Old and New Testaments for a reality check.


Put on Your Surprise Face…

Francis Punished the Franciscans of the Immaculate because they are “Traditionalist”

UPDATE 12/19/13: Deep Dive into the Vatican Crackdown

UPDATE 12/14/13: Vatican Rejects Calls for Removal of “Fr.” Volpi (click here)

UPDATE 12/11/13: More details and links to translations and documents (click here)

UPDATE 12/10/13: Lay Supporters of FFI demand Removal of “Fr.” Volpi (click here)

Finally, for the first time, the “Apostolic Commissioner” Fidenzio Volpi, OFM Cap., de facto now the head of the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate, has officially admitted to the real reason for the far-reaching interference with the order when “Pope” Francis issued a blanket prohibition against their use of the 1962 Missal (“Traditional Latin Mass”) on July 11, 2013: They were “crypto-Lefebvrian” or at least “traditionalist.”… READ MORE

SSPX Update

“Francis Talks Too Much”:
An Interview with SSPX Superior General Bishop Bernard Fellay

The Superior General of the Society of St. Pius X, Bishop Bernard Fellay, has given an interview in which he discusses “Pope” Francis, the state of the Novus Ordo Church, and how the SSPX is currently engaging in its “resistance” against both. Conducted in French, the interview is available with English subtitles in the video above, but you can also read a full English transcript here:

Here are some highlights of what Bp. Fellay says in the interview:

  • On Francis: “I think that he talks too much” and “this is not a man of doctrine.”

“No Rupture with the Past” Update

Novus Ordo Monster Altars!
14 Dreadful Pieces of Modernist Junk

The following is a collage of fourteen pitiful table-like constructs that are used in Novus Ordo churches as “altars” on which “Catholic” pseudo-clerics perform the Protestant-Masonic Novus Ordo Worship Service (which they sometimes still call “Mass” but usually refer to as their “Eucharistic celebration”).

Click on the collage for a larger view. Better yet, view each “altar” in greater detail at the German Nur ein Kreuzknappe blog, to which we are indebted for these images.


Click for larger view

Obviously, these “altars” are hideous by design.… READ MORE

Fatima Reality Check…

New Evidence Confirms
Two Sister Lucys of Fatima


Is this really one and the same woman?

Some Background

On May 13, 1917, the very day when Pope Benedict XV consecrated the future Pope Pius XII a bishop, the Mother of God first appeared to three shepherd children at a place called Cova da Iria at Fatima, Portugal. The eldest of the three was Lucia de Jesus dos Santos, who later widely came to be known simply as “Sister Lucy” of Fatima. The Blessed Virgin appeared a total of six times to the children, always on the 13th day of the month, from May to October of the same year.


When the Body is more important than the Soul…

Vatican Honors Openly Homosexual Teenage Scientist
for Cancer Research Discovery

Embed from Getty Images

The Vatican is now officially and openly “gay-friendly.” On Saturday, November 16, 2013, an openly homosexual Maryland high school student by the name of Jack Andraka received an award at the Vatican for his work in cancer research, having discovered a way to test for pancreatic cancer in its early stages.

While his scientific contribution is no doubt very laudable, the idea of the Vatican, which is supposed to be the highest moral authority on earth, granting an award to an open sodomite is beyond appalling.… READ MORE

News Digest Nov. 16, 2013

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
November 16, 2013

  • Video: Abp. Marcel Lefebvre Accuses Modernist Vatican of Apostasy (Oct. 4, 1987) — Tragically, Lefebvre never drew the necessary consequences from having an establishment that claims to be the Holy See and yet does not possess the True Faith: it is impossible for it to be the true Catholic Church founded by Christ the Lord, “…since in the Apostolic See the Catholic religion has always been preserved untainted, and holy doctrine celebrated” (First Vatican Council, Dogmatic Constitution Pastor AeternusDenz. 1833). Not so in the Novus Ordo Church! The two are, therefore, necessarily two different religions.

“For the Zeal of Thy House Hath Eaten Me Up” (Ps 68:10)…


SSPX Protesters Disrupt “Catholic”-Jewish Interfaith Service in Buenos Aires Cathedral, Cause Ruckus by Praying Holy Rosary

New 23-Minute Video of the Incident at Buenos Aires Cathedral

Buenos Aires, Argentina (Nov. 12, 2013). Blasphemy, sacrilege, and syncretism are welcome in the Catholic Cathedral of Buenos Aires; praying the Holy Rosary, the Hail Mary, the Our Father are not. For its annual commemoration of the so-called Kristallnacht incident of Nov. 9-10, 1938, when Jewish synagogues, businesses, and homes were destroyed by paramilitary forces in Nazi Germany, the Novus Ordo authorities of the “Archdiocese” of Buenos Aires once again invited Jews, Protestants, and others to participate in an interfaith service held inside its Metropolitan Cathedral.… READ MORE

Impure Dancing at Future “Pope’s” Liturgy…

Tango Mass!
With “Cardinal” Jorge Bergoglio

Tango begins at 26:38 mark

“Lift up thy hands against their pride unto the end;
see what things the enemy hath done wickedly in the sanctuary.”
(Psalm 73:3)

You can’t make this stuff up; you just can’t. The above video shows two people performing the Tango, an impure dance condemned by Pope St. Pius X, during a “Mass” offered by the then-“Archbishop” of Buenos Aires, “Cardinal” Jorge Bergoglio, the man who now claims to be the Pope of the Catholic Church (“Francis”).

Bergoglio is no stranger to liturgical aberrations and clearly has no care for the sacred nor for sound doctrine (just watch him distribute what he supposedly believes is Holy Communion in this video).… READ MORE

Francis the Judaizer…


Jorge Bergoglio in 2010:
“Jews Still God’s Chosen People”

The attacks on Catholicism perpetrated by Jorge Mario Bergoglio, former “Archbishop” of Buenos Aires and now “Pope” Francis in the Vatican II Sect, apparently know no bounds. In 2010, then-“Cardinal” Bergoglio co-authored a book with Jewish rabbi Abraham Skorka (as we reported here), entitled On Heaven and Earth. It has since been translated from the original Spanish and published in the United States and many other parts of the world.

In Chapter 24 of this book, we find Mr. Bergoglio uttering the following incredibly bold heresy, which he bases, of course, on the Second Vatican Council (1962-65):

There is a phrase from the Second Vatican Council that is essential: it says that God showed Himself to all men and rescues, first of all, the Chosen People.