Another beauty…
Vatican releases Official Logo
for Francis’ Peru Visit in 2018

The Modernist Vatican has just released the official logo for “Pope” Francis’ blather tour “Apostolic Journey” to the South American nation of Peru, which is scheduled for January 18-21, 2018. It is displayed above.
Compared to some other “papal” logos we’ve seen — such as the ones for Colombia, Panama, Fatima, or the United States — this one is not so bad. It even includes a cross, if you can find it.
As usual, Mr. Bergoglio takes up the most space in the logo, and that’s only reasonable since the trip is all about him. He is depcited as emerging from the country’s map, although it looks a bit like he’s waving from inside a flame.
At the bottom right we notice what is supposed to be two hands that are opened up and facing heavenward. “They form the shape of wings as a sign of prayer, praise, and joy for the arrival of Pope Francis in Peru”, the accompanying report from Vatican Radio explains.
The official motto for the trip is Unidos por la Esperanza — “united for hope”. The Vatican says that this slogan “signif[ies] that the encounter will be ‘a great feast of hope to be received in unity'”. Precisely what this is supposed to mean is thankfully not elaborated upon.
Of course, when Francis talks about hope, he doesn’t mean the Catholic theological virtue of hope, which is essential to salvation (cf. Rom 8:24). Rather, when Francis speaks about hope, he typically has in mind some kind of natural perseverance that makes you “go forward” to fulfull your “dream” about a better future on earth and what not. This is all part of his false Naturalist gospel of man.
The true Catholic virtue of hope, on the other hand, is what we express in the traditional Act of Hope: “O my God, relying on Thy almighty power and infinite mercy and promises, I hope to obtain pardon of my sins, the help of Thy grace, and life everlasting, through the merits of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Redeemer. Amen.”
Francis’ trip to Peru will be more of the same we’ve been seeing for the last four years: Crowds cheering, babies being kissed, the media reporting, and above all, Francis talking.
“—-waving from inside a flame.” Word.
The uplifted hands also look like dead doves. Hmm.
He looks like a demon standing inside a flame. His face is scary. As if hes stepping out of a portal from hell to make his entrance.
You’re not far off.
Yawn. Another ‘encounter’.
P.S. I think the shape inside of which Bergoglio’s photo appears is the outline of the map of Peru.
I’m surprised the media here in America, like CNN or MSNBC hasn’t called him a racist yet since he’s wearing all white clothing or the alt left asking to tear down St. Peter’s basilica because of its history regarding muslims, crusades etc. Our world has gone mad. No faith hardly left on earth. Very little sanctifying grace in people exist. It’s like a spiritual atomic bomb has gone off on the whole earth and any remaining life is barely making it due to a shortage of spiritual food and toxic radiation (fake clergy+sacraments, fake news, fake good people etc).
The Peruvian map looks like the profile of a wolf howling…with really big ears. But, Granddaddy Nope, what big ears you have. The disconnected fingers look like the Hebrew letter ‘shin’. Which means, ‘tooth’. Granddaddy Nope, what big teeth you have. And his heart lies upon the satanic pagan citadel of Machu Picchu. The upper section of the cross is scissored off. No room for ‘King of the Jews’ to be fixed. In fact only someone with their arms below the elbow scissored off could be crucified on it. In all, perfectly antichrist.
PS. the ‘elemental’ significance of the Hebrew letter shin – a so-called ‘mother letter’ – is fire.
Another oroborus type design. Does it get any more diabolical?
How appropriate the slogan has a secular ring . How about” Christ is the only hope”. But that would denote a need for Christ. Something that Bergoglio would like to sweep aside. As in the time of the Arian heresy most excepted the heresy because most of the hierarchy excepted it. The Vatican II cult stews in the same caldron .