If a true Pope had overseen Vatican II…

The Council that could have been:
The Original Vatican II Drafts

The false pope Paul VI during Vatican II (1962-65)

It is October 11, 2017 today, which means it has been 55 years since the opening of the fateful assembly known as the “Second Vatican Council” on this day in 1962.

Usually abbreviated as “Vatican II”, this Modernist robber synod was ground zero for the New Religion, a religion that is a toxic mix of Liberalism, Modernism, Anglicanism, Gallicanism, and Freemasonry, all enclosed in a Catholic shell to make it palatable to the unsuspecting Catholic masses.… READ MORE

Fair Warning, Trial Balloon, or Fake News?

Una Voce Blog: Francis may impose Novus Ordo Calendar and Lectionary on Indult Mass in 2018

This past Sunday, Oct. 8, 2017, the blog of the Una Voce Federation in Malta posted a piece of news that has some semi-traditionalists in the New Church panicking. There is a well-founded rumor that “Pope” Francis is preparing to impose the Novus Ordo Lectionary and liturgical calendar on the Traditional Latin Mass offered in communion with — and at the limited permission of — the Vatican II hierarchy (the so-called “Indult Mass”):

Reliable sources close to the Holy See have indicated that sometime in the second half of 2018, the Novus Ordo Lectionary and Calendar are to be imposed upon the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Mass.


For Conclusion of Centennial…

Fatima in the Dark: Audiovisual Light Show to be projected onto Fatima Cathedral

This coming Friday, Oct. 13, marks the 100th anniversary of the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima, Portugal, which was witnessed on this day in 1917 by approximately 70,000 people, believers and unbelievers alike. Our Lady had foretold that she would work a miracle on this day to underscore the authenticity, importance, and urgency of the message she had given to the three shepherd children at the Cova da Iria beginning on May 13 of the same year.

To commemorate this event and at the same time to close the festivities for the Fatima centennial, the Novus Ordo Sect has once again found a way to dishonor the Virgin Mary and profane the sacred: The facade of the beautiful traditional basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary is to be turned into a projector screen for an audiovisual light show to “pay tribute” to the Mother of God and the Fatima apparitions.… READ MORE

Requiescat in Pace

In Memory of the Last True Pope (so far)

Pope Pius XII
Mar 2, 1876 – Oct 9, 1958

October 9, 2017, marks the 59th anniversary of the death of the last known true Pope, His Holiness Pius XII, born Eugenio Pacelli, reigned 1939-1958. To honor and remember him, we are sharing the video below of a broadcast clip shown in 1958 at the passing of the Supreme Pontiff.

When Pius XII died, the Novus Ordo Religion was as yet unknown to the world, for it would not come into existence until later, beginning with the election during a bizarre conclave of the first Modernist Antipope, John XXIII (Angelo Roncalli).… READ MORE

Historical Precedent for a “Heretical” Pope?

In Brief: The Facts on Pope John XXII

At a time when countless supposed “traditional Catholics” don’t think twice about accusing an unquestionably true Pope of the past of teaching heresy or at least grave doctrinal error, it behooves us to remind everyone that instead of simply believing whatever you see posted on a blog somewhere, the safer course is to simply look the stuff up. It’s not like these questions never came up before or that no clear answer was ever put forward.

Where to look it up? Look it up where any Catholic priest would have looked it up before Vatican II: in the most recent dogmatic theology manuals approved by the Church.… READ MORE

First Novus Ordo Bishop to question Francis’ legitimacy

Retired “Bishop” of Corpus Christi:
‘Francis might be an Antipope!’

It has finally happened: A Novus Ordo bishop has announced that he suspects that Francis is not in fact a true Pope.

We are talking about René Henry Gracida, the retired “bishop” of the diocese of Corpus Christi, Texas. Yes, he is officially a part of the Vatican II Church, and he is in good standing to boot. You can find information about him on the diocesan web site here. We are clearly not talking about some whacko whom the Novus Ordo Sect doesn’t recognize or approve of.… READ MORE

Buon Pranzo!

“Pope” Francis enjoys Lunch inside Bologna Cathedral

Countless Novus Ordo parents who have taught their children not to bring food into church, have egg on their face today, as “Pope” Francis enjoyed a “solidarity luncheon” with prisoners, poor people, and refugees inside San Petronio Basilica in Bologna, Italy. This event was featured explicitly as part of the “Holy Father’s” schedule for the day.

No doubt the usual Francis defenders will find ways to excuse this profanation of a house consecrated for the worship of God. They may point to Francis’ “magnanimity” for the outcast, seek to find precedent in King David’s eating of the show bread in the Temple (see Mt 12:3-4), or remind us that Christ first gave people to eat before He instructed them (see Jn 6).… READ MORE

News Digest September 30, 2017

Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
September 30, 2017

“Electric Church”: Austria’s churches are being desecrated with the full approval of the Novus Ordo authorities…


During Q&A with Colombian Jesuits…

Correctio Filialis: Francis weighs in (a little bit)!

