Christ’s Sacrifice as the Punch Line of a Joke…

Bergoglio Jokes about Our Lord’s Crucifixion

In 2010, authors Sergio Rubin and Francesca Ambrogetti published the book El Jesuita: Conversaciones con el Cardenal Jorge Bergoglio, SJ [“The Jesuit: Conversations with Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, SJ”], in which the then-“Archbishop” of Buenos Aires speaks about his life, his work, and his spirituality, and answers questions presented by the authors.

After Bergoglio’s election as “Pope” of the “Catholic Church,” that is, as head of the Modernist Vatican II Sect, an English translation of the book appeared under the title Pope Francis: His Life in His Own Words.


Like a good neighbor, Francis is there…

“My Brother Bishop!”

Few things are a better advertisement for the falsity of the Vatican II religion and the truth of the Sedevacantist position than Jorge Mario Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) speaking his mind freely — “from the heart”, you know.

And in this seven-minute screed to Anglican-Pentecostal “Bishop” Tony Palmer, recorded on a smartphone, that’s exactly what Francis did. He addressed the Protestant layman as his “brother bishop”, called the the fake “speaking in tongues” at Pentecostal assemblies a sign of the “Spirit” working throughout the world, outrageously denied the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, offered “tears of love”, asked for the heretical layman’s “blessing”, and much more.… READ MORE

Novus Ordo traditionalists in shock…

“Bishop” of Ft. Worth, Texas, Forbids Traditional Latin Mass at Fisher-More College

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Since Rorate Caeli first broke the story, a number of other bloggers have chimed in, and some of them have contributed substantial background information to the case at hand:


News Digest Feb. 19, 2014

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
February 19, 2014


It’s that time of the month again…

The Revolution Speeds Up


Listen On Demand Any Time:


Restoration Radio is back with the second episode of the new “Francis Watch” series, a new monthly show dedicated exclusively to all things Bergoglio. Tune in live each month or listen on demand at your convenience for a truly Catholic perspective on Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the Anti-Catholic Modernist who falsely claims to be the Pope of the Catholic Church.

In this month’s episode, host Justin Soeder discussed the following topics with his guests Bp. Donald Sanborn and Fr.READ MORE

Video of Interreligious Prayer Gathering in Assisi 1986

“Saint” John Paul the Great… Apostate!

The above video clip shows more of the “saintly” deeds of the apostate bishop Karol Wojtyla, best known under his pseudonym “Pope John Paul II”. This is the man the current usurper in Rome, “Pope” Francis, will “canonize” as a “Catholic Saint” on April 27 of this year.

The 1986 Assisi Interreligious Prayer for Peace gathering was one of the most outrageous acts of blasphemy ever committed by the Vatican II Sect, in a Catholic holy place! A whole book could be written about the event and how diametrically opposed it is to traditional Catholic teaching, but in this blog post we can only touch upon some select points.… READ MORE

That “Anxiety”…

Bp. Williamson and Sedevacantism

A Response to Bp. Richard Williamson’s Arguments
against Sedevacantism in his Eleison Comments of 2014
(Part 1)

On Jan. 25, 2014, Bp. Richard Williamson, formerly with the Society of St. Pius X, released issue no. 341 of his Eleison Comments, which are sent out on a weekly basis to subscribers by email. In this particular installment, His Excellency once again returns to the topic of sedevacantism. He writes:

The words and deeds of Pope Francis since his election earlier last year have been so little Catholic and so outrageous, that the idea that recent popes have not really been Popes (”sedevacantism”) has been given a new lease of life.


A Flip for every Flop…

Two-Faced Francis:
The Contradictions of Jorge Bergoglio

Francis is clearly the most blatant Modernist of all the Novus Ordo Antipopes. He perfectly embodies the spirit of Vatican II and is the veritable incarnation, as it were, of the conciliar document Gaudium Et Spes. Like the Modernists and other innovators condemned by the Church, his chief characteristics include audacity and love of novelty. The following two passages taken from magisterial documents are very applicable to the entire frame of mind advanced by the Second Vatican Council and embodied fully by Jorge Bergoglio:

As for the rest, We greatly deplore the fact that, where the ravings of human reason extend, there is somebody who studies new things and strives to know more than is necessary, against the advice of the apostle.


