Happy Earth Day to youuuu…

Your Religion?

“It Doesn’t Matter!”
Just “Work Together”!

Okay, everyone, it’s time to get your surprise face ready: For anyone who was still in doubt about what Francis’ central message to the world from the last 3+ years has been, he has now repeated it in plain English — well, Italian actually — in case his words and actions so far have not been clear enough: It doesn’t matter what religion you are.

Speaking off the cuff to a group of youngsters at Rome’s Villa Borghese park on April 24 to commemorate so-called “Earth Day”, the Argentinian papal pretender said the following:

…Look, these are the things that come to my mind.


Refreshing Catholic Truth…

Recent Conferences by Bishop Sanborn:


The Great Apostasy, Vatican II, the Novus Ordo Church, and Sedevacantism

In these first few months of 2016, sedevacantist Bishop Donald Sanborn has done some traveling and given conferences on true Catholicism, the changes introduced by the Second Vatican Council, and the current state of “Catholicism” in the Novus Ordo Church. The audio recordings of these highly informative talks have now been made available by His Excellency to the general public and can be downloaded or streamed free of charge below.

Bp. Sanborn is rector of Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, Florida.… READ MORE

The fruits of 50+ Years of Vatican II “theology”…

French Novus Ordo Bishop hesitates to call Pedophilia a Sin

We have long said that Novus Ordo bishops are the most useless people on earth. The latest confirmation of this thesis comes from “Mgr.” Stanislas Lalanne, the local “Catholic bishop” of Pontoise, France, appointed by “Pope” Benedict XVI.

The following story ran in the French Novus Ordo publication La Croix in early April:

Bishop Lalanne Hesitates to Qualify Pedophilia as a Sin

By Marie Malzac, April 6, 2017

Interviewed Tuesday on RCF [Francophone Christian Radio], Bishop Stanislas Lalanne maintained that pedophilia was “an evil,” but not necessarily “in the order of sin,” rousing the condemnation of the victims group La Parole libérée [“The Liberated Word”] and incomprehension from both inside and outside the Church.


Like clockwork…

SSPX Bp. Fellay: Francis extends Faculties for Confession beyond ‘Year of Mercy’

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Looks like everything is going according to plan. Just as we predicted, as Francis opens a huge door for the “divorced-and-remarried” — unfortunately, it’s the door to hell — he is likewise being very “merciful” to the Lefebvrist Society of St. Pius X. Gotta keep those traditionalists happy in the face of such a big whopper as the “Apostolic Exhortation” just released.

On April 10, 2016, the SSPX Superior General, Bishop Bernard Fellay, announced during a sermon (full audio here) in Puy-en-Velay (France) that “Pope” Francis had told him at a recent meeting in the Vatican that he would extend the faculties he had given the SSPX to hear confessions validly, beyond the “Jubilee Year of Mercy”, which ends on November 20 of this year.… READ MORE

254 pages of “Joy” for the Married…

Antipope Francis
“Apostolic Exhortation” Amoris Laetitia
“The Joy of Love”
on Love in the Family
March 19, 2016

NOTE: For reactions to the document, analyses, and commentary, please access our special CHAOS WATCH page at the following link:

With his latest humongous document which virtually no one will actually read in full, “Pope” Francis has outdone himself once more. The newly-released document exceeds even his previous overlong “Apostolic Exhortation”, Evangelii Gaudium (2013). At 254 pages of printed text, 391 footnotes, and exceeding 57,000 English words, Amoris Laetitia has got to be a new record for the post-Vatican II paper factory.… READ MORE

Panic all over, some in Denial…


Full Coverage: Release of Post-Synodal Exhortation on the Family, Amoris Laetitia, and Chronicling its Aftermath

The big day has come and gone, and it is nothing short of panic and chaos all over! Welcome to our full coverage of the release and presentation of “Pope” Francis’ “Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation” Amoris Laetitia (“The Joy of Love”). Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to be the official Amoris Laetitia Chaos Watch Headquarters: We are providing you with all the information you need to understand what’s going on with this much-anticipated document. Let’s go!


The Worst and most Explosive Passages:
Amoris Laetitia Highlights

Vatican TV Broadcast Feed

(English audio available – click on “Switch Camera” in embedded Player)

Presentation of “Apostolic Exhortation” Amoris Laetitia:
Click Player to begin stream

Post-Synodal Exhortation Amoris Laetitia: The Actual Text, Official Commentary

Here is a word cloud we quickly created based on the English version of Amoris Laetitia (courtesy of Word Cloud Generator).… READ MORE

Ecumenism & Interreligious Dialogue:

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Indifferentism and Syncretism Repackaged

At the heart of the Novus Ordo Church there is Ecumenism, a collection of heretical, erroneous, and impious beliefs and practices that — officially — aims to bring about “unity” among all those who claim the name of “Christian.” In similar fashion, the practice of Interreligious Dialogue aims to foster good relations with Jews, Mohammedans, and Pagans of every kind.

