“Chaos Frank” on shared “Communion” with Lutherans:

“I leave that Question to the Theologians and those who understand… Life is Bigger than Explanations”

image credit: AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia

Someone call Jimmy Akin and the rest of the Novus Ordo cleanup crew: Chaos Frank has made a mess again! With him visiting an Evangelical Lutheran Church in Rome on Sunday, Nov. 15, 2015, we knew to expect anything but Catholicism from the Modernist lips of Jorge Bergoglio. And sure enough, he did not fail to deliver.

Not surprisingly, a Lutheran woman married to a “Catholic” asked the “Roman Pontiff” if Lutherans and “Catholics” would not finally be allowed to share each other’s “Communion”.… READ MORE

You can’t make this stuff up…


Meet the “Punk Priest”

Today we present another offbeat character that serves as a great example of the glorious “New Springtime” that was ushered in by the Vatican II Church in the 1960s. His name is “Fr.” Bob Lubic, and he goes by the nickname “The Punk Priest” (we say “Father” in quotes because he was ordained in the invalid Novus Ordo rite of ordination). He formerly had a website at ThePunkPriest.com, but it is now defunct and the address forwards to his Facebook page instead.

Luckily, however, a good amount of the content of the old Punk Priest web site was saved by the Web Archive’s Wayback Machine and can still be retrieved, for example, right here:


Catholic Church vs. Vatican II Church

Time to Wake Up!

When CATHOLICS build a church…

Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Boston, Massachusetts (1877)


When MODERNISTS build a church…

Divine Mercy of our Lord “Catholic” Church in Mesquite, Texas (2007)

Guess which one of these is considered by the Vatican to represent a “New Springtime” in the Faith!

The contrast between the true Catholic Faith and the Modernist Vatican II religion is strikingly visible:

Modernist church architecture is hideous, cold, banal, stupid, barren, dull, earthly, irreverent, and profane. It is therefore also a perfect fit for the Novus Ordo Missae, which “Pope” Paul VI imposed in 1969.


A Former Seminarian speaks out…

Confessions of a Novus Ordo Seminarian

**PARENTAL WARNING: Mature Audiences Only**


To listen to the recorded broadcast online, click here
(free 15-minute preview)

[taken from Restoration Radio Network:]

On this episode of the True Restoration Flagship Show, join us for one of the most lengthy and in-depth programs we have ever done on the Restoration Radio Network. This show will introduce a gentleman who tried a vocation in multiple modernist seminaries of the Novus Ordo sect in the Archdiocese of Toronto, Canada in the 1980s, only to find out the evil and unspeakable reality behind them.


A Problem with Serious Consequences…

Why the Novus Ordo Rite of Episcopal Consecration is INVALID

A Catholic Priest Explains how the Paul VI Rite of
Episcopal Consecration is Invalid due to Defect of Form

The bishops ordained in the Vatican II Church’s Roman Rite since 1968 are invalid. This is the unsettling but certain conclusion one comes to when examining the sacramental form prescribed by “Pope” Paul VI in his 1968 revision to the rite of episcopal consecration. This means that the clergy who undergo the ceremony for the ordination of a bishop in the Novus Ordo Church do not actually become bishops.… READ MORE

Reading ICEL through Francis…

What Does the Prayer Really Say?
“Pope” Francis Praises ICEL Translations

Bad news for “Fr.” John Zuhlsdorf, the internet’s most famous biretta-wearing, Latin-loving Modernist: For years this defender of the Novus Ordo Antipopes has been answering the question “What Does the Prayer Really Say?” (WDTPRS) on his blog as a popular antidote to the deliberate junk translations provided by the International Commission on English in the Liturgy (ICEL) of the already-watered-down prayers of the “New Mass.” These asinine ICEL translations are what Novus Ordo adherents have been subjected to since the early 1970s in terms of the liturgical books used in the United States (things changed somewhat in 2011, when major improvements to the translations were finally implemented).… READ MORE

You can’t make this stuff up…

Divorced Father of Two Becomes Novus Ordo Priest

Boy, the Novus Ordo Church is really desperate for “priests”. In addition to allowing a select few married men to be “ordained” to the “priesthood”, especially former Anglican clergy, they are now going for divorced men who got their marriages “annulled” by the false Novus Ordo hierarchy. And since they dish out more marriage annulments than they distribute communion hosts in a year, they’ve got a lot of “never-married” (wink, wink) men out there, so the supply should be nearly endless now.

An article entitled “Newly Ordained Priest a Spiritual – and Literal – Father” has been published in the diocesan publication of the Novus Ordo Archdiocese of Seattle, Washington [Update: This publication is now defunct.


No valid priests or bishops in 45 years…

Unholy Orders:
Paul VI’s Modernist Ordination Rite Turns 45

On June 18, 1968, Bp. Giovanni Battista Montini — then the head of the Vatican II Sect and known as “Pope” Paul VI — signed an “apostolic constitution” to change the Roman Catholic rite of ordination. These changes touched not only some of the more peripheral ceremonies but the very substance of the sacrament itself. The very words which Pope Pius XII, in 1947, had definitively decreed were necessary for the validity of the sacrament of holy orders, were changed by Paul VI in such a way as to render the ordination of priests doubtful and the consecration of bishops definitely invalid.… READ MORE

Think well on it…

When Death Comes For You,
How Will You Choose?

Pope St. Pius X on his deathbed (1914)

Imagine yourself on your deathbed. Your strength is failing you; you’ve had what was probably your last meal. You are in intense agony, as the bodily suffering you are undergoing is exceeded only by the anguish of your soul because you need to go to confession but are now entirely dependent on a priest coming to you. The priest has been called, but he hasn’t arrived yet. You are afraid because you know that your soul could be parting from your body at any moment.… READ MORE

Now they just need an actual priest to go with the actual confessionals…

Confessionals without Priests

The indult blog Rorate Caeli has posted an article that tells of a Novus Ordo parish that has experienced an increase in people going to confession after having installed traditional confessional boxes and abandoning the modernist “reconciliation room”. “Actual confessionals mean  more actual confessions,” titles Rorate Caeli. This is true, and by the same token, actual priests mean more actual absolutions. And there’s the problem: You can confess all you like, even in a traditional confessional box, but if the man on the other side isn’t a validly ordained priest, you’re not obtaining forgiveness of your sins (which was probably the point of you going to confession in the first place).


Bergoglio’s Kissy Fits…

Kiss, Kiss, Kiss:
The Kissing “Pope” Administers Novus Ordo Confirmations

This is nothing new for “His Holiness”, who did the same thing as “Archbishop” of Buenos Aires. In the true Roman Catholic rite of Confirmation, each confirmand, having just received the imposition of hands (which the Novus Ordo rite has eliminated) and the anointing, is slapped on the left cheek by the bishop as a sign that one is now a soldier of Christ and must be ready to accept any suffering for the Faith. The Novus Ordo religion, in its “updating” of the rite of Confirmation, has completely done away with the slap, not replacing it with anything.… READ MORE