The ‘Voris Virus’ has mutated…

Heresy in The Vortex:
Will Michael Voris Retract?

Watch for heresy at the 1:43 mark

It looks like the “Voris Virus”, as we have called Michael Voris’ disingenuous refusal to cover the truth about “Pope” Francis whenever it contradicts his own agenda, has mutated.

The self-appointed defender of the smells-and-bells version of the Novus Ordo religion, who operates against the supposedly legitimate authority of his own “archdiocese” in Detroit, contrary to the prescriptions of Pope Leo XIII, has just published another Vortex episode, this time one in which he tries to explain the Catholic dogma of No Salvation Outside the Church.… READ MORE

Cardinal Manning laid it all out…

The Pope and the Antichrist:


The Great Apostasy Foretold

As we all suffer through these most distressing times in which confusion and chaos reign among all who seek to be genuinely Catholic, members of the only true religion established by God, it is helpful and important to reflect on the fact that the situation we find ourselves in today — no (known) valid Pope since 1958, and no apparent Catholic bishop left with ordinary jurisdiction, while a counterfeit institution masquerades as the Catholic Church, spreading heresy, immorality, and impiety — was foretold in Holy Scripture.… READ MORE

A Response to Critics…

“Heretical Popes” & Vatican I:
A Follow-Up

The First Vatican Council was called by the longest-reigning Pope in history: Pius IX (1846-1878)

Our post of April 7 discussing the question of “heretical” Popes in light of testimony given by Archbishop John Purcell (1800-1883) that the Fathers of the First Vatican Council said such a thing was impossible, has generated plenty of interest and discussion among sedevacantists and non-sedevacantists.

It was to be expected that this latest piece of evidence for Sedevacantism wasn’t going to sit well with our critics, and so it comes as no surprise that some have tried to accuse us of “taking things out of context” and of “cherry-picking quotes”.… READ MORE

Historical Fact vs. Neo-Trad Wonderland…

The Question of a Heretical Pope considered by the First Vatican Council

[See also our Follow-Up Post here]

While certain self-styled “traditionalists” and “real Catholics” are currently pushing the attractive and convenient but utterly false and disastrous idea that the Catholic Church had Popes in her history who were heretics but were still valid Popes, we at Novus Ordo Watch like to go by actual Church teaching and verifiable facts.

Besides such blowhards as Michael Voris (at 5:54 here) and Eric Gajewski (here), one of the biggest loudmouths out there who is pushing this bewildering error of “heretical but valid Popes” is the anonymous English blogger Mundabor, whom we recently gave a good spanking for his train wreck of a theological analysis on the Novus Ordo Missae.


004 TRADCAST (1 APR 2015)


  • The Catholic dogma Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus (“No Salvation Outside the Church”): Who is inside the Church? Can one be inside the Church without being a member? We provide an easy-to-follow explanation based on Catholic premises and rigorous reasoning.
  • [no further segments]

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Contribution to a discussion…

The Poison of the Novus Ordo “Mass”:
Catholic Theology refutes Neo-Trad Bloggers

Novus Ordo Missae: The Modernist Worship Service in Action
image: (Susan Wolf) / public domain

If you want to have a stellar example of the warped theology and mental gymnastics you have to embrace in Neo-Traditionalist Wonderland, look no further than the issues being discussed by Mundabor and Louie Verrecchio on whether the “New Mass” (Novus Ordo Missae of Paul VI) is evil and/or sinful to attend. There we have two individuals who use Catholic principles very selectively and/or turn a blind eye to what is right in front of them, in order not to have to embrace that which would otherwise follow necessarily: Sedevacantism.… READ MORE

On Bp. Faure’s recent Consecration

Resistance Madness: A Sedevacantist looks at Bp. Williamson’s Justification for Consecrating Bp. Faure

Image Source: Non Possumus Blog

We do not typically simply republish other people’s blog posts, but in this case, we will make an exception as the post shows the anti-Catholic ideas inherent in the justifications given by Bp. Richard Williamson for his recent episcopal consecration of Bp. Jean-Michel Faure, both formerly with the Society of St. Pius X.

The following is a repost from the blog Introibo ad Altare Dei. With a few minor exceptions, all formatting has been retained as in the original post, which is entitled Pater Noster?READ MORE

003 TRADCAST (11 MAR 2015)


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Bergoglio Unplugged…

Francis is asked about Hell — and answers

This was bound to be special. On Sunday, March 8, 2015, “Pope” Francis visited Santa Maria Madre del Redentore parish in a Roman suburb. While there, he answered sundry questions from children and youngsters; among them was a query about the Catholic dogma of hell.

