Hate vs. “Hate”…

The “Hate” Canard: Is Opposing Sexual Immorality and its Purveyors a Matter of “Hatred”?

Our society is saturated with political correctness. The leftist thought police has long tried to commandeer what vocabulary the populace is “permitted” to use. The idea behind it is that the way we speak necessarily influences how we think, and so self-censorship in words quickly leads to self-censorship in thoughts.

Contemporary man has long replaced reason with emotion. This is why we see such absurd phenomena as transgenderism in our day. It is also the reason why those who defend the natural law and the completely rational idea that there cannot be more than one true religion, are accused of “hate/hatred”, “anger”, “fear/phobia”, “insanity”, or “extremism.”… READ MORE

A summary of the worst…

Blasphemy, Heresy, Sacrilege:
Francis’ Chaos in Colombia

Embed from Getty Images

When someone like “Pope” Francis spends more than 4 days in Colombia, you know he will leave a huge mess to clean up. And indeed, in addition to Francis’ remarks about social inequality and his blessing of the adulterous union of the Colombian President and his mistress, there is a lot more to talk about.

As providing an examination of all the errors, heresies, sacrileges, and blasphemies the man committed during his “Apostolic Journey” would prove too daunting of a task, we will restrict ourselves to only a few select items that stand out.… READ MORE

“Popemobile” makes sudden stop…

Bruised and Wounded: Francis hits Head in Colombia

Embed from Getty Images

On several occasions “Pope” Francis has told the world that he prefers to have a church that is bruised, wounded, hurting, and dirty but goes out into the streets than one that is self-referential and comfortable in its certainties (for example, see here and here).

Well, today he got a taste of the bruised and hurting church himself as he traveled by “Popemobile” to receive the adulation of the crowds in Cartagena, Colombia. As the driver had to make a sudden stop, Francis’s head hit the iron frame around the bullet-proof glass of the “Popemobile”.… READ MORE

Video, News, Transcripts, Commentary, Background

The Francis Show in Colombia:

His “Apostolic Journey” of Sep. 6-10, 2017

The long summer hiatus is over, and now he’s back with a vengeance: “Pope” Francis, who has been forced to keep his public blather to a minimum during the last ten weeks or so, hits the ground running today with an intense public relations tour “Apostolic Journey” to Colombia.

This page contains all the main links you will need to stay informed about the false pope’s visit to the South American nation. The local time in all Colombia cities Francis will visit is UTC-05:00.… READ MORE

More gems from Francis’ new book…

Francis Uncensored:

“The Communists are the Christians”, Refusing Communion to Adulterers is “Pharisaical”, “No War is Just”, and more!

When it rains, it pours.

Ladies and gentlemen, “Pope” Francis has struck again, and when he makes a mess, it’s a big one: As we reported in a separate post already, a whopping interview book of 423 pages is about to hit the shelves in France, entitled Pape François: Politique et Société (“Pope Francis: Politics and Society”). The work is an “unedited dialogue” between the French agnostic Dominique Wolton and the most talkative Jesuit on the planet, Jorge Bergoglio.… READ MORE

Unlike Catholic moral norms, eh?

Francis declares “with Magisterial Authority” that Novus Ordo Liturgical Changes are “Irreversible”

Yesterday, Aug. 24, “Pope” Francis sent shockwaves throughout conservative and semi-traditionalist Novus Ordo Land as he declared “with magisterial authority that the [Novus Ordo] liturgical reform is irreversible”. Such are rather harsh and unmistakble words for someone who at other times — especially when it comes to irreversible moral norms given by God Himself — loves to speak ambiguously, use metaphors, and blast “rigid” black-and-white thinking under the guise of “mercy” and “compassion”.

At a special audience for participants in the 68th National Italian Liturgical Week, the Jesuit Antipope lauded the Modernist liturgical circus as the glorious fruit of a long process of reform begun roughly 100 years ago, while warning, of course, of “practices that disfigure it”.… READ MORE

1461 days of Bergoglio in the Vatican…

Four Years with Francis

A Review by Miles Christi

Enough is enough! This is the subtitle to the new book, Four Years with Francis, authored by Miles Christi (“Soldier of Christ”), a prolific Catholic writer from Argentina whose work we have featured on this web site several times before. As with all of his monographs, Miles Christi is providing this book in sundry languages so that its contents can reach as many people as possible.

The full book can be ordered in hardcopy in each of these languages, from the following locations:


Another beauty…

Vatican releases Official Logo
for Francis’ Peru Visit in 2018

The Modernist Vatican has just released the official logo for “Pope” Francis’ blather tour “Apostolic Journey” to the South American nation of Peru, which is scheduled for January 18-21, 2018. It is displayed above.

