TRADCAST 024 (12 APR 2019)


  • Segment 1: Introductory comments; reading suggestions for new or potential converts; From the Jorge’s Mouth: a critical review of some of Francis’ recent utterances; modesty in dress and the beauty of femininity
  • Segment 2: The pop traditionalism and drive-by theology of the recognize-and-resist traditionalists: the Ultramontanism objection / Steve Skojec / Michael Matt / Christopher Ferrara / Roberto de Mattei
  • Total run time: 1 hr 24 mins

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Bergoglio can’t kneel? My foot!

Down on his Knees:

Francis kisses Feet of four South Sudanese Politicians

Francis’ knees never cease to amaze. Whenever kneeling is required or suggested for the worship of God, the 82-year-old Jesuit from Buenos Aires usually has terrible problems bending his knees (cf. Rom 14:11; Phil 2:10). But somehow it’s only then.

Genuflecting after the “consecration” of the Novus Ordo worship service? Too difficult. Kneeling in adoration before what he claims to believe is Christ in the Blessed Sacrament? Can’t do it — get him a chair. Kneeling on a comfortable kneeler before the Monstrance during the procession for the Feast of Corpus Christi?… READ MORE

Fun & informative podcast…

Episode 39

Adhering to Doctrine; Flagrant Adultery; and a Dream called Jesus

Listen on demand at any time — free!

Great news, everyone: It is time again for the quarterly Francis Watch!

Novus Ordo Watch is pleased to sponsor the phenomenal podcast program Francis Watch, in which host Stephen Heiner of True Restoration analyses with his sedevacantist guests, Bishop Donald Sanborn and Fr. Anthony Cekada, the latest chaos perpetrated by Jorge Bergoglio, the man who claims to be the head of the Catholic Church under the title “Pope Francis”. In this latest episode, Bp.… READ MORE

Bergoglio reflects on his trip to Morocco…

Naturalism at Full Blast:
Francis on the Existence of All Religions

None are so blind as those who refuse to see…

At today’s General Audience, the Jesuit apostate Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) reflected on the trip he took this past weekend to Rabat, Morocco, where he proclaimed that “being a Christian is not about adhering to a doctrine” and other heretical idiocies. Surprisingly, he did not comment on April 3 being the 50th anniversary of the Novus Ordo Missae (“New Order of the Mass”) of “Pope” Paul VI, the liturgical travesty that passes for the “Roman Catholic Mass” at your local Novus Ordo parish.… READ MORE

Yet another endless document…

Antipope Francis

“Apostolic Exhortation” Christus Vivit
to Young People and the entire People of God

March 25, 2019

The Vatican’s endless text factory has just released another monster of a document: Jorge Bergoglio (a.k.a. “Pope Francis”) has released his fourth so-called Apostolic Exhortation, which is also his third post-synodal one. It is entitled Christus Vivit (“Christ Lives”).

Recall that in October of last year, the Vatican conducted a three-week synod in Rome on young people. Such synods are typically followed by the “Pope” releasing a document in which he gives his own thoughts on the work of the synod, makes recommendations, establishes policy, or issues other guidelines.… READ MORE

No, it’s not an April Fool’s joke…

Francis in Morocco:
“Being a Christian is not about Adhering to a Doctrine”

It was bound to happen. On the last day of his two-day apostolic journey blather tour in Morocco, Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope” Francis) once again spoke his heretical mind. Whenever this man’s lips part, there is no predicting what will come out of his mouth, and this time he had a few theological indiscretions prepared for his audience.

At the Cathedral of St. Peter in Rabat, Francis addressed his own Novus Ordo clergy, as well as members of the so-called Ecumenical Council of Churches.… READ MORE

With apologies to J.R.R. Tolkien…

One Ring to Fool them All:
Francis and the Kissing of the Piscatory Ring

The Argentinian apostate Jorge Bergoglio proved himself to be the lord of the ring this past Monday, Mar. 25, in Loreto, Italy, where he visited the Basilica della Santa Casa (Basilica of the Holy House) for the Feast of the Annunciation.

After the Novus Ordo worship service, Francis received clergy and laity, who were lined up to greet him one by one, many of whom kissed his hand and/or his ring (the so-called “Ring of the Fisherman” or “Piscatory Ring”). After about ten minutes, Francis suddenly began to withdraw his hand everytime someone tried to kiss it or the ring.… READ MORE

Response to a critic…

Peace in the Crisis?
Catholic Family News Promotes a Dangerous Tranquility
 (PART 1)

by Francis del Sarto

[NOTE: This is Part 1 of a response to a series of articles that the author has since withdrawn and that Catholic Family News has removed from its web site. As a courtesy, we have changed the name of the original author to the pseudonym “Andrew Fornak”.]

