Just act surprised…

Ugly as Sin: The Vatican’s 2017 Easter Card

It’s that time of the year again when Jorge Bergoglio sends out greeting cards, and it’s not pretty — literally.

For Easter this year, Francis chose a design by the same artist whose work was featured on the 2014 Christmas card, which drew everybody’s immediate attention to a donkey’s rump, which was the most prominently featured part of the card.

Victor Delhez is the man’s name, and a picture of his Risurrezione engraving is displayed on the front of Francis’ official Easter card. Here is what it looks like (click picture to enlarge, at your own risk):

(image source: Twitter)

The inside of the card looks as follows:

(image source: Twitter)

Out of all the beautiful paintings of the Resurrection and the Resurrected Christ they could have chosen, the Vatican under “Pope” Francis chose, of course, one of the ugliest designs they could find.… READ MORE

Francis’ homily of April 4, 2017

Bergoglio blasphemes again:
Jesus Christ “made Himself the Devil”!

Only the horns and the tail are missing:
The Vatican’s Blasphemer-in-Chief Jorge Bergoglio

The blasphemies of Jorge Bergoglio (“Pope Francis”) are becoming ever more frightful. Just the other day we reported on his joke about the Most Holy Trinity (see here) during a private audience, and today we have another blasphemy to add to the ever-growing list: In his homily of April 4, 2017, Francis said that our Blessed Lord Jesus Christ “made himself the devil” for us!

To clarify right from the outset: Yes, he really said it (it’s on the Vatican web site).… READ MORE

Another trip, another blasphemous logo…

Official Logo for Francis Visit to Egypt: Christian Cross put on a par with Mohammedan Crescent

(click image to enlarge)

Antipope Francis, a.k.a. “Pope Sheikh”, has scheduled another one of his infamous apostate “apostolic” journeys abroad, this time to Egypt, from April 28-29. As for all other Beroglian trips outside Italy, this one too comes with its own official logo, which was just released by the “Catholic Church” in Egypt.

In the past, these logos have typically raised eyebrows, because they either looked effeminate, bizarre, or exaggerated the person of Francis to the point where in a number of cases the logo did not even include a cross or any reference to Jesus Christ (see, for example, the logo for the 2015 trip to the U.S.READ MORE

“And he opened his mouth unto blasphemies against God” (Apoc 13:6)…

Four Years with Francis —
New Articles by Miles Christi

March 13, 2017, marked the four-year anniversary of the election of Jorge Mario Bergoglio as the head of the Vatican II Church (“Pope Francis”). Catholic writer Miles Christi (“Soldier of Christ”) has released some new material reviewing and exposing the impostor’s false pontificate.

The new contributions by Miles Christi are the following:

  • Article: “Four Years with Francis, Supreme Blasphemer of the Vatican”
  • Photo Essay / Slideshow: “Bergoglian Caleidoscope”

Both of these resources are available in sundry languages. Here are the links:

“Four Years with Francis, Supreme Blasphemer of the Vatican” (Article)

“Bergoglian Caleidoscope” (Photo Essay / Slideshow)

Note of caution: Please be aware that the photo essay / slideshow may contain images with immodesty in them.… READ MORE

Bergoglio’s true colors…


Francis cracks Joke about Most Holy Trinity

Jorge Bergoglio’s utter disdain for Catholicism — the religion he pretends to head — is well-known, although he usually hides it behind a veneer of holiness, such as when he humiliated the Papacy this past Saturday by publicly using a portable toilet during his trip to Milan.

But every so often, his contempt for religion is aimed directly at God Himself. For instance, in a 2010 book, Francis cracked a joke about the Crucifixion of our Blessed Lord. You can read about it here:

Other public acts of blasphemy against God or the Saints include his happy reception of a Marxist hammer-and-sickle “crucifix”, his dedication of the same to the Blessed Virgin Mary, his suggestion that Jesus Christ sinned and probably had to “apologize” to his parents for staying behind in Jerusalem, his outrageous contention that the Blessed Mother may have entertained blasphemous thoughts about God deceiving her, his scandalous claim that we need not fear the Last Judgment because it will be a cakewalk, and his insinuation that the Immaculate Virgin had flaws.… READ MORE

Another humiliation of the Papacy…


“Pope” Francis flaunts use of Portable Toilet during Milan Visit

[UPDATE: Vatican insider and contributor to Osservatore Romano, Ulrich Nersinger, reports that the whole bathroom incident was planned in advance]

Yes, we all have to take care of business at some point, but there’s a discreet way of doing it and then there’s the Francis way: During his trip to Milan, Italy, today, “Pope” Francis decided to use a portable toilet in front of rolling cameras, presumably to once again demonstrate to the world his great “humility.”

There is video of it here:

Francis is no dummy.… READ MORE

Our series continues…

An Introduction to Sedevacantism

Part II: Vatican II’s Teaching on False Religions as Means of Salvation

Last August, we began a video series introducing newcomers to Sedevacantism in a way that is easy to follow, provides airtight argumentation, and does not overwhelm.

The first part of the series put before the viewer the Second Vatican Council’s new doctrine on the Church (ecclesiology), according to which the Church of Jesus Christ no longer is the Catholic Church, as taught by Pope Pius XII and all of his predecessors, but instead now “subsists in” it. Those who have not yet seen this first part or would like to view it again, may do so at this link:

Today we are releasing our second part in the series, which focuses on Vatican II’s heretical teaching that God uses false religions as means of salvation.… READ MORE

Remember when Ecumenism was the sin?

