Heaven forbid someone should convert!

Francis: “Never Proselytize in Schools!”

…or anywhere else, for that matter!

Mr. Jorge “Preach the Gospel Always” Bergoglio — aka “Pope Francis” — has once again stressed that the last thing he actually desires is anyone’s conversion to Catholicism, and here we don’t even mean authentic Catholicism, as found before Vatican II, but even just the NovusOrdo-distorted version of it.

The liberal Italian newspaper La Repubblica (Francis’ favorite, founded by his bosom buddy, the atheist Eugenio Scalfari) published the following on November 21, 2015:

Vatican City: Never proselytize in schools. Pope Francis said this in the Paul VI Audience Hall to seven thousand participants at the World Congress on Catholic Education organized by the Congregation in charge of Catholic Education.


Novus Ordo Watch for your Ears…

Episode 009 Now Available

The Traditional Catholic Podcast


In TRADCAST 009, released on November 18, 2015, we spend roughly 50 minutes to present to you two info-packed segments of hard-hitting Catholic commentary and analysis. We take a look at “Pope” Francis’ obsessive condemnation of metaphorical idolatry (“idolatry of money”, “idolatry of consumerism”, etc.) and contrast it with his curious failure to condemn real idolatry (as found in paganism), nay, his veritable confirmation of heathen idolaters in the practice of their false and abominable religions!… READ MORE

Fallout from the latest Francis Fiasco

Novus Ordo Priest warns Francis the Holy Ghost will Strike him Dead or Incapacitate him!


Official caption: “A lightning strikes St Peter’s dome at the Vatican on February 11, 2013. Pope Benedict XVI announced today he will resign as leader of the world’s 1.1 billion Catholics on February 28 because his age prevented him from carrying out his duties — an unprecedented move in the modern history of the Catholic Church.”

As we predicted early on, Francis has caused nothing but chaos in the Modernist Sect since he began to play “Bishop of Rome” on March 13, 2013.… READ MORE

“Chaos Frank” on shared “Communion” with Lutherans:

“I leave that Question to the Theologians and those who understand… Life is Bigger than Explanations”

image credit: AP Photo/Gregorio Borgia

Someone call Jimmy Akin and the rest of the Novus Ordo cleanup crew: Chaos Frank has made a mess again! With him visiting an Evangelical Lutheran Church in Rome on Sunday, Nov. 15, 2015, we knew to expect anything but Catholicism from the Modernist lips of Jorge Bergoglio. And sure enough, he did not fail to deliver.

Not surprisingly, a Lutheran woman married to a “Catholic” asked the “Roman Pontiff” if Lutherans and “Catholics” would not finally be allowed to share each other’s “Communion”.… READ MORE

Apostates, heretics and schismatics: Rejoice!

Francis: “All the Baptized are Members of the Church!”

Apparently the god of surprises is rearing its ugly head in the Vatican again, speaking through its favorite oracle, Mr. Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope” Francis). On November 4, the latter proclaimed more unmistakable heresy in a message to the ecumenical “Global Christian Forum”, which was holding a three-day conference in Tirana, the capital of Albania. Here are Bergoglio’s words in full and verbatim:

I extend greetings to you and all those participating in the Global Christian Forum Consultation, to be held in Tirana from 2 to 4 November 2015, as you reflect on the theme “Discrimination, persecution, martyrdom: following Christ together”.


Inclusion good, exclusion bad!

Francis: “God has included us all in Salvation, all!” — Except the Excluders!

When Jorge Bergoglio speaks, it’s always the same Modernist trash we’ve been hearing for decades, albeit in somewhat recycled fashion. We’ve said before that he could work for Hallmark to write shallow greeting cards full of chicken-soup-for-the-soul spirituality. The homily he gave at the Casa Santa Marta today, November 5, 2015, is a perfect example of this.

Vatican Radio just published a summary, with long verbatim quotes, of Francis’ latest homily against “exclusion” and for “inclusion”, in which he goes so far as to state, “God has included us all in salvation, all!”… READ MORE

A lawyer and a journalist walk into a bar…

More Catholic than the Pope?
The Remnant versus Francis

Embed from Getty Images

What, even MORE Catholic??

Granted, we are a bit late in covering this, but this should not detract from its importance, which is not at all tied to the time it was first published.

On March 30, 2014, the Semi-Traditionalist biweekly publication The Remnant released another video of a chit-chat between its editor, Minneapolis-based Michael J. Matt, and Virginia-based contributor Christopher A. Ferrara. In this episode of the so-called “Remnant Forum”, the two discuss the latest (at the time) theological chaos in the institution they still believe to be the Immaculate Bride of Christ.… READ MORE

Francis drops bombshell in interview with Eugenio Scalfari

Francis: “All the Divorced who ask will be admitted [to Communion]” — Vatican (as expected) disputes

photo credit: Catholic Church (England and Wales) “Pope Francis” via photopin (license)

Please see the end of this post for an important update.

