Charitable, informative, challenging

Podcast Discussion: Novus Ordo vs. Sedevacantist


The Catholic vs. podcast is a Novus Ordo podcast produced and hosted by David Mary Andrew Ross. The host, who is a convert to the Vatican II Church from atheism (2009), interviews guests who have a religious position different from his own. The format is informal and conversational, and the idea is to generate light rather than heat.

On Sep. 30, 2017, in an episode entitled Catholic vs. Catholic, the host interviewed sedevacantist Stephen Heiner. The show is available for free and can be listened to here:

In roughly 58 minutes, Ross and Heiner challenge each other on a number of different issues, including the teachings of Vatican II, wolves in sheep’s clothing, the disaster of Amoris Laetitia, and the visibility of the Church.… READ MORE

Requiescat in Pace

In Memory of the Last True Pope (so far)

Pope Pius XII
Mar 2, 1876 – Oct 9, 1958

October 9, 2017, marks the 59th anniversary of the death of the last known true Pope, His Holiness Pius XII, born Eugenio Pacelli, reigned 1939-1958. To honor and remember him, we are sharing the video below of a broadcast clip shown in 1958 at the passing of the Supreme Pontiff.

When Pius XII died, the Novus Ordo Religion was as yet unknown to the world, for it would not come into existence until later, beginning with the election during a bizarre conclave of the first Modernist Antipope, John XXIII (Angelo Roncalli).… READ MORE

Historical Precedent for a “Heretical” Pope?

In Brief: The Facts on Pope John XXII

At a time when countless supposed “traditional Catholics” don’t think twice about accusing an unquestionably true Pope of the past of teaching heresy or at least grave doctrinal error, it behooves us to remind everyone that instead of simply believing whatever you see posted on a blog somewhere, the safer course is to simply look the stuff up. It’s not like these questions never came up before or that no clear answer was ever put forward.

Where to look it up? Look it up where any Catholic priest would have looked it up before Vatican II: in the most recent dogmatic theology manuals approved by the Church.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 019 is here

69 minutes of Catholicism at full throttle…

TRADCAST 019 Now Available

In this episode we talk about the “Benedict XVI is the Real Pope” Deception and analyze the False Opposition of the Semi-Traditionalists

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on September 26: Our popular TRADCAST podcast program is back with a new, full-length episode! As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, razor-sharp analysis, and a touch of humor.

TRADCAST 019 covers a number of different topics, but particular attention is given to an idea that is gaining more and more popularity among Novus Ordos and Semi-Traditionalists as they reach the breaking point over the chaos “Pope” Francis is causing: the idea that Benedict XVI is the real Pope and, in any case, a stalwart defender of orthodoxy and restorer of Tradition.… READ MORE

019 TRADCAST (26 SEP 2017)


  • Segment 1: Chaos in the Novus Ordo Church; the “Benedict XVI is the real Pope” deception; disunity in the Novus Ordo Church vs. Sedevacantism; comments on The Remnant‘s “Catholic Identity Conference 2017” and analysis of “Catholics Rising” promo video; comments on the dubia and formal correction; a look at recent news headlines; why you’re not Novus Ordo anymore, reason no. 6042.
  • Segment 2: The 1985 Ratzinger Report and the 2017 Cardinal Muller Report: nothing has changed in 30 years; rational proof for the existence of God; comments on Chris Ferrara’s “Francis Expands the Fake Magisterium”.

A brief response to “Contra Cekadam”…

Resistance vs. Sedevacantism: Fr. Cekada answers Fr. Chazal

Fr. Francois Chazal and Fr. Anthony Cekada

Fr. Francois Chazal is a priest who holds the recognize-and-resist position of Abp. Marcel Lefebvre: Recognize as valid the “Popes” since Vatican II while resisting anything they teach or legislate that appears to conflict with Church teaching or practice before Vatican II. At this point, Fr. Chazal is a part of the so-called “Marian Corps” or “Strict Observance” faction of the Lefebvrist Society of St. Pius X, which broke away from the “official” SSPX in response to Bp. Fellay’s conciliatory course with regard to the Vatican Modernists.… READ MORE

Semi-Trads trip over the Papacy…

The Stumbling Block of the Papacy:
Why Bergoglio doesn’t fit

At the dictation of the Holy Ghost, the first Pope, St. Peter, wrote concerning his Lord and Master Jesus Christ:

…it is said in the scripture [Is 28:16]: Behold, I lay in Sion a chief corner stone, elect, precious. And he that shall believe in him, shall not be confounded. To you therefore that believe, he is honour: but to them that believe not, the stone which the builders rejected, the same is made the head of the corner: And a stone of stumbling, and a rock of scandal, to them who stumble at the word, neither do believe, whereunto also they are set.


Setting the record straight…

The Case of Pope Honorius I

These days, recognize-and-resist adherents are in an extremely difficult spot: They can no longer deny the horrendous public apostasy perpetrated by Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) on a near-daily basis, yet they absolutely refuse to consider even as a possibility the idea that the greatest apostate the world has ever known is not at the same time the Vicar of Christ and head of the infallible and indefectible Roman Catholic Church.