Here is an excerpt of a news report by the Vatican Information Service:

Later, in the church, he met with a group of children and young people, and answered their questions. The first was: if God forgives everything, why does Hell exist? The Pope replied that Hell is the desire to distance oneself from God and to reject God’s love.

 Setting the Record straight…

The “Heretical” Popes
Part 1: Adrian VI

[UPDATE 07-APR-2015: The First Vatican Council on the Question of a Heretical Pope]

There are two major lines of argument used by people who are rabidly anti-sedevacantist; that is, those who oppose the position of Sedevacantism not on account of evidence, real or imagined, but on account of a desire to see the position opposed for some other motive.

The first line of argumentation is to downplay the problems with the Vatican II “Popes” to make them seem less serious than they are. The second line of argumentation is to exaggerate the problems with some true Popes of the past to make them seem comparable to the situation we find ourselves in today, when outright apostates are claiming the papal office, especially Francis, Benedict XVI, John Paul II, and Paul VI.


Modernist Genius at its finest…

Just Brilliant: Novus Ordo Priest argues Divorce is Proof Marriage wasn’t Valid

Smarty-Pants “Monsignor” Paul V. Garrity
undermines Christ’s Teaching on Marriage

Try as hard as you may, you simply cannot make this stuff up.

The Feb. 16, 2015 edition of the Jesuit publication America features an article entitled “The Annulment Dilemma”, written by “Monsignor” Paul V. Garrity of the Novus Ordo “Archdiocese” of Boston. The essay is a pseudo-scholarly piece of Modernism that shrewdly undermines the Catholic teaching on Holy Matrimony by arguing for a simplification and reform of marriage annulments to the extent that in the end, divorce and adultery are approved in all but name.


“This Church deserves this Pope…”

Alessandro Gnocchi: “Bergoglio is Destroying the Catholic Church… He is Not Catholic”

The following recent story seems to have fallen through the cracks of the usual English-speaking Novus Ordo and “traditionalist” blogs and web sites, so we’re happy to provide it here.

Italian author Alessandro Gnocchi (b. 1959) writes a weekly column called Fuori Moda (“Old-Fashioned”) for the Riscossa Cristiana web site, in which he answers questions people send him. In the February 4, 2015 installment, Gnocchi responds to a lady named Lisetta, who asks, with all the evidence he has provided about “Pope” Francis’ denial of Catholic truths, would it not be easier to “say what [Antonio] Socci says” about Francis, namely, that Jorge Bergoglio is not in fact a valid Pope (see here)?


12 Pages of Claptrap…

Francis the Destroyer:
An Anthology of the Bergoglian “Magisterium”
by Miles Christi


If you can stomach it: A writer using the pen name of Miles Christi (“Soldier of Christ”) has compiled 12 pages of quotations from “Pope” Francis since his election on March 13, 2013, demonstrating how the man is not a Roman Catholic and therefore cannot be the head of the Catholic Church, since “he cannot be the head of that [of] which he is not a member” (St. Robert Bellarmine, De Romano Pontifice II, c. 30).

This anthology is being made available in several languages.


Send in the lawyers…

Blog-of-War: Vatican Spokesman threatens to sue Canadian Blogger

The Canadian heretic Rev. Thomas Rosica, CSB

The ‘new media’ of blogs, Twitter, and internet forums is quite powerful. So powerful, in fact, that the Modernist heretic “Fr.” Thomas Rosica, a Vatican spokesman (second only to “Fr.” Federico Lombardi) and CEO of Salt + Light TV, has now threatened to sue the Canadian Novus Ordo blogger Mr. David Domet, editor of the Vox Cantoris blog. For what? Essentially, for exposing the man’s undermining of Catholicism, even by Novus Ordo standards.

While we do not mean to endorse or give credibility to Mr.… READ MORE

Fear Francis more than ISIS…

It’s Heresy: Francis’ “Ecumenism of Blood”

Bergoglio’s heresies are a direct attack on the Body of Christ
(image: manipulated screenshot from The Passion of the Christ)

This post is not going to make us a lot of friends, but we’ll publish it anyway, since our desire is to serve and please God, not man (cf. Gal 1:10).

We have all heard about the horrific murders of men, women, and children by the ISIS terrorists. The barbarism of these people is beyond comprehension — they are clearly tools of the devil. In response to the most recent video that shows the beheading of 21 Egyptian men for professing belief in Christ, “His Holiness” Francis made a statement on February 16, 2015.… READ MORE