Last fall the popular semi-traditionalist propaganda outlet Catholic Family News published the first installment of a three-part article series by Andrew Fornak entitled “Finding Peace in the Crisis”. The thrust of it is the standard recognize-and-resist (R&R) fare: namely, that as grim as the situation is for today’s adherents of the Vatican II Church, it’s not without historical precedent and has even been warned about by the Church in ages past, so there’s definitely no need to panic.… READ MORE

Simple, fool-proof, airtight!

The Francis Papacy Test:
Find out if Jorge Bergoglio is what he claims to be

These days a lot of people are cranking out articles, blog posts, tweets, and videos telling us how certain it is the apostate Argentinian Jesuit Jorge Bergoglio is the Pope of the Catholic Church.

One of the more popular arguments of late has been that universal acceptance of him by “the Church” provides an infallible guarantee that he’s the Vicar of Christ, since they all agree that he is the Pope. But who is the “they” that constitute “the Church” in their minds?… READ MORE

All episodes now free!

The Missing Episodes

Listen on demand at any time — free!

Great news, everyone: Every single episode of the popular Francis Watch program produced by the traditional Catholic media apostolate True Restoration is now free for you to listen to online or download to your computer or mobile device.

Frequent readers of this blog may recall that in the past Novus Ordo Watch had sponsored only some select seasons of Francis Watch, the remainder requiring a subscription to True Restoration. Well, we are happy to announce that the past is now past, as we have now sponsored the remaining “missing” episodes — all 13 from the 2016 and 2017 seasons — as well.… READ MORE

Pseudo-papal sicko!

For the Transfiguration, “Pope” Francis manages to bring up Sadomasochism

This past Sunday, Mar. 17, was the Second Sunday of Lent. The Gospel for that day recalls the Transfiguration of Christ on Mount Thabor (see Lk 9:28-36). In his Angelus address, “Pope” Francis therefore took the opportunity to bring up… sadomasochism!

According to the text provided by the Vatican, the fake pope noted that “Christ’s Transfiguration shows us the Christian perspective of suffering. Suffering is not sadomasochism: it is a necessary but transitory passage.”

One can also see/hear Francis utter the Italian word sadomasochismo in the video provided by Vatican Media.… READ MORE

2,191 days of the Jesuit apostate…

The Election of “Pope” Francis:
The Best Tweets from Novus Ordo Watch

Embed from Getty Images

Unhappy Anniversary! Today, March 13, 2019, marks the sixth anniversary of the election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio as head of the Vatican II Sect.

Of course, Novus Ordo Watch was tweeting live at the time, to keep everyone informed as the Smoke of Satan emanated from the conclave chimney. In this post, we will present a select few of the many tweets we sent out on that fateful day. Readers can judge for themselves how much of what we said was downright prophetic.… READ MORE

Fool me once, shame on you…

Francis lies to Athanasius Schneider, tells him he meant God wills Diversity of Religions merely Permissively

Is that a Masonic handshake? Just asking…

Last Friday, Mar. 1, it was time again for the quinquennial ad limina visit of the Novus Ordo bishops of Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Canon Law stipulates that diocesan bishops report in person to the Pope every five years to inform him of the state of their dioceses and discuss any problems and concerns with him (see Canons 340-342 of the Catholic 1917 Code; Canons 399-400 of the Novus Ordo 1983 Code).… READ MORE

Speak for your own apostate sect, buddy!

Francis blasphemes, says Catholic Church has been “Caught in Flagrant Adultery”

Today Jorge Bergoglio — the Jesuit apostate currently pretending to be the Pope of the Catholic Church — met with the clergy of Rome at the Archbasilica of St. John Lateran. As always, he had plenty to say.

The full text of his remarks has not yet been made available in English, but the Italian original is available here. [UPDATE 11-MAR-2019: Complete English translation now released.] A report on the meeting in English can be found at Vatican Insider, but the entire talk is not of interest.… READ MORE

Scicluna fumbles, Gisotti to the rescue…

Courageous Reporter asks Vatican Press Panel about Francis’ Cover-Up of Zanchetta Case

Inés San Martín questions “Abp.” Charles Scicluna on Feb. 24, 2019

Some light fireworks could be seen today at the final press conference wrapping up the sex abuse summit in the Vatican that had begun on Feb. 21.

As is customary, the press panel took questions from journalists in the audience after its presentations, and the last one came from Inés San Martín, who is the Rome Bureau Chief for the mainstream Novus Ordo news site Crux. Herself from Buenos Aires, Argentina, San Martin is for that reason somewhat connected to the current pretend-pope, but this did not keep her from asking the following explosive question, clearly embarrassing to Francis and to the other Vatican authorities.… READ MORE