Justifying a false pope at the expense of a true one…

A Response to “Bishop” Athanasius Schneider’s Claims against Pope Liberius


With the recent kerfuffle about the five dubia submitted by “Cardinals” Caffarra, Burke, Meisner, and Brandmuller, it was just a matter of time before we were going to hear from Mr. Athanasius Schneider, the auxiliary “bishop” of the Novus Ordo Archdiocese of Saint Mary in Astana, Kazakhstan. Schneider is about as far right in the Novus Ordo spectrum one can be while still being considered in full communion with the Modernist-in-Chief in Vatican City.

In a new interview published at the Rorate Caeli blog, Schneider has come to the defense of the four “cardinals” mentioned above, whose dubia (“doubts”, or formal requests for clarification) have forced Francis into a corner from which he will not be able to escape because they do not allow for anything but a clear and straightforward answer, something Francis has been deliberately refusing to give in public (but not in private!READ MORE

The disaster that is Novus Ordo theology…

The Trinity, the Muslims, and the Jews:
A Brief Reply to Steve Kellmeyer


What passes for “orthodox Catholic commentary” these days is unbelievable. Take Steve Kellmeyer, for example, author of the blog The Fifth Column. Theologically, Kellmeyer is a product of the Franciscan University of Steubenville / Catholic Answers type of “orthodox Catholicism”, and it shows.

In a blog post entitled “Cardinal Burke’s Breakup” (Nov. 24, 2016), Kellmeyer rebukes “Cardinal” Raymond Burke for daring to maintain that Catholics and Muslims do not worship the same God. While there are many things to criticize Mr.READ MORE

It’s time for a laugh…

Humor: Francis discovers Vatican Employees have been reading Novus Ordo Watch

It’s Thanksgiving Day here in the United States, and it seems everyone could use a bit of a break — and certainly a laugh. We’ve put together the following hilarious video for you. It is a scene from the movie Downfall, but we’ve changed the subtitles just a bit. You don’t want to miss this one:


Well then… Happy Thanksgiving!READ MORE

More of the same — lots more!

Francis’ Fables:
A Commentary on Recent Bergoglian Utterances

One may wonder if Francis perhaps has a twin brother, since it is inconceivable that one person alone could talk as much as he does. Alas, he does not — he simply loves to hear himself talk, that much is clear.

Francis’ faux Year of Mercy has finally drawn to a close. It ended officially on Sunday, Nov. 20. But before that happened, the almost-80-year-old Argentinian layman-in-papal-clothes once again had plenty to do and say. Due to the sheer volume of the “papal” activities and speeches during the past few weeks, it was simply not possible to cover all of them in detail, and so we are only now publishing one post to provide a succinct recap of his words and activities (that we didn’t cover elsewhere) from Nov.… READ MORE

SSPX Faculties extended indefinitely…

Antipope Francis

“Apostolic Letter” Misericordia et Misera
on Mercy and Peace

November 20, 2016

At a special press conference today, the Vatican released Francis’ latest official document, the “Apostolic Letter” Misericordia et Misera. The text is available in sundry languages at the Vatican web site, of which we make the following two available via direct links:

Amazingly, the document does not shy away from using the word “adultery”, in its opening sentence even. Of course, it only mentions this word in connection with forgiveness, but it’s still noteworthy because Amoris Laetitia had refused to use the term and spoke instead of “irregular situations”.… READ MORE

The fun just never stops…

“Mercy” and More:
Another Truckload of Bergoglian Baloney

Another day, another avalanche of words from Jorge Bergoglio: first a sermon, then a televised 40-minute interview on Sunday, November 20.

In addition to it being the official close of the Year of [Bogus] Mercy, it was also the Feast of Christ the King in the Vatican II Sect (in the Catholic Church, this feast is celebrated on the last Sunday in October). In his sermon for the occasion, Francis, as was to be expected, entirely skipped over the Social Kingship of Christ and instead made it all about Christ reigning in our hearts.… READ MORE

13: The Eternal Punishment of the Wicked

Today is November 20, 2016. This is the day Francis’ fake Year of Mercy closes, and so it is also the last day of our Year of Exclusion, Judgment, and Condemnation, which was being observed in direct contrast to the former. For one last time we will focus on some forgotten truth of the holy Catholic Faith that is considered by our sorry society to be extremely judgmental, exclusionary, negative, hateful, bigoted, intolerant, condemnatory, unwelcoming, dogmatic, narrow-minded, and everything else that oh-so-enlightened modern man despises and detests.

We would have wanted to put up more posts in this series but the never-ending, rapidly-developing Francis Show in the Vatican precluded it.… READ MORE

New interview — and then some…

“Boiling with Rage”: Francis Reacts to Formal Request for Clarification on Amoris Laetitia

The neverending drama about Amoris Laetitia continues.