The Vatican II Church has descended into a frenzy over the recently-released “Filial Correction” sent to Francis by 62 mostly obscure clerics and lay individuals. While we are still preparing a post with an assortment of various initial reactions to the Correctio Filialis, we interrupt our efforts here to share some breaking news with you: While on his “Apostolic Journey” to Colombia earlier this month (Sep. 6-10, 2017), Francis sat down with a number of the nation’s Jesuits for a spontaneous question-and-answer session in which he talked about many things, including existentialist ecclesiology claptrap and… criticism of his infernal exhortation “Amoris Laetitia”!READ MORE

TRADCAST 019 is here

69 minutes of Catholicism at full throttle…

TRADCAST 019 Now Available

In this episode we talk about the “Benedict XVI is the Real Pope” Deception and analyze the False Opposition of the Semi-Traditionalists

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on September 26: Our popular TRADCAST podcast program is back with a new, full-length episode! As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, razor-sharp analysis, and a touch of humor.

TRADCAST 019 covers a number of different topics, but particular attention is given to an idea that is gaining more and more popularity among Novus Ordos and Semi-Traditionalists as they reach the breaking point over the chaos “Pope” Francis is causing: the idea that Benedict XVI is the real Pope and, in any case, a stalwart defender of orthodoxy and restorer of Tradition.… READ MORE

019 TRADCAST (26 SEP 2017)


  • Segment 1: Chaos in the Novus Ordo Church; the “Benedict XVI is the real Pope” deception; disunity in the Novus Ordo Church vs. Sedevacantism; comments on The Remnant‘s “Catholic Identity Conference 2017” and analysis of “Catholics Rising” promo video; comments on the dubia and formal correction; a look at recent news headlines; why you’re not Novus Ordo anymore, reason no. 6042.
  • Segment 2: The 1985 Ratzinger Report and the 2017 Cardinal Muller Report: nothing has changed in 30 years; rational proof for the existence of God; comments on Chris Ferrara’s “Francis Expands the Fake Magisterium”.

“Filial Correction on Account of the Propagation of Heresies”…

Bergoglio takes a Blow:
“Filial Correction” accuses Francis of Heresy

The Novus Ordo world is in uproar: A group of clergy and laity affiliated with the Vatican II Sect have solemnly accused “Pope” Francis of heresy. In a 25-page document entitled Correctio Filialis De Haeresibus Propagatis (“Filial Correction on Account of the Propagation of Heresies”), 62 Novus Ordo scholars accuse Francis of seven heresies found in his “Apostolic Exhortation” Amoris Laetitia of Mar. 19, 2016.

The document was delivered to the papal pretender on Aug. 11, 2017 at the Casa Santa Marta in Vatican City.… READ MORE

The Vatican II Sect after “Amoris Laetitia”

Novus Ordo Priest to bless
Homosexual “Marriage” in Church

Put on your surprise face, folks: Now that Francis has, by means of the exhortation Amoris Laetitia, effectively given the green light for all sorts of sexual perversion under the cover of “discernment”, “accompaniment”, and “integration”, the first Novus Ordo clerics are getting ready to do exactly that.

Take Stefan Sühling, for example. “Fr.” Sühling (pictured above) is the pastor of St. John’s church in Bislich, Germany, which is part of the city of Wesel in North-Rhine Westphalia. On Sep. 30, 2017, Suhling will confer a “blessing” in his church upon a homo-pervert couple that will have civilly gotten “married” the same day.… READ MORE

Hate vs. “Hate”…

The “Hate” Canard: Is Opposing Sexual Immorality and its Purveyors a Matter of “Hatred”?

Our society is saturated with political correctness. The leftist thought police has long tried to commandeer what vocabulary the populace is “permitted” to use. The idea behind it is that the way we speak necessarily influences how we think, and so self-censorship in words quickly leads to self-censorship in thoughts.

Contemporary man has long replaced reason with emotion. This is why we see such absurd phenomena as transgenderism in our day. It is also the reason why those who defend the natural law and the completely rational idea that there cannot be more than one true religion, are accused of “hate/hatred”, “anger”, “fear/phobia”, “insanity”, or “extremism.”… READ MORE

José Galat dismantles Jorge Bergoglio

Colombian TV Personality exposes Francis’ Heresies

Some truly refreshing news from Colombia: A famous academic, author, political consultant, and media mogul has denounced Francis as a false pope and exposed many of his heresies on live public television. This happened before Francis set foot on the nation’s soil.

We are talking about Dr. José Galat Noumer (b. 1928), who is well known not only in Colombia but throughout the Spanish-speaking world. Galat, who studied political science, law, sociology, and philosophy, was a consultant for Colombian presidents Carlos Lleras Restrepo and Misael Pastrana Borrero from 1966 to 1974, and was president of the private La Gran Colombia University in Bogotá from 1981 to 2017.… READ MORE