Let Us Spray?

Vatican Lauds ‘SuperFrank’!

Embed from Getty Images

The Associated Press reported on Jan. 28, 2014:

It wasn’t enough that Pope Francis was named Time magazine’s Person of the Year – or that he fronted this week’s Rolling Stone magazine. Now there’s SuperPope graffiti sprouting up around the Vatican.

The white caped crusader appeared on a wall just off Borgo Pio, a tiny cobble-stoned street near St Peter’s Square. In typical superhero fashion, Francis’ right fist is thrust in the air, leading him in flight, while his left clutches his black satchel. “Valores,” or values in Spanish, is written across it.


More Syncretist Junk…

The Apostasy Advances:
“Cardinal” Tauran at Hindu Temple

[We are indebted to Tradition in Action for this story.]

The apostasy of the Vatican II Sect advances with ever greater and more alarming speed. “Cardinal” Jean-Louis Pierre Tauran is the current President of the so-called Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, having been appointed to this post by “Pope” Benedict XVI in 2007. He is incidentally also the very same individual who introduced Jorge Bergoglio as “Pope Francis” to the world on that fateful day of March 13, 2013.

On June 13, 2013, “His Eminence” visited a Hindu temple in London, where he paid homage and gave credence to the false religion of Hinduism and its idols.… READ MORE

A Saint Francis he isn’t…

Angry Birds!
Francis’ Peace Doves get Attacked

Embed from Getty Images

[Vatican City, Jan. 26, 2014] The ‘Francis Show’ suffered a slight setback today as the Argentinian Antipope called for peace in the Ukraine at his Sunday Angelus address. After the traditional white peace doves were released (incidentally, by two children standing at Francis’ side), both of them were attacked by a seagull and a crow, right there in front of the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican. If the doves were to be a symbol of peace, perhaps this attack by the other birds has symbolic value also.… READ MORE

The “Gospel” according to Bergoglio…

Francis Again Confirms Muslim Refugees in Unbelief, says their “Faith” will help them to “Move On”

Antipope Francis never misses an opportunity to hide the Gospel from those who need it most: the unbelievers. Whether they be Jews, Muslims, Pagans, or atheists, Francis never tires of telling people to do anything other than embrace the only true religion, the Catholic Faith; he thus deliberately impedes any potential conversion.

His latest attack on the Gospel in the presence of hapless unbelievers was perpetrated on Sunday, Jan. 19, 2014, when His Hereticalness attended a meeting with foreign refugees in the Roman parish of the Sacred Heart (see video above).… READ MORE

New Online Radio Show

The Disaster Continues

Listen On Demand Any Time:


Season 3 of Restoration Radio has been kicked off, and the line-up now includes a new monthly show dedicated exclusively to all things Bergoglio: “Francis Watch.” Tune in live each month or listen on demand at your convenience for a truly Catholic perspective on Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the Anti-Catholic Modernist who falsely claims to be the Pope of the Catholic Church.

In this first episode, host Justin Soeder discusses the following topics with his guests Bp. Donald Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada:


Reality Check for Novus Ordos…

Conspiracy! Meet Six High-Profile Traditional Catholic Conspiracy Nuts

A favorite tactic among Novus Ordo apologists when trying to argue against sedevacantism is to discredit it by making the position look foolish; and what better way to do that than to label it a conspiracy theory! Nowadays, few words are more effective in making people turn a blind eye to disturbing facts than that infamous and dreaded ‘C’ word: conspiracy, or, better yet, conspiracy theory.

“I don’t believe in conspiracy theories,” many people, often good-willed, are quick to point out, conveniently allowing them to ignore evidence put before them.… READ MORE

News Digest Jan. 11, 2014

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
January 11, 2014