Days before the “Canonization” of John Paul II – an omen?

Man Crushed to Death by Distorted Crucifix Dedicated to John Paul II

image: Luca Giarelli / CC-BY-SA 3.0


The British paper The Telegraph is reporting that a 21-year-old hiker by the name of Marco Gusmini has died after a large distorted crucifix suddenly snapped and crushed him as he was enjoying a picnic with friends right underneath it. The Modernist crucifix had been created for the 1998 visit of the false “Pope” John Paul II to Brescia in Northern Italy, but has since been transferred to the nearby village of Cevo.… READ MORE

We ask, you decide!

365 Days of FRANCIS:
What Was the Worst?

It’s been a full year since March 13, 2013, that fateful day when “Cardinal” Jean-Louis Tauran stepped out on the balcony of St. Peter’s and announced the election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio as “Pope Francis.” The moment the Argentine apostate appeared, the mayhem began, and we have chronicled the highlights — or lowlights, to be more precise — every step of the way. To review the facts about Rev. Bergoglio, please access our “Pope Francis” Page here; a review of our Novus Ordo Wire blog posts will provide additional insights.… READ MORE

Christ’s Sacrifice as the Punch Line of a Joke…

Bergoglio Jokes about Our Lord’s Crucifixion

In 2010, authors Sergio Rubin and Francesca Ambrogetti published the book El Jesuita: Conversaciones con el Cardenal Jorge Bergoglio, SJ [“The Jesuit: Conversations with Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, SJ”], in which the then-“Archbishop” of Buenos Aires speaks about his life, his work, and his spirituality, and answers questions presented by the authors.

After Bergoglio’s election as “Pope” of the “Catholic Church,” that is, as head of the Modernist Vatican II Sect, an English translation of the book appeared under the title Pope Francis: His Life in His Own Words.


“By their Fruits you shall know them…” (Mt 7:16)

Francis Insults the Mother of God

“Jorge the Humble”, otherwise known by his pseudonym “Pope Francis”,
has no qualms about pridefully insulting Mary Most Holy

The head of the Vatican II Sect, known as “Pope Francis” (Jorge Bergoglio), has managed to shamelessly insult the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, in one of his daily homilies. On Dec. 20, 2013, the “Holy Father” said the following, as reported by Vatican Radio:

The Mother of Jesus was the perfect icon of silence. From the proclamation of her exceptional maternity at Calvary. The Pope said he thinks about “how many times she remained quiet and how many times she did not say that which she felt in order to guard the mystery of her relationship with her Son,” up until the most raw silence “at the foot of the cross”.


Don’t worry, be happy…

“Pope” Francis:
‘Don’t Fear the Last Judgment!’

Embed from Getty Images

“Chaos Frank” is at it again. In today’s Wednesday “catechesis”, “Pope” Francis reflected on the Last Judgment, and essentially told his faithful that they shouldn’t sweat it because it’s not that big of a deal.

This is perhaps the most blatant expression to date of his false “all-mercy, no-justice” gospel, which preaches a god that is always merciful and never really condemns. (On November 12, 2013, Francis blasphemously asserted that God merely “scolds” but never punishes or “hurts” us. He may want to review the Old and New Testaments for a reality check.


More “Catholic” Youth Outreach…

“God’s Party” Hits Italy

christotheque1.jpgHell on Earth: The “Christotheque” is Part of the “New Evangelization”

[from Tradition In Action; with minor edits by Novus Ordo Watch]

The ‘Christotheque’ arrives in Italy: an image of Hell

Producing mixed sentiments of torment, fear and elation, the “Christotheque” – the “Catholic” version of the discotheque – has arrived in Italy. To the hypnotic beat of heavy metal, set with the lyrics of Psalms, thousands of youths deliver themselves to the frenetic spell of rock ‘n roll.

They dance-jive in an atmosphere of orgy in the darkened auditorium, machine-gunned by lights that change by the second, flashing in different colors and producing illusory impressions such as the hellish fire shown above.


Francis Has a New Crozier

“I Can’t Believe It’s Not Catholic”…

Francis Has a New Crozier

Embed from Getty Images

Apparently the old ferula, or crozier, introduced by “Pope” Paul VI, wasn’t hideous enough. On November 1, the feast of All Saints, “Pope” Francis showed off his new pastoral staff, with a “Risen Christ” figure that some have said resembles a millipede more than the Incarnate Son of God.

You can view more photos with greater detail of this irreverent “art” at this blog here, where you will also find out where this ferula comes from. In 1947, Pope Pius XII had condemned crucifixes which display a Risen Christ (so-called “Resurrexifixes”), though, granted, His Holiness didn’t address the question of liturgical millipedes: “…one would be straying from the straight path … were he to order the crucifix so designed that the divine Redeemer’s body shows no trace of His cruel sufferings” (Pius XII, Encyclical Mediator Dei, n.… READ MORE

Meet “Kosher Frank”…

Francis hosts Jewish Delegation at Vatican for Kosher Lunch

This story needs no commentary because it speaks for itself. Jorge Bergoglio is not a Catholic nor a Pope — he is an apostate. What we are seeing here are the next steps in the amalgamation of all religions into one, the prelude to the Antichrist.

