Don’t you hate health issues?

Stiff-Kneed on Demand:
Francis’ Kneeling Problem

Right from the beginning of his false pontificate, we’ve been hearing that “Pope” Francis is unable to genuflect, which is why he merely bows after the “consecration” when he offers the Novus Ordo worship service. Likewise, we’ve been told, he is unable to kneel, at least without a kneeler, and this is because of arthritis or some other health issue he suffers from.

But, it turns out, this is not exactly true. Somehow Jorge Bergoglio can turn his kneeling ability on and off as desired — and the lever is usually firmly set to “off” whenever kneeling before Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament is called for (although the “Eucharist” in the Novus Ordo Church is not valid, this is beside the point, because Francis and his crew claim to believe it to be valid).… READ MORE

John XXIII & John Paul II

Links, Videos & Other Information on the bogus “Canonization”
of the False “Saints” John XXIII and John Paul II by Antipope Francis

Modernist Angelo Roncalli (John XXIII) & Apostate Karol Wojtyla (John Paul II)

Official Information


Fr. Herman Kramer in 1956:

“If Satan would contrive to hinder a papal election, the Church would suffer great travail.”

In 1956, Fr. Herman Bernard Kramer published a work called The Book of Destiny, which is an explanation of the Apocalypse, the last book of the Holy Bible (otherwise known as the book of Revelation).

In Apocalypse 12:1-5, we read:

And a great sign appeared in heaven: A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars: And being with child, she cried travailing in birth, and was in pain to be delivered.


Video, Links & Resources

Showdown in Rome:
Complete Synod 2015 Coverage

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The Official Synod 2015 Documents

Official Video Recordings — available on demand:


About Us

About Novus Ordo Watch

Novus Ordo Watch is a lay-led internet apostolate whose primary goal is to educate the public about the true Roman Catholic religion and the institution we refer to as the “Novus Ordo Sect” (or “Vatican II Sect”), a Neo-Modernist sect which falsely claims to be the Roman Catholic Church and has illegitimately occupied the official Catholic structures in the Vatican and throughout the world since its de facto founding by Cardinal Angelo Roncalli after the death of Pope Pius XII in 1958.

Although the actual date of inception of the Vatican II Sect is Oct. 28, 1958 — the day Cardinal Roncalli was invalidly elected “Pope”, taking the name John XXIII (1958-63) — the manifestation of this new religion was a bit more gradual.

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That sums it up…

SSPX Bp. Fellay: Francis considers us Catholics — Doctrine is not that important to him

Almost there: Bp. Fellay was interviewed on Reconciliation with Rome
by Edward Pentin on May 13, 2016

The Society of St. Pius X’s Superior General Bishop Bernard Fellay was back in his comfort zone when Novus Ordo journalist Edward Pentin questioned him on May 13 in a new exclusive interview for the National Catholic Register published on May 18. It was friendly fire only, and this is how he likes it, quite in contrast to his epic fail when interrogated by Tim Sebastian on the aptly-named Conflict Zone program in February — a performance so embarrassing that the SSPX never alerted its adherents to the interview’s existence.… READ MORE

Time for a Reality Check

The Novus Ordo Church and Fatima:
Separating Fact from Fiction

Image © José Luiz Bernardes Ribeiro / CC BY-SA 3.0

May 13 of this year marked the 99th anniversary of the first apparition of Our Lady of Fatima in 1917. The Blessed Virgin Mary chose to appear to three shepherd children in a field called the Cova da Iria in Fatima, Portugal, on the very day the future Pope Pius XII, Eugenio Pacelli, was consecrated a bishop by Pope Benedict XV in the Sistine Chapel in Rome. It was Pius XII who would later become known as the “Fatima Pope”, establishing the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in 1944 (feast day: Aug.… READ MORE

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
May 15, 2016

Wake Up! The Vatican II Church is a counterfeit!



So you just stumbled upon this web site and are wondering what in the world this is all about? Then this page is for you!

What’s going on? Why this odd web site?

To make a long story short: What is today known as Roman Catholicism is in fact not the Roman Catholicism of the past. You can verify this for yourself just by looking at Church history, and virtually all disinterested historians will confirm this. The big rupture occurred at the Second Vatican Council, a gathering of all Catholic bishops called in 1959 by the newly-elected “Pope John XXIII”.… READ MORE

 It’s getting serious…

Amoris Laetitia and the Coming Schism:
Retrospect and Prospect

Shortly before the Synod on the Family of 2014 — the first of the two mini-councils, whose final result was the toxic exhortation Amoris Laetitia — we put the question before our readers: How long until schism?