Lip service to the contrary notwithstanding, both ecumenism and interreligious dialogue deny the uniqueness of the Catholic Church as the only true Church established by God, the necessity of belonging to the Church for salvation, the dogma of the unity of the Church in faith and government, and many other Catholic doctrines, whether implicitly or explicitly.… READ MORE

The Holy Catholic Mass

The Holy Catholic Mass:

How the Vatican II Church transformed the August Sacrifice of the Altar into a Liturgical “Happy Meal”

Nowhere is the apostate nature of the Vatican II religion more evident than in what it has done to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which is the true and perfect worship which alone is per se acceptable to the Most Holy Trinity. Thick tomes could be — and have been — written on the liturgical changes perpetrated by the Vatican II Sect, and certainly it is beyond the scope of this page to address them all. Rather, on this page we will present an overview of what has changed and then point you to resources that provide further details:

Direct Comparison: Traditional Latin Mass of the Ages vs.


Now What?

Being a Real Catholic
while the Church is in Eclipse

So you have been reading our web site, you have been praying and thinking, and you are inclined to believe that we are probably right in our assessment of the situation with regard to the Novus Ordo Sect and the Catholic Church, the usurpation by the Modernists, the changes in doctrine, worship, and discipline, and the papal pretenders. Naturally, there is now a burning question on your mind: “Now what? What do we do now? Where do we go from here? How can I be a Catholic today, and where is the Church?… READ MORE

Answers to Frequently-Asked Questions and Common Objections

Question 1: What is meant by the term “Novus Ordo”?

Answer: The term “Novus Ordo” is Latin and literally means “new order.” The term as it is used here on this web site and among traditional Catholics in general comes from the phrase “novus Ordo Missae,” literally, “new order of the Mass,” which “Pope” Paul VI used in a draft of the 1969 document Missale Romanum, a supposed “Apostolic Constitution” in which he imposed what he claimed was a reform of the liturgical rite of the Roman Catholic Mass (see more information about this here).… READ MORE

in Uncategorized   0

Catholic Quotes to remember and share

The following is a list of quotes by various Catholic authorities before the Second Vatican Council. These days there is so much misinformation about what true Catholicism is that these little snippets will serve as a welcome and refreshing reminder and a veritable “reality check” against the errors and misconceptions of our times. In the collection of quotes presented here, you will find timeless truths, aphorisms, warnings, clarifications, predictions, and exhortations.

Be sure to share these quotes with friends!

  • “Reveal to the faithful the wolves which are demolishing the Lord’s vineyard.”
    —Pope Clement XIII, Encyclical Christianae Reipublicae, 1766
  • “We declare that a great number of those who are condemned to eternal punishment suffer that everlasting calamity because of ignorance of those mysteries of faith which must be known and believed in order to be numbered among the elect.”

Happy Easter!

Deniers of the Resurrection:
Walter Kasper, Gerhard Mü
ller, Joseph Ratzinger

Left to right: Walter Kasper, Gerhard L. Muller, Joseph Ratzinger

We have posted on this topic before, but the issue is so serious that it really bears repeating: There are a lot of people in the Vatican II Sect who deny the Catholic dogma that Jesus Christ rose physically from the dead. This denial is a pet tenet of Modernism, which denies all miracles. Modernists reject genuine miracles because they loathe the supernatural and do not have Faith. It should come as no surprise, therefore, that many in the Novus Ordo Church deny even the very dogma of the Bodily Resurrection of Christ, which is the greatest of all of Christ’s miracles and the definitive proof that He is the True God and the True Messiah.… READ MORE

“Earth Hour” in the Vatican…

Church of Darkness

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A very fitting symbol:
St. Peter’s Basilica shrouded in darkness during “Earth Hour”

After a filthy display of reptiles, birds, and other animals on its facade on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception last year (cf. Apoc 18:2), it was a given that St. Peter’s Basilica, currently still under occupation by enemies of the Catholic Church, would once again turn off its lights to participate in the environmentalist “Earth Hour” on March 19, 2016, the Feast of St. Joseph.

The truth is, of course, that the lights went out in the Vatican a long time ago, that is, in reference to the light of Faith (cf.… READ MORE

You don’t say…

Vatican’s Doctrinal Chief “Cardinal” Müller: Francis “Not a Professional Theologian”

(Photo Credit: Realy Easy Star/Alamy Live News)

On March 1, 2016, the Cologne-based regional newspaper lner Stadt-Anzeiger published an interview with the Modernist Vatican’s “doctrinal watchdog”, “Cardinal” Gerhard Ludwig Müller — himself a heretic, actually, as we demonstrate below. The interview is mainly about the differences between Islam and Christianity, but it also touches upon Francis and Muller’s relationship with the garrulous anti-pope.

Here is the part of the interview in which Muller speaks about Francis:

Your Eminence, you are considered the most powerful antagonist of the Pope and his program of reform in the Vatican.


The Bread of Life is overrated…

Sharing the Loaves:
Modernist Drivel at “Papal” Retreat

If you’re wondering why Francis has been so silent all week, it’s because he is currently on retreat with members of the Curia in Ariccia near Rome. Unfortunately, however, Jorge Bergoglio’s silence comes at a price: We now have to hear about the Modernist tripe preached by the “papal” retreat master instead, and tripe it is.

On March 9, 2016, Aleteia’s Rome correspondent, Diane Montagna, reported on one of the “meditations” offered that day by the Modernist preacher, a certain “Fr.” Ermes Ronchi, OSM, who reflected on the question, “How many loaves do you have?”… READ MORE