Novus Ordo Watch NEWS DIGEST
August 8, 2016
With men like this one, they don’t need women priests, they already have them!
- Useless Novus Ordo bishops slap “Catholic” Joe Biden on the wrist for officiating homosexual “marriage”
- Busted! Catholic Relief Services employs Planned Parenthood Supporters!
- Brave New Church: Koran Verses read in the Cathedral of Bari — Coming soon, to a perish near you?
- And you thought “Archbishop” Weakland was history! Here comes Rembert’s Revenge!
- You might be a Novus Ordo if… you can answer these questions about World Youth Day in Krakow!
- China and Vatican Make Preliminary Agreement on the Election of Bishops — With Communists now on both sides, why should there be a problem?