After this initial post, we followed up now and again to report on various happenings that indicated that indeed a serious rupture within the Vatican II Sect was beginning to take shape:

On April 8, 2016, the very day the Vatican released Francis’ post-synodal exhortation that has effectively permitted public sinners to approach the Novus Ordo sacraments without requiring conversion first, the reputable German Vaticanist Andreas Englisch warned that a schism with Benedict XVI as Antipope, although he believed it to be unlikely, could not be ruled out:

Earlier in 2014, and even as early as December of 2013, we had already detected the beginnings of a schism in a phenomenon we decided to label “Resignationism”, a position taken by a number of Novus Ordos and Semi-Traditionalists who believe that Benedict XVI’s resignation on February 11, 2013, was made under duress and was therefore, per Novus Ordo Church law, invalid.


Happy Earth Day to youuuu…

Your Religion?

“It Doesn’t Matter!”
Just “Work Together”!

Okay, everyone, it’s time to get your surprise face ready: For anyone who was still in doubt about what Francis’ central message to the world from the last 3+ years has been, he has now repeated it in plain English — well, Italian actually — in case his words and actions so far have not been clear enough: It doesn’t matter what religion you are.

Speaking off the cuff to a group of youngsters at Rome’s Villa Borghese park on April 24 to commemorate so-called “Earth Day”, the Argentinian papal pretender said the following:

…Look, these are the things that come to my mind.


Refreshing Catholic Truth…

Recent Conferences by Bishop Sanborn:


The Great Apostasy, Vatican II, the Novus Ordo Church, and Sedevacantism

In these first few months of 2016, sedevacantist Bishop Donald Sanborn has done some traveling and given conferences on true Catholicism, the changes introduced by the Second Vatican Council, and the current state of “Catholicism” in the Novus Ordo Church. The audio recordings of these highly informative talks have now been made available by His Excellency to the general public and can be downloaded or streamed free of charge below.

Bp. Sanborn is rector of Most Holy Trinity Seminary in Brooksville, Florida.… READ MORE

The fruits of 50+ Years of Vatican II “theology”…

French Novus Ordo Bishop hesitates to call Pedophilia a Sin

We have long said that Novus Ordo bishops are the most useless people on earth. The latest confirmation of this thesis comes from “Mgr.” Stanislas Lalanne, the local “Catholic bishop” of Pontoise, France, appointed by “Pope” Benedict XVI.

The following story ran in the French Novus Ordo publication La Croix in early April:

Bishop Lalanne Hesitates to Qualify Pedophilia as a Sin

By Marie Malzac, April 6, 2017

Interviewed Tuesday on RCF [Francophone Christian Radio], Bishop Stanislas Lalanne maintained that pedophilia was “an evil,” but not necessarily “in the order of sin,” rousing the condemnation of the victims group La Parole libérée [“The Liberated Word”] and incomprehension from both inside and outside the Church.


Like clockwork…

SSPX Bp. Fellay: Francis extends Faculties for Confession beyond ‘Year of Mercy’

Embed from Getty Images

Looks like everything is going according to plan. Just as we predicted, as Francis opens a huge door for the “divorced-and-remarried” — unfortunately, it’s the door to hell — he is likewise being very “merciful” to the Lefebvrist Society of St. Pius X. Gotta keep those traditionalists happy in the face of such a big whopper as the “Apostolic Exhortation” just released.

On April 10, 2016, the SSPX Superior General, Bishop Bernard Fellay, announced during a sermon (full audio here) in Puy-en-Velay (France) that “Pope” Francis had told him at a recent meeting in the Vatican that he would extend the faculties he had given the SSPX to hear confessions validly, beyond the “Jubilee Year of Mercy”, which ends on November 20 of this year.… READ MORE

254 pages of “Joy” for the Married…

Antipope Francis
“Apostolic Exhortation” Amoris Laetitia
“The Joy of Love”
on Love in the Family
March 19, 2016

NOTE: For reactions to the document, analyses, and commentary, please access our special CHAOS WATCH page at the following link:

With his latest humongous document which virtually no one will actually read in full, “Pope” Francis has outdone himself once more. The newly-released document exceeds even his previous overlong “Apostolic Exhortation”, Evangelii Gaudium (2013). At 254 pages of printed text, 391 footnotes, and exceeding 57,000 English words, Amoris Laetitia has got to be a new record for the post-Vatican II paper factory.… READ MORE