Compared to some other “papal” logos we’ve seen — such as the ones for Colombia, Panama, Fatima, or the United States — this one is not so bad. It even includes a cross, if you can find it.

As usual, Mr. Bergoglio takes up the most space in the logo, and that’s only reasonable since the trip is all about him.… READ MORE

Quit talking and just do it already…

“Cardinal” Burke’s Latest on that “Formal Correction” of Francis

Great excitement is temporarily returning to conservative Novus Ordo Land as The Wanderer has just published its second installment of a three-part interview with “Cardinal” Raymond Burke. That “formal correction” of “Pope” Francis he first announced in November 2016 was one of the topics talked about.

Here is the full text of the interview as released so far:

Before we get to Mr.… READ MORE

Oops: The former “Guardian of Orthodoxy” is a Heretic himself!

The Heresies of “Cardinal” Müller, Part 1:
His Denial of Transubstantiation

Embed from Getty Images

Time and again the secular and Novus Ordo media have portrayed “Cardinal” Gerhard Ludwig Müller (b. 1947) as a conservative Catholic theologian and, especially in his recently-completed five-year role as Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, that is, as the Vatican’s chief “guardian of orthodoxy”.

What many people do not realize and some appear to deliberately ignore is the fact that there is copious evidence to show that the 69-year-old German theologian is in fact a heretic himself.… READ MORE

On a totally overrated article…

Antonio Spadaro and the “Ecumenism of Hate”

On July 13, 2017, the Rome-based Jesuit magazine La Civiltà Cattolica published an article entitled “Evangelical Fundamentalism and Catholic Integralism in the USA: A Surprising Ecumenism.” The authors of the piece are “Fr.” Antonio Spadaro, S.J., who is the periodical’s editor-in-chief, and the Protestant (!) Marcelo Figueroa, who, thanks to “Pope” Francis, is the editor-in-chief of the Argentine edition of the official Vatican newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano.

The article has gained much more attention than it actually deserves. It is a piece filled with half-truths and second-rate polemics, all wrapped in academic-sounding language to give it a veneer of respectability.… READ MORE

Logical chickens coming home to roost…

Is Francis planning to rescind Summorum Pontificum?

Yesterday, July 26, Life Site published a piece by John-Henry Westen that has caused panic and alarm with some in the conservative Novus Ordo and semi-traditionalist world: “Vatican rumblings: Pope Francis aiming to end Latin Mass permission”.

The report contains so many details that it is necessary to quote it in full:

ROME, July 26, 2017 (LifeSiteNews) – Sources inside the Vatican suggest that Pope Francis aims to end Pope Benedict XVI’s universal permission for priests to say the Traditional Latin Mass (TLM), also known as the Extraordinary Form of the Mass.


Semi-Trads trip over the Papacy…

The Stumbling Block of the Papacy:
Why Bergoglio doesn’t fit

At the dictation of the Holy Ghost, the first Pope, St. Peter, wrote concerning his Lord and Master Jesus Christ:

…it is said in the scripture [Is 28:16]: Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious. And he that shall believe in him, shall not be confounded. To you therefore that believe, he is honour: but to them that believe not, the stone which the builders rejected, the same is made the head of the corner: And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of scandal, to them who stumble at the word, neither do believe, whereunto also they are set.


“Fr.” Arturo Sosa in Cambodia

Jesuit Superior visits Buddhist Temple

He fits right in: Mr. Sosa (left) with his fellow-non-Catholics

“Fr.” Arturo Sosa, S.J., is the current Superior General of the apostate Jesuits. He recently made headlines for denying the existence of Satan and for questioning the reliability of the Gospel accounts of the words of our Lord.

From July 14-17, 2017, Mr. Sosa visited the Kingdom of Cambodia, an Asian nation where the majority of the population is Buddhist. The purpose of his trip was to visit the “missions” there, although you can probably imagine that when Jesuits talk about “missionary activity”, they have in mind anything but seeking people’s conversion to Catholicism.… READ MORE

The soap opera continues…

“Cardinal” Müller Piles On, says Benedict XVI “Disappointed” at his Dismissal

Photo: Andreas Arnold/dpa/Alamy Live News

The German press is abuzz today with regard to some explosive comments made by “Cardinal” Gerhard Ludwig Müller in a new interview with the Deutsche Presse-Agentur, the German quivalent of the American Associated Press. Muller is the former head of the Vatican’s Unholy Office (the Modernist Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith), who, despite his track record as a Modernist heretic, was dismissed from his position by “Pope” Francis on July 1, presumably because Francis does not tolerate Modernists who oppose adultery.… READ MORE