The following report comes from the semi-traditionalist but reliable Rorate Caeli blog:


Yes, he said it over the phone to his favorite journalist, Italian editor Eugenio Scalfari of La Repubblica (the Pope’s daily and favorite newspaper), in a conversation on October 28, revealed by the latter in an editorial published this Sunday.


The ball is now in Francis’ court…

The Synod’s Grand Finale:

Thanks to Ambiguity, All Doors Are Open — Both Sides claim Victory while Francis slams Conservatives in Closing Speech

“Saint John Paul II offered a complex criterion that remains the basis for the evaluation of these situations: ‘…there’s a difference between those who sincerely tried to save their first marriage and were abandoned entirely unjustly, and those who through a grave fault destroyed [sic] a canonically valid marriage. Further, there are those who contracted a second union in view of the education of their children, and at times are subjectively certain in conscience that the preceding marriage, irreparably destroyed, was never valid’ (Familiaris Consortio, 1981, n.


October Surprise! Muller caves…

“Cardinal” Müller: Communion for Unrepentent Adulterers Conceivable in Exceptional Cases

As Francis’ Synod on the Family enters its last and decisive week, the German edition of Vatican Radio drops a bombshell: “Cardinal” Gerhard Ludwig Muller, the head of the Vatican’s so-called Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, argued in an interview with the German news magazine Focus that unrepentant adulterers could be admitted to Holy Communion in exceptional cases.

Here is a translation of the snippet published on Radio Vatikan (the full interview has not yet been released by Focus):

Curial cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller does not rule out admitting remarried divorcees to Communion “in extreme individual cases”, according to media reports.


‘Help the homos!’…

Ousted Vatican Sodomite Prelate appeals to Francis

What do you know — the self-confessed proud-and-practicing Sodomite “Monsignor” Krzystof Charamsa, having been ousted by the Vatican from his positions in the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith [sic] and at “Pontifical” Universities, has now publicly appealed to “Pope” Francis to help the cause of homosexuals and other aberrant “-sexuals”.

The following was reported by the Austrian Novus Ordo press agency kathpress:

Vatican prelate Krzystof Charamsa, suspended for his [public] confession of being a [practicing] homosexual, has appealed to the Pope for help. He wrote a letter to Francis in which he asked him to “open the hearts of the bishops” at the world synod on the family, Charamsa said on Thursday [Oct.


Hand-ing on the Masonic tradition?

The Curious Handshakes of “Pope” Francis

The future “Pope” Francis, right, shakes hands with Benedict XVI. Original caption: “Vatican City, VATICAN CITY STATE: Pope Benedict XVI meets the archbishop of Buenos Aires Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio at the Vatican, 13 January 2007.” Credit: ARTURO MARI / OSSERVATORE ROMANO/AFP via Getty Image

There comes a point when circumstantial evidence has become so overwhelming in terms of quantity and quality that only a fool would deny the reality it points to. Jorge Bergoglio — the apostate Argentinian layman pulling off the “Pope Francis” Show in the Vatican — not only talks like a Mason, acts like a Mason, and teaches the doctrines of Freemasonry, he also shakes hands like one.… READ MORE

Pre-Synod Fireworks…

Vatican Prelate at CDF comes out as being in a Homosexual Relationship as News breaks Francis had met with Sodomite Couple in United States

Embed from Getty Images

“Fr.” Charamsa and his depraved lover on October 3, 2015

News is pouring in faster than we’re able to produce quality blog posts!

Just as we were preparing to publish a post on the Vatican’s downplaying of Francis’ meeting with Kim Davis, which had just been overshadowed by the revelation that Francis had received in audience a homosexual couple while in the United States (details further down below), this morning news broke that a high-ranking prelate in the Vatican’s so-called Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) — the Novus Ordo version of the Holy Office — has publicly admitted to being in a sodomite relationship and being “proud” of it!… READ MORE

It’s the shoes, stupid!

Francis speaks on Antipope and Antichrist

One bit of news that was totally drowned out by Francis’ visit to the United States was the in-flight press conference he gave on leaving Cuba on September 22. A reporter from the Italian Corriere della Sera confronted Francis with the fact that more and more people, even secularists, are starting to ask themselves “if the Pope is a Catholic.” Instead of blushing for shame at such an embarrassing yet revealing phenomenon, Francis again showed his contempt for people who are beginning to detect that maybe he is not what he claims to be.… READ MORE

Who is Franics to judge?!

Open Homosexual Mo Rocca is Lector at Francis’ “Papal Mass” in New York City

It was to be expected that there would be some fireworks coming from Antipope Francis’ “Apostolic Journey” to the United States of America, a country whose Supreme Court has just decided that the definition of what a marriage is can be changed at will, not even at the decision of an absolute majority of voters, which would have been bad enough, but even by the mere decision of an unelected panel of five judges who feel like it.

While our full commentary on Francis’ entire U.S.… READ MORE