[Taken from Vatican Insider, 9/29/13. Coloring added for emphasis.]

“Pope Francis and Rabbi Skorka make history in the Vatican”
by Gerard O’Connell, Rome

Never before in the history of Christian-Jewish relations have a Pope and a Rabbi celebrated their friendship by living in the Vatican together for several days, sharing all meals, including on two Jewish festivals and the Sabbath at which the Rabbi said prayers in Hebrew, and discussing what more they can do together to promote dialogue and peace in the world.

Bergoglio the Blasphemer…

“Pope” Francis: The Church is like Mary and has Flaws

Now that the long Roman summer recess is over, Francis’ daily homilies and weekly general audiences have resumed, and this means there is no predicting what he will say, for anything is possible when Mr. Bergoglio speaks freely.

In his Wednesday audience on September 11, 2013, the man the world believes to be the Pope of the Catholic Church gave a “catechesis” on the Church as Mother of all Christians — and managed to insult both the Church, who is the Immaculate Bride of Christ, and the Virgin Mary, Our Lord’s Immaculate Mother:

“The Church and the Virgin Mary are mothers, both of them; what is said of the Church can be said also of Our Lady and what is said of Our Lady can also be said of the Church”, Francis begins his instruction, before concluding the first paragraph thus:

“Do we love the Church as we love our mothers, also taking into account her defects?


After all, it’s just blasphemy…

Bergoglio: ‘Respond to Blasphemy with Tenderness’

Guest Commentary by Patricius

Atheist Blasphemer Leon Ferrari

UPDATE 7/25/13: Leon Ferrari has died – CLICK HERE for News Story

On November 29, 2004, God-hating atheist “artist” León Ferrari, founder of CIHABAPAI (“Club of Impious Heretics, Apostates, Blasphemers, Atheists, Pagans, Agnostics, and Infidels”), opened a blasphemous “art” exhibition at the Recoleta cultural center in Buenos Aires, Argentina – offensive not only to Catholics, but to Christians, theists, and civilized people in general.

Some of Ferrari’s wicked “art” can be seen at the following links, but be warned: What you will see there is extremely disturbing, containing indecent, impure, sacrilegious, and blasphemous displays, incl.READ MORE

In View of John Paul II’s Impending “Canonization”

Decision Time for The Remnant:

Is the Novus Ordo Church the True Church or a Counterfeit Church? 

For decades the semi-traditionalists at The Remnant have been reporting on the apostasy of the Vatican II Church: its evil disciplines, its erroneous and heretical teachings, its impious liturgical laws, its scandalous clergy, its wicked practices. In short, they have been making the overall case that the Novus Ordo Church is the exact opposite of a trustworthy guide in matters of eternal salvation, that it is not the Ark of Salvation but the Ark of Damnation.… READ MORE

Why wear a beautiful, traditional pectoral cross when you can wear this?

The Strange Pectoral Cross of “Pope” Francis

Embed from Getty Images

The editors of Tradition in Action have published an in-depth look at the “Good Shepherd” cross Francis uses as his pectoral cross. It’s worth reading in full:

Above left, you see the pectoral cross of Card. Jorge Bergoglio when he was Archbishop of Buenos Aires; at right, his cross after he was elected Pope or Bishop of Rome, as he insists on being called. Several things are strange about these crosses that invite speculation…



“Pope” Francis? My eye…

Introducing the Real Jorge Bergoglio:

“Cardinal” Bergoglio Hosted Jewish-Masonic Holocaust Memorial in Catholic Cathedral of Buenos Aires

A mere four months before his election as “Pope” of the modernist Vatican II Church, Mr. Jorge Bergoglio, then known as “Cardinal” Bergoglio, collaborated with the Jewish-Masonic B’nai B’rith lodge to celebrate a “Kristallnacht“-Holocaust memorial in his Catholic cathedral of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The two main speakers of the event were Bergoglio himself and his friend Rabbi Alejandro Avruj of the Fundacion Judaica of Buenos Aires. Representatives of various non-Catholic religions also took official part in the event.… READ MORE

Judas did it for 30 pieces of silver – Bergoglio does it for free…

“Cardinal” Bergoglio (now “Pope” Francis) Honors Pro-Homosexual Jewish Rabbi who Mocks Christ and Attacks Catholic Church

Skorka poses with Bergoglio for the award – afterwards, they hugged (see below)

Rabbi Abraham Skorka, who favors state-recognized “civil unions” for homosexuals, received an honorary doctorate degree from the Novus Ordo “Pontifical Catholic” University of Argentina in 2012. In his speech at the event, Skorka did the following:

  • Praised Zionism
  • Falsely claimed that the Nazi ideology is rooted in Catholic theology
  • Claimed Christianity cannot be known without Judaism [Skorka’s “Judaism”, of course, is not the Judaism of the Old Testament but the apostate “Judaism” established by Annas and Caiphas at the rejection of Christ]
  • Referred to Our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ as a “Dude”
  • Claimed that Our Lord’s teachings about charity are contained in the Talmud
  • Concluded his talk by saying, “We [!]