Time and again, therefore, they are eager to find historical precedent for their position, and few things seem to please them more than to find, ostensibly, a “heretical Pope” in Church history they can point to in support of their stance.… READ MORE

The Primacy and Infallibility of the Sovereign Pontiffs: The Case of Pope Honorius I

by Fr. Louis-Nazaire Bégin,
later appointed Archbishop of Québec by Pope Leo XIII (1898)
and created Cardinal by Pope St. Pius X (1914)

Excerpt of
La Primauté et l’Infaillibilité des Souverains Pontifes
(Québec: L. H. Huot, 1873)

Foreword and Chapter 6 with Footnotes

exclusive English translation
by Novus Ordo Watch


At the beginning of January of this year (1873), I was called upon to give a public course on Church history at Laval University. The subject was left to my choosing. Knowing from the experience I had acquired during my studies at the Roman College how useful it is to throw light on numerous historical questions debated in our times, and upon which so many clouds continue to hover; knowing, on the other hand, that the divine prerogatives of the primacy and the infallibility of the Sovereign Pontiffs have been and continue to be the object of the most violent attacks, I believed it necessary to choose this topic, to lay down the facts as clearly and as succinctly as possible, and to thereby show the fulfillment of Jesus Christ’s promises in the annals of history.


Don’t try this at home!

A Dangerous Experiment:

Taking Francis’ Claim to the Papacy Seriously

Ladies and gentlemen, the following experiment is going to be extremely dangerous. Please put on your goggles, protective gloves, and a breathing mask to minimize the hazardous material you will be exposed to. We’re going to do the unthinkable: For a few minutes, we’re going to take Francis’ claim to being the Pope of the Catholic Church seriously! We will simply square the circle and pretend for a short while that the apostate Jesuit Jorge Bergoglio is actually the Vicar of Jesus Christ on earth! The purpose of this highly toxic experiment will be to demonstrate the consequences that would follow from this absurd supposition.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 018 is here

84 minutes of Catholicism at full throttle…

TRADCAST 018 Now Available

In this episode we respond to “Fr.” John Hunwicke, Steve Kellmeyer, John Salza, and others

TRADCAST — The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In case you missed our initial announcement on June 28: Our popular TRADCAST podcast program is back with a new, full-length episode! As always, it is loaded with real traditional Catholicism, hard-hitting refutations of various errors, razor-sharp analysis, and a touch of humor.

We cover a lot of ground in this latest epsiode, TRADCAST 018. Among other things, we take a look at the 50th anniversary of the “Catholic” Charismatic Movement, provide a refutation of John Salza’s latest Remnant blog post against Sedevacantism, and mop the floor with Novus Ordo apologist Steve Kellmeyer, destroying his outrageous argumentation that all religions lead to Catholicism and therefore to God.… READ MORE

018 TRADCAST (28 JUN 2017)


  • Segment 1: Pentecost and the charismatic movement; brief response to John Salza’s “Note to Sedevacantists”; and the false church of Francis; “Fr.” Linus Clovis on John Paul II and the Antichurch; response to Steve Kellmeyer’s post “All Roads Lead to Rome”; Christopher Ferrara on Benedict XVI; response to “Fr.” John Hunwicke’s post exonerating Francis from the charge of heresy.
  • Segment 2: From the Jorge’s mouth: why God permits children to suffer, Francis and the death penalty, Francis prays for conversion of terrorists, Francis’ new beatitudes; “Cardinal” Blase Cupich on Amoris Laetitia; a look at George Neumayr’s book The Political Pope; comments on the upcoming “Catholic Identity [Crisis] Conference” in West Virginia; the Great Apostasy began at the top; spiritual Stockholm Syndrome; Faith and the Papacy.

Does Vatican I disprove Sedevacantism?

The “Perpetual Successors” Objection

After the objection that “you guys are just a bunch of Protestants!!”, probably the most frequently-made argument against Sedevacantism is that our position contradicts the teaching of the First Vatican Council that St. Peter will have “perpetual successors”. If there hasn’t been a true Pope in decades, how then can we maintain that there is a perpetual succession of Popes?

We have addressed this argument on this site before, but a dedicated post on the issue is in order.

Our response will be twofold. We will demonstrate that (1) the objection from perpetual successors is actually based on a misunderstanding of the teaching of Vatican I; (2) even if the objection were not based on a misunderstanding, it would still not refute the sedevacantist position.… READ MORE

Response to Fr. Paul Robinson

The SSPX and “Pope” Francis:
Theological Absurdistan on Full Display

The absurd theology of the Society of Saint Pius X is currently on full display again.

On June 8, 2017 there appeared an article entitled, “Unity of Faith with Pope Francis & Canonical Recognition of the SSPX” on the web site of the SSPX’s Asian District. The essay was written by Fr. Paul Robinson, a professor of dogmatic theology at the Lefebvrian Holy Cross Seminary in Lake Bathurst, Australia. As the article points out in an introductory comment, it is “published with permission of the SSPX’s General House in Menzingen”, which means it comes with the highest possible Lefebvrian approval, that of Superior General Bp.… READ MORE

Pope Pius XII on the Papacy…

Does this Apply to Francis?

These days a lot of semi-traditionalist bloggers and journalists love to excuse their absurd acceptance of the public apostate Jorge Bergoglio as the Vicar of Christ (“Pope Francis”) on the grounds that the “human element” of the Church is subject to all sorts of errors, weaknesses, and failures.

In its May 2017 issue, Inside the Vatican just published a speech of Pope Pius XII, also available online, that is indeed “still relevant today”, as editor-in-chief Robert Moynihan says (p. 4). The most relevant portion of the text, we believe, is this part:

The Pope has the divine promises; even in his human weaknesses, he is invincible and unshakable; he is the messenger of truth and justice, the principle of the unity of the Church; his voice denounces errors, idolatries, superstitions; he condemns iniquities; he makes charity and virtue loved.