The formal request submitted by “Cardinals” Caffarra, Meisner, Burke, and Brandmuller for clarification of five specific points in the infernal exhortation Amoris Laetitia (the so-called dubia, or “doubts”), was released to the public this past Monday, since for almost two months the “Sovereign Pontiff” had refused to give them the courtesy of a response. “Cardinal” Burke added more fuel to the fire by saying in a follow-up interview that the next step would be to confront Francis with a “formal act of correction” should he persist in his errors.… READ MORE

First in a series of falling dominoes?

Louie Verrecchio has had enough:
“Francis is an Antipope”

Deo gratias! Another Semi-Traditionalist has finally had enough and publicly confessed the truth that is plain for all to see who are courageous enough to look: Francis is not the Pope of the Catholic Church. Mr. Louie Verrecchio, formerly a star pundit of the conservative wing of the Novus Ordo Sect who came to embrace a recognize-but-resist type of traditionalism, has just made the following declaration on his blog, AKA Catholic: “Francis has judged himself a formal heretic. He is, therefore, an antipope” (source).… READ MORE

Hey, at least they’re trying…

Vatican Theologians reportedly studying what to do about a Heretical Pope

The fireworks just keep on coming. As the reliable Vaticanist Giuseppe Nardi reports today, a 1975 theological study by the learned Brazilian layman Arnaldo Vidigal Xavier da Silveira is currently making the rounds in the Vatican, and it’s not just any study: It’s a study on whether it is possible for a Pope to be or become a heretic, and if so, what consequences would follow from this.

What might possibly have given occasion for Vatican theologians to occupy themselves with such abstruse thoughts? Have they all gone into studying abstract hypotheses for the sake of sharpening their intellects?… READ MORE

Last Step before Schism?

“Cardinal” Burke threatens Francis with “Formal Act of Correction” if he won’t retract the Errors in Amoris Laetitia

Embed from Getty Images

When on Monday, Nov. 14, the Italian journalist Sandro Magister published the five dubia submitted to Francis by “Cardinals” Caffarra, Burke, Brandmuller, and Meisner in September, requesting a “clarification” on various controverted points found in the Bergoglian exhortation Amoris Laetitia, it was certain that “clarification” was just a smoother-sounding code word for “retraction”. There is, after all, nothing left to clarify: The exhortation is a most dangerous document subversive of the very foundations of Catholic morality that brazenly attacks the indissolubility of the marriage bond; and Francis has already confirmed, sometimes more, sometimes less openly, that any ambiguous passages are to be understood in their heretical sense.… READ MORE

Francis’ friends at work…

Amoris Laetitia Revolution:
Pro-Francis “Secret Police” dispatched to ensure last remaining Vestiges of Catholic Morals will be Overturned

Boy, things are really hitting the fan now over Amoris Laetitia. As the Italian conservative Novus Ordo journalist Sandro Magister revealed on his blog today, there is a pro-Francis “secret police” at work in Rome now, bullying Novus Ordo academics into compliance with Francis’ new-found perverted morality as laid out in the “Apostolic” exhortation Amoris Laetitia. This is the document that effectively permits unrepentant fornicators and adulterers — and, at least by extension, also practitionors of unnatural vice — to receive the Novus Ordo sacraments.… READ MORE

Like there’s anything left to clarify…

Four “Cardinals” officially ask “Pope” to Clarify Amoris Laetitia — Francis Refuses to Answer!

[UPDATE 15-NOV-16: Interview with “Cardinal” Burke on Challenge to Francis]

One may say it’s an Ottaviani Intervention for Novus Ordos: “Cardinals” Raymond Burke, Joachim Meisner, Walter Brandmüller, and Carlo Caffarra have taken the formal step of submitting an official set of dubia (“doubts”) to the “Pope”, presenting him with five specific questions pertaining to the disastrous and controversial “Apostolic” Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, which he released in April of this year. These five clear questions demand five clear answers: yes or no.… READ MORE

News Digest November 11, 2016

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
November 11, 2016

Idiotic Dance Performance inside St. Moritz Church: “The 7 Deadly Sins”
CAUTION! Immodesty


Elections have Consequences…

The Vatican II Sect and President-Elect Trump

On Nov. 8, 2016, Donald J. Trump was elected the 45th president of the United States of America. Since Francis is not only the Vatican II Church’s pretend-Pope but also the de facto head of state of Vatican City, diplomatic relations between the two countries will inevitably be affected one way or another.

It was clear to anyone who could read between the lines — or, sometimes, even just the lines themselves — that Trump wasn’t exactly Francis’ favored candidate. We remember especially the brilliant comment Francis made in February of this year about Trump’s expressed intent to build a wall at the border to stop the flow of illegal immigration into the United States from Mexico:

The great irony here was, of course, that Francis himself, dwelling in Vatican City, lives behind what are perhaps the entire world’s biggest walls surrounding any country.… READ MORE