Francis denounces Converting the Orthodox as “Great Sin Against Ecumenism”

Embed from Getty Images

As you may have heard, Antipope Francis is currently doing mischief in Georgia — no, not the U.S. state of Georgia but the country of Georgia in Eastern Europe, which has a Novus Ordo population of approximately 2%. He traveled there on Friday and will stay until Sunday morning, when he flies to neighboring Azerbaijan before returning to Rome on Sunday night.

This being his 16th (!) “Apostolic Journey” in 3.5 years, the otherwise carbon-emission-conscious pretend-pope has been burning a lot of jet fuel for… well, for what exactly?… READ MORE

The Spirit of Assisi is not the Holy Spirit

Seeking Peace in all the Wrong Ways:
Interreligious Hug Fest in Assisi


And so it happened again: For the fifth time since 1986, the “great religions of the world” descended upon Assisi, Italy, gathering from Sep. 18-20, 2016, at the basilica of St. Francis and the surrounding area in order to come together and deliver endless Naturalistic platitudes about luv, encounter, dialogue, mutual respect, and human dignity — nothing you wouldn’t also find on a Hallmark card –, all as supposed “keys” to peace. Oh, and prayer of course. Not orthodox prayer to the only true God, mind you, but just any sort of lifting of the soul to someone or something one considers to be divine, each in accordance with his own beliefs, preferences, and ideas.… READ MORE

The gospel of man, continued…

“Man at the Center”:
September 2016 “Pope Video” Fails to Surprise

Screenshot from September 2016 “Pope Video”

It’s time again for the monthly Bergoglian prayer intention video that the Novus Ordo Sect markets as “The Pope Video”.

After August’s attempt to obtain world peace through contention in sports (which we covered here), the September 2016 intention is: “That each may contribute to the common good and to the building of a society that places the human person at the center” (source).

The video, which is only 1:22 in length, can be viewed here:

Not surprisingly, Francis once again promotes the false gospel of man, as he has been doing for decades.… READ MORE

“Saint” Teresa of Calcutta…

The “Canonization” of the Apostate Mother Teresa — Another Impossibility for a True Pope


Mother Teresa worshipping Buddha — SOURCE/DETAILS HERE

Today (Sep. 4, 2016) was the big day: “Pope” Francis declared the Albanian nun Anjeze Gonxhe Bojaxhiu (1910-97), commonly known as Mother Teresa of Calcutta, a “saint”. Not that we needed any more proof, but this is yet another definitive piece of evidence that Jorge Bergoglio’s claim to being the Pope of the Catholic Church is false. He is not in fact a valid Pope, and this proves it because canonizations of saints are infallible acts, and it is not possible that Mother Teresa, who was a public apostate, could be a saint in the Catholic Church. … READ MORE

Get ready for “Assisi 5”….

Now it’s Francis’ Turn: New Interreligious Prayer Meeting in Assisi on September 19, with “Decalogue of Human Coexistence”

Embed from Getty Images

[UPDATE 19-AUG-2016: Vatican confirms Francis will take part in Interreligious Prayer meeting in Assisi on Sep. 20]

Since it didn’t work the last four times, they will give it a fifth try: The Interreligious Prayer Meeting at Assisi first perpetrated by “Saint” John Paul II in 1986 will get a remake by “Pope” Francis on September 19 of this year, according to Mohamed Abdel Qader, the local imam in the Assisi region, who attended Francis’ August 4 ceremony celebrating the 800th anniversary of Pope Honorius III’s Portiuncula indulgence.… READ MORE

Dedication scheduled for July 25

House of Horrors:
Hideous New SSPX Church in Madrid

In Madrid, the capital of Spain, the Society of St. Pius X spent the last few years building a new church. The building has now been completed, and the solemn dedication ceremony is scheduled for this coming Monday, July 25, which coincides with the parish’s titular feast, for the church is dedicated to St. James the Greater, Apostle.

Normally, none of this would be news, for the SSPX builds new parish churches around the globe all the time. The case of St. James the Apostle Church in Madrid, however, is different, because the exterior of the now-completed building is so hideous that it might as well be a Novus Ordo church.… READ MORE

TRADCAST 014 is here!

Mopping the floor with Chaos Frank…

Episode 014 Now Available

The Traditional Catholic Podcast


Our popular TRADCAST program returns with a brand-new episode that focuses on Francis’ outrageous remarks of June 16 that “most marriages are invalid” while at the same time maintaining that people can merit the grace of a “real marriage” by repeated acts of fornication as long as they fornicate exclusively with one another. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, after 50+ years of Vatican II and hordes of semi-traditionalists “resisting” while nevertheless “recognizing” the false hierarchy, this is where we’re at.… READ MORE

014 TRADCAST (14 JUL 2016)


  • Internal Novus Ordo Watch announcement — After 3+ years of Francis: Whose predictions were right? — Scott Montgomery’s Letter to the Editor of Inside the Vatican — Examination of Francis’ claim that most marriages are invalid and “fidelity” in fornication is real marriage — A look at various reactions to Francis’ scandalous remarks
  • [no further segments]
  • Total run time: 58 minutes

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